How to update attachment using paperclip - ruby-on-rails

I used paperclip to upload images to S3,
has_attached_file :attachment,
styles: { mini: '48x48>', small: '100x100>', product: '240x240>', large: '600x600>',larger: '860x1280>' },
default_style: :product
validates_attachment :attachment,
:presence => true,
:content_type => { :content_type => %w(image/jpeg image/jpg image/png image/gif) }
Now , I want to compress the images which are already uploaded to S3 using gem "paperclip-compression", so I added processors: [:thumbnail, :compression], How would I update all the attachments using a ruby script??. I am able to read and store image into file but unable to update the attachment with the file.

According to paperclip wiki you should use reprocess! method:
Model.each do |model|
Another option is to use rake task:
# only thumbnails style
rake paperclip:refresh:thumbnails CLASS=Model
# or all styles
rake paperclip:refresh CLASS=Model
# only missing styles
rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles


Adding Paperclip Attachment to Spree Orders Table,

I am working on an ecommerce website using Solidus, Rails. The site allows you to order photo frames & prints from a variety of options.
To print a photo a user must upload the jpg file of the photo. So, to allow that I modified the orders table and added a paperclip attachment called 'attachment'
I ran the following command
rails generate paperclip SpreeOrder attachment
Which generated the migrations, then I ran rake db:migrate
Then I created a spree/order_decorator.rb file, and added has_attached_file
module Spree::OrderDecorator
has_attached_file :attachment, styles: {
:medium => {
:geometry => "640x480",
:format => 'jpeg'
:thumb => { :geometry => "160x120", :format => 'jpeg', :time => 10}
}, :processors => [:transcoder]
validates_attachment_content_type :attachment, content_type: /\Aimage\/.*\z/
Spree::Order.prepend self
After this I ran the server, and ended up getting this error
undefined method `has_attached_file' for Spree::OrderDecorator:Module (NoMethodError)
I have configured solidus for use with paperclip only, so I am really confused as to why I am getting this error, even later I manually went and generated a paperclip.rb file in the config/initializers directory, but still I get the same error.
Please help with this!!
Thank You!!
You should add those paperclip method at class level in the prepended module:
def self.prepended(base)

Paperclip gem with Ruby IO File Object

I'm trying to attach images to an ActiveRecord object with the Paperclip gem. However, I'm trying to attach images, not from a form, but from a script that looks for images in a folder.
Here is my code
file ="some_image.jpg", "r")
my_object.image = file
The script runs successfully (no errors). However, when I check the website, the images are not showing up. The images were apparently never attached.
I've looked through the documentation, but wasn't able to find anything that solved the problem.
Also, here is MyObject class
class MyObject < ActiveRecord::Base
# Attachments
has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }
validates_attachment_content_type :image, :content_type => ["image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif"]
Any ideas?

Getting URL for public assets in Rails model

I have a Rails application that uses Paperclip and saves images to S3. When the user uploads an asset without an image, it gets the default image set in the Paperclip setup.
My API serves those assets and has the links to the images in the JSON response (using jbuilder), however I can't seem to return the default image URL, it only returns "missing.png" and I wanted it to return the entire URL to the server with the missing image path attached to it.
I'm setting the default url in the model, and I've tried using ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper to get the image_url but it never works even though it is working inside the rails console. Any idea on what can I do to solve it?
The JBuilder file:
json.profile_picture_smallest asset.profile_picture.url(:smallest)
json.profile_picture_small asset.profile_picture.url(:small)
json.profile_picture_medium asset.profile_picture.url(:medium)
json.profile_picture_large asset.profile_picture.url(:large)
json.profile_picture_original asset.profile_picture.url(:original)
The part of paperclip that is included in the Model
module Picturable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_attached_file :profile_picture, path: '/images/' + name.downcase.pluralize + '/:style/:basename', default_url: "missing.png",
styles: {
smallest: '50x50>',
small: '100x100>',
medium: '200x200>',
large: '400x400>',
png: ['400x400>',:png]
}, :convert_options => {
smallest: '-trim',
small: '-trim',
medium: '-trim',
large: '-trim',
png: '-trim'
# Validate the attached image is image/jpg, image/png, etc
validates_attachment_content_type :profile_picture, :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/
def set_uuid_name
self.profile_picture_file_name = SecureRandom.uuid
end while self.class.find_by(:profile_picture_file_name => self.profile_picture_file_name)
Paperclip config:
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:s3_host_name] = 's3hostname'
Development config:
config.paperclip_defaults = {
:storage => :s3,
:s3_credentials => {
:bucket => 'paperclipdev',
:access_key_id => 'accesskey',
:secret_access_key => 'secretaccesskey'
I think the way to do this is use the asset helpers in your jbuilder file:
json.profile_picture_smallest asset_url(asset.profile_picture.url(:smallest))
It's worth a mention here that you can also pass a symbol method name to paperclip for the default_url parameter if you want the default url to be dynamic based on the model.

Paperclip post processing conversion does not update file_name, content_type attributes

I would like to restrict File uploads to images only, and convert them automatically to .png. To do so, I use this class:
class ImageAttachment < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :file, :file_file_name, :file_content_type, :file_file_size
validates_attachment :file,
:content_type => { :content_type => ["image/jpg", "image/tiff", "image/png"] }
has_attached_file :file,
:styles => { :original => ["100%", :png],
:large => ["500x500", :png],
:medium => ["150x150", :png],
:thumb => ["75x100", :png]
:default_url => "/system/missing_thumb.png"
As I understand, the :styles => { :original => ["100%", :png], ...} should convert all uploaded files that pass validation to .png files. Therefore, I expect the following things to happen when uploading a file example.tiff:
convert the file to .png
change the file name accordingly to example.png
change the content type accordingly to "image/png"
Here's a spec I use:
it "should convert all image types to .png" do
test_file = + "spec/fixtures/images/test.tiff")
attachment = ImageAttachment.create :file => test_file
attachment.file.url.should == "some/paperclip/path/.../test.png"
attachment.file_file_name.should == "test.png"
attachment.file_content_type.should == "image/png"
The first assertion is true, and I can also see ImageMagick output in the terminal,
but attachment.file_file_name still returns example.tiff, and attachment.file_content_type returns "image/tiff".
Is my assumption that paperclip automatically updates the file_file_name and the file_content_type attributes wrong?
If so, how would I best do this on my own?

Paperclip: proper file name is not validate while saving

I am using rails 3.1.
I am trying to upload .docx file without proper file name (it contains only extension 'docx'), while saving it should validate like "file name is invalid".
In model,
validates_attachment_presence :document
validates_attachment_size :document, :less_than => 5.megabytes, :message => "should be less than 5Mb"
validates_attachment_content_type :document, :content_type => ['application/txt', 'text/plain',
'application/pdf', 'application/msword',
'application/rtf', 'application/x-rtf', 'text/rtf', 'text/richtext', 'application/doc', 'application/x-soffice', 'application/octet-stream']
Paperclip gem which i am using,
paperclip (3.0.4, 2.8.0, 2.4.5)
Eg : I am trying to upload ' .docx' file.
Please suggest how to avoid saving these kind of files.
