I have implemented car detector using HOG and it is working quite okay at the moment. Unfortunately I have a lot of false positive for the classifier.
What I have done so far
I had changed the ratio (positive:negative) of samples from 1:1 to 1:3 and it lower the false positive to some extend. Can some one help to reduce the false positive for the classifier.
My approach to implement HOG
Get the HOG features (blocks only) for the complete image.
Extract the positive features based on the label information and window size.
Extract the negative samples by randomly drawing the rectangle and checking for collision with the object in which I am interested.
Train the linear svm.
Testing the classifier.
Maybe it is not the perfect solution but I hope it helps you.
I was using HOG descriptor + SMV classifier for specific object detection. In order to reduce the false positive results, despite the fact that is important to adjust the number of false and true training samples, at the end I had to adjust empirically the GAMMA and Cost parameters of Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel SVM. Probably if you increased your GAMMA value , you will have less false positive results, but maybe there'll be some miss detections.
The effect of the inverse-width parameter of the Gaussian kernel (γ) for a fixed value of the soft-margin constant. For small values of γ (upper left) the decision boundary is nearly linear. As γ increases the flexibility of the decision boundary increases. Large values of γ lead to
overfitting (bottom).
I leave you some links as reference:
A User’s Guide to Support Vector Machines
Using SVMs for Scientists and Engineers
I am currently using sklearn's Logistic Regression function to work on a synthetic 2d problem. The dataset is shown as below:
I'm basic plugging the data into sklearn's model, and this is what I'm getting (the light green; disregard the dark green):
The code for this is only two lines; model = LogisticRegression(); model.fit(tr_data,tr_labels). I've checked the plotting function; that's fine as well. I'm using no regularizer (should that affect it?)
It seems really strange to me that the boundaries behave in this way. Intuitively I feel they should be more diagonal, as the data is (mostly) located top-right and bottom-left, and from testing some things out it seems a few stray datapoints are what's causing the boundaries to behave in this manner.
For example here's another dataset and its boundaries
Would anyone know what might be causing this? From my understanding Logistic Regression shouldn't be this sensitive to outliers.
Your model is overfitting the data (The decision regions it found perform indeed better on the training set than the diagonal line you would expect).
The loss is optimal when all the data is classified correctly with probability 1. The distances to the decision boundary enter in the probability computation. The unregularized algorithm can use large weights to make the decision region very sharp, so in your example it finds an optimal solution, where (some of) the outliers are classified correctly.
By a stronger regularization you prevent that and the distances play a bigger role. Try different values for the inverse regularization strength C, e.g.
model = LogisticRegression(C=0.1)
Note: the default value C=1.0 corresponds already to a regularized version of logistic regression.
Let us further qualify why logistic regression overfits here: After all, there's just a few outliers, but hundreds of other data points. To see why it helps to note that
logistic loss is kind of a smoothed version of hinge loss (used in SVM).
SVM does not 'care' about samples on the correct side of the margin at all - as long as they do not cross the margin they inflict zero cost. Since logistic regression is a smoothed version of SVM, the far-away samples do inflict a cost but it is negligible compared to the cost inflicted by samples near the decision boundary.
So, unlike e.g. Linear Discriminant Analysis, samples close to the decision boundary have disproportionately more impact on the solution than far-away samples.
I have built a FCN for image segmentation. The object to be segmented is only very few pixels relatively to the image size (1024x1024). This results in that the accuracy is very high, even if I only train with 10 images instead of 18000 (my full training set).
My approach to solve this is to use some kind of weighted accuracy, so that the accuracy actually say something about the performance of identifying the small object (now it gets high accuracy since so many pixels are not the object and by not classifying anything the accuracy still gets high).
How do I decide the weight, anybody with some experience?
As you wrote, use a custom weight function which penalizes misclassification of underrepresented pixels more. You can get the weight by calculating the quotient between the number of object pixels versus all of the pixels in the image, or you can try it by hand - just make sure you follow the metrics which tell you the accuracy of object pixels. Hope it helps.
You can use infogain loss layer for a "weighted" loss.
The infogain loss is a generalization of the cross entropy loss commonly used. It is defined using a weight matrix H (of size L-by-L, where L is the number of classes):
L(p) = -H log(p)
Where p is a vector of class probabilities.
You can find more details on this loss here.
How can I make Weka classify the smaller classification? I have a data set where the positive classification is 35% of the data set and the negative classification is 65% of the data set. I want Weka to predict the positive classification but in some cases, the resultant model predicts all instances to be the negative classification. Regardless, it is classifying the negative (larger) class. How can I force it to classify the positive (smaller) classification?
One simple solution is to adjust your training set to be more balanced (50% positive, 50% negative) to encourage classification for both cases. I would guess that more of your cases are negative in the problem space, and therefore you would need to find some way to ensure that the negative cases still represent the problem well.
Since the ratio of positive to negative is 1:2, you could also try duplicating the positive cases in the training set to make it 2:2 and see how that goes.
Use stratified sampling (e.g. train on a 50%/50% sample) or class weights/class priors. It helps greatly if you tell us which specific classifier? Weka seems to have at least 50.
Is the penalty for Type I errors = penalty for Type II errors?
This is a special case of the receiver operating curve (ROC).
If the penalties are not equal, experiment with the cutoff value and the AUC.
You probably also want to read the sister site CrossValidated for statistics.
Use CostSensitiveClassifier, which is available under "meta" classifiers
You will need to change "classifier" to your J48 and (!) change cost matrix
to be like [(0,1), (2,0)]. This will tell J48 that misclassification of a positive instance is twice more costly than misclassification of a negative instance. Of course, you adjust your cost matrix according to your business values.
Can both Naive Bayes and Logistic regression classify both of these dataset perfectly ? My understanding is that Naive Bayes can , and Logistic regression with complex terms can classify these datasets. Please help if I am wrong.
Image of datasets is here:
Lets run both algorithms on two similar datasets to the ones you posted and see what happens...
EDIT The previous answer I posted was incorrect. I forgot to account for the variance in Gaussian Naive Bayes. (The previous solution was for naive bayes using Gaussians with fixed, identity covariance, which gives a linear decision boundary).
It turns out that LR fails at the circular dataset while NB could succeed.
Both methods succeed at the rectangular dataset.
The LR decision boundary is linear while the NB boundary is quadratic (the boundary between two axis-aligned Gaussians with different covariances).
Applying NB the circular dataset gives two means in roughly the same position, but with different variances, leading to a roughly circular decision boundary - as the radius increases, the probability of the higher variance Gaussian increases compared to that of the lower variance Gaussian. In this case, many of the inner points on the inner circle are incorrectly classified.
The two plots below show a gaussian NB solution with fixed variance.
In the plots below, the contours represent probability contours of the NB solution.
This gaussian NB solution also learns the variances of individual parameters, leading to an axis-aligned covariance in the solution.
Naive Bayes/Logistic Regression can get the second (right) of these two pictures, in principle, because there's a linear decision boundary that perfectly separates.
If you used a continuous version of Naive Bayes with class-conditional Normal distributions on the features, you could separate because the variance of the red class is greater than that of the blue, so your decision boundary would be circular. You'd end up with distributions for the two classes which had the same mean (the centre point of the two rings) but where the variance of the features conditioned on the red class would be greater than that of the features conditioned on the blue class, leading to a circular decision boundary somewhere in the margin. This is a non-linear classifier, though.
You could get the same effect with histogram binning of the feature spaces, so long as the histograms' widths were narrow enough. In this case both logistic regression and Naive Bayes will work, based on histogram-like feature vectors.
How would you use Naive Bayes on these data sets?
In the usual form, Naive Bayes needs binary / categorial data.
I have a face detection system with SVM as the classifier. The classifier outputs a confidence level, between 0 and 1 , along with the decision. As in any detection system, there are several false positives too. To eliminate some of them, we can use non-maxima suppression (Please see http://www.di.ens.fr/willow/teaching/recvis10/assignment4/). The confidence threshold for detection is set manually. For example any detection with confidence below 0.6 is a false positive. Is there a way to set this threshold automatically ?
For example using something in detection/ estimation theory?
If you search for probability calibration you will find some research on a related matter (recalibrating the outputs to return better scores).
If your problem is a binary classification problem, you can calculate the slope of the cost by assigning vales to true/false positive/negative options multiplied by the class ratio. You can then form a line with the given AUC curve that intersects at only one point to find a point that is in some sense optimal as a threshold for your problem.