Method mysteriously exits execution in the middle to resume the rest of the program? - ios

So i've got this code that tries to find an unused upload name, using the user's email and a number at its end. It does this with a list of uploaded objects we've already collected, the user's email.(upload_name), and the
current number that might be open (it is incremented when a match is found).
The list is not sorted, and it's pretty tricky to sort for a few reasons, so I'm having the method read through the list again if it reaches the end and the upload_number has changed.
- (NSString*)findUnusedUploadNameWithPreviousUploads:(NSMutableArray*)objects withBaseUploadName:(NSString*)upload_name {
previous_upload_number = upload_number;
for (NSString *key in objects) {
// the component of the object name before the first / is the upload name.
NSLog([key componentsSeparatedByString:#"/"][1]);
if ([[key componentsSeparatedByString:#"/"][1]
isEqualToString:([NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#_%ld", S3KeyUploadName1, upload_number])]) {
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:#"upload name: %#_%ld", S3KeyUploadName1, upload_number]);
if (previous_upload_number == upload_number) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%ld", upload_name, upload_number];
return [self findUnusedUploadNameWithPreviousUploads:objects withBaseUploadName:upload_name];
The problem is, the program never reads the "ping". it just leaves the method after the first for loop is done.
Edit: No the NSlogs are fine, you can do simple string OR StringWithFormat.
Edit: Don't mind the unnecessary use of recursion, I did this because the simple way was having the same problem and i wanted to see if a different (albeit unnecessarily recursive) way would share that problem. It does.
Edit: I set a breakpoint in the for loop, and I set a break point at the "ping". It does not reach the ping. It completes the for loop and the ditches the whole thing.
Edit: Please try to help me figure out why it's exiting the the method immediately after the for loop. I'm aware this is stylistically meh, and I promise I'll make it shiny and spotless when it works. =]
Edit: to be clear, the method DOES exit. it does so early I know this because the rest of the program following this method (which is not threaded such that it wouldn't have to wait for it) runs AFTER this for loop, consistently.

There are a couple of possible explanations for the described behavior:
The method never exits. For some reason it blocks or performs infinitely somewhere in the loop. Make sure this is not the case by setting a breakpoint after the place where the message is called (i.e. the place to where it should return).
The method, or some method it calls, throws an exception. While seldom and unsupported in productive Cocoa code it could be some misbehaving 3rd party library or just a simple programmer error, where Cocoa actually does throw. Make sure this does not happen by setting an exception breakpoint in Xcode.
Undefined behavior. This is, sadly, part of official C and heavily exploited by modern compilers. It basically means: Anything can happen, if there's something in your code, where the standard says that the behavior is not defined. One example would be accessing a deallocated object. Another fine reason of undefined behavior can be threads accessing common data in an unsynchronized way.
Other than exceptions there's no explanation for a method to "exit early". If you still can't find the reason I suggest you invest some time to learn the debugger. Single stepping, like Aris suggested, might be a way to find out what's going on.


What happens if the `NEPacketTunnelflow` method `readPacketsWithCompletionHandler` is called multiple times?

When calling the method
- (void)readPacketsWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(
NSArray<NSData *> *packets, NSArray<NSNumber *> *protocols))completionHandler;
the completionHandler is either called directly, in case packets are available at call time, or it is called at a later tim when packets become available.
Yet what is nowhere documented is: What happens if I call this method again before the prior set completionHandler has ever been called?
Will the new handler replace the prior set one and the prior set one won't get called at all anymore?
Are both handler scheduled and called as data arrives? And if so, will they be called in the order I passed them, in reverse order, or in random order?
Has anyone any insights on how that method is implemented?
Of course, I can make a demo project, create a test setup, and see what results I get through testing but that is very time consuming and not necessarily reliable. The problem with unspecified behavior is that it may change at will without letting anyone know. This method may behave differently on macOS and iOS, it may behave differently with every new OS release, or depending on the day of the week.
Or does the fact that nothing is documented is by intention? Do I have to interpret that as: You may call this method once and after your callback was executed, you may call it again with the same or a new callback. Everything else is undefined behavior and you cannot and should not rely on any specific behavior if use that API in a different manner.
As nobody has replied so far, I tried my best to figure it out myself. As testing is not good enough for me, here is what I did:
First I extracted the NetworkExtension framework binary from the dyld cache of macOS Big Sur using this utility.
Then I ran otool -Vt over the resulting binary file to get a disassembler dump of the binary.
My assembly skills are a bit rusty but from what I see the completionHandler is stored in a property named packetHandler, replacing any previous stored value there. Also a callback is created in that method and stored on an object obtained by calling the method interface.
When looking at the code of this created callback, it obtains the value of the packetHandler property and sets it to NULL after the value was obtained. Then it creates NSData and NSNumber objects, adds those to NSArray objects and calls the obtained handler with those arrays.
So it seems that calling the method again just replaces the previous completionHandler which is never be called in that case. So you must not rely that a scheduled handler will eventually be called at some time in the future if the tunnel is not teared down if the possibility exists that your code might replace it. Also calling the method multiple times to schedule multiple callbacks has no effect as as only the last one will be kept and eventually be called.

isKindOfClass returning nil inside PromiseKit?

My colleague and I are building an async data layer heavily based on PromiseKit v1.5.3. We've noticed in certain circumstances, when returning a promise (call it X) from a block passed to then, the next then block actually passes Promse X as the argument to the block, rather than what the former promise actually resolved to. Chaining thenable promises is a pretty important feature for most Promise implementations, so we were pretty surprised.
After some pretty lengthy debug sessions, we've found the problem to be within PromiseKit. During the resolution process, an IsPromise call fails to identify the object as a promise, which is really a simple call to
[result isKindOfClass:[PMKPromise class]]
This call returns nil, and an incorrect branch is executed. Here's the source
The baffling thing about this, is that I don't see any reason for this to happen. I don't think this is a bug in PromiseKit since their code appears to be sound. I've confirmed the underlying object is indeed a PMKPromise since it responds to promise methods such as value and fulfilled. I've even pushed it through the correct branch using the debugger and it executes correctly from there!
Here's an interesting log from some tests while halted at the given line.
Given that isKindOfClass is returning nil, it sounds like that object isn't responding to the message... but it's certainly an NSObject. I'm curious if this may be a weird compiler setting or something. I currently have my optimizations set to none if that's relevant. Has anyone ever seen anything like this or know what's going on? What should I check?
isKindOfClass returns unexpected results when you manage to have the same class twice in your project. So you may have an object of class PMKPromise, but it is a different class (with exactly the same class name, exactly the same behaviour, just a second class). Maybe that's what happens. Obviously setting a breakpoint and checking what the object is would help.

message sent to deallocated instance error

Im constantly being given an error that reads *** -[NSKeyValueObservance retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x86c75f10. I have tried running the Zombies template and here is the screenshot of what it provides.
It points to a managedObject, and I'm having trouble figuring out where the object is being deallocated. Here is the block of code that the compiler takes me to after each crash.
- (void)setIsFavourite:(BOOL)isFavourite shouldPostToAnalytics:(BOOL)shouldPostToAnalytics;
// check whether we need to generate preferences objects just in time
if(!self.preferences && !self.series.preferences /*&& isFavourite*/)
[self.series addPreferencesObject];
[self addPreferencesObject];
//Crash In here
self.preferences.isFavourite = #(isFavourite);
self.series.preferences.isFavourite = #(isFavourite);
EDIT: If you need to see a larger size of the image here is a larger resolution link.
OK, I hit something similar and found a way to debug this kind of issue with NSKeyValueObservance. To debug, do the following:
In Xcode, open the "Breakpoint Navigator".
Add a new symbolic breakpoint with:
-[NSKeyValueObservance _initWithObserver:property:options:context:originalObservable:]
To that breakpoint, add an action and set it to "Debugger Command".
Set the following command: expr (void)NSLog(#"observer <0x%p>: %# <%p>, property: %#", $arg1, (id)NSStringFromClass((id)[(id)$arg3 class]), $arg3, (id)$arg4)
Click the "Automatically continue after evaluating expression".
Now you can run your application and take the steps necessary to reproduce your crash. And yes, you'll want NSZombies enabled. Note: it's going to run slow and you're going to get a ton of debug output, but just be patient. It'll get there eventually.
When you hit the crash when trying to message a deallocated NSKeyValueObservance, you'll be presented with the address of the original object. Highlight the address and hit cmd-e to enter the text in the search buffer. Then hit cmd-g find the next occurrence of the string in the debugger output. You're going to potentially find the address a couple of times, so look for the address that follows the observer <0x?????> output. The output on that line should tell you what object is being observed and for which property.
In my case, when I figured this all out, it turned out that I was observing a synthesized property that depended on an object in array and during a certain operation, the order of the objects in the array changed without doing the correct KVO notifications, and that caused my crash.
Are you using manual reference counting? If so, why? Convert your app to ARC. Manual reference counting is painful at best, and ARC is much better.
I am an experienced iOS and Mac OS developer and can do either, but I far prefer ARC. It's much less fussy and error-prone.
There is a feature built into Xcode that will convert your project to ARC for you. You might have to do some cleanup afterwords, but it's worth it.
If you do that your problem will likely go away.
As to the specifics, your screenshot is far too small to be able to read it. You will need to post a full-sized image if you want somebody to try to figure out what's going on.
However, in broad terms it sounds to me like you have an autorelease bug.
in manual reference counted code, lots of system method return objects that are "autoreleased." That means that when you receive them their retain count is positive (usually 1) so they stick around. However, they have been added to the "autorelease pool," which means that they are going to be released on the next pass through the event loop if nobody retains them first.
When you receive an autoreleased object you should either accept that it will be released once your current method returns, or retain it.
If you are trying to write Core Data code using manual reference counting and don't understand this then you are setting yourself up for failure.
Core Data is pretty complex, and you should have a solid understanding of Cocoa memory management before attempting to write a program that uses it, especially if you're using manual reference counting.

Memory leak when accessing GCController's gamepad

I'm adding support for the iOS GameController Framework to a cross-platform input library, and running into some trouble with a memory leak. Here's a simplified version of the troublesome code:
void InputSystem::UpdateControllerState(size_t nControllerIndex)
Controller& c = mController[nControllerIndex];
GCController* gc = c.mGameController;
GCExtendedGamepad* gp = [gc extendedGamepad]; // ***
c.mState[kIOSThumbLX] = gp.leftThumbstick.xAxis.value;
c.mState[kIOSThumbLY] = gp.leftThumbstick.yAxis.value;
// ... etc
The memory leak seems to be caused by the line marked with ***. I can comment out the lines reading values from the controller and memory is still leaked (under certain circumstances; this could be the key). I have tried adding [gc release] at the end of the function but that doesn’t seem to have any impact. This doesn’t really surprise me since I am not retaining the pointer so I should not need to release it.
The interesting thing is that this code works fine in some conditions. As I was working on the implementation, I set up a basic test that worked just fine. The problem only showed up when I tried hooking up the existing cross-platform unit tests for this library. Here is a bit more detail on the two setups:
(No leak) I set up my InputSystem in applicationDidFinishLaunching,
along with a displayLink to call a function each frame. This
function would call InputSystem code that would call the above
UpdateControllerState method and then print out any new input (button
presses, etc) detected. This setup worked fine; I saw the input from
the controller that I expected, and memory use stayed nice and flat.
(Memory leak) In order to test more rigourously, I hooked in the
cross-platform InputSystem unit tests. These tests include an
interactive mode that continuously loops to poll and print out new
inputs. This doesn’t give iOS the chance to receive input and update
the GCController, so I created a new thread in
applicationDidFinishLaunching to call into the tests. This worked
for getting input, but memory use was steadily increasing. As I
mentioned above, commenting out parts of the new code helped me
narrow it down to the highlighted line above.
I don't understand why these two setups behave differently in this way. Any help understanding this problem would be appreciated. I don't know at this point if this is a problem with how I am using the GCController class, or something I am not understanding about iOS memory in general. Thanks!
EDIT: I just tried storing the pointer to the extendedGamepad in my Controller object, so I could read from it directly and remove the line marked with ***. In this case, however, memory is leaked when I include the lines that read the values from the buttons or thumbsticks.

Accessing Class in a Breakpoint Conditional

I have a method that I want to debug:
-(void)doAThingWithObject:(BaseDataObject *)dataObject //called VERY often
And I have an Xcode breakpoint inside this method which I want to only break on a certain subclass of BaseDataObject, so I add a breakpoint w/conditional to check for that class:
[dataObject isKindOfClass:[SubClassOfBaseDataObject class]]
However, doing so results in a parse error!
Stopped due to an error evaluating condition of breakpoint 11.1: "[dataObject isKindOfClass:[SubClassOfBaseDataObject class]]"
Couldn't parse conditional expression:
error: no known method '+class'; cast the message send to the method's return type
error: 1 errors parsing expression
I have made sure to import all classes in the file, but the debugger does not know what class I'm referencing in the conditional.
However, creating a temp variable of said Class inside the method before the breakpoint:
Class subClassCheck = [SubClassOfBaseDataObject class];
And updating the breakpoint conditional to reference the temp variable:
[dataObject isKindOfClass:subClassCheck]
Throws no errors.
I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to breakpoint conditionals, can someone explain why my first approach doesn't work?
One complication with debugging code that is based on big frameworks like Cocoa is that it is not practical for the compiler to emit or the debugger to consume every type and function in the whole closure of frameworks you include. So the compiler uses some heuristics to reduce the amount of debug information generated. It will emit type information only for types that you actually use, and function/ObjC method information where the method is defined (as opposed to declared in a header file.) There's another little subtlety that lldb will read the type information for methods out of the ObjC runtime, though this information is not complete, since it is meant for the runtime not for debuggers... So we sometimes seem to know things about ObjC methods that violate the previous rule.
Another important thing to note is that the calling conventions for functions that return something larger than a pointer (like NSMakeRect, etc) are such that if the debugger calls a function thinking it returns a pointer and it actually returns a bigger structure, that act will cause stack corruption in your program. If you are lucky you will crash right away when you continue, but if you are unlucky it will just change some data value and cause you to spend hours trying to chase down some funny behavior that is actually caused by the debugger. So the debugger will refuse to call functions whose return type it can't determine.
Anyway the error you got is because the debugger couldn't find debug information for the "+class" method on your object. That is not altogether surprising, since "class" is a method on NSObject and not your class. I'm not sure why we couldn't find it in the runtime, maybe because it is a class method? That's worth a bug. We obviously did get the type of isKindOfClass: from the runtime, or your workaround would have also failed.
In this case, since you actually know the return type of the class method, you can work around the debugger's lack of knowledge by explicitly casting it in your breakpoint expression. Casting a function return in the debugger's expression parser serves two purposes, one is the regular C language function, and the other is telling the debugger the return type of a function it wouldn't otherwise be able to figure out. A sort of short-hand prototype only for the return type.
So something like:
[dataObject isKindOfClass: (Class) [SubClassOfBaseDataObject class]]
should work without having to alter your code.
Note also, the breakpoint conditions are run using the same mechanism as the "expr" or "print" command. So the easiest way to experiment with breakpoint commands is to set an unconditional breakpoint, hit it, then go to the lldb console and play around with "print" till you get something that works.
