iOS9 Navigation Bar Back Button not working - ios

Everything works perfectly before iOS 9.
However, when the app is running on iOS 9, nothing happens when back button is tapped so I am not able to go back as well as it keeps greyed out.
Also, I am not able to segue to the next view after the first segue.
For example,
HomePage -> tap a button to segue to view 1 -> Segued to View 1
-> tap on a button to segue to view 2 -> nothing happens
I uses the code below to perform segue,
UIViewController *push =
[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"storyboard_id"];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:push animated:YES];
This issue only happens at iPhone
but the app works flawlessly when running on a simulator.
Thank you for your help.

I came across a similar issue (possibly the same).
For me the details are that I was building using Xcode 6.4 then testing on iOS 9.
Upgrading to Xcode 7 and iOS 9 SDK resolved the issue.

Finally, the problem is solved.
I have been create a new project and use the same method to perform segue and it segued flawlessly. So I excluded the possibility of Xcode might cause the problem. And I found that I have passed the device token for apps at my app delegate by a NSRunLoop, I don't why it will cause such a weird problem, I decide to save the device token at NSUserdefault, then get it at the home page and parse it to server. So it works like a charm now after I take away the NSRunLoop now.


NavigationBar is under the statusbar on iOS 9 and 10

I've been developing an app for the past few months, and I was always testing on my iOS 11 device and simulators. Since we are close to public release, I decided to test the app on iOS 9 and 10 simulators to make sure everything is ok.
To my disapointment, the core element of the app is broken: Its an app that displays a list of articles in tableviews, using a TabBarController. More article categories can be accessed through the side menu. However, when I display a VC form the side menu, for which I create the VC, embed it in a NavigationController and then add it in the TabBarController and make it the selected tab, the NavBar is under the status bar and the tableview's content insets extend under the tabBar, which also breaks my TabBar and creates a whole lot of other problems.
The weird thing is that after navigating to the next VC, the whole statusbar situation is fixed, so I'm guessing something is initially off with the NavBar that gets fixed once a second VC is pushed.
Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this bug? On iOS 11 everything works perfectly, while on iOS 9 and 10 only when a new VC is pushed, the error is fixed. Please note that I'm not using a UITableViewController but a ViewCOntroller with an embeded TableView, since I also need to add othr views at the bottom of my view controller.

View Controller is not showing with Container View in XCode 8 StoryBoard

I'm building an app which using storyboard and designing view controller using container view. When i first designing, everything seems fine. But after i quit and restart the xcode, this problem is occurred like in image.
The View Controller is missing but the segue still exist, I have found out that somehow the view controller just hide somehwhere and if I delete the segue, the VC will show up again.
Is this a bug or somehow i screw up my XCode?
Thank you.
Looks like an Xcode bug. Lot's of bugs appeared in Xcode 8. Filing a bug report with Apple and updating to the newest version (even if it's a beta build) looks like the only solution for this.

Xcode 7 GM Show Segue Turns Into Modal Segue

I have an app with a navigation view controller and once a cell is tapped on, a screen is pushed on top of it. However, when testing this app on a simulator and on multiple devices, the push segue somehow turns into a modal segue. These pictures will show a gist of what is happening:
Table View:
What is supposed to happen (Show segue):
What happens instead (Modal segue):
I am running this on an iOS simulator but for my app the result is the same. I have seen people post about this issue taking place on iOS 7, but is this supposed to happen with iOS 9?? Please help.
I have found a solution. It appears, that now, in Xcode 7, you should make a segue not to navigation controller, but to your viewController directly, in order to achieve desired push segue.

WatchKit context menu shifting interface controller

I seem to be encountering a problem with the latest Xcode 6.3 beta 2.
When I launch the context menu by holding down in simulator it seems to shift my interface controller up and can't seem to figure out why. This problem also happens when I present a view controller when table cell is pressed
Before context menu is launched,7grFbmQ#0
after context menu is launched,7grFbmQ#1
Would this be because I'm using paged navigation?
Would this be just a little bug in the simulator?
I would really appreciate if you could help.
For WatchKit development you should be using Xcode 6.2 and not 6.3.

Pushing a navigation controller is not supported - since Xcode 6.2 update

Hope someone can help me here,
I have used a segue to popover a tableView onto the main view with no problems up until now.
After the Xcode 6.2 update I get 'Pushing a navigation controller is not supported', I am not setting it as a push, I am setting it as a popover.
I have done a lot of work to this project only to be put back 2 months because of this.
Please help.
PS, I am writing it in swift.
I have some problem and I guess that is Xcode's bug. My solution is to download and use Xcode 6.1.1 instead 6.2.
P.S. In my case this problem happened just when segue is assigned to UIBarButtonItem. So, and after I'm relaunching Xcode popover segue is changed back to push segue.
P.P.S. I'm writing in Objective-c
I'm experiencing the same thing... had to uninstall xCode 6.2 and reinstall 6.1.1 I wonder if this is still an issue in xCode 6.3? I haven't updated to yosemite just yet.
*have not enough reps to comment so I'm posting this as an answer.
