Web API 2 Odata 4 Parameter Issue - odata

I'm having problems defining a function for odata4. The default get would work but I want to require a user parameter so a client set can be determined, other tables are involved so LINQ is required, I also return a DTO instead of the default table info (EF). Below is the code. I get a "Invalid EntitySetPath detected. 'bindingParameter/Client' is not a valid entity set path for procedure 'Default.GetClients'." What am I doing wrong here?
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
ODataModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
builder.EntitySet<client>("Client").EntityType.HasKey(p => p.int_id);
var function = builder.Function("GetClients");
routeName: "ODataRoute",
routePrefix: null,
model: builder.GetEdmModel());
public IQueryable<ClientDTO> GetClients([FromODataUri] string user)
var clients = (from c in db.clients
join ...

If your OData controller is returning the DTO, the function should look like this:
var function = builder.Function("GetClients");
With your current setup, your OData route of GetClients says that it is returning a ClientDTO object, but your WebApiConfig is stating you are returning a Client object.
As the Entity Collection being returned is actually the DTO. The part that shows ("Client") is simply how the OData service will report the name of the object to the project consuming the OData service. For my own personal sanity, I typically include DTO as well so I know when I'm using a DTO and when I'm using a direct entity. So in my own setup i'd return ("ClientDTO"), just a personal preference.


OData routing for function with 2 parameters

Im creating OData controller and want it to support function with 2 params.
Here is my current code.
OData cofig:
ODataModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
builder.Namespace = "hop";
var function = builder.Function("GetByEntityAndJurisdiction");
public class ScheduleODataController : BaseODataManager, IScheduleODataManager
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetAsync(ODataQueryOptions<ScheduleDTO> options)
return Ok(schedules.Select(x => Mapper.Map<ScheduleDTO>(x)));
[ODataRoute("GetByEntityAndJurisdiction(EntityId={entityId}, JurisdictionId={jurisdictionId})")]
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetByEntityAndJurisdiction(ODataQueryOptions<ScheduleDTO> options, [FromODataUri] Guid entityId, [FromODataUri] Guid jurisdictionId)
return Ok(schedules.Select(x => Mapper.Map<ScheduleDTO>(x)));
Starting my app, I have following error:
A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Web.OData.dll
Additional information: The path template 'Schedules/GetByEntityAndJurisdiction(EntityId={entityId}, JurisdictionId={jurisdictionId})' on the action 'GetByEntityAndJurisdiction' in controller 'ScheduleOData' is not a valid OData path template. The request URI is not valid. Since the segment 'Schedules' refers to a collection, this must be the last segment in the request URI or it must be followed by an function or action that can be bound to it otherwise all intermediate segments must refer to a single resource.
How to resolve this problem? Thanks in advance.
In your controller, you add a prefix attribute [ODataRoutePrefix("Schedules")] on the controller. Doing so will add the prefix string at head of all the [ODataRoute] in the same controller. So, for below action
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetByEntityAndJurisdiction(ODataQueryOptions<ScheduleDTO> options, [FromODataUri] Guid entityId, [FromODataUri] Guid jurisdictionId)
the full Uri template should be:
Schedules/GetByEntityAndJurisdiction(EntityId={entityId}, JurisdictionId={jurisdictionId})
Obviously, This Uri is invalid because:
The collection of Schedules doesn't have a bound function named GetByEntityAndJurisdiction
Even though GetByEntityAndJurisdiction is a bound function, you should call the bound function through it's namespace-qualified function name.
Maybe, It's confused that you have build the function as the following codes:
var function = builder.Function("GetByEntityAndJurisdiction");
However, it means to build an unbound function. An unbound function is called through function import by issuing a GET request to a URL identifying the function import and passing parameter values using inline parameter syntax. The canonical URL for a function import is the service root, followed by the name of the function import.
So, you can change your codes as follows to make it work:
If you want to keep the model schema unchanged, that is to build GetByEntityAndJurisdiction as unbound function, please remove the ODataRoutePrefix("Schedules")] from your controller. Or create a new controller (any controller), move the action into the new controller but don't add the Prefix attribute.
If you want to change the schema and keep the controller unchanged, that is to GetByEntityAndJurisdiction as bound function.
Please do as follows :
var entity = builder.EntitySet<ScheduleDTO>("Schedules").EntityType;
var function = entity.Collection.Function("GetByEntityAndJurisdiction");
For more information about function, you can refer to OData.Org or Function Sample page, or Function blog.

ODataConventionModelBuilder with multiple namespaces

This is either super straight forward, or its relatively easy to answer. I have the following code in order to set up my OData Routing Conventions:
// OData
var builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
// OData entity sets..
// Bound Function..has to be located on the Tables Controller...
builder.Namespace = "BookService";
builder.Namespace = "ShelfService";
...But the problem with this is when the application starts, everything is routed against ShelfService rather than the first function being accessible from BookService.MostRecent and ShelfService.NearestEmptyShelf.
I'm sure others have run into this particular problem when creating services (actions/functions) for their OData Controllers. But I'm just after a definitive answer as to whether or not you can have multiple namespaces in the OData Routing Collection?
You are overwriting your namespace of builder.Namespace = "Bookservice"; with builder.Namespace = "ShelfService";.
To utilize two separate namespaces you need two separate instances of new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
The below is for OData V4
// Book OData Endpoint
var book_builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
// Book OData entity sets..
// Book Bound Function..has to be located on the Tables Controller...
book_builder.Namespace = "BookService";
// Book Config
routeName: "OData - Book",
routePrefix: "book",
model: book_builder.GetEdmModel()
// Shelf OData Endpoint
var shelf_builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
// Shelf OData Entity Sets
// Shelf Bound Function..has to be located on the Tables Controller...
shelf_builder.Namespace = "ShelfService";
.Returns<whatever you planned on returning>()
//Shelf Config
routeName: "OData - Shelf",
routePrefix: "shelf",
model: shelf_builder.GetEdmModel()
It has been a while since I've implemented this mechanism, but you may have to overwrite AttributeRoutingConvention to utilize bound functions in multiple namespaces/controllers using the above method. I know I had a hiccup with it at some point and ended up finding a good method on stack overflow for a public class CustomAttributeRoutingConvention : AttributeRoutingConvention that utilized a public static class HttpConfigExt to provide a CustomMapODataServiceRoute to fix the issue.
It's been a while since this was answered, but I got into this problem recently and found an alternate solution so there it goes...
builder.Namespace = "Namespace_A"; // This would be the default namespace
function = builder.EntityType<EntityA>()
function.Namespace = "Namespace_B";
Absolutely simple and works like a charm.

Breeze Web API Controller Method Name Convention

In Official Docs about breeze and the Web API controller, we see some kind of naming convention for the method names on web Api controller. For example, for the Todo entity type, there is a Todos() method.
Suppose I have an entityType "Customer". Then I create a method on apiController:
public IQueryable<Customer> GetCustomers() { ... }
In my client javascript app, I run EntityQueries like that:
//api method: GetCustomers
//type name: Customer
var query = EntityQuery.from("GetCustomers");
manager.execute(query); //works
manager.fetchEntityByKey("Customer", 53) //doesn't works!
It fails, I receive the folowwing error:
No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI
'http://localhost:4119/api/SomeController/Customers?$filter=Id eq 53'
So, Am I forced to rename my GetCustomers method to Customers() or Am I missing something ?

How to set up Ninject DI to create Hyprlinkr RouteLinker instances

I have an MVC4 Web API project and I making use of Mark Seemann's Hyprlinkr component to generate Uris to linked resources. (Customer -> Addresses for example).
I have already followed Mark's guide on Dependency injection with Web API (changing appropriately for Ninject) bit I can't quite work out what I should do to inject a IResourceLinker into my controllers.
Following Mark's guide my IHttpControllerActivator.Create create method looks like this:
IHttpController IHttpControllerActivator.Create(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor, Type controllerType)
var controller = (IHttpController) _kernel.GetService(controllerType);
request.RegisterForDispose(new Release(() => _kernel.Release(controller)));
return controller;
It is in this method that the Hyprlinkr readme suggests to create the RouteLinker. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to register this with Ninject.
I can't just bind like below, as this results in multiple bindings:
.ToMethod(context => new RouteLinker(request))
I've got rebind working like this:
.ToMethod(context => new RouteLinker(request))
But I'm concerned that changing the ninject binding graph is potentially a bad thing to do on every request.
What is the best way to achieve this?
Update following the request from Paige Cook
I'm using rebind here:
IHttpController IHttpControllerActivator.Create(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor, Type controllerType)
.ToMethod(context => new RouteLinker(request))
var controller = (IHttpController) _kernel.GetService(controllerType);
request.RegisterForDispose(new Release(() => _kernel.Release(controller)));
return controller;
IHttpControllerActivator.Create is called on every request. The rest of the bindings are made in the standard way, by standard I mean in the class generated by using the Ninject.MVC3 nuget package.
My controller looks like this:
public class CustomerController : ApiController
private readonly ICustomerService _customerService;
private readonly IResourceLinker _linker;
public CustomerController(ICustomerService customerService, IResourceLinker linker)
_customerService = customerService;
_linker = linker;
public CustomerModel GetCustomer(string id)
Customer customer = _customerService.GetCustomer(id);
if (customer == null)
throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
new CustomerModel
UserName = customer.UserName,
Firstname = customer.Firstname,
DefaultAddress = _linker.GetUri<AddressController>(c => c.Get(customer.DefaultAddressId)),
Register a delegate Function to give you the linker
_kernel.Bind<Func<HttpRequestMessage, IResourceLinker>>()
.ToMethod(context => (request) => new RouteLinker(request));
Inject the delegate
readonly Func<HttpRequestMessage, IResourceLinker> _getResourceLinker;
public controller(Func<HttpRequestMessage, IResourceLinker> getResourceLinker) {
_getResourceLinker = getResourceLinker;
Use in your actions
public async Task<Thingy> Get() {
var linker = _getResourceLinker(Request);
linker.GetUri( ... )
If you only need to use RouteLinker from ApiController derivates, you don't really need to go through all the DI hoops.
You can just create it within the Controller like this:
var linker = new RouteLinker(this.Request);
IMO, using DI with RouteLinker first becomes valuable when you need a RouteLinker further down the stack - but then again, I also only use RouteLinker as a Concrete Dependency...
Thanks for adding the code sample. Based on what you have posted, you are running into your Bind/Rebind issue because you are issuing the _kernel.Bind<IResourceLinker> in the IHttpControllerActivtor.Create method every time.
You need to move the _kernel.Bind<IResourceLinker> to be registered the same way your are registering the rest of your bindings in the
...standard way, by standard I mean in the class generated by using the Ninject.MVC3 nuget package.
There should not be any need for the IResourceLinker to be binded multiple times, and this is why you are getting multiple instances, because the binding is firing every time a controller is created by the IHttpControllerActivator.
Sorry that I missed the need for an HttpRequestMessage as a constructor argument, I would go with Anthony Johnson's answer on this one.

Web api not returning newly added records from EF 4.1 DbContext

I have a simple asp.net MVC4 / EF 4.1 project created with VS 2011, with a layer for my domain model and one for my database that contains the DbContext. I have one basic domain class called Batch and a BatchController with the standard CRUD functionality using Index / Create / Edit actions. I add two default records with the overridden Seed method. All this works fine I can add / edit / delete records using the out of the box MVC template:
public class BatchController : Controller
private readonly MyContext _context = new MyContext();
public ActionResult Index()
return View(_context.Batches.ToList());
public ActionResult Create(Batch batch)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(batch);
I added a new MVC4 Web api project to the solution with the intention of exposing the domain object so the data can be retrieved via json. This uses an api controller that I've called BatchesController, and I added a reference to my domain and database layers. I have two Get() methods, one to return all Batches and one to return a single batch given an id. I'm using IIS Express to host the main MVC app and the Web api. To retrieve all the Batches I run this in a browser:
Here's my Web api Controller :
public class BatchesController : ApiController
private readonly MyContext _context;
public BatchesController()
_context = new MyContext();
// GET /api/batches
public IEnumerable<Batch> Get()
var batches = _context.Batches.ToList();
if (batches == null)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return batches;
// GET /api/batches/5
public Batch Get(int id)
var batch = _context.Batches.Find(id);
if (batch == null)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return batch;
My problem is that when I add a new record and try to retrieve it via a browser, only the existing records aded with the Seed method are returned - I can't get any newly added record to be returned. The DbContext seems to be caching the initial records and not going to the database to get the latest...how do I return newly added records?
Just to clear out the obvious, you have surely rewired to Web API project to point to the same database, right? Because by default Web API will attach its own SQL Compact DB. Meaning that you could effectively be using 2 separate databases
There is an answer, which It doesn't solve my problem:
Also, there is a same question at here:
and I find this useful:
ASP.Net Web API showing correctly in VS but giving HTTP500
You can not send the proxy object to webapi serializer. So it should be project to a new dynamic class or a predefined class which there is no virtual (or maybe IList, ICollection,...).
// GET api/ProfileGame
public dynamic GetProfileGames()
return db.ProfileGames.Select(pg => new
