In Fitnesse: command to run stating which test you would like to start and end untill the end of test suite - fitnesse

In Fitnesse Commands: http://<host>:<port>/<suite path and test name>?responder=suite&startTest=TestTwo. I tried to execute. It is executing the test case which is passed in the url. If we pass the suite path and remove the test name, it is executing the whole suite. Is there any way we can run all tests coming after TestTwo?

No, you can run an entire suite or you can run an individual test. Perhaps you can break the suite into smaller sub-suites?

You can use firstTest parameters when calling the url. In your case, you can do:
http://<host>:<port>/<suite path>?responder=suite&firstTest=TestTwo
Note that, this only works based on alphabetical order of full path names of the test cases as mentioned in the fitnesse wiki here
firstTest: if present, only tests whose full path names are lexigraphically greater (later in alphabetical order) will be run. This is of questionable use since tests are not guaranteed to be run in any particular order.
Alternatively, you can tag certain test cases with tags, and execute them using parameter suiteFilter. You can find the relevant documentation in the same wiki page.


Bazel pass flaky test if 1 out of 3 retries pass

I have a Java based test suite running Bazel 4.2.2, and my goal is to collect code coverage regardless of test flakiness. I tried to add these options:
bazel coverage ... --runs_per_test=3 --cache_test_results=no ...
but it looks like if 1/3 of those fail, then the test is failed and coverage data is not collected for failing tests.
Does Bazel have any flags to take the first passing result, and retry only on failures?
The full command I've tried is
bazel coverage --jobs=6 --runs_per_test=3 --cache_test_results=no --combined_report=lcov --coverage_report_generator="#bazel_tools//tools/test/CoverageOutputGenerator/java/com/google/devtools/coverageoutputgenerator:Main" -- //$TARGET/... 2>&1
Answer to my question (can't accept it yet): there's an option in the documentation I found
--flaky_test_attempts=<a positive integer, the string "default", or test_regex#attempts. This flag may be passed more than once> multiple uses are accumulated
Each test will be retried up to the specified number of times in case of any test failure. Tests that required more than one attempt to pass would be marked as 'FLAKY' in the test summary. If this option is set, it should specify an int N or the string 'default'. If it's an int, then all tests will be run up to N times. If it is not specified or its value is ' default', then only a single test attempt will be made for regular tests and three for tests marked explicitly as flaky by their rule (flaky=1 attribute).
Another option is using the flaky attribute on your test rules for the problematic tests. That will run them up to 3 times even with normal bazel test, without needing any flags.

How to setup a reusable Geb test script (to be used by other test scripts)

So I have just created a geb script that tests the creation of a report. Let's call this Script A
I have other test cases I need to run that are dependent on the previous report being created, but I still want the Script A to be a stand alone test. we will call the subsiquent script Script B
Furthermore Script A generates a pair of numbers that will be needed in subsequent scripts (to verify data got recorded accurately)
Is there a way I can setup geb such that Script B executes 'Script Aand is able to pull those 2 numbers fromScript Ato be used inScript B`?
In summary there will be a number a scripts that are dependent on the actions of Script A (which is itself a test) I want to be able to modularize Script A so that it can be executed from other scripts. What would be the best way to do this?
For reuse and not repeating yourself I would put the report creation into a separate method call in a new class such as ReportGenerator, this would generate the report given a set of parameters (if required) and return the report figures for use in whatever test you like.
You could then call that in any spec you want, with no reliance on other specs.

Feature test for command line program Ruby / RSpec

I have a script that I want to run within some tests using RSpec that I want to test the input / output on.
For example,
I have a script 'script.rb' that I run using 'ruby script.rb'
The script then outputs to STDOUT and takes an input using STDIN. I want to test this using RSPec and check that everything works appropriately (a feature test). How would I go about doing this? Just do an execute 'ruby script.rb' within RSPec and then test that the output is what I expect and that it takes input from STDIN?
Since you want to test your script as a black box (only STDIN/STDOUT), you may perfectly do it via system() call: just make sure to clean up all side effects your script is leaving (for example, temporary files).
EDIT: Just create some file with needed content, say stdin.txt.
After that you may run your command this way:
system('cat stdin.txt | ruby myscript.rb')

Can we Ignore particular #tag using specflow

I am using specflow for writing my feature files .my feature files contains "#Tags"(like:#Authentication,#Login,#Permission,etc...) so i want to run all of them except #Authentication..
so can we use tag like:
~#Authentication so this will execute all test cases except test case containing #Authentication tag
As you have stated that you are running the tests from the command line using MSTest.exe then you should be able to run tests that are not in a category (according to the command line options like this:
"%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\IDE\MSTest.exe" /testcontainer:"Project.dll" /category:"!Authentication"

How to avoid init_per_suite and end_per_suite to be counted as test cases in Common Test?

I have a test suite which has the init and end functions implemented in it.
When I run the suite it produces some html outputs to show the results of the test cases (pass and fail etc.) from the suite.
But in the log the init_per_suite and end_per_suite are also counted as test cases and their run result is shown in the log. Is there a way to avoid this? I guess there might be a flag in Erlang common test which can be used to disable this.
No, you can't disable it. Besides it may be important information if start_per_suite/end_per_suite succeeds or or fails.
Also you can see that start_per_suite/end_per_suite are not included in general numeration of testcases in resulting html. May be it'll help you if you want to parse the html output. Also you can sort cases by their numbers so the unnumered cases will be on the top/bottom.
