Nexmo VoiceXML not working in language other than en-US - voicexml

I have a running VoiceXML application that works ok in Nexmo. If I set any language other than en-US the calls want get answered. I just change en xml:lang as in:
<vxml application="/dialogue/root/50b9bab0-9ce8-4d7a-9389-09f06aa8f9ee" version="2.1" xml:lang="es-es">
I have tried in the vxml above and also in the prompt tag. Any language like es-es, es-ES... even en-UK will make my vxml stop working in Nexmo.
I am sure script is OK as I can change en-US female and male voice with en-us-male and en-us-female. That works.
Am I missing something?
(I don't think it makes a difference but I use the great Rivr java library to generated vxml)

for me "fr-ca" doesnt work but "fr-ca-female" does work


Ionic IOS ngx-translate

i have any problems with ngx.translate on IOS.
On android device all function perfectly but on IOS ngx-traslate not work.
In the main view i can choose the language, if i choose "fr" i set "fr" in db and then i take the value from db and use : this.translate.use(lng);
In db i change correctly the value, indeed the json that i download (in other views) is with the right language, but the variable on html code {{ 'MONTH.JENUARY' | translate }} it don't take the value.
Why on ios not work?
I tried to update ngx-translate, i tried to use ionViewWillEnter, but I don't understand because it works on android and not on ios
can someone help me?

i18next dosen't change language at nextjs app

I'm trying to use i18next for localtization, it works well as it translates english text to arabic {t("title")} ==> مرحبا.
But when i try to change language to english with
const { t, i18n } = useTranslation()
it dosen't change.
How to fix this.
I got that error at server vscode terimanl react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
I found the solution at nextjs Docs.
It seems changing locales at nextjs not the same as reactjs, with invoking i18n.changeLanguage('en').
But instead use.
<Link href="/fr/another" locale="en">
<a>To /fr/another</a>
Will do the job.
more information:

Grails - computer/browser locale doesn't affects i18n mechanism

I'm having a weird problem or maybe i failed to understand how Grails i18n mechanism works.
I inserted the following to my index.gsp file:
LocaleContextHolder.locale: '${org.springframework.context.i18n.LocaleContextHolder.locale}'
java.util.Locale.getDefault(): '${java.util.Locale.getDefault()}'
RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request): '${}'
session['SessionLocaleResolver.LOCALE']: '${session['org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.SessionLocaleResolver.LOCALE']}'
This code snippet should print the Locale, and it does like so:
LocaleContextHolder.locale: 'iw'
java.util.Locale.getDefault(): 'en_US'
RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request): 'iw'
session['SessionLocaleResolver.LOCALE']: ''
The above is my default output when i run the given code snippet.
I tried to understand what exactly affects this variables so i did the next steps:
I changed Chrome's Locale
Settings --> Show advanced settings --> Language and input settings)
I changed my operating system's locale (Windows 7)
Control panel --> Region and language --> Format + Location + System locale
After those changes i rebooted my computer and expected the values of the locale variables to change, but they still remain the same.
I'm aware i can change the Locale with the ?lang parameter & with some code, but i'm interested in letting Grails to decide which Locale to pick.
What exactly affects those variables? how does Grails decide the machine's locale?
15.2 Changing Locales
By default the user locale is detected from the incoming Accept-Language header. However, you can provide users the capability to switch locales by simply passing a parameter called lang to Grails as a request parameter:
Grails will automatically switch the user's locale and store it in a cookie so subsequent requests will have the new header.
from here :
If you are deploying in tomcat you can set the locale in the script:
if [ -z "$LOGGING_MANAGER" ]; then
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US"
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS $LOGGING_MANAGER -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US"
I think the internationalization works when you pass lang parameter in the URL. It's mentioned in the documentation
By default the user locale is detected from the incoming Accept-Language header.
However, you can provide users the capability to switch locales by simply passing
a parameter called lang to Grails as a request parameter:
By default the user Locale is detected from the incoming Accept-Language HTTP header, this header is generated by the browser that is used by the user.
Each browser determines the system Locale differently:
Internet Explorer uses the O/S Locale settings.
Firefox / Chrome let the user to decide what Locale to use (In the language settings).

How to change language of tips in play 2 framework?

By "tips" I mean Required word under the field, in Form(mapping("city" -> nonEmptyText,...
I tried to change default locate by Locale.setDefault, changed system and browser locale, modified application.lang.cookie and application.langsm nothing helped.

How do I set culture for coded UI Test to get localised text from resource file?

We have an application with localisation capabilities for which we doing automated testing with an extensive Coded UI Test suite. The UI text reflects the user's selected main language, e.g. French.
We have a number of message assertions to check specific results, and as a result we have to cater for the localised environment.
I have started on creating the localised Resources.resx files (e.g. and set the CurrentUICulture to fr-FR, but the English string is always retrieved. (The Properties.Resources.Culture is always null, and even if I force-set it, no success...)
Any ideas on how to achieve this or where I'm going wrong? Do I have to force-deploy the assembly with the localised text?
OK, so I figured this out:
For coded UI tests, all the necessary assemblies have to be in the ..\TestResults\uniqueTestInstance\Out folder. The language assemblies aren't copied here automatically, so what I've done is to add the following to my testsettings file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TestSettings name="RegressionCUIT" id="caf0f1b1-7dd7-4bbe-9920-edd664229791" xmlns="">
<Description>These are default test settings for a local test run.</Description>
<DeploymentItem filename="Resources\TestData.xml" />
<DeploymentItem filename="RegressionTesting\bin\Debug\de-DE\" outputDirectory="de-DE\" />
<DeploymentItem filename="RegressionTesting\bin\Debug\fr-FR\" outputDirectory="fr-FR\" />
Note the outputDirectory attribute on the DeploymentItem.
Works brilliantly now.
Read more about file deployment here:
