Casting a value in Lua table, not a link - lua

I have simplified my code so you can have a better understanding:
x = {}
a = {}
The result is:
Or I was expecting:
I understant that a[1] is directing at the adress of the table x["foo"]. Then, when I change the value of this table, the variable a[1] points to the new value.
How can I tell Lua that I want to assign the VALUE and not link to and adress?
And just another thing: if x is a "simple" variable, not an array, the value is passed:
y = {}
x = 1
a = {}
a[1] = x
x = 2
a[2] = x

The Lua manual, last but one paragraph of §2.1, says:
Tables, functions, threads, and (full) userdata values are objects: variables do not actually contain these values, only references to them. Assignment, parameter passing, and function returns always manipulate references to such values; these operations do not imply any kind of copy.


Why I can use a function to set a table index using arguments but i can't set a varble passed as a parameter

im new to lua (and programming 😅)
I would like to know why I can use a function to set a table index using arguments but i can't set a varble passed as a parameter like this :
variable = 1
function f(v)
v = 2
--prints 1
function f(t,i)
t[i] = 2
--prints 2
From the Lua manual:
Tables, functions, threads, and (full) userdata values are objects:
variables do not actually contain these values, only references to
them. Assignment, parameter passing, and function returns always
manipulate references to such values; these operations do not imply
any kind of copy
In your example variable is a number value which is none one of the mentioned types. Hence it is copied by value, not by reference.
So in
variable = 1
function f(v)
v = 2
v is a copy of variable, local to f. Changing v does not affect variable.
function f(t,i)
t[i] = 2
on the other hand, t is a reference to the same table, table refers to. Hence modifying t modifies the referred table.

New values in tables - shared?

While trying to learn lua I accidentally found out that if
a = {"a"}
b = a
than this produces (no surprise):
{"a"} --[[table: 0x046bde18]]
{"a"} --[[table: 0x046bde18]]
but then if:
a[2] = "b"
why is a == b still true?
{"a", "b"} --[[table: 0x046bde18]]
b -- this is a surprise
{"a", "b"} --[[table: 0x046bde18]]
This seem to work both ways: if a new value is assigned to b then it will be also assigned to a.
On the other hand if I assign a a value (example: a = 1) and b = a then if a value is changed (a = 2) then b retains the original value (still b = 1).
Why is this behaviour different depending on wheather a is an array/table or a value? Is it due to built-in metatables (__newindex)?
What is the purpose of such behaviour of arrays/tables?
What if I wanted/needed to somehow seperate a and b (or what to do if I wanted to store the values of a before changing b)?
(I read Lua Assignment and Metatables and Metamethods chapters of the Lua Reference Manual but still have no clue why such behaviour occures.)
In your example, a and b are just references to the same table. In Lua, tables are objects, and you created a table and assigned it to a with the first statement, and then you created a second reference to the same table with the second assignment. So, both a[2] = "b" and b[2] = "b" are acting on the same underlying table (table: 0x046bde18).
A table is not a value, it is an object. a = {"a"} constructs a table and assigns a reference to the table to a. b = a assigns the same reference to b. But, x = 10 assigns the value 10 to x. If y = 10 and you could change the underlying value of 10, I suppose that this change would be reflected in both x and y, but I know of no obvious way to do this. In this code:
x = 10
y = 10
y = y + 1
the resulting values will be x = 10, and y = 11. The underlying value of 10 has not changed, but y was reassigned to the value 11.
If you want to work with two copies of the table that can change independently, you would need to write a function that copies the members of a into b = {}. Here is a question that discusses making copies of tables.

Lua Complex Tables/List Sizes

I am trying to find the number of entries for test[0]
test = {}
test[0] = {}
test[0].x = {}
test[0].x[0] = 1
test[0].x[1] = 1
test[0].x[2] = 1
test[0].y = {}
test[0].y[0] = 1
I am expecting table.getn(test[0]) to be 2 for entries test[0].x and test[0].y but it results in 0. Why is this, and what do I need to do to get what I am looking for?
Note that table.getn in Lua 5.0 has been replaced by the # operator since Lua 5.1
The size of a table is only valid for the sequence part of a table (i.e, with positive numeric keys from 1 to some number n, and n is the size).
In this example, test[0] has only two kesy "x" and "y". As a result its size is 0.
table.getn and the lua 5.1 length operator are defined to operate on "lists" or arrays. Your table isn't one. It has no numerical indices.
So the result is undefined in lua 5.1 (though it will be zero here) and 0 in lua 5.0 as the size is defined to be one less the first integer index with a nil value which is the integer index 1.
Also worth noting is that table.getn(test[0].x) will return 2 and table.getn(test[0].y) will return 0 (since lua arrays start at 1).

Non numeral indeces and the # never counts?

Given a table with mixed indexes like:
table = {
foo = 'bar'
[1] = 'foobar'
My question is about the # which gives the last index which is not separate through a gap while iterating through the table.
will give the output 1.
table = {
foo = 'bar',
lol = 'rofl',
[1] = 'some',
[2] = 'thing',
[3] = 'anything',
[4] = 'else'
should print 4
Can I be 100% sure that the # will never be distracted by non-numeral indexes?
Are those indexes really unregarded at every time?
Yes, you can count on that (in lua 5.1).
From the lua reference manual:
The length operator is denoted by the unary operator #. The length of
a string is its number of bytes (that is, the usual meaning of string
length when each character is one byte).
The length of a table t is defined to be any integer index n such that
t[n] is not nil and t[n+1] is nil; moreover, if t[1] is nil, n can be
zero. For a regular array, with non-nil values from 1 to a given n,
its length is exactly that n, the index of its last value. If the
array has "holes" (that is, nil values between other non-nil values),
then #t can be any of the indices that directly precedes a nil value
(that is, it may consider any such nil value as the end of the array).
lua 5.2 allows for the __len metamethod to operate on tables and that means # can do other things. See #kikito's answer for some examples.
Etan answer is correct, but not complete.
In Lua, if a table's metatable has a __len function, it will control what the # operator spits out. One can define it so that it takes into account the non-array keys.
local mt = {__len = function(tbl)
local len = 0
for _ in pairs(tbl) do len = len + 1 end
return len
This demonstrates the thing:
local t = {1,2,3,4,foo='bar',baz='qux'}
print(#t) -- 4
setmetatable(t, mt)
print(#t) -- 6
If you really want to make sure that you get the "proper" array-like length, you must use rawlen instead:
print(rawlen(t)) -- 4, even with the metatable set
Edit: Note that __len does not work as I mention on Lua 5.1
The only way is to iterate through entries and count them. Iterate with ipair through the item and increment counter then return result.
function tablelength(T)
local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do
count = count + 1 end
return count
The # operator only work for hash table type.
See: How to get number of entries in a Lua table?

Why does Lua's length (#) operator return unexpected values?

Lua has the # operator to compute the "length" of a table being used as an array.
I checked this operator and I am surprised.
This is code, that I let run under Lua 5.2.3:
t = {};
t[0] = 1;
t[1] = 2;
print(#t); -- 1 aha lua counts from one
t[2] = 3;
print(#t); -- 2 tree values, but only two are count
t[4] = 3;
print(#t); -- 4 but 3 is mssing?
t[400] = 400;
t[401] = 401;
print(#t); -- still 4, now I am confused?
t2 = {10, 20, nil, 40}
print(#t2); -- 4 but documentations says this is not a sequence?
Can someone explain the rules?
About tables in general
(oh, can't you just give me an array)
In Lua, a table is the single general-purpose data structure. Table keys can be of any type, like number, string, boolean. Only nil keys aren't allowed.
Whether tables can or can't contain nil values is a surprisingly difficult question which I tried to answer in depth here. Let's just assume that setting t[k] = nil should be the observably the same as never setting k at all.
Table construction syntax (like t2 = {10, 20, nil, 40}) is a syntactic sugar for creating a table and then setting its values one by one (in this case: t2 = {}, t2[1] = 10, t2[2] = 20, t2[3] = nil, t2[4] = 40).
Tables as arrays
(oh, from this angle it really looks quite arrayish)
As tables are the only complex data structure in Lua, the language (for convenience) provides some ways for manipulating tables as if they were arrays.
Notably, this includes the length operator (#t) and many standard functions, like table.insert, table.remove, and more.
The behavior of the length operator (and, in consequence, the mentioned utility functions) is only defined for array-like tables with a particular set of keys, so-called sequences.
Quoting the Lua 5.2 Reference manual:
the length of a table t is only defined if the table is a sequence, that is, the set of its positive numeric keys is equal to {1..n} for some integer n
As a result, the behavior of calling #t on a table not being a sequence at that time, is undefined.
It means that any result could be expected, including 0, -1, or false, or an error being raised (unrealistic for the sake of backwards compatibility), or even Lua crashing (quite unrealistic).
Indirectly, this means that the behavior of utility functions that expect a sequence is undefined if called with a non-sequence.
Sequences and non-sequences
(it's really not obvious)
So far, we know that using the length operator on tables not being sequences is a bad idea. That means that we should either do that in programs that are written in a particular way, that guarantees that those tables will always be sequences in practice, or, in case we are provided with a table without any assumptions about their content, we should dynamically ensure they are indeed a sequence.
Let's practice. Remember: positive numeric keys have to be in the form {1..n}, e.g. {1}, {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, etc.
t = {}
t[1] = 123
t[2] = "bar"
t[3] = 456
Sequence. Easy.
t = {}
t[1] = 123
t[2] = "bar"
t[3] = 456
t[5] = false
Not a sequence. {1, 2, 3, 5} is missing 4.
t = {}
t[1] = 123
t[2] = "bar"
t[3] = 456
t[4] = nil
t[5] = false
Not a sequence. nil values aren't considered part of the table, so again we're missing 4.
t = {}
t[1] = 123
t[2] = "bar"
t[3.14] = 456
t[4] = nil
t[5] = false
Not a sequence. 3.14 is positive, but isn't an integer.
t = {}
t[0] = "foo"
t[1] = 123
t[2] = "bar"
Sequence. 0 isn't counted for the length and utility functions will ignore it, but this is a valid sequence. The definition only gives requirements about positive number keys.
t = {}
t[-1] = "foo"
t[1] = 123
t[2] = "bar"
Sequence. Similar.
t = {}
t[1] = 123
t["bar"] = "foo"
t[2] = "bar"
t[false] = 1
t[3] = 0
Sequence. We don't care about non-numeric keys.
Diving into the implementation
(if you really have to know)
But what happens in C implementation of Lua when we call # on a non-sequence?
Background: Tables in Lua are internally divided into array part and hash part. That's an optimization. Lua tries to avoid allocating memory often, so it pre allocates for the next power of two. That's another optimization.
When the last item in the array part is nil, the result of # is the length of the shortest valid sequence found by binsearching the array part for the first nil-followed key.
When the last item in the array part is not nil AND the hash part is empty, the result of # is the physical length of the array part.
When the last item in the array part is not nil AND the hash part is NOT empty, the result of # is the length of the shortest valid sequence found by binsearching the hash part for for the first nil-followed key (that is such positive integer i that t[i] ~= nil and t[i+1] == nil), assuming that the array part is full of non-nils(!).
So the result of # is almost always the (desired) length of the shortest valid sequence, unless the last element in the array part representing a non-sequence is non-nil. Then, the result is bigger than desired.
Why is that? It seems like yet another optimization (for power-of-two sized arrays). The complexity of # on such tables is O(1), while other variants are O(log(n)).
In Lua only specially formed tables are considered an array. They are not really an array such as what one might consider as an array in the C language. The items are still in a hash table. But the keys are numeric and contiguous from 1 to N. Lua arrays are unit offset, not zero offset.
The bottom line is that if you do not know if the table you have formed meets the Lua criteria for an array then you must count up the items in the table to know the length of the table. That is the only way. Here is a function to do it:
function table_count(T)
local count = 0
for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
return count
If you populate a table with the "insert" function used in the manner of the following example, then you will be guaranteed of making an "array" table.
table.insert(s,[whatever you want to store])
table.insert could be in a loop or called from other places in your code. The point is, if you put items in your table in this way then it will be an array table and you can use the # operator to know how many items are in the table, otherwise you have to count the items.
