Jasper Plugin 1.11.0 - grails

I'm trying to use the Jasper Plugin with the version 1.11.0 with the following Build.config:
grails.servlet.version = "3.0"
grails.project.class.dir = "target/classes"
grails.project.test.class.dir = "target/test-classes"
grails.project.test.reports.dir = "target/test-reports"
grails.project.work.dir = "target/work"
grails.project.target.level = 1.6
grails.project.source.level = 1.6
grails.project.dependency.resolver = "maven" // or ivy
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
inherits("global") { }
log "error"
checksums true
legacyResolve false
repositories {
inherits true
mavenRepo "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/maven2/"
mavenRepo "http://jaspersoft.artifactoryonline.com/jaspersoft/third-party-ce-artifacts/"
mavenRepo "http://download.java.net/maven/2/"
mavenRepo "http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/"
mavenRepo "http://repo.spring.io/milestone/"
dependencies {
runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.29'
test "org.grails:grails-datastore-test-support:1.0-grails-2.4"
build "net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports-fonts:4.0.0"
build "net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports:4.0.1"
build "joda-time:joda-time:2.8.2"
compile "com.lowagie:itext:2.1.7"
build('org.grails:grails-docs:2.4.3') {
excludes 'itext'
plugins {
build ":tomcat:7.0.55"
compile ":scaffolding:2.1.2"
compile ':cache:1.1.7'
compile ":asset-pipeline:1.9.6"
compile ":portal-core:1.7"
compile ":platform-core:1.0.0"
compile ":spring-security-core:2.0-RC5"
compile ":spring-security-cas:2.0-RC1"
runtime ":hibernate4:"
runtime ":database-migration:1.4.0"
runtime ":jquery:1.11.1"
compile ":remote-pagination:0.4.8"
compile ":cxf-client:2.1.1"
compile ":cxf:2.1.1"
compile ":jasper:1.11.0"
When I let grails getting the artifacts I'm getting an Forbidden (403) Error:
Could not transfer artifact org.olap4j:olap4j:jar: from/to jaspersoft_artifactoryonline_com_jaspersoft_third-party-ce-artifacts_ (http://jaspersoft.artifactoryonline.com/jaspersoft/third-party-ce-artifacts/): Forbidden (403)
|Run 'grails dependency-report' for further information.
How do I resolve this Problem?

try this one as answered on today:


Error on Building grails 2.3.11 with java 1.7 Resolve error obtaining dependencies: Failed to read artifact descriptor

My project was building correctly, but today seems I have an issue when I build with my Mac:
I build with grails 2.3.11 with java 1.7.
When I build I get this error:
Resolve error obtaining dependencies: Failed to read artifact
descriptor for org.multiverse:multiverse-core:jar:0.7.0 (Use
--stacktrace to see the full trace) Error | Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.ant:ant:jar:1.8.4 |Run 'grails
dependency-report' for further information.
grails.servlet.version = "2.5" // Change depending on target container compliance (2.5 or 3.0)
grails.project.class.dir = "target/classes"
grails.project.test.class.dir = "target/test-classes"
grails.project.test.reports.dir = "target/test-reports"
grails.project.work.dir = "target/work"
grails.project.target.level = 1.6
grails.project.source.level = 1.6
grails.project.war.exploded.dir = "C:/test"
//grails.project.war.file = "target/${appName}-${appVersion}.war"
grails.project.war.file = "target/test.war"
grails.project.dependency.resolver = "maven"
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
inherits( "global" ) {
repositories {
// uncomment the below to enable remote dependency resolution
// from public Maven repositories
// mavenRepo "http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org"
// mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org"
// mavenRepo "http://download.java.net/maven/2/"
// mavenRepo "http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/"
mavenRepo "http://repo.grails.org/grails/plugins"
//mavenCentral() // As of Grails 2.4.4 this defaults to https
mavenRepo "http://repo1.maven.org/maven2"
dependencies {
// specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes eg.
// runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.5'
runtime 'net.sf.opencsv:opencsv:1.8'
runtime 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.2.3'
runtime 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.2.3'
runtime 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk16:1.44'
runtime 'postgresql:postgresql:8.4-702.jdbc3'
plugins {
runtime ":hibernate4:"
build ":tomcat:7.0.55"
compile ':famfamfam:1.0.1'
runtime ":jquery:1.11.1"
compile ":jquery-ui:1.10.4"
compile ":mail:1.0.4"
compile ":quartz:1.0.1"
compile ':spring-security-core:'
compile ':spring-security-ui:0.2'
compile ":scaffolding:2.1.2"
compile ":postgresql-extensions:0.6.1"
I tried all configuration but seems not working, I really appreciate if someone can help me with this.
What do you mean "building correctly"? Your apps has successfully run from other device?
And when you move to mac is not working?
If my assume was correct, I would give you an advice to copy manual your plugins folder generated from old device & you must skip grails refresh-dependencies.
The plugins :

Grails dependency org.springframework:spring-test:4.0.5.RELEASE

I am in the process of upgrading an old grails app from 2.1.0 to 2.4 and Java 1.6 to 1.8. I'm trying to build the project, but I can't resolve this one dependency for some reason:
Error |
Failed to resolve dependencies (Set log level to 'warn' in BuildConfig.groovy for more information): org.springframework:spring-test:4.0.5.RELEASE
My BuildConfig.groovy is below. How can I fix this?
grails.servlet.version = "3.0" // Change depending on target container compliance (2.5 or 3.0)
grails.project.class.dir = "target/classes"
grails.project.test.class.dir = "target/test-classes"
grails.project.test.reports.dir = "target/test-reports"
grails.project.target.level = 1.8
grails.project.source.level = 1.8
grails.project.war.file = "target/clinicaloutcome.war"
//grails.dependency.cache.dir = "target/ivy-cache"
//grails.dependency.cache.dir = "${user.home}/.ivy2/cache"
grails.tomcat.jvmArgs=["-Xms2048m", "-Xmx2048m", "-XX:PermSize=2048m", "-XX:MaxPermSize=2048m"]
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
// pom true
// inherit Grails' default dependencies
inherits("global") {
// uncomment to disable ehcache
// excludes 'ehcache'
log "warn" // log level of Ivy resolver, either 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug' or 'verbose'
checksums true // Whether to verify checksums on resolve
repositories {
inherits true // Whether to inherit repository definitions from plugins
//mavenRepo "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public/"
// uncomment these to enable remote dependency resolution from public Maven repositories
mavenRepo "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/"
mavenRepo "https://repo.grails.org/grails/plugins"
mavenRepo "https://repo.grails.org/grails/core"
mavenRepo "https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/"
mavenRepo "https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework/spring-test/"
mavenRepo "http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release"
mavenRepo "http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/external"
mavenRepo "http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org"
mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org"
mavenRepo "http://download.java.net/maven/2/"
mavenRepo "http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/"
// // Hardcoded path to the jar fields
// flatDir name:'myRepo', dirs:'lib'
dependencies {
// specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes eg.
runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.20'
plugins {
build ":release:2.2.1"
// runtime ":hibernate:$grailsVersion"
runtime ":hibernate4:"
runtime ":jquery:1.7.2"
runtime ":resources:1.1.6"
runtime ":cached-resources:1.0"
compile "org.grails.plugins:google-visualization:1.0.2"
compile ":less-resources:"
compile ':app-info:1.0.1'
compile ":svn:1.0.2"
compile ":famfamfam:1.0.1"
compile ":mail:1.0"
compile ":spring-security-ui:0.2"
compile ":spring-security-core:2.0-RC4"
compile ":lang-selector:0.3"
compile ":google-analytics:2.0"
compile ":cache-headers:1.1.5"
compile ":dynamic-controller:0.4"
compile ":jquery-ui:1.8.15"
compile ":events-push:1.0.M3"
compile ":platform-core:1.0.M6"
// Uncomment these (or add new ones) to enable additional resources capabilities
runtime ":zipped-resources:1.0"
runtime ":cached-resources:1.0"
//runtime ":yui-minify-resources:0.1.4"
build ":tomcat:7.0.53"
Add this dependency in your build.gradle
runtime "org.springframework:spring-test:4.0.5.RELEASE"

How to compile grails, vaadin and JPA

I'm struggling since a week to get the new vaadin treetables version working and I can't resolve the compile dependencies. My grails version is 2.4.2
Here is my BuildConfig.groovy
grails.servlet.version = "3.0" // Change depending on target container compliance (2.5 or 3.0)
grails.project.class.dir = "target/classes"
grails.project.test.class.dir = "target/test-classes"
grails.project.test.reports.dir = "target/test-reports"
grails.project.target.level = 1.6
grails.project.source.level = 1.6
grails.server.port.http = 8090
grails.project.war.file = "target/${appName}##${appVersion}.war"
grails.project.dependency.resolver = "maven" // or ivy
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
// inherit Grails' default dependencies
inherits("global") {
log "verbose" // log level of Ivy resolver, either 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug' or 'verbose'
checksums true // Whether to verify checksums on resolve
repositories {
inherits true // Whether to inherit repository definitions from plugins
dependencies {
// specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes eg.
// runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.20'
runtime 'postgresql:postgresql:9.0-801.jdbc4'
compile 'org.grails:grails-datastore-gorm-plugin-support:3.1.3.RELEASE'
plugins {
build ":tomcat:7.0.54"
runtime ":hibernate:" //":hibernate4:"
compile ":gorm-jpa:1.0.0.M1"
compile ":hibernate-jpa-provider:1.0.0.M1"
compile ":vaadin:7.3.9"
And this is the error I get :
The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.grails:grails-datastore-gorm-jpa:jar:1.0.0.RC3, org.grails:grails-datastore-jpa:jar:1.0.0.RC3: Could not find artifact org.grails:grails-datastore-gorm-jpa:jar:1.0.0.RC3 in grailsCentral (http://repo.grails.org/grails/plugins)

Grails Webflow2.0.0 error

I am using Grails 2.0.0 and I tried to download webflow 2.0.0 but I am getting only webflow 2.0.0-RELEASE as a zip folder or as a jar file.Are both webflow 2.0.0 and webflow 2.0.0-RELEASE the same?
I even got grails-webflow-2.0.3 jar file also. I also tried with webflow 1.3.8 which I got from grails official website. I tried changing the name of the plugin in the compile statement in Build.Config each time and ran and am ending up with this kind error each time :
Error WARNING: Specified dependency definition compile(:org.springframework.webflow-2.0.0.RELEASE) is invalid! Skipping..
what shall i do?
Given below is my BuildConfig.groovy file :
grails.servlet.version = "2.5" // Change depending on target container
compliance (2.5 or 3.0)
grails.project.class.dir = "target/classes"
grails.project.test.class.dir = "target/test-classes"
grails.project.test.reports.dir = "target/test-reports"
grails.project.target.level = 1.6
grails.project.source.level = 1.6
//grails.project.war.file = "target/${appName}-${appVersion}.war"
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
// inherit Grails' default dependencies
inherits("global") {
// uncomment to disable ehcache
// excludes 'ehcache'
log "warn" // log level of Ivy resolver, either 'error', 'warn', 'info',
'debug' or 'verbose'
checksums true // Whether to verify checksums on resolve
repositories {
inherits true // Whether to inherit repository definitions from
// uncomment these to enable remote dependency resolution
from public Maven repositories
mavenRepo "http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org"
mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org"
mavenRepo "http://download.java.net/maven/2/"
mavenRepo "http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/"
dependencies {
// specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile',
'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes eg.
// runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16'
plugins {
runtime ":hibernate:$grailsVersion"
runtime ":jquery:1.7.1"
runtime ":resources:1.1.5"
compile ":webflow:2.0.0"
// compile ":spring-security-core:"
build ":tomcat:$grailsVersion"
The right way to add webflow is to put the dependecy in BuildConfig.groovy
plugins {
compile ":webflow:2.0.0"
Don't download or add it manually
Or try replace your repositories with this
repositories {
inherits true
mavenRepo name: "Grails Snapshots", root:"http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org/"
mavenRepo name: "Spring Milestone", root:"http://maven.springframework.org/milestone/"
mavenRepo name: "Spring Milestone", root:"http://maven.springframework.org/milestone/"
mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org"
mavenRepo "http://download.java.net/maven/2/"
mavenRepo "http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/"
mavenRepo "http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release"
mavenRepo "http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/external"
mavenRepo "http://repository.springsource.com/maven/libraries/release"
mavenRepo "http://repository.springsource.com/maven/libraries/external"

Grails: Plugin not found for name [acegi] and version [0.5.2]

I am using grails 1.3.7 and I'm trying to install acegi plugin with below command getting above error
install-plugin acegi 0.5.2
grails.project.class.dir = "target/classes"
grails.project.test.class.dir = "target/test-classes"
grails.project.test.reports.dir = "target/test-reports"
//grails.project.war.file = "target/${appName}-${appVersion}.war"
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
// inherit Grails' default dependencies
inherits("global") {
// uncomment to disable ehcache
// excludes 'ehcache'
log "warn" // log level of Ivy resolver, either 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug' or 'verbose'
repositories {
// uncomment the below to enable remote dependency resolution
// from public Maven repositories
mavenRepo "http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org"
mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org"
mavenRepo "http://download.java.net/maven/2/"
mavenRepo "http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/"
dependencies {
// specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes eg.
// runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.13'
In my BuildConfig.groovy I have un commented to maven repo's to resolve plugins but still its doesn't make any difference.
Is there any way to make install acegi plugin with above command.
You might try adding these two to repositories
repositories {
mavenRepo "http://repo.grails.org/grails/core"
mavenRepo "http://repo.grails.org/grails/plugins"
