Write text in OpenLayers3 - openlayers-3

I need to write some text in openLayers 3... Not a label, something like a text object, that I can select and drag around the map. This text must have multiple lines.
I tried to use a point with ol.style.text, but it isn't multiline.
I also tried the popups, but I need the text to be always displayed.
Is there any way to use a text feature for this (ol.format.TextFeature)?
Is there any object that I can use for that purpose?

You can use an ol.Overlay for that. An overlay is basically anything an Element can be. It has a position an positioning that can be set at any time.
See an example: http://openlayers.org/en/v3.9.0/examples/overlay.html?q=overlay
You could use map browser events (pointerdown, pointerup) and if the target is your overlay element then you could move it around and update its position.


Buttons in UITextView

I want to create a View very similar To the iOS notes application. The main function is to allow the user to get a check box in front of a line of Text.
My first attempt is this:
I have a UITextView where i try to insert buttons on the left side of the View, the Problem is i dont get the right y Position for each line and the whole text is offsetted even if there is no Button in Front of the line.
Is there a better approach, maybe much simpler or even built in functionality in UITextView i couldnā€˜t find?
If not, how do i get the exact y position of the line the cursor is currently in, so i can set the Buttons in the correct positions?

Create edittext like stackoverflow tag text box

I want to create a multi lined edit text that can hold buttons but also have the ability to add free form text.
It should behave like the tag text box of stackoverflow that is under the body of the question when you ask a question on stackoverflow.
I thought about one layout that holds buttons (e.g. tags) and an edit text right after said layout. But as I want it to be multi-lined and if there was a line break, I'm not sure how the edit text should behave, since it couldn't be a quadratic box anymore.
Can you point me in the right direction? I've seen a post about making parts of an edittext uneditable. I could do this and put buttons over it, but the buttons might be a little bigger than the underlying text.
Do you know of alternatives?
I hope you get the point, if not I'll draw the control.
You can achieve same by using FlowLayout. Keep on adding text/button view it will automatically wraps contents to next line

VoiceOver accessibility focus on a series of elements

Say I have a dialog box like this:
and I want to focus on title, then body and then each button one after another. I am able to focus on body using
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, dialog.bodyLabel);
but is there any way to define a set of elements we want to focus instead of a single one?
I have also tried to make a list of elements I want to focus on using this syntax:
dialog.accessibilityElements = #[dialog.titleLable, dialog.bodyLable, etc];
but it just reads the first element (in this case dialog.titleLable) and doesn't move to the next one. Any thoughts?
The default value is set to NO for all the elements.
set the isAccessibleElement to YES for the all individual elements in the dialog
and then you can do
dialog.accessibilityElements = #[dialog.titleLable, dialog.bodyLable];
so that voice over reads title label first and body label next.

Add a Text Link to a TextView

Is it possible to add a text link into a TextView? I want the link to perhaps behave like a button, where I can assign an action to it.
EDIT: When I say assign an action, I mean actually giving it something in the code. I'm wondering if it's possible to dynamically add a "button" into text that I can assign a coded action to.
Live scenario
Think of something like a dictionary app. Maybe the definition of one word uses another word that you might not know the definition of, so being able to click on that word to instantly search it rather than having to type it in would be a nice user friendly feature. It seems rather unlikely, though, I guess.
I would recommend using NIAttributedLabel from Nimbus, an open source iOS library. You can specify text ranges that are links, and you get delegate messages sent when a user taps on it.
Main Nimbus site: http://nimbuskit.info/
NIAttributedLabel docs: http://docs.nimbuskit.info/interface_n_i_attributed_label.html
in the inspector, go to the Text View Attributes tab then make sure "Detect Links" is checked.
Yes you can. Add the URL into the text view, then open up the Attributes Inspector. You will see an option in there to detect links.
I know of a way, but its a LOT of work. First, you have an NSAttributedString that you have the text view display. Second, attribute the range of text you want to be the button. Third, assign a tap gesture recognizer to the text view and in the method called by the recognizer, you'll use core text to determine if the tap happened over the range of text that represents the buttons.
Heres how youll use core text: create a framesetter with the attributed string. Create a frame from the framsetter with the shape of a square that is the frame of the text view, inset by the padding of the text view. The frame will allow you to get the y origins of every line in the text view and and once you know what line the tap happened on, you can use the line to then figure out exactly what character was tapped on that line by giving it an x offset. Once you know character index on the line, you can add it to the beginning of the range of the line and get the index of the character within the whole string. Then you can check if its within the range of the text that is your button. If it is, you can then call a method to simulate a target action type behavior.
Ive explained the process of how to accomplish this and specified what kinds of core text objects youll need, ill let you look up the specific api details:
You can also use my objc core text wrapper:
What about CoreText? It Can draw many kinds of Text .

What UI element might this be? (Custom tab-bar?)

The above is a link basically showing the form fill view of the numbers app on the iPad. Any idea as to how to achieve such a functionality which sort of looks like our vanilla tabs on Chrome?
You could do it with just buttons set to Custom type and using an image for the background. Then when they are clicked, bring the specific UIView to the front.
To create the tabs from a single image use UIImage's stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth: topCapHeight:
This will let you dynamically set the image's width in a way that will use the middle of it to fill the new area rather than stretching (and warping) the outer edges.
I would have implemented this with simple UIButtons. All you need to do is to style them (pngs or whatever), and track which one is the current.
