Xcode Parse Issue Expected '>', Expected ')' [duplicate] - ios

I'm new to Mac/iPhone programming and Objective-C. In C# and Java we have "generics", collection classes whose members can only be of the type declared. For example, in C#
Dictionary<int, MyCustomObject>
can only contain keys that are integers and values that are of type MyCustomObject. Does a similar mechanism exist in Objective-C?

In Xcode 7, Apple has introduced 'Lightweight Generics' to Objective-C. In Objective-C, they will generate compiler warnings if there is a type mismatch.
NSArray<NSString*>* arr = #[#"str"];
NSString* string = [arr objectAtIndex:0];
NSNumber* number = [arr objectAtIndex:0]; // Warning: Incompatible pointer types initializing 'NSNumber *' with an expression of type 'NSString *'
And in Swift code, they will produce a compiler error:
var str: String = arr[0]
var num: Int = arr[0] //Error 'String' is not convertible to 'Int'
Lightweight Generics are intended to be used with NSArray, NSDictionary and NSSet, but you can also add them to your own classes:
#interface GenericsTest<__covariant T> : NSObject
#implementation GenericsTest
-(void)genericMethod:(id)object {}
Objective-C will behave like it did before with compiler warnings.
GenericsTest<NSString*>* test = [GenericsTest new];
[test genericMethod:#"string"];
[test genericMethod:#1]; // Warning: Incompatible pointer types sending 'NSNumber *' to parameter of type 'NSString *'
but Swift will ignore the Generic information completely. (No longer true in Swift 3+.)
var test = GenericsTest<String>() //Error: Cannot specialize non-generic type 'GenericsTest'
Aside from than these Foundation collection classes, Objective-C lightweight generics are ignored by Swift. Any other types using lightweight generics are imported into Swift as if they were unparameterized.
Interacting with Objective-C APIs

This answer is outdated but remains for historical value. As of Xcode 7, Connor's answer from Jun 8 '15 is more accurate.
No, there are no generics in Objective-C unless you want to use C++ templates in your own custom collection classes (which I strongly discourage).
Objective-C has dynamic typing as a feature, which means that the runtime doesn't care about the type of an object since all objects can receive messages. When you add an object to a built-in collection, they are just treated as if they were type id. But don't worry, just send messages to those objects like normal; it will work fine (unless of course one or more of the objects in the collection don't respond to the message you are sending).
Generics are needed in languages such as Java and C# because they are strong, statically typed languages. Totally different ballgame than Objective-C's dynamic typing feature.

No, but to make it clearer you can comment it with the type of object you want to store, I've seen this done a few times when you need to write something in Java 1.4 nowadays) e.g.:
NSMutableArray* /*<TypeA>*/ arrayName = ....
NSDictionary* /*<TypeA, TypeB>*/ dictionaryName = ...

This was released in Xcode 7 (finally!)
Note that in Objective C code, it's just a compile-time check; there will be no run-time error just for putting the wrong type into a collection or assigning to a typed property.
#interface FooClass <T> : NSObject
#property (nonatomic) T prop;
FooClass<NSString *> *foo = [[FooClass alloc] init];
NSArray<FooClass<NSString *> *> *fooAry = [NSArray array];
Be careful about those *s.

There are no generics in Objective-C.
From the Docs
Arrays are ordered collections of objects. Cocoa provides several array classes, NSArray, NSMutableArray (a subclass of NSArray), and NSPointerArray.

Apple has added generics to ObjC in XCode 7:
#property NSArray<NSDate *>* dates;
- (NSArray<NSDate *> *)datesBeforeDate:(NSDate *)date;
- (void)addDatesParsedFromTimestamps:(NSArray<NSString *> *)timestamps;
see here:

Generic NSArrays can be realized by subclassing NSArray, and redefining all provided methods with more restrictive ones. For example,
- (id)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
would have to be redefined in
#interface NSStringArray : NSArray
- (NSString *)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
for an NSArray to contain only NSStrings.
The created subclass can be used as a drop-in replacement and brings many useful features: compiler warnings, property access, better code creation and -completion in Xcode. All these are compile-time features, there is no need to redefine the actual implementation - NSArray's methods can still be used.
It's possible to automate this and boil it down to only two statements, which brings it close to languages that support generics. I've created an automation with WMGenericCollection, where templates are provided as C Preprocessor Macros.
After importing the header file containing the macro, you can create a generic NSArray with two statements: one for the interface and one for the implementation. You only need to provide the data type you want to store and names for your subclasses. WMGenericCollection provides such templates for NSArray, NSDictionary and NSSet, as well as their mutable counterparts.
An example: List<int> could be realized by a custom class called NumberArray, which is created with the following statement:
WMGENERICARRAY_INTERFACE(NSNumber *, // type of the value class
// generated class names
NumberArray, MutableNumberArray)
Once you've created NumberArray, you can use it everywhere in your project. It lacks the syntax of <int>, but you can choose your own naming scheme to label these as classes as templates.

Take a look at:
It appears to be a sort of poor-man's generics, by repurposing the protocol checking mechanism.

Now dreams come true - there are Generics in Objective-C since today (thanks, WWDC).
It's not a joke - on official page of Swift:
New syntax features let you write more expressive code while improving consistency across the language. The SDKs have employed new Objective-C features such as generics and nullability annotation to make Swift code even cleaner and safer. Here is just a sampling of Swift 2.0 enhancements.
And image that proofs this:

Just want to jump in here. I've written a blog post over here about Generics.
The thing I want to contribute is that Generics can be added to any class, not just the collection classes as Apple indicates.
I've successfully added then to a variety of classes as they work exactly the same as Apple's collections do. ie. compile time checking, code completion, enabling the removal of casts, etc.

The Collections classes provided by Apple and GNUStep frameworks are semi-generic in that they assume that they are given objects, some that are sortable and some that respond to certain messages. For primitives like floats, ints, etc, all the C arrays structure is intact and can be used, and there are special wrapper objects for them for use in the general collection classes (eg NSNumber).
In addition, a Collection class may be sub-classed (or specifically modified via categories) to accept objects of any type, but you have to write all the type-handling code yourself.
Messages may be sent to any object but should return null if it is inappropriate for the object, or the message should be forwarded to an appropriate object. True type errors should be caught at compile-time, not at run-time. At run-time they should be handled or ignored.
Finally, Objc provides run-time reflection facilities to handle tricky cases and message response, specific type, and services can be checked on an object before it is sent a message or put into an inappropriate collection.
Beware that disparate libraries and frameworks adopt different conventions as to how their objects behave when sent messages they do not have code responses for, so RTFM. Other than toy programs and debugging builds, most programs should not have to crash unless they really screw up and try to write bad data to memory or disk, perform illegal operations (eg divide by zero, but you can catch that too), or access off-limits system resources.
The dynamism and run-time of Objective-C allows for things to fail gracefully and should be built in to your code.
(HINT) if yo are having trouble with genericity in your functions, try some specificity. Write the functions over with specific types and let the runtime select (thats why they are called selectors!) the appropriate member-function at run-time.
-(id) sort (id) obj; // too generic. catches all.
// better
-(id) sort: (EasilySortableCollection*) esc;
-(id) sort: (HardToSortCollection*) hsc;
[Sorter sort: MyEasyColl];
[Sorter sort: MyHardColl];


Swift collection that has defined types and copies by reference?

In converting old projects from Objective-C to Swift, I've mostly been able to use Dictionary in place of NSMutableDictionary. But in some cases, it's a hassle or uses a lot of extra memory to have the Dictionaries copying by value.
I thought I could simply change some Dictionary collections to NSMutableDictionary to make them objects that copy by value, but I don't see a way to specify the key and value types. This works in Objective-C:
NSMutableDictionary<NSString*, NSString*> *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
But this gives an error "Cannot specialize non-generic type 'NSMutableDictionary'" in Swift:
let dict: NSMutableDictionary<String, String> = [:]
Is there a way to specify the types so I don't have to be constantly casting the values I get out of the dictionary?
Alternatively, is there another kind of collection object that supports key and value types like Dictionary but copies by reference like NSMutableDictionary?
I tried using NSMapTable as suggested in the comment below. That's missing some features of NSDictionary (e.g., it doesn't conform to IteratorProtocol), so I made a subclass to try making a drop-in replacement for Dictionary. I then ran into problems making my subclass generic since Swift and Objective-C have different support for that.
Since that would either require a lot of casting (or making a different subclass for each type of data I wanted to store in the dictionary), I then tried just using NSMutableDictionary and casting all the values when I read them. Unfortunately, after all that work, I couldn't see any difference in memory usage compared to using Dictionary.
So I guess having collections that copy by value isn't really my problem. It shouldn't be since I'm never retaining anything for very long, but I didn't see these memory problems until I migrated from Objective-C. I'll have to do more testing and explore other solutions.
The Objective-C specification:
NSMutableDictionary<NSString*, NSString*>
Is not a true implementation of Generics. It simply gives hints to the compiler that the dictionary will contain strings as the keys and values and the compiler can tell you, at compile time, if you make a simple mistake.
At the end of the day, there is nothing at runtime to enforce those type specifications. An NSDictionary (mutable or not) will have id for the keys, and id for the values and the runtime format will not change. That's why you can get away with using [NSMutableDictionary dictionary] to initialize all NSDictionaries... the type spec only has meaning at compile time.
In contrast when you use a identical syntax in Swift, say Dictionary<String, Int>, you are using true generics. The runtime representation of the dictionary may change depending on what key and value types you use.
In other words, in spite of similarities in their in Syntax, the <type, type> construct in Objective-C and in Swift mean VERY different things.
In Swift's Eyes, an NSDictionary (mutable or not) is simply a NSObject, just like every other NSObject so NSDictionary<NSString, NSString> is a nonsensical use of the generic type specification syntax - you're saying you want to use generics with a type that is not a generic type (hence the error).
There is no Swift syntax (that I'm aware of) that lets you specify the type you'd like to stand in for NSObject in things like NSDictionaries and NSArrays. You're going to have to use casting.
Even in Objective-C the type specs mean nothing and it's possible to squeeze something in there that doesn't belong. Consider:
NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *myDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
((NSMutableDictionary *)myDictionary)[[NSNumber numberWithInt: 3]] = [NSURL URLWithString: #"http://www.apple.com"];
Here I declare the dict to use Strings, then shove in a number and a URL. The only way to guard against this would be to check the types, that is to do typecasting (or at least type-checking), for each key and value. Most folks code doesn't do that because it would be a pain, but the only way to get true safety.
Swift, in contrast, focus on the safety right up front. It's one of the defining differences between Swift an Objective-C. So you have to go through the pain if you insist on using "unsafe" Objective-C types.

How "id" type understands the receiver of method without casting?

After merging master to my working branch I got compiler error on the line, which wasn't be changed. The error looks like
id test;
[test count];
Multiple methods named 'count' found with mismatched result.
At first it looks clear, because compiler doesn't know which concrete type the "test" variable is. But I don't understand why it worked before.
If I create a new file this line works, assuming that is a NSArray's method. Why compiler doesn't show error in this case?
While showing error message, there is several possible receivers of count method are shown. (NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet) Does it search all classes that can receive that message and show error if there are multiple?
I noticed that error occurs when I import "-Swift.h" file. How it depends?
Compiler doesn't cast or check your id type. It just provides you all possible selectors. You said that this issue connected with importing "-Swift.h" file. In this case check you Swift code, probably you have count function visible for Objective C which returns something else than Int.
Also, you can check the issue in Issue navigator, select it and it will show all count calls visible in Objective C. Check them all, most of them will return NSUInteger, but there should be one that returns something else, for example:
#interface YourClass : NSObject
- (int32_t)count SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
Objective-C doesn't need to know the type of the receiver. At run-time, all objects are just id, and everything is dynamically dispatched. So any message can be sent to any object, no matter its type. (At run-time, objects are free to decide what to do with messages they don't understand. The most common thing to do is raise an exception and crash, but there are many kinds of objects that can handle arbitrary messages that don't map directly to method calls.)
There is a couple of technical details, however, that complicate this.
The ABI (application binary interface) defines different mechanisms for returning certain primitive types. As long as the value is "a word-sized integer," then it doesn't matter (this includes things like NSInteger and all pointers, which means by extension all objects). But on some processors, floats are returned in different registers than integers, and structs (like CGRect) might be returned in a variety of ways depending on their size. In order to write the necessary assembly language, the compiler has to know what kind of return value it will be.
ARC has added additional wrinkles that require that the compiler know a more about the type of the parameters (specifically whether they're objects or primitives), and whether there are any memory-management attributes that have to be considered.
The compiler doesn't really care what "real" type test is, as long as it can figure out the types and attributes of -count. So when dealing with an id value, it looks through every known selector it can see (i.e. every one defined in an included header or the current .m). It's fine if there are many of them on different classes, as long as they all agree. But if it can't find the selector at all, or if some of the interfaces disagree, then it can't compile the line of code.
As lobstah notes, you likely have a type somewhere in your Swift code that has an #objc method called count() or an #objc property named count that returns something other than Int (which maps to NSInteger, and so match the usual signature of -count). You'll need to fix that method, or you'll need to hide it from ObjC (for example, by adding #nonobjc).
Or much better: get rid of the id, and use its actual type. id is generally a bad idea in Cocoa, and is especially a bad idea if you're calling methods on it, since the compiler can't check that the object will respond and you may crash.

Get array type in runtime objective-c [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I find out the Objective-C generics type?
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is there any ways in objective-c to find type of property which is declareted in next way:
#property(nonatomic, strong) NSArray<CustomClass *> *array;
I can get type of this property as NSArray, but are any ways to get CustomClass type?
Thanks in advance.
There is no way to receive information about generics declaration in runtime. Objective-C generics is a recent addition to language. They are used for compile-time checks only, so no any additional runtime information created. Note, that generic declaration doesn't strictly prevent storing objects of other class in array - compiler warning may be suppressed, although it's a bad practice.
But, there is still a possibility to determine classes of objects, stored in array. For example, you can use code like [array valueForKey:#"class"] to receive array of classes, corresponding to each element.
Type hints in lightweight generics are mainly used by compilers to raise warnings and it will not be available during runtime.
This SO link provides additional information and references to Apple docs/ videos. For convenience, I'm adding some information here.
So the entire lightweight generics feature is based on a type erasure model. Which means that the compiler has all of this rich static type information but it erases that information when generating code.

Objective-C Swift interoperability with Realm

I'm adding new functionality to an app written in Objective-C with Swift. The new features require a data base so I'm using Realm-Swift. The problem is that the models that have relationships e.g. dynamic var points = List<Point>() don't translate to Objective-C on the {Project}-Swift.h file. I get the error: Type name requires a specifier or qualifier on the line #property (nonatomic) /* List<Point> */ points;
Does anybody know a workaround for this problem?
If you need Objective-C interop, your best bet is to continue using Realm Objective-c. Since List is a generic type, it can't be represented in ObjC at all.

Objective-C: NSArray of Custom Class?

I am trying to learn iOS, I come from Java background where we can have lists/arrays of specific classes like
List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
List<MyClass> l = new ArrayList<>();
Looking at Objective-C, I can make use of NSArray class to make immutable arrays, but how do I specify that this NSArrray is strictly of type MyClass?
Now Xcode 7 supports some kind of generics for standard collections(e.g. NSArrays). So you can make an array and provide kind of storing objects like this:
NSArray<NSString*> *myArrayOfStrings;
As far as I know, there isn't a built-in mechanism for specifying the type of objects put into NSArrays in Objective-C, but it looks like Swift does what you're looking for if that helps at all:
On a slightly related note, there's a decent write-up here about enforcing inserting objects of only a certain type into a subclassed NSMutableArray and throwing exceptions if trying to insert the wrong object types:
NSMutableArray - force the array to hold specific object type only
Sadly there are no generics in Objective-C.
