Firemonkey IFMXLoggingService Windows Event Log Location - delphi

I am looking at the FMX built in logging support via the Log class which uses the IFMXLoggingService to write events. I have found info for the log file location in iOS and Android but unable to find anything on Windows (8.1).
Does anyone know which specific log file this service writes to? and is this able to be changed in code or otherwise?

If you look at the sources you will find the implementation at FMX.Platform.Win.TPlatformWin.Log:
procedure TPlatformWin.Log(const Fmt: string; const Params: array of const);
OutputDebugString(PChar(Format(Fmt, Params)));
OutputDebugString() does not send messages to any log file at all. It logs to the debugger's built-in event log, when the app is running inside the debugger. When the app is running outside of the debugger, third-party tools like SysInternal DebugView can capture these messages.
If you want to use a custom logger, write a class that implements the IFMXLoggingService interface and register it with FMX at runtime:
TMyLoggingService = class(TInterfacedObject, IFMXLoggingService)
procedure Log(const Format: string; const Params: array of const);
procedure TMyLoggingService.Log(const Format: string; const Params: array of const);
// do whatever you want...
MyLoggingService : IFMXLoggingService;
MyLoggingService := TMyLoggingService.Create;
// if a service is already registered, remove it first
if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService( IFMXLoggingService ) then
TPlatformServices.Current.RemovePlatformService( IFMXLoggingService );
// now register my service
TPlatformServices.Current.AddPlatformService( IFMXLoggingService, MyLoggingService );
This is mentioned in Embarcadero's documentation:
You can use TPlatformServices.AddPlatformService and TPlatformServices.RemovePlatformService to register and unregister platform services, respectively.
For example, you can unregister one of the built-in platform services and replace it with a new implementation of the platform service that is tailored to fit your needs.


Access Violation on iOS when use IFMXImageManagerService

I'm using this simple code:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var servicios: IFMXImageManagerService;
And I get an iOS message with: "Access Violation at address 0000000104BB0460, accessing address 00000000000000000".
All that I try with IFMXImageManagerService fires that violation message.
Please, anyone know why?
You are not initializing servicios to point at anything meaningful, so of course calling any methods on it, like servicios.GetCount(), will fail.
You need to use TPlatformServices.GetPlatformService() or TPlatformServices.SupportsPlatformService() to initialize servicios. This is explained in Embarcadero's documentation:
FireMonkey Platform Services
To use a platform service, you must:
Add a reference to the unit where your service is declared, such as FMX.Platform, to your unit.
Call TPlatformServices.SupportsPlatformService with the target platform service as a parameter to determine whether or not the specified platform service is supported at run time.
If SupportsPlatformService returns True, use TPlatformServices.GetPlatformService to access the actual platform service, and cast the returned service appropriately. You can alternatively use SupportsPlatformService to obtain the service as well.
Try this:
..., FMX.Platform, FMX.MediaLibrary;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
servicios: IFMXImageManagerService;
i: integer;
if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXImageManagerService, IInterface(servicios)) then
i := servicios.GetCount;
end else
ShowMessage('Image Manager not supported');

Delphi: Passing a parameter to a running service to act on

We have a service (written in C#) running to check somethings every 10 minutes and if something new happened, then send an email to someone special.
We also have other Delphi program and want to pass a parameter to the service to act on and send email immediately (I mean regardless than 10 minutes interval).
How to do that while service is running ?
note: There is no way to migrate to C# we have to do that in Delphi.
There's also a possibility to use ControlService API to send the service a user-defined control code. (The service has to be written to respond to that specific control code.)
You need to use some form of inter process communication (IPC). There are many possibilities. Most commonly used for such a scenario are named pipes and TCP/sockets.
There are some good answers here already... and here's mine:
You could use a text file or the windows registry to flag for action. This way your Delphi service can react upon start-up should the trigger have occured while your service was not running. Any information/parameters you wish to convey can be included in the registry-key value or as file data.
Win Registry Method:
If you use a registry-key make sure that both apps can read and write to the same key.
In your Delphi Service implement the RegNotifyChangeKeyValue WinAPI which will notify when the key is added/altered. Here's an idea how you can implement the listner in Delphi: Monitoring Registry Changes
File Method:
To be notified about file changes you do not need to poll for changes. Below is code for a solution based on the FindFirstChangeNotification WinAPI. Your Delphi Service can implement the TFileWatch class. You will also need a unit with the class TDirectoryWatch class by Angus Johnson.
unit FileWatch;
uses Classes,
DirWatch; //by Angus Johnson:
type TFileNotifyEventType = (feCreated, feModified, feDeleted);
TFileNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; FileEventType : TFileNotifyEventType) of object;
TFileWatch = class(TComponent)
FDirWatch : TDirectoryWatch;
FFileToWatch : string;
FFileAge : integer; //if -1 then file does not exist
FFileExists : boolean;
procedure OnFolderChangeEvent(Sender: TObject);
OnFileNotifyEvent : TFileNotifyEvent;
property Filename : string read FFileToWatch;
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent; FileToWatch : string);
destructor Destroy();
{ TFileWatch }
constructor TFileWatch.Create(aOwner: TComponent; FileToWatch: string);
inherited Create(aOwner);
FDirWatch := TDirectoryWatch.Create(Self);
FDirWatch.Directory := ExtractFilePath(FileToWatch);
FDirWatch.OnChange := OnFolderChangeEvent;
FDirWatch.NotifyFilters := [nfFilename, nfLastWrite];
FDirWatch.Active := true;
FFileToWatch := FileToWatch;
FFileAge := FileAge(FFileToWatch);
FFileExists := FFileAge > -1;
destructor TFileWatch.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
procedure TFileWatch.OnFolderChangeEvent(Sender: TObject);
var MyFileAge : integer;
MyFileExists : boolean;
FileEventType : TFileNotifyEventType;
//Check to see if the event has been fired by our file in question
MyFileAge := FileAge(FFileToWatch);
if MyFileAge = FFileAge then
exit; //Nothing has happened, exit.
//Figure out if the file has been created, modified or deleted
MyFileExists := MyFileAge > -1;
if MyFileExists and not FFileExists then
FileEventType := feCreated
else if not MyFileExists and FFileExists then
FileEventType := feDeleted
FileEventType := feModified;
FFileAge := MyFileAge;
FFileExists := MyFileExists;
if Assigned(OnFileNotifyEvent) then
OnFileNotifyEvent(Self, FileEventType);
I often communicate via a database. I'd store a certain value with process X, and process Y reads it.
The nice thing about that design is that the two applications don't need to know eachother. They can easily run on different machines, and you can have multiple readers and writers, so you can easily scale things up. You also get encryption and compressed connections for free if you need it, and all sorts of complicated multi user stuff is taken care of.
I would suggest adding a WCF Service to (hosted by) your Windows service exposing the required function.

Notifying about events from dll to main app

I am developing application which intend to be cross platform. I used to use Windows Messages but now I am dropping it out. I replaced messages with callbacks but regardless I can use different technologies I am not aware of different possibilites when not using windows messages.
Well I have main exe aplication and some dll plugins. I have some objects and threads in dll and I would like to notify main application about some changes that DLL made to data structure.
As I said I am currently working with some callbacks. To provide compatibility with different languages (C++, VB, C#) I have non-object type of callback. I am not sure if other languages supports callback of object.
So my questions are:
What are the alternatives (cross-platform) to windows messages? Can callbacks replace messages?
Do other languages support callback of object?
I guess other languages have different technologies as alternative to messages?
You can certainly use callback functions instead of messages. You can't use callback methods because only Delphi and C++ Builder understand how to invoke Delphi method pointers. However, you can use callback objects with any language that supports COM. Here's an example for a plug-in to notify the application that the data structure has changed:
Define an interface.
IDataStructureChanged = interface
procedure Call; stdcall;
You could add some parameters to the method so the plug-in can tell how the data structure changed, or pass some value indicating which plug-in is making the notification.
Implement it in the application.
TDataStructureChangedListener = class(TInterfacedObject, IDataStructureChanged)
FForm: TForm;
procedure Call; stdcall;
constructor Create(Form: TForm);
When you instantiate that class, you can pass it a reference to your program's main form, or whatever other information your program will need to be able to take action when a plug-in eventually calls the Call method. Implement Call to make your application do whatever it needs to do when a data structure changes.
Pass a reference to each of the plug-ins when you initialize them.
ChangeListener := TDataStructureChangedListener.Create(Self);
for i := 0 to Pred(PlugIns.Count) do
The plug-in should store a reference to the listener object, and when the data structure changes, it can call the Call method to notify your application.
What I've described here is what's generally known as an event sink. You can have more than one in your program. If there are multiple events to handle, you could have a separate interface for each kind of event, or you could group them all into a single interface and have a different method for each event. You could have a different sink object for each plug-in, or you could give each plug-in a reference to the same sink object, and then pass a plug-in-ID parameter.
I would definately use callbacks. The main app could give a callback function to the DLL to call when needed, and then the callback function itself can send window messages to the app if it needs to.
I agree with Remy, (!). A straightforward callback allows the handler to implement any kind of further communication it chooses - it might post a message, it may push a parameter onto a queue, whatever it wants. If you want to be cross-platform, you are going to have to resort to passing in, and out, simple types. It's usual to pass in a 'user context' pointer when callbacks are set up. The callback passes this pointer into the handler. This allows callers to pass in a context object as a pointer/int and to recover it in the handler, (by casting the pointer/int back to an object). The handler can then call methods on the context, no matter whether it's Delphi, C++ etc.
So my questions are:
What are the alternatives (cross-platform) to windows messages? Can callbacks replace messages?
Yes you can replace messages with callbacks.
Do other languages support callback of object?
You shouldn't use object methods as callbacks. Common practice in portable code is use of handles (notify calling convention):
DLL source:
THandle = LongWord;
{$IF SizeOf(THandle) < SizeOf(Pointer))}
{$MESSAGE Error 'Invallid handle type'}
TCallback = procedure(const aHandle: THandle); cdecl;
gCallback: record
Routine: TCallback;
Obj: TObject;
Info: string
function Object2Handle(const aObj: TObject): THandle;
Result:= THandle(Pointer(aObj))
function Handle2Object(const aHandle: THandle; out aObj: TObject): Boolean;
if gCallback.Obj <> nil then
if aHandle = Object2Handle(gCallback.Obj) then
aObj:= gCallback.Obj;
Result:= true;
Exit // WARRNING: program flow disorder
aObj:= nil;
Result:= false
procedure DoCallback();
if Assigned(gCallback.Routine) then
procedure SetupCallback(const aCallback: TCallback); cdecl;
gCallback.Routine:= aCallback;
procedure DoSomething(const aHandle: THandle; out aInfo: string); cdecl;
O: TObject;
if Handle2Object(aHandle, O) then
aInfo:= Format('%s class object %s', [O.ClassName(), gCallback.Info])
procedure Test();
gCallback.Obj:= TStream.Create();
gCallback.Info:= 'created';
gCallback.Obj:= TMemoryStream.Create();
gCallback.Info:= 'will be freed';
Executable source:
procedure Cb(const aHandle: THandle); cdecl;
STUPID: THandle = 1;
S: string;
DoSomething(STUPID, S);
DoSomething(aHandle, S);
Edited: You can't shoot yourself in you leg now.
I guess other languages have different technologies as alternative to messages?
OS have a few message alternatives. However not many truly portable.
You can also use:
(IMO too big in this case?) ready messaging system (my favorite 0MQ)

Preventing multiple instances - but also handle the command line parameters?

I am handling from my Application associated extension files from Windows. So when you double click a file from Windows it will execute my program, and I handle the file from there, something like:
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
for i := 0 to ParamCount -1 do
if SameText(ExtractFileExt(ParamStr(i)), '.ext1') then
// handle my file..
// break if needed
end else
if SameText(ExtractFileExt(ParamStr(i)), '.ext2') then
// handle my file..
// break if needed
end else
That works pretty much how I want it to, but when I was testing I realised it does not consider using only one instance of my program.
So for example, if I selected several Files from Windows and opened them all at the same time, this will create the same number of instances of my program with the number of Files being opened.
What would be a good way to approach this, so that instead of several instances of my program being opened, any additional Files from Windows being opened will simply focus back to the one and only instance, and I handle the Files as normal?
I found a good article here: which I think is what I need, and shows how to work with the Windows API as mentioned by rhooligan. I am going to read through it now..
Here is some simple example code that gets the job done. I hope it is self-explanatory.
program StartupProject;
uMainForm in 'uMainForm.pas' {MainForm};
{$R *.res}
procedure Main;
i: Integer;
Arg: string;
Window: HWND;
CopyDataStruct: TCopyDataStruct;
Window := FindWindow(SWindowClassName, nil);
if Window=0 then begin
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);
end else begin
FillChar(CopyDataStruct, Sizeof(CopyDataStruct), 0);
for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin
Arg := ParamStr(i);
CopyDataStruct.cbData := (Length(Arg)+1)*SizeOf(Char);
CopyDataStruct.lpData := PChar(Arg);
SendMessage(Window, WM_COPYDATA, 0, NativeInt(#CopyDataStruct));
unit uMainForm;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls;
TMainForm = class(TForm)
ListBox1: TListBox;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
procedure WMCopyData(var Message: TWMCopyData); message WM_COPYDATA;
procedure ProcessArgument(const Arg: string);
MainForm: TMainForm;
SWindowClassName = 'VeryUniqueNameToAvoidUnexpectedCollisions';
{$R *.dfm}
{ TMainForm }
procedure TMainForm.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
Params.WinClassName := SWindowClassName;
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin
procedure TMainForm.ProcessArgument(const Arg: string);
procedure TMainForm.WMCopyData(var Message: TWMCopyData);
Arg: string;
SetString(Arg, PChar(Message.CopyDataStruct.lpData), (Message.CopyDataStruct.cbData div SizeOf(Char))-1);
The logic goes something like this. When you start your application, you iterate through the list of running processes and see if your application is already running. If it is running, you need to activate the window of that instance and then exit.
Everything you need to do this is in the Windows API. I found this sample code on that deals with processes:
On finding and activating a window, the basic approach is to find the window of interest using the window class name then activate it.
Hopefully this gives you a good starting point.
There are many answers here that show how to implement this. I want to show why NOT to use the FindWindow approach.
I am using FindWindow (something similar with the one shown by David H) and I have seen it failed starting with Win10 - I don't know what they changed in Win10.
I think the gap between the time when the app starts and the time when we set the unique ID via CreateParams is too big so another instance has somehow time to run in this gap/interval.
Imagine two instances started at only 1ms distance (let's say that the user click the EXE file and then presses enter and keeps it pressed by accident for a short while). Both instances will check to see if a window with that unique ID exists, but none of them had the chance to set the flag/unique ID because creating the form is slow and the unique ID is set only when the form is constructed. So, both instances will run.
So, I would recommend the CreateSemaphore solution instead:
Marjan V already proposed this solution but didn't explained why it is better/safer.
I'd use mutexes. You create one when your program starts.
When the creation fails it means another instance is already running. You then send this instance a message with your command line parameters and close. When your app receives a message with a command line, it can parse the parameters like you are already doing, check to see whether it already has the file(s) open and proceed accordingly.
Processing this app specific message ia also the place to get your app to the front if it isn't already. Please do this politely (SetForegroundWindow) without trying to force your app in front of all others.
function CreateMutexes(const MutexName: String): boolean;
// Creates the two mutexes to see if the program is already running.
// One of the mutexes is created in the global name space (which makes it
// possible to access the mutex across user sessions in Windows XP); the other
// is created in the session name space (because versions of Windows NT prior
// to 4.0 TSE don't have a global name space and don't support the 'Global\'
// prefix).
SecurityDesc: TSecurityDescriptor;
SecurityAttr: TSecurityAttributes;
// By default on Windows NT, created mutexes are accessible only by the user
// running the process. We need our mutexes to be accessible to all users, so
// that the mutex detection can work across user sessions in Windows XP. To
// do this we use a security descriptor with a null DACL.
InitializeSecurityDescriptor(#SecurityDesc, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(#SecurityDesc, True, nil, False);
SecurityAttr.nLength := SizeOf(SecurityAttr);
SecurityAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor := #SecurityDesc;
SecurityAttr.bInheritHandle := False;
if (CreateMutex(#SecurityAttr, False, PChar(MutexName)) <> 0 )
and (CreateMutex(#SecurityAttr, False, PChar('Global\' + MutexName)) <> 0 ) then
Result := True
Result := False;
if not CreateMutexes('MyAppNameIsRunningMutex') then
//Find and SendMessage to running instance
Note: above code is adapted from an example on the InnoSetup site. InnoSetup creates installer applications and uses this approach in the installer to check whether (a previous version of) the application being installed is already running.
Finding the other instance and sending it a message, I'll leave for another question (or you can use the WM_COPYDATA approach from David's answer). Actually, there is a StackOverflow question that deals exactly with this: How to get the process thread that owns a mutex Getting the process/thread that owns the mutex may be a bit of a challenge, but the answers to this question do address ways to get the information from one instance to the other.
Windows has different ways to handle file associations to executable.
The "command line" approach is only the simplest one, but also the most limited one.
It also supports DDE (it still works although officially deprecated) and COM (see
If I recall correctly both DDE and COM will let your application receive the whole list of selected files.
I used window/message approach by myself with addition of events for tracking if the other instance is running:
Try to create event "Global\MyAppCode" (the "Global" namespace is used for handling various user sessions as I needed single instance system-wide; in your case you'll probably prefer "Local" namespace which is set by default)
If CreateEvent returned error and GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then the instance is running already.
FindWindow/WM_COPYDATA to transfer data to that instance.
But the drawbacks with messages/windows are more than significant:
You must always keep your window's Caption constant. Otherwise you'll have to list all the windows in the system and loop through them for partial occurrence of some constant part. Moreover the window's caption could be easily changed by a user or 3rd part app so the search would fail.
Method requires a window to be created so no console/service apps, or they must create a window and perform message loop especially for handling the single instance.
I'm not sure FindWindow could find a window that is opened in another user session
For me, WM_COPYDATA is rather awkward method.
So currently I'm a fan of named pipe approach (haven't implemented it yet though).
On launch, app tries to connect to "Global\MyAppPipe". If successed, other instance is running. If failed, it creates this pipe and finishes instance check.
2nd instance writes the required data to pipe and exits.
1st instance receives data and does some stuff.
It works through all user sessions (with namespace "Global") or just a current session; it doesn't depend on strings used by UI (no localization and modification issues); it works with console and service apps (you'll need to implement pipe reading in a separate thread/message loop though).

access events when running intraweb application as a service

I'm running my Standalone Intraweb App as a service. Now i need to implement a function that writes
a "heartbeat" timestamp to a database table. I've done this in other service app that uses
the TService Classm where i can use Events like OnAfterInstall, OnExecute etc.
Is there a way i can use that events in a standalone intraweb app running as service ?
Thanks for all info
I started doing exactly this in my own Intraweb application, though because the IWServiceWizard hides the service details including the main Execute loop, I did it all server-side, I was using Application Mode.
I defined a heartbeat method on my session class (RunSQL is a method on my own Data Access Layer object DBConnection, this could be a simple wrapper around TADOConnection).
function TIWUserSession.UpdateHeartbeat: boolean;
sSQL : string;
sSQL := 'UPDATE Heartbeats SET LastComms = getdate()'+
' WHERE SessionID = '+ IntToStr(FSessionID);
Result := DBConnection.RunSQL(sSQL);
Once I'd done this it was trivial to call this method (for example) whenever a user opened a new web page.
procedure TIWMyPage.IWAppFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
This can also be used whenever the user does something that communicates with the server, even if it's an asynchronous event (AJAX).
procedure TIWMyPage.btnRefreshAsyncClick(Sender: TObject;
EventParams: TStringList);
Intraweb supports TIWTimer, so sending a timestamp to the database should be pretty straightforward. Specifics of coding depend on detailed specifications.
