Ruby Find last record value in has many - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to find the last Econ_Result that belongs to a Econ_Report. I want to display the last record of the Econ_Result (ordered by "release_date") for each Econ_Report on the index view. In the controller I tried to take the list of all reports and find the last result using the following:
#econ_reports = EconReport.all
if #econ_reports.econ_results.size >= 1
#last_result = #econ_report.econ_results.last.release_date
econ_report.econ_results.size works on the index view when I place it in for each loop. When I try to call the value of the last record I run into issues with the fact that some reports don't yet have results (a temporary issue) so I threw in the if then check in the controller which is currently failing.
Thanks in advance for the rookie help.

Since #econ_reports is a collection of EconReport objects, you can't call an instance method like .econ_results on it. Instead, you can only call it on instances within the collection:
#econ_reports.each do |econ_report|
if econ_report.econ_results.any?
last_result = econ_report.econ_results.last
However, this can be terribly inefficient for a large collection of #econ_reports: both lines with econ_report.econ_results will query the database separately, meaning that you'll query the database independently for each econ_report in the collection. This is known as the N+1 query problem.
Luckily for you, as discussed in the link, Rails has a built-in solution to optimize this code so you'll only query the database once:
<% #econ_reports.includes(:econ_results).each do |econ_report| %>
<% if econ_report.econ_results.any? %>
<% last_result = econ_report.econ_results.last %>
# do something to display last_result
<% end %>
<% end %>

If you just want the release date you might try:
#last_result = #econ_report.econ_results.order('release_date DESC').limit(1).pluck(:release_date).first
It's worth noting that a Ruby if statement generally looks like:
if condition
The then is almost always omitted even though it is allowed.


Strange ordering of ActiveRecord object

I am trying to get the records to order by :id in the view. I have records ordered by :id in the controller, like so
#bands = Band.where(available: true).order(:id)
Everything appears normal when the app starts, but as records are updated, the ordering behaviour goes wonky. Most often, recently edited records move to the very end, but not always. This shouldn't happen since the records are ordered by :id which shouldn't be changing
For context, in the view is something like
<% #bands.each do |b| %>
<%= %>
<% end %>
Also note, in the rails console, both of these return the correctly ordered results (which makes this problem even stranger):
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT * FROM bands WHERE available = 'true' ORDER BY id")
Band.where(available: true).order(:id)
Also note, when I load the index view, and observe the rails server, I can see that the results are not in the correct order.
I can also see the sql query that has been executed, and it ignores the order part, it simply doesn't have any mention of order in the query
Actually, I don't think it is possible.
But, try this:
#bands = Band.where(available: true).order(:id).to_a

Rails 5.2 cache key for relations generating two queries

I have a view using fragment caching for an ActiveRecord relation, e.g.
<% cache MyModel.all do %>
<% end %>
I see two DB queries generated in this case
SELECT COUNT(*) AS "size", MAX("my_model"."updated_at") AS timestamp FROM "my_model"
SELECT "my_model".* from "my_model"
I expect the first one, and it's usually a much more efficient query. I did not expect the second one.
If I instead use:
<% cache ActiveSupport::Cache.expand_cache_key(MyModel.all) do %>
<% end %>
then I get only the first query with the same resulting cache key.
Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
EDIT: narrowed down to where this happens: see
is executed, the relation does not respond to cache_version, and
therefore ends up being expanded with
So essentially, calling Product.all.to_a and then for each object
calling cache_version, which returns nil.
Yes, this does look like a bug. Hopefully this would be fixed on this PR, since my own PR for a stopgap fix was rejected

Rails .count and .each give a different number of results

I'm working with a simple rails app locally for my own learning.
In my view, I have the following code;
Reviews (<%= #reviews.count %>)
<% if #reviews.any? %>
<% #reviews.each do |review| %>
This is one review <br />
<% end %>
<% end %>
Despite this seeming quite simple, the output is as follows;
Reviews (2)
This is one review
This is one review
This is one review
This seems to contradict itself on what should be a very simple pair of operations on the same array.
For reference, the array is built in the controller, using the following code;
class PlacesController < ApplicationController
def show
#place = Place.find(params[:id])
#reviews =
#title =
What might be the problem?
I would venture to answer: try to change code inside controller to:
#reviews =
And check the result.
Seems to fix it. Any idea why? – Matthew Higgins
SQL Inner joins took a place here :)
They produces a duplicate entities. You can ensure, by modifying your controller:
def show
#place = Place.find(params[:id])
sql_query =
render text: sql_query
You'll see sql query in browser. Then execute this query in you database manager, and you'll see the duplicated results set.
I don't like answering my own question, but I think it's important to explain what I found out incase anyone else ends up in the same place.
As Vitalyp suggested, replacing #reviews = with #reviews = produced the correct number of rows, but I was struggling to work out why, when opening the table clearly showed there were only two records.
It turned out there was another model, one I had previously tried using, to create a many-to-many association, which was confusing matters. It would appear that as I hadn't fully removed it after deciding not to use it, and when I completely destroyed the model, it's tables and anything that referenced it, things went back to normal.
It would appear that review 1 was associated with the place twice, once directly and once via the old many-to-many table, so it appeared twice.
It doesn't make a huge amount of sense when I had deleted the has_many:, but I guess it is a peculiarity of how Rails works.

Is this way of calling object supposed to be bad practice when considering loading speed?

My way
controller pattern 1 (note: Here, it's calling all users!!)
#users = User.confirmed.joins(:profile)
view pattern 1 (note: Here, it only shows first 10 users but it show the number of all users!!)
<%= "ALL ("+ #users.count.to_s + " users)" %>
<% #users.limit(10).each do |users| %>
<%= render 'users/user', :user => users %>
<% end %>
Should it be just like this below if I'm considering page loading speed?
Or it won't be changed?
controller pattern 2 (note: I added limit(10), and #users_count to count all users)
#users = User.confirmed.joins(:profile).limit(10)
#users_count = User.confirmed.joins(:profile).count
view pattern 2 (note: I took it off limit(10) and use #users_count for count)
<%= "ALL ("+ #users_count.to_s + " users)" %>
<% #users.each do |users| %>
<%= render 'users/user', :user => users %>
<% end %>
If you have lazy loading disabled, then the second approach would be faster because Rails doesn't need to fetch all records from the database. You should really fetch only the records you need when performing queries.
If you have lazy loading enabled (by default), then it is the same, because the data is fetched when it is needed, so the effect will be the same. You can also put two variables in controller and write the same query as you did in the view and the data will be fetched only if and when it is needed.
#users = User.confirmed.joins(:profile)
#users_count = #users.count
#users = #users.limit(10)
You can check sql generated by the app in your rails console and then decide.
Also, if you are using profile in user.html.erb, consider using includes instead of join. Join can cause n+1 problem if you need associated records. If you don't, you do not want to fetch records you don't need. You can read more about it here, in 12 Eager Loading Associations.
The two options are exactly the same. Neither of them loads all the Users because you're just chaining scopes. The query is only run when you call .each in the view, at which point you've applied the .limit(10) anyway. I'd go with the first option because the code is cleaner.
#users.count does one query to get the count, it doesn't instantiate any User objects.
#users.limit(10).each ... does one query (actually two because you've used includes) with a limit, so it will instantiate 10 objects plus your includes.
you can try #users.find_in_batches
Please take a look
Find in batches
Please let me know
If you want speed loading
I can suggest you memcache Memcache

View array or one record in rails view

In my method via some calculations a get data, then i need to view it in view, but if write
#ar.each do |a|
when i have only one record i get error, also when i have one error each is bad idea. So how to do this this?
So i have such code in method:
non_original = []
#articles.each do |a|
non_original << get_non_tecdoc("LA44", 1, "KNECHT")
#non_original = non_original
get_non_tecdoc returns object, or nothing...
So in view i have:
-#non_original.each do |no|
But what to do if #non_original has one record, then #non_original.each gives error. So how to do check in view? If #non_original has one record, than simple #non_original.brand etc, but if more than one, than use each loop?
This will work with #ar as a single value as well as an array:
Array(#ar).each do |a|
p a
This Array is a method on Kernel.
<%= debug #ar %>
This will give you a nice YAML format to look at in your view (assuming ERB).
EDIT: I believe this is what you want, since you're not interested in debugging.
In your controller, use the splat operator to convert a singleton element to an array (it doesn't modify arrays):
#ar = *#ar
Then #ar.each will work as expected in your view.
Alternatively, you could check in your view:
<% if #ar.is_a?(Array) %>
<% #ar.each ... %>
<% else %>
<%= #ar %>
<% end%>
Why don't you try using #ar.inspect and output it to the console to see the instance variables contents.
As long as #ar is an array you should not get a error. If you are returning one record change it to an array with one record.
If you are using active record query interface like the "where" clause; it will return an array with 0 or more active_record objects. If you use find it will return one instance of an active_record object.
So if your method that queries is using the active record where clause #ar should always return an array.
Please try this:
if account_id is 10 then, take following example,
#getResults = Account.find_by_account_id(10)
It will gives single record.
we can get values using, wise.
