Create file Rails - ruby-on-rails

I'm sending an .AAC file from an iPhone to an API in RoR. What I'm doing is read the file byte by byte in the iPhone, convert the byte[] to a Base64 String, send the string to an API and then decode the String to the array and save that byte[] to a file.
The problem is the file being created on the serve side is different from the one sent, even though I checked and the byte[] is the same on the server side, when I save byte by byte I end up with a different filesize and it's also unplayable.
This is the code I'm using"test.aac", 'wb' ) do |output|
plain.each_byte do | byte |
output.print byte
puts byte
puts "_______"
puts i
puts "_______"
I've literally tried everything but I have no idea why it doesn't work.
This is the code that receives
puts mail
puts archivo
variable plain has exactly the same bytes as the byte I sent from the iPhone.
This is in Xamarin:
byte[] info = File.ReadAllBytes (audioFilePath.Path.ToString ());
String bytesTo64 = Convert.ToBase64String (info);

Okay, so the problem was writing byte by byte. I changed the code with
Base64 encoded string to file(Ruby on Rails)
and it worked flawlessly. This is my final code.'Now.aac', 'wb') { |f|


TarWriter throws Gem::Package::TarWriter::FileOverflow

I want to generate a tar from a buch of files.
out_file ='some.tar', 'w')
tar = out_file
attachments = #Array of attachment objects
file = #returns a String
tar.add_file_simple( a[:filename], 777, file.length) do |io|
Gem::Package::TarWriter::FileOverflow - You tried to feed more data
than fits in the file.
Has anyone an idea why this happens and how to fix it?
String#length returns the number of characters in the String. Since a UTF-8 character can be represented by more than a single byte, the bytesize of a string is usually larger.
The TarWriter now expects the file size to be given in bytes. Thus, if you use anything else than plain ascii characters in your file, it will overflow.
To solve this, you should thus pass file.bytesize to the add_file_simple method instead of file.size.

Encrypt text in file with ruby and cipher

I need to make an encryptor and decryptor which reads a file with text and encrypts it and then generates a txt file with the encryption.
Then you must decrypt that same txt file
So far I managed to encrypt the text and put it in the file but I still can not decrypt the text that is inside this.
The encrypt work without the files
**The problem starts here**
data = '''text2.txt','r') do |archivo|
while line = archivo.gets
data += line
encrypted = data
cipher ="aes-256-cbc")
cipher.key = key
cipher.iv = iv
# and decrypt it
decrypted = cipher.update(encrypted)
decrypted <<
puts "decrypted: #{decrypted}\n"
The error is : encrypt.rb:48:in final': wrong final block length (OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError)
from encrypt.rb:48:in'
The issue is in the block where you write out the encryption to the file text2.txt. You're using archivo.puts, but you want to use archivo.write. puts will append a newline character at the end of each line, so you're writing encrypted + "\n" to the file. When you try to decrypt it, that extra newline character messes it up. If you use write, it just writes exactly what you give it without the extra character.
What you want to do instead:'text2.txt', 'w') do |archivo|
archivo.write encrypted
Or even better yet:
File.write('text2.txt', encrypted)

How to convert Base64 string to pdf file using prawn gem

I want to generate pdf file from DB record. Encode it to Base64 string and store it to DB. Which works fine. Now I want reverse action, How can I decode Base64 string and generate pdf file again?
here is what I tried so far.
def data_pdf_base64
# Create Prawn Object
my_pdf =
# write text to pdf
my_pdf.text("Hello Gagan, How are you?")
# Save at tmp folder as pdf file
# Read pdf file and encode to Base64
encoded_string = Base64.encode64("#{Rails.root}/tmp/pdf/gagan.pdf"){|i|})
# Delete generated pdf file from tmp folder
File.delete("#{Rails.root}/tmp/pdf/gagan.pdf") if File.exist?("#{Rails.root}/tmp/pdf/gagan.pdf")
# Now converting Base64 to pdf again
pdf =
# I have used ttf font because it was giving me below error
# Your document includes text that's not compatible with the Windows-1252 character set. If you need full UTF-8 support, use TTF fonts instead of PDF's built-in fonts.
pdf.font Rails.root.join("app/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf")
pdf.text Base64.decode64 encoded_string
rescue => e
return render :text => "Error: #{e}"
Now I am getting below error:
Encoding ASCII-8BIT can not be transparently converted to UTF-8.
Please ensure the encoding of the string you are attempting to use is
set correctly
I have tried How to convert base64 string to PNG using Prawn without saving on server in Rails but it gives me error:
"\xFF" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
Can anyone point me what I am missing?
The answer is to decode the Base64 encoded string and either send it directly or save it directly to disk (naming it as a PDF file, but without using prawn).
The decoded string is a binary representation of the PDF file data, so there's no need to use Prawn or to re-calculate the content of the PDF data.
raw_pdf_str = Base64.decode64 encoded_string
render :text, raw_pdf_str # <= this isn't the correct rendering pattern, but it's good enough as an example.
To clarify some of the information given in the comments:
It's possible to send the string as an attachment without saving it to disk, either using render text: raw_pdf_str or the #send_data method (these are 4.x API versions, I don't remember the 5.x API style).
It's possible to encode the string (from the Prawn object) without saving the rendered PDF data to a file (save it to a String object instead). i.e.:
encoded_string = Base64.encode64(my_pdf.render)
The String data could be used directly as an email attachment, similarly to the pattern provided here only using the String directly instead of reading any data from a file. i.e.:
# inside a method in the Mailer class
attachments['my_pdf.pdf'] = { :mime_type => 'application/pdf',
:content => raw_pdf_str }

Decoding Base64-encoded file in Rails takes too long

I get image files sent from an Android app to my Rails API. I decode the images using this:[1]))
The issue is that it takes too much time; on heroku it takes even longer.
Is there another way to do this that's faster and more efficient?
You can also use this for decode base64:
# this method for decode base64 code to file
def parse_image_data(image[1])
base64_file = image[1]
ext, string = base64_file.split(',')
ext = MIME::Types[base64_file].first.preferred_extension if ext.include?("base64")
tempfile =["#{}", ".#{ext}"])
tempfile.write Base64.decode64(string)

Some utf-8 strings base64 encoded by php can not be decoded using iOS base64 library?

Here is one piece of Chinese utf-8 text which is encoded by PHP on the server-side, but when I decode it with iOS, it returns null.
I also tried this online tool where text can be decoded well.
NSData *decodedData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:content options:0];
content = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:decodedData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
Here is the test code for debug this issue with xcode:
NSString * = #"5aW96ZuF77yM5ZKx5p2l5LiA5L+X55qE77yM5pS56Ieq5Lic5Y2X6KW/5YyX6aOO44CCCuS4juS9oOebuOmAou+8jOWFqOaYr+acuue8mOW3p+WQiOOAguWPr+Wtpui1t+adpeWNtOW/g+aGlOaCtOOAggrmgLvmmK/ovpPkuoborqnlho3ljrvlrabvvIzlrabkuobo";
NSData *decodedData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString: options:0];
NSString *content = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:decodedData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] ;
Your revised question features a base64 string of:
This string has a length that is a multiple of four bytes, so the lack of the =/== terminator at the end is not the problem. And, in fact, initWithBase64EncodedString decodes it successfully:
e5a5bde9 9b85efbc 8ce592b1 e69da5e4 b880e4bf 97e79a84 efbc8ce6 94b9e887
aae4b89c e58d97e8 a5bfe58c 97e9a38e e380820a e4b88ee4 bda0e79b b8e980a2
efbc8ce5 85a8e698 afe69cba e7bc98e5 b7a7e590 88e38082 e58fafe5 ada6e8b5
b7e69da5 e58db4e5 bf83e686 94e682b4 e380820a e680bbe6 98afe8be 93e4ba86
e8aea9e5 868de58e bbe5ada6 efbc8ce5 ada6e4ba 86e8
The issue here is that this appears to not be a valid UTF8 string. In fact, when I run it through the site you referenced in your original question, it is also unable to convert it to a UTF8 string (I notice that your screen snapshots are using a different converter web site). When I ran it through another converter, it converted what it could, but then complained about the character following 学了 (which is, coincidentally, the character at which your base64 converter web site stopped, too).
By the way, the UTF8 representation of 了 is e4 ba 86. And you'll see that near the end of the hex representation of your base 64 string, followed by one more byte, e8. The thing is, e8, by itself, is not a valid UTF8 character. It almost looks looks like you took a base64 encoded string and just grabbed the first 200 bytes, disregarding whether that resulted in cutting the UTF8 character off in the middle or not.
The original question featured a base64 string of:
That is not valid base64. It should be a multiple of four bytes in length, but that is only 163 characters, which is missing a character. Either your server isn't properly terminating the base64 string, or it got cut off for some reason.
For example, if I add a = to get it up to 164 characters, I get a valid base64 string:
Adding the = would be the right solution if the server simply neglected to terminate the base64 string properly. Anyway, that can be base64-decoded to:
Is that what you were expecting?
Perhaps you should take a look at your base64 routine on your server? Or if it's getting truncated, look at how you are receiving it and compare the server's original base64 string length to what you have here.
For information about adding = or == to the end of a base 64 encoded string, see the base64 wikipedia page.
#Rob is right.
Check this Check NSData won't accept valid base64 encoded string
But in case if your server is not returning valid JSON with "=" or "==" then you need to use external methods to perform base64decode. Those methods can decode even if base64string does not have "=" symbol at the end.
