Postfix Expressions advantages? - postfix-notation

What are advantages of post-fix expressions over prefix expressions? What can be the disadvantages of prefix expressions that can be removed using postfix expressions?

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Postfix and Prefix notations have similar complexity, Postfix is slightly easier to evaluate in simple circumstances as the operators really are evaluated strictly left-to-right.
Fore more about Infix, Prefix and Postfix Expressions you can read this.


Operator precedence: why parse unary operators this way?

I'm following along with Bob Nystrom's great book "Crafting Interpreters".
Please let me know if this question is too specific for this site - I've been trying for hours but couldn't figure this out on my own :)
In chapter Compiling Expressions, in function unary(), the function parsePrecedence(Precedence) is called with PREC_UNARY instead of PREC_UNARY + 1.
The book explains this is in order to enable "nesting" of unary operators. E.g.: --1.
However, in parsePrecedence(Precedence) no precedence level is checked before parsing prefix operators - it is checked only before infix ones. And unary is a prefix parser.
So passing PREC_UNARY or PREC_UNARY + 1 to parsePrecedence(Precedence) doesn't seem to make a difference. What am I missing?
The simple answer is that you are right: with this particular grammar, there is no difference because no binary (or postfix) operator has precedence PREC_UNARY, and the test that will be used is ≤.
All the same, the conventional answer is to use PREC_UNARY because unary prefix operators are (necessarily) right associative. This convention comes from the case of binary operators, where you need to use the operator's precedence plus one for left associative operators (the normal case) and the operator's precedence itself for right-associative operators (exponentiation and assignment, for example). (Assignment is actually somewhat more complicated, but I personally think the solution proposed by Bob Nystrom is more complicated than would have been necessary.)
Another conventional answer derives from the possibility of using a bottom-up operator precedence parser (Dijkstra's "shunting yard") instead of the top-down Pratt parser. Fully exploring bottom-up parsing goes well beyond the scope of this question; suffice it to say that the same principle applies with respect to associativity.

Common Lisp lexer generator that allows state variables

Neither of the two main lexer generators commonly referenced, cl-lex and lispbuilder-lexer allow for state variables in the "action blocks", making it impossible to recognize a c-style multi-line comment, for example.
What is a lexer generator in Common Lisp that can recognize a c-style multi-line comment as a token?
Correction: This lexer actually needs to recognize nested, balanced multiline comments (not exactly C-style). So I can't do away with state-variables.
You can recognize a C-style multiline comment with the following regular expression:
It should work with any library which uses Posix-compatible extended regex syntax; although a bit hard to read because * is extensively used both as an operator and as a literal character, it uses no non-regular features. It does rely on inverted character classes ([^*], for example) matching the newline character, but afaik that is pretty well universal, even for regex engines in which a wildcard does not match newline.

Could an Applicative Language use Postfix Notation?

I've always found postfix languages like Factor to be far more readable than prefix (Lispy languages) and infix/postfix languages (all C-style languages, if we include both operators and functions).
Unlike prefix languages, you don't need for delimiters everywhere. Unlike infix notation, there's no complex precedence order to remember. What isn't there to like?
These languages all seem to be concatanative, and thus nearly always stack-based.
Could a modern language be implemented that was applicative over concatanative, and was still postfix-based?

ANTLR grammar: parser- and lexer literals

What's the difference between this grammar:
if_statement : 'if' condition 'then' statement 'else' statement 'end_if';
and this:
if_statement : IF condition THEN statement ELSE statement END_IF;
IF : 'if';
THEN: 'then';
ELSE: 'else';
END_IF: 'end_if';
If there is any difference, as this impacts on performance ...
In addition to Will's answer, it's best to define your lexer tokens explicitly (in your lexer grammar). In case you're mixing them in your parser grammar, it's not always clear in what order the tokens are tokenized by the lexer. When defining them explicitly, they're always tokenized in the order they've been put in the lexer grammar (from top to bottom).
The biggest difference is one that may not matter to you. If your Lexer rules are in the lexer then you can use inheritance to have multiple lexer's share a common set of lexical rules.
If you just use strings in your parser rules then you can not do this. If you never plan to reuse your lexer grammar then this advantage doesn't matter.
Additionally I, and I'm guessing most Antlr veterans, are more accustom to finding the lexer rules in the actual lexer grammar rather than mixed in with the parser grammar, so one could argue the readability is increased by putting the rules in the lexer.
There is no runtime performance impact after the Antlr parser has been built to either approach.
The only difference is that in your first production rule, the keyword tokens are defined implicitly. There is no run-time performance implication for tokens defined implicitly vs. explicitly.
Yet another difference: when you explicitly define your lexer rules you can access them via the name you gave them (e.g. when you need to check for a specific token type). Otherwise ANTLR will use arbitrary numbers (with a prefix).

Any reason I couldn't create a language supporting infix, postfix, and prefix functions, and more?

I've been mulling over creating a language that would be extremely well suited to creation of DSLs, by allowing definitions of functions that are infix, postfix, prefix, or even consist of multiple words. For example, you could define an infix multiplication operator as follows (where multiply(X,Y) is already defined):
a * b => multiply(a,b)
Or a postfix "squared" operator:
a squared => a * a
Or a C or Java-style ternary operator, which involves two keywords interspersed with variables:
a ? b : c => if a==true then b else c
Clearly there is plenty of scope for ambiguities in such a language, but if it is statically typed (with type inference), then most ambiguities could be eliminated, and those that remain could be considered a syntax error (to be corrected by adding brackets where appropriate).
Is there some reason I'm not seeing that would make this extremely difficult, impossible, or just a plain bad idea?
Edit: A number of people have pointed me to languages that may do this or something like this, but I'm actually interested in pointers to how I could implement my own parser for it, or problems I might encounter if doing so.
This is not too hard to do. You'll want to assign each operator a fixity (infix, prefix, or postfix) and a precedence. Make the precedence a real number; you'll thank me later. Operators of higher precedence bind more tightly than operators of lower precedence; at equal levels of precedence, you can require disambiguation with parentheses, but you'll probably prefer to permit some operators to be associative so you can write
x + y + z
without parentheses. Once you have a fixity, a precedence, and an associativity for each operator, you'll want to write an operator-precedence parser. This kind of parser is fairly simply to write; it scans tokens from left to right and uses one auxiliary stack. There is an explanation in the dragon book but I have never found it very clear, in part because the dragon book describes a very general case of operator-precedence parsing. But I don't think you'll find it difficult.
Another case you'll want to be careful of is when you have
prefix (e) postfix
where prefix and postfix have the same precedence. This case also requires parentheses for disambiguation.
My paper Unparsing Expressions with Prefix and Postfix Operators has an example parser in the back, and you can download the code, but it's written in ML, so its workings may not be obvious to the amateur. But the whole business of fixity and so on is explained in great detail.
What are you going to do about order of operations?
a * b squared
You might want to check out Scala which has a kind of unique approach to operators and methods.
Haskell has just what you're looking for.
