iOS App/Service Restrictions - ios

This question is speaking in more general terms rather than a specific issue, but is it possible for an App to have the ability to activate and deactivate service? I know it would take cooperation from the carrier, but in theory could you have an app that essentially controls your ability to turn your service off and on? I realize there are apps that block certain features like internet access, but I'm talking about completely cutting the phones service or reactivating it all together. Is this something that could be done, or is iOS to sandboxed to allow for such access?


Persistent call detection on iOS

I have written an Android application which, even after termination, still runs a service that listens for phone state transitions. This way, the application was able to detect new phone calls and trigger a certain event, for example the dialog partner's number was stored in a database.
Now I am eager to implement this application on iOS as well, but I cannot figure out if it is even possible to listen for phone calls in a similar way. For all I know so far about iOS, whenever my application is terminated by either the user or the OS, it is not possible anymore to detect new phone calls.
Is there any way I can achieve this, or have I already reached a dead end?
EDIT: As it was said to be too broad:
I want to detect both incoming and outgoing calls at any time. It there a way to do this on iOS 10? I do not want code, I just want to know if it is possible.
Please investigate further App Sandbox principe that Apple is using.
In short:
App Sandbox is Based on a Few Straightforward Principles By limiting
access to sensitive resources on a per-app basis, App Sandbox provides
a last line of defense against the theft, corruption, or deletion of
user data, or the hijacking of system hardware, if an attacker
successfully exploits security holes in your app. For example, a
sandboxed app must explicitly state its intent to use any of the
following resources using entitlements:
Hardware (Camera, Microphone, USB, Printer) Network Connections
(Inbound or Outbound) App Data (Calendar, Location, Contacts) User
Files (Downloads, Pictures, Music, Movies, User Selected Files) Access
to any resource not explicitly requested in the project definition is
rejected by the system at run time. If you are writing a sketch app,
for example, and you know your app will never need access to the
microphone, you simply don’t ask for access, and the system knows to
reject any attempt your (perhaps compromised) app makes to use it.
On the other hand, a sandboxed app has access to the specific
resources you request, allows users to expand the sandbox by
performing typical actions in the usual way (such as drag and drop),
and can automatically perform many additional actions deemed safe,
Invoking Services from the Services menu Reading most world readable
system files Opening files chosen by the user The elements of App
Sandbox are entitlements, container directories, user-determined
permissions, privilege separation, and kernel enforcement. Working
together, these prevent an app from accessing more of the system than
is necessary to get its job done.

Publish IOS App to Appstore with SSID ( wifi) discovery/connect through app

I was trying to get a specific info before a IOS App development task which I searched but couldn't find anything relevant.
Wanted to know whether this requirement restricts (non compliance issue as per publish guidelines) the app to be published in App Store with features as below
User scans and lists all available wifi connections in a tableview
Selects one of the Wifi connection and connects on button click
Stores the password and SSID for future connections.
Would there be any compliance issue related to the same functionalities when submitting to IOS app store. One of my colleague have advised me about the same but not able to explain why? Which I tried to find out searching the internet, but too specific to find anything relevant. Deeply appreciate an Expert advise on this.
Thanks in advance.
I can't find anything in the Review Guidelines that would object your app idea:
A couple of areas where you should have a more detailed look:
2.5.1 Apps may only use public APIs.
2.5.9 Apps that alter the functions of standard switches, such as the Volume Up/Down and Ring/Silent switches, or other native user
interface elements or behaviors will be rejected.
5.1 Privacy
Technically, I'm not sure if it's even possible to change the WIFI not via the settings app, so I'd have a look their first. (
I don't believe I've ever seen an app or a way to change SSID outside the Settings app. I explored a way to detect network changes, connects, disconnects, which work fine while the app is running. I was never able to influence how the user connected, just that a change happened. It also falls apart pretty quickly when the user backgrounds the app. Trying to keep a background task open long enough to poll the current connection fails pretty fast.
I wish Apple would provide some system level notification of Wifi connect events. This could be very useful to developers that want a little more control than Background App Refresh events.

Apple's security measure against using IPhone Camera in Background Mode

I have a client who wants to create an app that checks for a user's neck posture. I have seen some weird implementations online which aren't very sophisticated so I came up with a way of doing it but I required 1 component which involves facial recognition while the App is in background mode, meaning the user doesn't have the app open and its just running n the background. I've read online Apple does not allow this feature for security reasons and I am wondering is there any possible way to convince Apple to allow me to do this? Are there special cases where we can implement it?
for example
The app checks the phone's Pitch position
The app checks wether it can detect user's face
The app uses these two properties to determine how well the user's neck is aligned with the app.
This is not currently possible. If you want to convince Apple to change this at some point,
Go to and file an enhancement request
Include a highly persuasive argument as to why they should want this in iOS. Be sure to cover the security concerns that prevent it from already being possible.
Wait. Probably a long, long time.

Access to sandboxed app ios that i am not the owner

I want know if there are ways to access a sandboxed ios app that i am not the owner. For example, consider youtube. In particular I would like to be able to interact with the interface of youtube: touch the play button or other buttons such as "share" or other.
So I would like to access views and interact with them. I do not want to use for this purpose the screenshot. I am interested in whatever method exists. To be clear I am ready even to jailbreak the device if necessary. But I do not think is the case. I own developer account .
Any idea?
I want know if there are ways to access a sandboxed ios app that i am not the owner.
Nope. That's the point of sandboxing. You could look into what URLs are exposed by the YouTube app, though.
To be clear I am ready even to jailbreak the device if necessary.
If you're willing to jailbreak you can become root and have full access to the device. Look into the methods from BSD for reading / writing other processes memory. You'll probably have to learn some ARM assembler as well.
Note, this will make things possible, but certainly not easy. What are you trying to accomplish? There's almost certainly an easier way to achieve your use case.

Transfer data over wifi without a database

I want to get to know how I can transfer data easily between 2 iPhones, over wifi. I would like to know if I could do that without having a server or database, but within an app (so without using email).
Game Kit has support for Peer-to-Peer-Connectivity and is, despite the name, not only usable for games:
The GKSession class allows your application to create and manage an
ad-hoc Bluetooth or local wireless network, as shown in Figure 1.
Copies of your application running on multiple devices can discover
each other and exchange information, providing a simple and powerful
way to create multiplayer games on iOS. Further, sessions offer all
applications an exciting mechanism to allow users to collaborate with
each other.
You can also check out Bonjour API from Apple. I am not sure if you need a static IP for it to work or it can just work over wifi. Just trying to give a pointer.
Based on your exact usecase, it can work well.
Check it out here, Game center is also there.
