Context Sensitive Lindenmayer System - context-sensitive-grammar

I'm working on implementation the ContextSensitive L-system from "Algoritmic Beauty of Plants", but I don't get the same results as in the book.
If i correctly understood when I have axiom like this:
0 < 1 > 0 -> 1F1
1 < 0 > 1 -> 1
1 < 1 > 1 -> 0
#ignore +-F
There is only 1 change
So how can I interpret the [] signs? Am I omitting it or what?

I have found out the answer on other posts.


grails how to check Double negative zero

I googled the answer. They said use
It does not work., 0d) < 0
This gives me false. Should be true.
Math.signum() does not work with -0d. The document says it will give me back -0d.
On the other hand, if I have a formula that calculate the value to be -zero, compare gives me a different answer.
def xyz = -0d, 0d) < 0 will give me false
def xyz = 0d * -1d, 0d) < 0 will give me true
Is this a bug in Grails?
Why do you expect comparing -0d with 0d to be not equal?, 0d) < 0// returns false
cause, 0d) == 0 //returns true

Predict next integer in sequence using ML.NET

Given a lengthy sequence of integers in the range of 0-1 I would like to be able to predict the next likely integer.
Example dataset:
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
A quick look at the above perhaps shows some obvious patterns which may be recognised by an ML model.
I do have other features available in the dataset but I don't think they correlate to the integer result so the prediction should be based purely on the statistical relevance of the supplied integer dataset.
I'm unsure how to approach this using ML.NET. I have successfully classified models previously but those predictions are all made based on multiple features. In this case if I just supply a 0 or 1 there's no relevant historical sequence to aid the prediction.
How do I train an ML.NET model to return a prediction based on a range of previous data?
Working theory: the above dataset has 100 integers. I could create a class which has 100 properties (Integer0..Integer99) and painstakingly map each field and submit that but it seems really clunky.

Selecting a specific row with a condition ? LibreOffice Calc

I have this LibreOffice calc file with raws with full of zero
raw1 raw2 raw3 raw4 raw5 raw6 raw7 raw8 raw9
0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0
I want to print only the character inside the row, like this
I did try with 'if' condition
IF(CD2:CR16 = 1, CD2:CR16)
but it's give me an error
Use MATCH to find the column that contains a character, and then INDEX to get the cell's value.
=INDEX(CD2:CR2, MATCH("[A-Z]", CD2:CR2, 0))
For this to work, go to Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice Calc -> Calculate, and choose Enable regular expressions in formulas.
According to, [:print:] represents any printable character, so it grabs the first zero, which is probably why it does not seem to do what you want.
To match one of several words, the regular expression should be like this:
Or for any word consisting of one or more letters:
To grab C and 8 from 0 0 C 0 and 8 0 0 0 respectively, use "[A-Z1-9]".

Do math on string count (and text parsing with awk)

I have a 4 column file (input.file) with a header:
something1 something2 A B
followed by many 4-column rows with the same format (e.g.):
ID_00001 1 0 0
ID_00002 0 1 0
ID_00003 1 0 0
ID_00004 0 0 1
ID_00005 0 1 0
ID_00006 0 1 0
ID_00007 0 0 0
ID_00008 1 0 0
Where "1 0 0" is representative of "AA", "0 1 0" means "AB", and "0 0 1" means "BB"
First, I would like to create a 5th column to identify these representations:
ID_00001 1 0 0 AA
ID_00002 0 1 0 AB
ID_00003 1 0 0 AA
ID_00004 0 0 1 BB
ID_00005 0 1 0 AB
ID_00006 0 1 0 AB
ID_00007 0 0 0 no data
ID_00008 1 0 0 AA
Note that the A's and B's need to be parsed from columns 3 and 4 of the header row, as they are not always A and B.
Next, I want to "do math" on the counts for (the new) column 5 as follows:
(2BB + AB) / 2(AA + AB + BB)
Using the example, the math would give:
(2(1) + 3) / 2(3 + 3 + 1) = 5/14 = 0.357
which I would like to append to the end of the desired output file (output.file):
ID_00001 1 0 0 AA
ID_00002 0 1 0 AB
ID_00003 1 0 0 AA
ID_00004 0 0 1 BB
ID_00005 0 1 0 AB
ID_00006 0 1 0 AB
ID_00007 0 0 0 no data
ID_00008 1 0 0 AA
B_freq = 0.357
So far I have this:
awk '{ if ($2 = 1) {print $0, $5="AA"} \
else if($3 = 1) {print $0, $5="AB"} \
else if($4 = 1) {print $0, $5="BB"} \
else {print$0, $5="no data"}}' input.file > output.file
Obviously, I was not able to figure out how to parse the info from row 1 (the header row, edited out "column 1"), much less do the math.
Thanks guys!
a more structured approach...
NR==1 {a["100"]=$3$3; a["010"]=$3$4; a["001"]=$4$4; print; next}
print $0, (k in a)?a[k]:"no data";
END {printf "\nB freq = %.3f\n",
(2*c["001"]+c["010"]) / 2 / (c["100"]+c["010"]+c["001"])}
For non binary data you can follow the same logic with some pre-processing. Something like this should work in the main block:
for(i=2;i<5;i++) v[i]=(($i-0.9)^2<=0.1^2)?1:0;
k=v[2] v[3] v[4];
here the value is quantized at one for the range [0.8,1] and zero otherwise.
To capture "B" or substitute set h=$4 in the first block and use it as printf "\n%s freq...",h,(2*c...

Torch tensors swapping dimensions

I came across these two lines (back-to-back) of code in a torch project:
im4[{1,{},{}}] = im3[{3,{},{}}]
im4[{3,{},{}}] = im3[{1,{},{}}]
What do these two lines do? I assumed they did some sort of swapping.
This is covered in indexing in the Torch Tensor Documentation
Indexing using the empty table {} is shorthand for all indices in that dimension. Below is a demo which uses {} to copy an entire row from one matrix to another:
> a = torch.Tensor(3, 3):fill(0)
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
> b = torch.Tensor(3, 3)
> for i=1,3 do for j=1,3 do b[i][j] = (i - 1) * 3 + j end end
> b
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
> a[{1, {}}] = b[{3, {}}]
> a
7 8 9
0 0 0
0 0 0
This assignment is equivalent to: a[1] = b[3].
Your example is similar:
im4[{1,{},{}}] = im3[{3,{},{}}]
im4[{3,{},{}}] = im3[{1,{},{}}]
which is more clearly stated as:
im4[1] = im3[3]
im4[3] = im3[1]
The first line assigns the values from im3's third row (a 2D sub-matrix) to im4's first row and the second line assigns the first row of im3 to the third row of im4.
Note that this is not a swap, as im3 is never written and im4 is never read from.
