How to disable fast touches and double opening view? - ios

Please help me with problem -
I have button, or label, or textfield at UiViewController view, which have method to open another view, if i touch it.
But if i touch button, label or textfield very fast, it can open two, or three, or more same views.
How to disable this opening? How to open only one view?
How i can do this for all project?

when you click on button then Calling method of the Button, Inside the button method you disable your button, and after when you dismiss open view then again you enable your button.
YourBtn.enable = false;
// Enable your YourBtn when dismiss yourView.

It is usually easier to disable the UIButton when you enter the function and re-enable it before leaving. Would look something like this function
-(void)buttonTapped:(UIButton *)aButton
aButton.enabled = false;
// do your work here
// and before leaving
aButton.enabled = true;
But in your case you are pushing a UIViewController, so you should move the line aButton.enabled = true to your prepareForSegue function.


How to detect when the RPSystemBroadcastPickerView is tapped

I am using RPSystemBroadcastPickerView to start a system-wide screen recording from my app. The RPSystemBroadcastPickerView is completely autonomous in starting the recording and everything, which I guess makes sense - only user can start the screen recording by explicitly tapping the button.
I need to know when the RPSystemBroadcastPickerView is tapped. Right now the UI is showing keyboard, which I want to keep showing (it is a chat app). However, the form showing the list of broadcast extensions to pick one is being shown under the keyboard. See following image:
This effectively prevents the user to start the broadcast. If I knew when the user tapped RPSystemBroadcastPickerView, I could manually hide the keyboard at that moment. Any suggestions?
I did not find any callbacks for that, but you can create your transparent button, add it above the RPSystemBroadcastPickerView. When user will tap on your button you will be able to hide the keyboard and than transfer the action to the RPSystemBroadcastPickerView using the code:
for subview in screenSharingProviderPickerView.subviews {
if let button = subview as? UIButton {
button.sendActions(for: UIControlEvents.allTouchEvents)
I found similar solution to accepted answer, but you don't need to create transparent button.
I just add additional target-action pair to the picker button dispatch table, with #selector which will be fired, when button is pressed.
// picker is an instance of RPSystemBroadcastPickerView
for subview in picker.subviews {
if let button = subview as? UIButton {
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(pickerAction), for: .touchUpInside)
// You can also accept _ sender: UIButton as parameter, if you need to.
#objc func pickerAction() {
// called when user press on RPSystemBroadcastPickerView
Note: Keep in mind that, if Apple change hierarchy of this view in the future, you probably need to update application as well.

Need to disable particular button in swipe cell?

I am using library to my project.
Certain situation I need to disable the particular button action of swipe cell.
I cannot find any property in their class file. If anyone crossed this, give me answer.
Here I have attaced my swipe options image:
For ex
: I want to disable the share button action.
Let's assume your share button is in the leftButtonsArray. In the method:
- (void)swipeableTableViewCell:(SWTableViewCell *)cell scrollingToState:(SWCellState)state
//case:left buttons opened
UIButton *shareButton = leftButtonsArray[theIndexOfTheShareButton];
shareButton.enabled = NO;
#karthikeyan You can hide the button for a particular row in tableview by the following code:
- (void)updateRightUtilityButtons:(NSArray *)rightUtilityButtons WithButtonWidth:(CGFloat) width {
_rightUtilityButtons = rightUtilityButtons;
[self.rightUtilityButtonsView updateUtilityButtons:rightUtilityButtons WithButtonWidth:width];
[self.rightUtilityButtonsView layoutIfNeeded];
[self layoutIfNeeded];
Add/update this methods to SWTableViewCell.m class, where rightUtilityButtons is an array of buttons you need to display for the particular row.
In case if you want to disable just user interaction you can achieve while adding button into array, just disable user interaction for that button by shareButton.userInteration = NO and then add to array and then pass the array to the method defined above. By this you can be sure that button is disabled.
But please provide the sample code that you have worked so that can update your code directly.
In case if you still didn't get revert back I'll give you the working code directly here.

How to move to next screen on click of Read only text field iOS

I have a textfield that is readonly. I have another Search View Controller(VC) also. My aim is when the user clicks on readonly textfield it should open the searchVC. I tried attaching Push seque to SearchVC but it's not working. Tried same with a button and works seamlessly.
Pls suggest whats the approach for this.
You can use gesture to your textfield
You can use custom button above the textfield. You have to show/hide the button on textfield disabled/enabled
try this
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
if (textField.tag==1)
//write alert view to check "click on this text filed alert is appearing"
return NO;
else if (textField.tag==2)
//it's behave normal uitextfiled
return YES;

make button toggle method — objective-c

I have 4 buttons. When they are taped they each create a UIView underneath it, they expand under the buttons. I want the view to go back to its original when the buttons are taped a second time. How is this done?
Set an instance BOOL and flip it accordingly. In the IBAction the button is tied to check the BOOL and call the appropriate method to adjust the view.
You can use the selected property of your button, something like:
-(void)yourButtonIsTapped:(UIButton*)button {
if(button.selected) { //first time
//expand the view
button.selected = NO;
else { // second time
//hide view
button.selected = YES;
You can link the buttons from the IB th this method for the touchUpInside event but you will have to change the return type from void to IBAction.
And I think there are several other solutions for this case but this is the faster one and the easiest to explain.
Set every tag button to 0, change it to the opposite value when you press the button. Here is what you'll get:
First time that you press the button: button's tag = 0, expand the view and turn it to 1.
Second time you press the button: button's tag = 1, collapse it and turn it to 0.
So you haven't to create a bool for every button but you can use your button's tag variable.
Code should be like this.
- (void)handleButton:(UIButton *)button{
if(button.tag == 0) { <expandButton> }
else { <collapseButton> }
button.tag = !button.tag;
You can remove a view simply by calling
[viewUnderButton removeFromSuperview];

ios - button not responding to click after I change its coordinates

I have a button that I configure like this in my .h file:
- (IBAction)addBusiness:(id)sender;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *planBusinessButton;
then I do this in my .m file:
- (IBAction)addBusiness:(id)sender
NSLog(#"Plan business clicked 1");
- (IBAction)planBusinessButton:(id)sender
NSLog(#"Plan business clicked 1");
but in my onLoad I do something like this:
CGPoint pt =;
pt.y -= 275; = pt;
The problem is that the button click is not firing in the IBAction when I click the button.
Would the changing of the location of the button have an effect on why the button is not getting clicked?
Why would the button click not fire in the IBAction?
EDIT: Moving the button should not affect it's action firing, unless it's moved off the view or being below some other view that would intercept the tap.
If tap is not firing the button, check that:
IB connections are properly connected
methods exist in the proper location
button is enabled for user interaction
Try to avoid doing any view modifications in viewDidLoad method, as the view is not ready yet...
instead, try setting the button center in viewDidAppear method.
Possibly. Gesture Recognizers could be handling the events in the location the button moved to or there could be another view blocking the button at the new location and you need to bring the button to the front. Also, you should put this into viewDidAppear or an IBAction if you want an event to trigger it.
make sure that your planBusinessButton.frame is not outside its super.frame .
eg:if the button`s frame like this (0,-200,100,200), when the button added to its super view it will not handle the click event.
