Opening the native facebook app to a pre-filled post - ios

I need to open the facebook iOS app with a post pre-filled. Is this something I can do with the facebook url scheme, or do I need to use the facebook SDK?
I'm aware of this:
iOS post to the Facebook app wall
But I'm really interested in a lightweight solution.


How to implement universal deeplinking in iOS for twiter and Facebook?

I want to implement universal linking in iOS Swift for twitter & Facebook.I tried with native way of creating universal linking file and keep it on our server. This is only working with WhatsApp, Mail and Notes but not working on Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. I found that Facebook is not allowing to open app from there but why twitter and linkedin is not allowing.
Any Idea ?
Universal Links do not work in Facebook and Twitter. You need to use Facebook App Links and Twitter App Cards. The reason is that these apps can control what URLs they open in and out of the app, so they force you to adhere to their standards to deep link out of their apps.

Facebook Deep Linking with swift

I want to integrate facebook deep kinking with my application.
I search out for related documents and examples, but could not find.
This link (facebook developers) only describe Handling incoming links , Adding back navigation.
Which I want to find, how to post on facebook using facebook deeplinking.
I also include images in my facebook post , when user click on that image then If my app already installed in device then open app ,not installed then open app store.
First of all, You have to enable Deeplinking From your Facebook App
After setting up your Facebook app, You can share Image on Facebook with Facebook SDK, Facebook Ref:
You can also pass extra parameter for Deep linking with Facebook Graph API Check out similar link, That will help you

How to open a particular Facebook post in Facebook iOS app?

So I get this data from graph search:
which has post Id and the user Id. How can I use it to launch the Facebook iOS app and make the app go to that specific post?
The URL schemes from‎ are not working for this.

how to post on facebook?

I am developing ios app in which i need to login in social networks. I configured facebook in app i need a posting method using facebook login in my app note i already find a method of posting by login through iphone settings.But i need to post by facebook of my app.
not like this it is using iphone settings i need to hit facebook through my app and post through that login

keep Facebook authentication when accessing webpage thru UIWebView after login with iOS SDK

I have successfully integrated the facebook ios SDK in my app so that user can post to their wall through a feed dialog.
However, I would like to post an open graph object through my app but since this is currently only supported on webpages (is this correct?), I suppose I can load the webpage with the meta tags inside a UIWebView. If I do so, however, I believe user have to authenticate my web app as well?
Is there a way to not need the user to authenticate my web app inside the UIWebView when they have already login through the iOS SDK? I would like to keep the iOS SDK login process because it doesn't require user to enter their facebook details (assuming they have the facebook app installed of coz)
thanks much in advance!
it looks like i am able to post feeds in UIWebView after logging in with the iOS SDK. I did logout of facebook on my safari app just in case....
