Stock SYMBOL by company name? Yahoo callback doesn't seem to work anymore - yahoo-finance

I was trying to get the stock Symbol (ticker) once I know the company name. I read quite a few questions here and all of them seemed to suggest that we could use this URL before:
When I hit that page I get an Invalid Response error, page not available.
Do you know if there's an alternative to either have this working or get the Stock SYMBOL in a different way once we have the company name?
Many thanks!

It seems that the call has been changed. 'lang' and 'region' parameters have been added.
Try this,

Easiest way (without paying) is to use the OATS-reportable list from FINRA. Updated daily, it basically includes every symbol traded in the US and is authoritative because it comes from the SRO in charge of equities trading.


Dynamic routing rails

I'm working in an app with the following route definition.
get 'list/:city(/:zone)(/:district)'
It works perfectly when I want to catch URL like
Now, we are moving to some pretty URL where at the end we need to place a pretty name. Something like this
I know about wild card, but I wasn't able to find a working solution. Actually the additional element could be ignored, meaning it doesn't offer any useful information.
Thanks everyone.
You can always stub in a glob-style path:
get 'list/*path'
That will capture an arbitrary number of elements after that point and provide them to you as params[:path] which will be an array.
The down-side of this is they won't be broken out in advance, but you can always take care of that through assignment:
city, zone, district, *extra = params[:path]

Xtext - Temporarily tolerate unresolvable references and make the reference name user readable

Let's say I have a language that models a part of stackoverflow. Users are held in one resource, questions in another.
user fred :
user notfred :
question 123 by fred message "smart question"
question 124 by notfred message "not so smart question"
Now, the user "fred" wants to remove his account, but this wouldn't work because after loading both resources into my ResourceSet I would have a non-empty Resource#getErrors().
I can work around this by filtering XtextLinkingDiagnostic from the errors, but still other users reading the "smart question" cannot tell anymore that it was asked by someone called "fred". The info is still there, I can access it for example when I set a LinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider with LazyLinkingResource#setDiagnosticMessageProvider(...); however, the best thing I can now do is, show other users validation errors that "fred" was deleted, but they wouldn't know "fred" wrote the message they are just reading. Knowing this would help them a lot because everybody knows that "fred" writes great questions, right?
Long story short, I have an application into which users can load a declaration and a definition file. In very few cases something goes wrong and both files don't match perfectly, which means the definition has entries that are not declared in the declaration. However, I know that ~95% of the entries will still match!
Users cannot fix this quickly, but it is likely that they are happy just editing the 95% definitions, but they still need to be able to read the names of the 5% declarations without editing them!
I am not currently using any UI-parts of Xtext to edit the definitions, but rather a custom UI in form of a table. The current state with the missing declarations is that everything except a value column will be empty. The reference ID would be in another column, and knowing this ID would help the user a lot! Is there a clean way to achieve this?
Have a look at the 'Node Model' e.g. org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.util.NodeModelUtils.findNodesForFeature(EObject, EStructuralFeature) allows you to access the text that is written in the file

SEO: URL for detail page, include categories or not?

I'm working on a new advert website and want to implement some good SEO URLs.
I got category URLs like:
This seems ok. What about detail pages?
Option 1:
Option 2:
In reality my website has a pretty long URLs due to multiple areas you can shop. So it would become:
Which detail page would be a better URL? The first option seems to be better if the product has no long/good title. The second seems better as its the most relevant one and shortest especially with long category names.
I would like to hear your thoughts!
I found this two google docs:
I think I will be going for /adverts. Anyone disagree?
i have seen many of SEO analysts miss something about optimizing their webpage and that is your page will be optimized for only some keywords not all keywords. it is not important how length is your URL. you should first analyze whether the contents in your webpage is rich enough to have such URL with these keywords or not. if the answer for every keyword is yes then the more length will give you the more rank.
I think you can even set your pages up in a way to use only the slug and skip the id, such as:
or even just:
like this and refer straight to the adverts controller and the advert itself, which has this slug assigned to it (the one with id 15880).
This way you'll have nice and clean URLs. Just assign and keep an unique slug for each advert and handle it using .htaccess, or dynamically inside the code of your site, if the system allows it.

Can't parse new google urls - HTTP_REFERER doesn't contain parameters anymore

It seems a little odd to my, but although everybody knows about the new google search urls (see Google using # instead of search? in URL. Why?) no one has a problem with the HTTP_REFERER.
I'm using the referrer to parse the google string for the searchquery (&q= ) but as this is all in a hash-tag it wont be sent to the server and all i get is "".
So do you know a way of getting the query the user searched for, befor landing on my site?
Due to late-2011 Google security changes, this is no longer possible when the search was performed by a signed-in Google user. See:
Since there are multiple q's in the query string you have to match the "q" parameter globally and take the last one:
Get rid of "site:" searches (there are others, but I haven't done them)
/[\+|?|&]?site:([^&|^#])+/g, '');
Then parse the results.
This has been working well for me.

Why do some URLs contain both numeric id and name?

I am wondering why the link to profile looks like:
not simply:
or even better:
Can there be couple users with the same name? Or can one user have many names?
All SO-URLs are of the form id/description where the ID is unique and the description is optional. So /users/12890/arne-burmeister is the same as /users/12890/huhu and /questions/420380/why-does-the-link-to-the-user-profile-have-both-id-and-name is the same as /questions/420380/foo. The retrieval just uses the ID, but it is much better for google ranking, when the user/question/what-ever-should-be-found occurs in the URL (also for humans this is much more descriptive ;-).
By the way, retrieval by ID is faster than by such a large text string. And of course, the URL remains valid if someone changes their user name or the question.
The part after the last slash seems to be SEO related (i.e. making the url more expressive).
On the urls that I tested you could replace that part with whatever you wanted, it still worked. So the url still points to your profile.
I would assume doing a database lookup solely on the name string would be more expensive than a numerical lookup on the primary key, even if the name column is indexed. The name is then added on to make the URLs more user and SEO friendly.
There is a uservoice request for this. If you want this to happen, uservoice is the right place to discuss / vote up.
Your name on SO is not unique click on users and type Josh, there's a whole page of us. So you have to have the ID. As for why the name everyone else's guess is as good as mine.
Try changing or removing the name and see what happens.
I think it's just so that your URLs tell you what to expect, but the application doesn't need (or actually use) that information.
Amazon does something quite similar with their books, if I remember correctly: They've got both the ASIN (their internal ID) and the name of the book in the URL, but only ever look up the ASIN.
Just speculating: The ID allows very fast retrieval of the data the profile page presents. The name is just for humans and ignored since it's easier for me to no that you are rkj and I am phihag than that your ID is 37086 and mine is 35070.
