Wildcard to add multiple iOS bundle ID on Facebook Developers App? - ios

I have many iOS apps that use the same facebook app ID to login. What we have it's basically a White Label platform.
Is there any way for me to add one single bundle formatted as a wildcard? Something like com.domain.apps.* instead of having to add com.domain.apps.app1, com.domain.apps.app2 for every single app that I create?

There is no way to do this. You would have to add each bundle to your Facebook app. You can also do this via the Graph API. Please see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/application/#Updating

If you add multiple applications in FB, you will face the following unsolved problem:
multiple FB Application IDs within single client using FB SDK 4
Previously, the problem could be solved with the use of a class 'FBSession'. But in the new sdk it is impossible to make.
I think there need clarification from facebook sdk developers.


Facebook SDK Without Login - App Install Tracking Only

I just want the Facebook SDK for conversion tracking. I need the SDK to verify downloads when running Facebook "App Install" campaigns. However, I do not want my users to have to Login to Facebook when they open my app!
Can I just install part of the SDK, skip the login steps, and still get the conversion tracking? Maybe even event tracking?
I've watched several tutorials on how to install the SDK BUT they all include steps for login functionality:
Thanks for the help.
The answer to my question was "yes'. In other words, I was able to get the conversion tracking function without adopting the login feature. Here's the guide.
In another question I outlined the steps to do it. Same steps as the guide but explained in different words / images.
Here is the link that explains caching that you can use for the purpose...

Is it necessary to call FB.Init()?

We're trying to integrate the Facebook SDK just so we can track installs and the effect of Facebook ads on our mobile game on iOS.
From what I've been reading it sounds like the purpose of calling FB.Init() is to give back a page to display to the user to log them into Facebook. That's not really what we're interested in so we just ignore it. Our game doesn't need or want to log anyone into Facebook -- merely to track the install of the app by App Id. Do we even need to call this?
Is it enough merely to include the SDK and set up the settings file in our app for iOS builds?
Yes, you have to call it.
This method is used to initialize and setup the SDK. All other SDK methods must be called after FB.Init(), because they
won't exist until you do.

Facebook iOS sdk 3.10 share local image or movie

I used Facebook sdk in the past, but the new version is making me crazy. I'm trying to create a UIActivity subclass that calls the official facebook share dialog. Since for someone having the "via iOS" instead of the app name in the post is a first world problem (just kidding), I can't use the iOS native integration with the SLComposeViewController.
In the documentation it seems that for post a picture using the share dialogs you need to use open graph actions, but is not totally clear to me if you can do inside your app, or you need to rely on external php application.
I've seen that there are some common actions that wouldn't require a declaration of a new one, but posting a photo or a movie it doesn't seems to be there.
I'd like to use something "native" as a share dialog instead of an FBSession if possible.

iOS Facebook API/SDK Wrapper?

I've been looking for a good iOS Facebook API/SDK Wrapper, can't find any.
I need to be able to (with a few lines of code, not the insanely needed by Facebook's API):
Login user
Logout user
Get user's likes
Invite Friend to app
Maybe post to user's wall (this has been causing problems to other apps so not sure will actually implement)
Get user's friends
Get user's basic info (e-mail, name, etc.)
Is there any wrapper simplifying the absurd vanilla API?
This should help and it is Facebook's official api.
Here's the documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/
You might be able to use portions of ShareKit for this (be sure to abide by their license): https://github.com/ShareKit/ShareKit/tree/master/Classes/ShareKit/Sharers/Services/Facebook
This doesn't do everything you asked, but it's a (clean) starting point at least: https://github.com/mobitar/Zuckerkit
This does a bit more, but hasn't been updated in a year: https://github.com/sinnerschrader-mobile/S2M-Facebook-iOS
I found this lib: https://github.com/lucascorrea/SCFacebook
It seems to use a not that outdated version of the iOS SDK (3.18 vs. current 3.21), is available on cocoapods and seems to cover many of your required API features.
I haven't used the lib my self, but i am considering it next time i have to develop an iOS App which needs to connect to facebook.

Same Facebook app for multiple (possibly infinite) iOS apps?

I want to integrate my Facebook app in multiple iOS apps. I know there's a way to include all the bundle IDs in my app settings on Facebook. But the problem is, I am providing this feature in an API.
Any person using my API, should be able make his iOS app connect to my Facebook app. And since the API is public, there is no way I'd know all the possible app ids.
I am using Facebook SDK 3.1 and logging in using
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:permissions
There is currently no way to programmatically add Bundle IDs to the Facebook App Dashboard. So unless you know the Bundle IDs ahead of time, you would not be able to set this up.
By the way, you want to be careful about tying one Facebook App ID to apps that are not similar to one another or extensions of one another, ex: a paid vs. free version.
