Failed to launch IBCocoaTouchImageCatalogTool via CoreSimulator spawn - ios

I have an Xcode project which was downloaded from the internet so I don't know which Xcode version was used to write it but the language is Swift 2. I opened it in Xcode 7.1 beta 1 and I get the following compile time error.
Failed to launch IBCocoaTouchImageCatalogTool via CoreSimulator spawn
I deleted the DerviedData foler, cleaned and build the project several times. Tried converting the project to latest Swift syntax but it says there's nothing to convert.
I'm all outta ideas. Suggestions?

The same happened to me and it was solved by cleaning the project. However, if you cleaned it —as you say you did—, I would try closing and reopening Xcode. Even though it seems stupid, it works more often than not.

So After Trying a bit i removed the XCassets file form the Copy Bundle Resources, build once without it and then added it again. Solved it for me.

I had the same issue. My solution was to do the following
Clean the Project
Quit Xcode
Reopen Xcode
That got it working for some reason...

The above answers are correct.
I have a bit similar approach.
After, I use these steps:
Clean the project.
Remove your Assets from your project(Remove References). Run the project without assets. Now the project will show some compile errors, these are not very tricky.
Run the project, this time project run without your assets and may be chances of crash. This ensures that project will run.
Now clean the project and add the assets, now run the project. The project runs successfully.
For me it works. I hope it will be helpful to you.

The only correct solution for me that takes only a moment to perform is to delete ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator and all of its contents. Immediately after this the build completes successfully.
I believe the solutions that state to reinstall Xcode, ultimately refresh the CoreSimulator folder, that's why they are successful in resolving the issue.
I started experiencing the error after having upgraded to MacOS Big Sur, while using Xcode 11.6 and Xcode 11.7.

Possible solution for those struggling with the above answers.
If you've just restored your machine from a time machine backup (migrating from old to new machine), you may want to re-install Xcode.
It doesn't appear to bring the caches or other important settings across properly from the time machine restore.
I've just taken that; what appears to be a drastic step, but it's worked!
Instructions on how to do so: Completely reinstall Xcode 9

I was also facing the same issue tried cleaning and restarting XCODE didn't worked for me,
so I removed xcassets and added the image sets again one by one, and that worked for me.

Had to add a step Airman00's answer.
List item
Clean the Project
Quit Xcode
Delete derived data
Reopen Xcode Build
That got it working for some reason...

Update to XCode 7.1.1 from 7.1 solved my problem.
With XCode 7.1 I used Airman00's solution but suddenly it stop working.
Hope it helps!

If you have this type of error in your project then follow these steps:
Clean the project
And go to storyboard and select any viewController
And Run the project again
This will successfully resolve the error.

Maybe you have just cleaned Logs directory...Then you can try this:
sudo chmod 777 /Users/[YourUserName]/Library/Logs

I had to restart my machine to get this to work. Just in case, here are the exact steps I did:
Clean project
Quick Xcode
Delete Derived Data
Restart machine

I had the same problem recently with Xcode 11.4 on Catalina 10.15.4.
Rebooting, cleaning project folders, or deleting the derived data directory did not help. What solved the problem for me was to remove and reinstall Xcode (I use the AppStore version).
It is possible, that I caused the problem myself by reinstalling macOS 10.15.4 via a Combo-Update.

I tried everything . But nothing worked . So i reinstalled Xcode . I took some time . But worked

Xcode 14 beta solution
If you are finding your production Xcode 13 builds aren't working and you have Xcode beta 14 installed you can try this:
Launch Xcode 14 beta 3
Open the Platforms preference pane
Xcode 13 should now work as expected


Xcode stuck on start loading project

My xcode stopped working properlly and I don't know why.
By launching my flutter project in Xcode today da loading runner is infinity and app does not respond anymore.
This happens with any project even if i start a new project the problem is the same.
Can you help please ?
(I reinstalled Xcode 14.2 the problem is the same)
Issue image
I already tried to delete cache files, reboot the mac, reinstall xcode.
Nothing worked
I had the same problem, only opened the project after disabling iCloud

Build failed with xcode 10 beta

I created a new project on Xcode beta and built it, It gives me the below build error.
Encountered an error communication with IBAgent-iOS on launchscreen.storyboard.
The same storyboard error that I am getting when I try to build any sample projects built on Xcode 10 beta.
Has anyone come across the same issue with Xcode 10 beta IDE?
I face the same issue with Xcode 10.1... issue resolved by just clean the build folder using Command+Shift+K
I hope this will work for you.
I'm on Xcode 13 and still get the issue sometimes. No help with cleaning the build folder or removing DerivedData.
However, this usually saves my life ^^
sudo killall -9
I had the same problem with xcode 10 installed from the App Store and I tried removing the derived data, cleaning the build folder... nothing worked.
And then I just restarted my computer and it's working. I did not rename anything. It must be some glitch in the memory which is solved after restarting the system.
I had the same error.
I renamed Xcode from Xcode-beta to Xcode and it worked for me.
You need to remove the Targets from that xib, compile and add them back to your xib and compile. It works!
I renamed the
Xcode to Xcode10 (from finder > Applications),
and then cleaned the build folder
(Xcode > Product > Clean Build Folder).
It worked for me.
Remove the product file (.app) if old build exits
Clean the build (Command + Shift + K)
I'm using Xcode 11 but still, encounter this problem, I've tried to clean the project and rebuild it but it still won't work. The only solution I found it work is to uninstall Xcode and download the new one from App Store, this work fine with me and I can use it normally now. I hope this works for you guys too. Cheer.
If you are getting this issue, then I think it is bug of an Xcode 10. The only fix is uninstall your Xcode 10 , and reinstall it again . It will definitely work. This worked for me. Thanks.

Failed to launch IBCocoaTouchImageCatalogTool via CoreSimulator spawn Issue on XCode 9.4

I'm working on a basic app and every time I try to run the project I get this warning:
Failed to launch IBCocoaTouchImageCatalogTool via CoreSimulator spawn
I've tried everything I could find on the internet but no one has been able to find the right answer for me.
I've tried cleaning the project.
Removing the assets folder, cleaning the project, then adding the
assets folder again and trying to build.
I've tried to clean the project, restart XCode, then run the app.
I'm all out of ideas on what to do and I can't seem to find an answer anywhere.
Thank you in advance for any ideas you might have!!
Seems to be an issue if you're using Xcode 10 and < 10.14 Mojave beta.

Playground execution terminated because the playground process exited unexpectedly

I want to use a playground in Xcode 6.0.1.
So File -> New -> Playground
I get immediately the error.
Playground execution terminated because the playground process exited unexpectedly.
See image. Restart Xcode didn't helped.
Whats wrong with Xcode?
New Answer:
As #Woomin points out in the comments, first try restarting Xcode and rebooting your Mac, and if that fails try the following:
Try deleting the .simruntime files:
I found them located here in my root directory:
Old Answer:
If the above doesn't work try removing everything in the Developer folder located at /Library/Developer/. If this still doesn't work try removing everything in ~/Library/Developer/. If this still doesn't solve it remove xcode with AppCleaner and reinstall it using the MAS version. I found that doing this last thing solved the issue but it came back when I installed the simulators from xcode's download tab. Removing the .simruntime files finally solved it for me. BTW, I'm using version 7.2.
A restart of the mac solves the problem. What causes the issue is still unknown.
Thanks smileBot's answer. I am able to make it work with 7.2 too. I did try differently.
I installed Xcode 7.2 release version via downloading. However it had problem mentioned above. I first deleted the Xcode 7.2 via AppCleaner completely. Empty the trash. Also cleaned the derived data using WatchDog for Xcode And then restart the machine. Try again, it did not work.
So I went ahead deleted the folder ~/Library/Developer/ and then restart, try again, I can use Playground again in Xcode 7.2 again.
Xcode 7.2 and Mac os x 10.11.2
Restart Xcode or mac does not worked for me.
I solve this problem is that delete the Simulator Profiles. The Path is ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes. Delete all Runtimes. Than Restart the Xcode, problem has been solved.
Install Command line tools using command
xcode-select --install
then u will get an update in Appstore install that app Problem will be solved.
OSX 10.11.2 and Xcode 7.2
I had gotten a reply to his from a member on the Apple Developer Forum and wanted to provide some additional information on my fix for this. First I deleted the ~/Library/Developer folder as indicated. Looking into it it had the some Simulator Profiles. I didn't know what that had to do with the Playground issue so I did NOT empty the Trash. I rebooted and the playground worked.
I put back the folder and the playground had the issues again. I one by one removed the simulator profiles in the sub directory ultimately removing ALL of the profiles without deleting the ~/Library/Developer folder structure and the Playground works.
With Xcode 7.2 (7C68) i had the same problem. I'd solve it by changing the entry of the runtime value from to I'd changed it in the device.plist. In ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/XCPGDevices/ is one or more folder with a UUID as name. In one of this folders is the current device.plist.
It's not necessary to delete manually Developer's folder. Just follow this steps in Command Line (CL).
Quit, and all Xcode related and then in CL:
sudo killall -9
rm -rf ~/Library/*/CoreSimulator
A restart of Xcode solves the problem , most of the times . (Do remember to quit from the dock too)
If that doesn't work a restart of Mac is all that is required
This happened to me and I found that the platform setting wasn't set for my playground. Probably because the playground was created in a previous version of XCode which didn't require it.
Double click on your playground to open it in XCode and wait for the fail message.
Dismiss the message (it may appear more than once) and do the following
1.Select to show the project navigator pane.
2.Select the workspace in the navigator.
3.Select to show the Utilities pane.
4.In the playground settings area of the Identity inspector. Select OSX (or iOS)
It is ok when Change the platform to "OS X" from inspector, but problem when back to "iOS". I don't know Xcode7 Beta.
Plus, it is ok in my Xcode 6.4 for both platform when playground.
And there is one more option for iOS platform "Run in Full Simulator",besides "Render Documentation"option. in My Xcode 6.4 inspector
and I have check the "IDEPlaygroundSettings.inspector" in
they are quite different.

"Command /usr/sbin/chown failed with exit code 1" when Archiving

I am trying to archive my first iOS 4.3 Application for iPhone and I always encounter this error:
Command /usr/sbin/chown failed with exit code 1
I have searched through various forums, trying solutions such as changing the Alternate Install Group (which I don't know what to change to), and turning on 'Skip Install'.
As dumb as it sounds, in XCode 5.1.1, all I had to do was quit out and restart XCode just now. I know it's not much of an "answer" but it just worked for me.
Edit: this is still working as of July 2018 for folks.
Edit: this is still working as of January 2019 xcode 9.4.1
Edit: this is still working as of February 2023 xcode 14.2
I was having difficulty with the SetOwnerAndGroup part of Archiving - I was getting /usr/sbin/chown failed, and it was getting 'operation not permitted' on each file it tried to 'chown'.
This was easily tested in the terminal - 'chown' doesn't work, but 'sudo chown' does. Since I had no need to be changing file permissions, the simplest solution was to not do the chown.
The screenshot above shows - I just blanked out Install Owner/Group, and that did it.
When I got this error, rebooting my computer fixed it.
I have tried all the other solutions but none of them worked for me. So I have run this on a terminal to change the owner to me on every file in my project:
sudo chown -R my_username:my_group ./my_project_folder
where "my_username" is you username, "my_group" is your group (this is usually staff) and "my_project_folder" your project's folder.
None of the other solutions worked for me on Xcode 4.5. What I had to do was the following:
The fix is by removing the armv6 architecture from both your project and the CordovaLib project, clean
both projects, and rebuild.
To it works in my environment I cleaned all information about permission, as +adalle said, complemented by Tom and Phil
I emptied the fields Install Group, Install Owner, Install Permission including the Cordova SubProject
I had the same issue with Xcode . It started working after restarting Xcode.
In the screenshot , Xcode ->build settings , installed group was empty after restarting Xcode .the group id it has showed as some number.
Not sure if this is the same problem you are having, but this fixed it for me:
When I created my XCode project, my app name had a space in it, so trying to deploy my app always failed. I was able to fix this by using a Custom Archive Name.
In XCode 4...
Edit the Deployment Scheme
Click on the Archive tab
Then specify an Archive Name that doesn't have spaces in it.
I tried all possible variants and they didn't help me. So I downloaded old XCode 4.4.1 and voila - application archived successfully :)
Select the target that's giving you the error
Change Build Active Architecture Only from Yes to No
That worked for me.
For me reboot my mac fixed it. OS High Sierra, xCode 9.2
When this happens to me on Xcode 8, I do "Clean build folder" 2 times (the first time it throws an error, but the second time succeeds) and then archive again.
Note: The "Clean build folder" option is under "Product" Menu, hold the alt button and you will see the "Clean" option changing to "Clean build folder".
Clean your project.
Clean your build Folder. (Product > ⌥ > Clean Build Folder)
Set the target device to Generic iOS Device .
