Pushing Navigation Controller From Other Class in Swift - ios

I have a Data Manager class that handles some JSON activities. When one action is completed, I want to push to the Navigation controller.
The FirstViewController calls a function on the DataManager Class
DataManager Class
class func extract_json(data:NSData) -> Bool {
FirstViewController Class
func pushToValueView() {
println("Push to Value View")
navigationController?.pushViewController(ValueViewController(), animated: true)
In this example, println() is called but no push occurs. If I call pushToValueView() within FirstViewController e.g. self.pushToValueView() (For debug purposes), a push does occur.

Try calling this function on an existing instance of FirstViewController.
I think that in this example you try to push view controller to FirstViewController which is deallocated after exiting the method scope. That is why view controller doesn't appear

Unwrap the optional. Edit: You shouldn't call your vc from a model class btw, thats bad MVC, I'd use an observers rather and get notified when the closure is complete
if let nav = self.navigationController {
println("Push to Value View")
nav.pushViewController(ValueViewController(), animated: true)

You can modify your extract_json function so that it accepts a closure to be executed once the data has been extracted. The closure will contain the code to push the new view controller and it will execute in the context of the calling rather than called object:
In DataManager.swift -
func extractJSON(data:NSData, completion:() -> Void) {
//Do whatever
In FirstViewController.swift -
func getDataAndSegue() {
extractJSON(someData, completion:{
navigationController?.pushViewController(ValueViewController(), animated: true)


present a ViewController from a Swift class derived from an NSObject?

This project was written in Objective C and a bridging header and Swift files were added so they can be used at run time. When the app starts, Initializer called in Mock API client is printed in the debugger. Is it possible to present a ViewController from the initializer?
Xcode Error:
Value of type 'MockApiClient' has no member 'present'
import Foundation
class MockApiClient: NSObject
override init ()
print("Initializer called in Mock API client")
if isLevelOneCompleted == false
print("It's false")
let yourVC = ViewController()
self.present(yourVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
} else
print("It's true")
var isLevelOneCompleted = false
#objc func executeRequest()
print("The execute request has been called")
isLevelOneCompleted = true
if isLevelOneCompleted {
print("It's true")
} else {
//do this
Update - ViewController.m
// prints "The execute request has been called" from the debugger window
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
MockApiClient *client = [MockApiClient new];
[client executeRequest];
You can't call present(_:animated:completion) because it is a method of UIViewController, not NSObject.
Why not pass a viewController reference to the MockApiClient to present on instead like so. Be sure to check Leaks or Allocations on instruments to avoid the client retaining the controller.
class MockApiClient: NSObject {
var referencedViewController: UIViewController?
override init() {
let presentableViewController = ViewController()
referencedViewController.present(presentableViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
deinit {
referencedViewController = nil
let apiClient = MockApiClient()
apiClient.referencedViewController = // The view controller you want to present on
Assuming you're using UIKit, you'll have to present the view controller from the nearest available attached view controller. If you know for certain that no other view controllers would currently be presented then you can safely present from the root view controller:
UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController?.present(someViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
This concept of attached and unattached/detached view controllers is never officially explained but the infamous UIKit warning of presenting view controllers on detached view controllers is real. And the workaround is finding the nearest available attached view controller, which at first (when nothing is currently being presented) is the root view controller (of the window). To then present an additional view controller (while one is currently being presented), you'd have to present from that presented view controller or its nearest parent view controller if it has children (i.e. if you presented a navigation view controller).
If you subclass UIViewController, you can add this functionality into it to make life easier:
class CustomViewController: UIViewController {
var nearestAvailablePresenter: UIViewController {
if appDelegate.rootViewController.presentedViewController == nil {
return appDelegate.rootViewController
} else if let parent = parent {
return parent
} else {
return self
Then when you wish to present, you can simply do it through this computed property:
nearestAvailablePresenter.present(someViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

how can I instantiate a viewController with a containerView and it's containerView at the same time?

I want to instantiate a viewController with a container with the following:
let vc = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: ContainerViewController") as? ContainerViewController
I also need a reference to the containerView so I try the following:
let vc2 = vc.childViewControllers[0] as! ChildViewController
The app crashes with a 'index 0 beyond bounds for empty NSArray'
How can I instantiate the containerViewController and it's childViewController at the same time prior to loading the containerViewController?
The use case is for AWS Cognito to go to the signInViewController when the user is not authenticated. This code is in the appDelegate:
func startPasswordAuthentication() -> AWSCognitoIdentityPasswordAuthentication {
if self.containerViewController == nil {
self.containerViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ContainerViewController") as? ContainerViewController
if self.childViewController == nil {
self.childViewController = self.containerViewController!.childViewControllers[0] as! ChildViewController
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.window?.rootViewController?.present(self.containerViewController!, animated: true, completion: nil)
return self.childViewController!
The reason I am instantiating the container and returning the child is that the return needs to conform to the protocol which only the child does. I suppose I can remove the container but it has functionality that I would have wanted.
Short answer: You can't. At the time you call instantiateViewController(), a view controller's view has not yet been loaded. You need to present it to the screen somehow and then look for it's child view once it's done being displayed.
We need more info about your use-case in order to help you.
Ok, several things:
If your startPasswordAuthentication() function is called on the main thread, there's no reason to use DispatchQueue.main.async for the present() call.
If, on the other hand, your startPasswordAuthentication() function is called on a background thread, the call to instantiateViewController() also belongs inside a DispatchQueue.main.async block so it's performed on the main thread. In fact you might just want to put the whole body of your startPasswordAuthentication() function inside a DispatchQueue.main.async block.
Next, there is no way that your containerViewController's child view controllers will be loaded after the call to instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:). That's not how it works. You should look for the child view in the completion block of your present call.
Next, you should not be reaching into your containerViewController's view hierarchy. You should add methods to that class that let you ask for the view you are looking for, and use those.
If you are trying to write your function to synchronously return a child view controller, you can't do that either. You need to rewrite your startPasswordAuthentication() function to take a completion handler, and pass the child view controller to the completion handler
So the code might be rewritten like this:
func startPasswordAuthentication(completion: #escaping (AWSCognitoIdentityPasswordAuthentication?)->void ) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard strongSelf = self else {
if self.containerViewController == nil {
self.containerViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ContainerViewController") as? ContainerViewController
self.window?.rootViewController?.present(self.containerViewController!, animated: true, completion: {
if strongSelf == nil {
strongSelf.childViewController = self.containerViewController.getChildViewController()
(That code was typed into the horrible SO editor, is totally untested, and is not meant to be copy/pasted. It likely contains errors that need to be fixed. It's only meant as a rough guide.)

Dismissing a modal view but keeping the data

I'm trying to dismiss a modal view and return back to the view controller that was "sent" from, while keeping the data that was entered in the modal view. If I understand correctly I need to use delegates/protocols for this but I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how to actually implement it in this situation.
Basically a user can call a modal view to enter some information in text fields, and when they hit save this function is called:
func handleSave() {
guard let newProductUrl = NSURL(string: urlTextField.text!) else {
print("error getting text from product url field")
guard let newProductName = self.nameTextField.text else {
print("error getting text from product name field")
guard let newProductImage = self.logoTextField.text else {
print("error getting text from product logo field")
// Call save function in view controller to save new product to core data
self.productController?.save(name: newProductName, url: newProductUrl as URL, image: newProductImage)
// Present reloaded view controller with new product added
let cc = UINavigationController()
let pController = ProductController()
productController = pController
cc.viewControllers = [pController]
present(cc, animated: true, completion: nil)
Which calls the self.productController?.save function to save the newly entered values into core data, and reloads the productController table view with the new product.
However the issue I'm running into, is that the productController table view is dynamically set depending on some other factors, so I just want to dismiss the modal view once the user has entered the data, and return back to the page the modal view was called from.
EDIT: attempt at understanding how to implement the delegate -
ProductController is the parent class that the user gets to the modal view from:
protocol ProductControllerDelegate: class {
func getData(sender: ProductController)
class ProductController: UITableViewController, NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate, WKNavigationDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
weak var delegate:ProductControllerDelegate?
func getData(sender: ProductController) {
And AddProductController is the modally presented controller where the user enters in the data then handleSave is called and I want to dismiss and return to the ProductController tableview it was called from:
class AddProductController: UIViewController, ProductControllerDelegate {
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// error on this line
getData(sender: productController)
If the sole purpose of your protocol is to return the final state of the view controller its usually easier and clearer to use an unwind segue instead of a protocol.
1) In the parent VC you make a #IBAction unwind(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) method
2) In the storyboard of the presented ViewController you control drag from either the control you want to trigger the exit or from the yellow view controller itself(if performing the segue in code) on to the orange exit icon.
your code should look like:
#IBAction func unwind(segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {
if let source = segue.source as? MyModalViewController {
mydata = source.data
source.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
see apple documentation
Edit here is the hacky way to trigger and unwind from code without storyboard; I do not endorse doing this:
guard let navigationController = navigationController,
let presenter = navigationController.viewControllers[navigationController.viewControllers.count - 2] as? MyParentViewController else {
presenter.unwind(UIStoryboardSegue(identifier: String(describing: self), source: self, destination: presenter))
Basically you need to create a delegate into this modal view.
Let's say you have ParentViewController which creates this Modal View Controller. ParentViewController must implement the delegate method, let´s say retrieveData(someData).
On the Modal View Controller, you can use the method viewWillDisappear() to trigger the delegate method which the data you want to pass to the parent:
If you have issues understanding how to implement a delegate you can check this link

Back to previous ViewController from class func

I try to close and go back to previous viewController using:
class func closeViewController()
presentingViewController?.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
But this gives me a compilation error.
if i remove the "class" identifyer it works, but i need this function to be class function
Just because you receive a callback from another class doesn't mean that you need your closeViewController method to be a class method. It's likely that it should not be a class method.
presentingViewController is an instance method of UIViewController. There is an implied "self" at the beginning:
true, completion: nil)
However, a class method is performed on the class, not an instance, so self is the class, not an instance.
If you really do need it to be a class method for some reason, you will need to pass in either the current view controller or the presenting view controller as a parameter to the method.
class func closeViewController(theModal: UIViewController)
true, completion: nil)
try this code :
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)

Retrieve var value from another class

i have those two classes and i want to retrieve a value from one to another:
class SearchUserViewController:UIViewController{
var selectedUser: String!
#IBAction func btn_accept(sender: AnyObject) {
selectedUser = "Norolimba"
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
I'm saving the value to "selectedUser" var, then i want to check the value from this class:
class CalendarViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
let vc : SearchUserViewController! = self.storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("searchView") as SearchUserViewController
if vc.selectedUser == nil {
But when i println the value "vc.selectedUser" the value is nil. So what can i do here to catch it from the other class and don't get a nil value?
searchView is here:
Hope you can help me.
When you use instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier(), you're not accessing the view controller that was being displayed on the screen, nor are you accessing the controller that has potentially been automatically instantiated by Interface Builder.
What you're doing is instantiating (hence the name) a new instance of that controller. So the instance variable selectedUser of that new instance is going to be nil.
What you should do is probably provide a callback to your SearchUserViewController when you display it, so that it can notify the view that presented it when a user is picked.
Alternatively, you can use the parentViewController property of UIViewController in cases where you (the view controller) are being presented modally to access the view controller that presented you. So in your SearchUserViewController, when it's being dismissed, it can access self.parentViewController, which should be a CalendarViewController, and call a method or set a property.
(But for the modal controller to assume who its parent is, is a bit of a code smell. I recommend using a callback or delegate of some sort.)
Edit: An example of using the completion callback:
class CalendarViewController : UIViewController {
public func displayUserSelectionController() {
let suvc : SearchUserViewController = ... (how are you displaying it?) ...
self.presentViewController(suvc, animated:true, completion: {
// The SUVC is hiding
if let user = suvc.selectedUser {
} else {
