How to edit the main menu text in mantis bug tracker - mantis

I am trying to change the main menu text in the mantis bug tracker like "Report Issue" to "New Project" how can i accomplish this?
I looked at custom_strings_inc.php but I could not understand how to change the main menu text from there.

You will have to identify the correct lang variable name from the existing lang files (in lang folder) and override them in custom_strings.
For example, if you want to change Report Issue to New Project, edit custom_strings_inc.php and add the following line:
$s_report_bug_link = "New Project";


How to avoid AppBuilder removing pieces of code

I'm working on a Progress-4GL programming environment, based on AppBuilder release 11.6.
Until now I've been changing already existing *.w and *.p files, but now I wanted to created my *.w file from scratch.
I've created a window and I've put a browse, a fill-in field and a button. Now I would like to add an event to that button. In order to do that, I add following lines to the *.w file:
MESSAGE "button is pushed" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
However, when I save the *.w file, re-open it in the AppBuilder and save the file there again, those lines of code get removed.
I've already understood that, in order to avoid this, I need to "wrap" those lines of code by Scoped-define or Analyze:suspend/resume lines, something like this:
&Scoped-define SELF-NAME btn-Start_Query
MESSAGE "button is pushed" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
However, this seems not to be working.
Can you explain me what exactly I have to do in order avoid my lines of code to be removed?
By the way: I know that I'm working with extremely outdated technology, but I only work here for two weeks, so I don't have the authority to force my boss to change his development environment, just for me.
The recommended approach is to use the Wizards of the AppBuilder to create the trigger block with the required AppBuilder markup for you.
Add the button to the Window
Select the button on the design canvas
Choose the "Edit code" button in the AppBuilder main window (the pencil)
This will create an empty default trigger block (in case of a button, that's the CHOOSE). To create a different event, use the "New..." button in the section editor window.

Xcode Localization: Keep translation in sync with Storyboard

Here's our localization workflow:
Build stuff in interface builder
Export project for localization
Translator looks at xliff files and applies translations for new strings (Only new untranslated strings)
Import xliff into project
This works fine for building new stuff. But if the developer changes the text in a label in storyboard that has already been translated, he will have to remember to delete the translation for that label, so the translater sees that string as untranslated. If the developer forgets to delete that translation, the translation will be wrong, which is a very hard error to find.
When code is localized like this:
var testString = NSLocalizedString("Some text in english", comment: "just a test string")
The string ("Some text in english") defines the key in the xliff-file, which means that if the string is changed, then the exported xliff file will automatically have a new string that needs to be translated.
I've tried to solve the problem with xcode's "export for localization..." function, with genstrings, and with BartyCrounch, but all methods seems to use the UI Element's Object ID as a key for the .strings-files. Which means it won't react to changes in the actual string.
The only solution I've found so far, is to set every string that need translation in the storyboards in code via a IBOutlet, but this is a quite comprehensive solution.
Do you know any tools or methods that solve this problem?
I tried what you said and understood what you meant. I think the solution is straightforward.
First, I added a new button in storyboard, named it "Test". Then I translated it in Chinese, imported the translation. Changed "Test" to "GoGo" and exported the translation again. The xliff part was changed from
<trans-unit id="jso-qF-Z1t.title">
<note>Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Test"; ObjectID = "jso-qF-Z1t";</note>
<trans-unit id="jso-qF-Z1t.title">
<note>Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "GoGo"; ObjectID = "jso-qF-Z1t";</note>
What to do next
I don't know if there is a ready-tool for this. But you can use Git as it can always find the diffs.
add you translation folder to git
commit current files
export new translations from Xcode
look at diffs with git
As you can see in the picture, git already shows what changes, that is where you should translate again.

TFS 2012 Build Definition/Template - How to set Build Quality Automatically?

I thought this would be pretty straight forward, but it looks like the template has to be modified. Anyone have any idea what to do to add this piece to the default template?
I know how to edit the templates, I just don't know what I need to do to make this work.
This case already provided a solution for your requirement:
Copy the DefaultTemplate.xaml to DefaultTemplateCustom.xaml and open it
Click the Collapse All link in the top right corner
Open the toolbox and locate the Assign activity. It is located in the Primitives section
Drag the Assign activity to the end of the workflow, after the "Run MSBuild" activity
Go to the properties window. Set the "To" parameter to BuildDetail.Quality. Set "Value" to "xxx (Build Quality)"
Locate the InvokeMethod in the toolbox and drag it and drop it after the Assign activity
Set the "Target Object" to BuildDetail. Set "MethodName" to Save
Save the build definition xaml file and check it in, then build with the customized definition.
You can also consider to create a powershell script to set the build quality via TFS API and then invoke this powershell script in your build template. Refer to this link for details: PowerShell and TFS: The Basics and Beyond.
Here is a simple script to set the build quality:
$builduri = "vstfs:///Build/Build/1";
$collectionurl = "http://xxxx:8080/tfs/xxx/";
$tfs = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($collectionurl);
$buildservice = $tfs.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.IBuildServer]);
$build = $buildservice.GetBuild($builduri);
$build.Quality = "Released";

how to add file extension in adobe-brackets editor ?

I am using files with extension in my web project and I am trying to edit in Adobe Brackets but I can't specify that it should treat this as HTML file, to provide the typical features of editing html file (like color support, grammar, etc.).
In fact I noticed that this is possible when changing languages.json file, however I am using the binary version and I didn't build from source.
Any help ?
Update: this is now much easier to do:
Open the file
In the status bar (lower-right), click the dropdown that says "Text"
Select the "HTML" option
Open the dropdown again and select the "Set as Default" option at the top
Original answer:
There's a backlog item for making this easily configurable (please upvote!), but in the meantime you can do it by writing a very simple Brackets extension:
define(function (require, exports, module) {
var LanguageManager = brackets.getModule("language/LanguageManager");
var language = LanguageManager.getLanguage("html");
Put this code in a file named main.js
In Brackets, go to Help > Show Extensions Folder
Create a new folder under user, and place the main.js file inside it
Restart Brackets
Here's more info on writing Brackets extensions, if you're curious.
The approach referenced using the status bar menu does not persist across sessions. An option to persist settings across all projects and all sessions is easily accomplished by editing the preferences file (accessible through the Debug menu) and associating the file extension to the desired language.
Debug -> Open Preferences File
"language.fileExtensions": {
"": "html"

How to remove eclipse editor's default context menu actions?

I would like to remove (or make invisible) the default context menu actions from my custom GEF editor.
I have some custom actions (IAction) which I register (using createActions()) that I can see and run, however I would like to see only them on my context menu.
In other words - is there a way to remove "Run As", "Debug As", "Profile As", etc...?
In the image above, for example, I would like to display only "Delete" action.
Many thanks in advance... !
This is because you have included ide plugins in your product.
I guess you use code like this to add your context menu:
MenuManager menuManager = new MenuManager();
Menu contextMenu = menuManager.createContextMenu(table);
getSite().registerContextMenu(menuManager, selectionProvider);
The last line is important. Replace it with
getEditorSite().registerContextMenu(menuManager, selectionProvider, false);
and the default entries will be gone.
