iTunes connect override accidentally - ios

Our company has Company iOS Dev Account.
Last Friday, 25/9/2015, we registered Company iOS Dev Account Apple ID as internal tester in client iOS Dev Account. First time, itunes connect showed error message that registered email(Company Apple ID) already have iTunes connect account. But when we tried second time, it passed validation and registered as internal tester in client iOS Dev Account. After a while, we realised our company apps in iTunes Account were gone and only left as tester of client app. So, we removed our company account as tester in client itunes connect. But it didn't solve, now all apps're gone.
We contacted Apple Tech Support Team Mail. But no reply yet until now.
May I know how can I solve this situation ?
Shall I use DTS to report that ? Will it be fast ?
Thanks for your time

Finally, we got help from Apple and can login and see as original itunes connect when we login with secondary email as instructed by Apple. Soon, apple made it to login with primary apple id as original.


How does one add or link an iTunesAccount account to someone else's Apple Developer account?

My situation:
I have an iTunesConnect account, associated with MyCompany Ltd. I also the the same login for my Apple Developer account, also associated with MyCompany Ltd. My client has just created a brand new Apple Developer account, associated with HisCompany Ltd. He's added me as an Admin on this account, and my next task is to create an iTunes Connect app record for an app to be released by HisCompany Ltd., and start the process of submitting an app to the App Store. However, whilst my Apple Developer account has a relationship with HisCompany Ltd., my iTunesConnect account does not, meaning - afaict - that I cannot create the requisite iTunes Connect app record to start the process.
How can I associate my iTunesConnect account with his HisCompany Ltd.'s developer account, and/or create this iTunes Connect app record?
Or does the client have to do it maybe?
I don't know, and the docs haven't helped me thus far.
Thanks for reading.
Your client will need to add your Apple ID to both (ADC) as well as to (ITC) - both times as Admins. Then you can setup the record for the new app on ADC and then create the app over at ITC and upload it there.

iOS app issue - How to resolve?

I'm trying to upload an iOS app which is developed in Phone gap, But app got rejected by saying this issue. I found same problem for few users ,previous posts .But nothing worked for me
The seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect
the name “my app name” in the app or its metadata, as required by section
1.2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.
Next Steps
Your app must be published under a seller name and company name that
reflects the app brand. If you have developed these apps on behalf
of a client, please advise your client to add you to the development
team of their Apple Developer account.
How to resolve this issue?
Use client iTunes account for upload app, If client are not able to provide their login credential ask him to send invitation on your id so you can upload app from your account for send invitation login client iTunes account and go Users and Roles section and send invitation
If you enroll as an individual, the company name is the same as your
legal name. In the store, the “company name” is used prominently for
navigation and to group your apps. Your legal entity name appears as
the “seller” of your apps. For example, “Apple” is the company name
and “Apple, Inc” is the seller name. When users tap your company name,
they see all of the apps you have on the store.
Thanks for all reply .My app got approved , I have send a mail to apple review team they approved app .I think that was the Simple solution .

How to change Apple Developer account

I have received an invite to my company's developer team, but I have accepted it with my personal email, instead of job email address. And I think that is the reason why I can't get iTunes Connect work now, since I got and accepted an invite for it at my job email. Now when I try to log in to iTunes Connect I get a message:
Your Apple ID isn't enabled for iTunes Connect. Learn More
Is there a way of changing the account address for the developers team?
In my account details when I log in to Apple developer my job email is set up to my account!
So, I have no idea, of how to change this initial mistake of accepting the invite with the wrong address?
iTunesConnect uses a different account than the developer portal. I don't think it has anything to do with the different email addresses. You need to ask the admin to add the email you signed up with as a user on iTunesConnect.

Make a developer deploy an application under my account to AppStore without giving him my username and password

I have a developer how created an app for me to be deployed in AppStore. He said that he needs my user id and password to complete the deployment and I don't want to give that.
I created an email and created an apple ID for him . I login to using my existing account and added this new apple id under Users and Roles and gave him Technical role.
Is this enough for him to deploy applications to AppStore under my account or is there any extra configuration?
My existing account joined the apple developer program
The new apple id didn't join the apple developer program
I am not a technical guy but I want the developer to deploy the app under my account without giving him the ID and password
Yes, Technical role is enough to deploy.
Source from apple docs:
Managing Your App in iTunes Connect - Developer - Apple
The technical role grants the ability to edit the app information
stored in iTunes Connect and to view test accounts for certain app
services. The technical role also grants permission to upload a binary
to iTunes Connect and submit an app to App Review.

Bundle IDs and iOS Developer Teams

I have my personal Dev Account and recently was invited via an email (separate email, that I do not user with other iOS Dev accounts) to be a part (join) of one company Developer account. I can access and login via that Developer account and create app IDs, bundle IDs and so on but when I login to iTunes Connect with that same email i can only see one company bundle ID like company* and not the ones that I have created.
Did the person that invited me made a mistake by checking some limitations, is it a bug* or is this limitation by default?
**I had used that same email as a part of iTunes Connect technical role for another app that I no longer develop/support, could this be causing some mixup with accounts and so on?
I have the same infuriating scenario. I'm assuming iTunes Connect is either deficient when it comes to supporting userids related to two teams or I just don't know how to switch my iTunes Connect login to use the correct team. Everywhere else I login I get prompted as to which team I wish to use for the new session.
Apple developer Technical Support came to my rescue:
Create a new, free, Apple Developer ID
Have my existing iTunes Connect account one add the new id to iTunes Connect as an Admin
Have the second, new, account use iTunes Connect to remove the first ID.
The first ID can now be added to my preferred team account in iTunes Connect
