iOS: AFNetworking VS. NSURLSessionDownloadTask - ios

I've been using AFNetworking 2.0 on my iOS App to regularly send HTTP requests and get data from a server and it works fine. But I needed to download a big file from time to time from this server (the same) so I decided to use NSURLSessionDownloadTask for that purpose.
The issue I have is that during a background downloading, and while my App is still in foreground, all the requests sent by the App using AFNetworking timeout.
On the server side, I can see that on the 25 simultaneous sockets that can be opened, one is taken by the background downloading and the rest is available so the server is still able to receive HTTP requests.
Any idea?


First http request in iOS networking is slow, subsequent requests are much faster

I'm experiencing slow response times for my first http POST request to my server.
This happens both in Android and iOS networking libraries. (Volley on Android, and Alamofire in iOS).
First response is roughly 0.7s-0.9s, whereas subsequent requests are 0.2s.
I'm guessing this is due to the session being kept-alive by the server, therefore eliminating the need for establishing a new session on each request.
I figure I can make a dummy request when the app starts to start the session, but it doesn't seem very elegant.
I also control the server side (Node.js) so if any configuration needs to be done there I can also try it.
Investigating a little further, I tried sending an https CONNECT request before issuing the first "real" POST request, and the behavior replicates.
After 30 seconds or so, the connection is dropped (probably at the iOS URLSession level, the load balancer is configured to keep connections as 60 seconds).
In theory this makes sense because setting up an https connection takes up several (12 total) packets and I'm on an inter continental connection.
So my solution is to send a CONNECT request when I expect the user to send a regular request.

iOS Networking - HTTP Connections & running in background

I have an app that lets the user send messages with images. A user might hit send, then immediately close their phone or switch to another app.
We were running into an issue that if there's temporarily a bad network connection the message would fail to send. We switched to using NSURLSession backgroundConfigurationWithIdentifier so that backgrounding the app doesn't immediately time out the running request. We switched to using this for all our api requests, thinking that it wouldn't hurt for every request to able to continue in the background if the app were closed at the wrong time.
Fast forward a couple weeks we're noticing all requests seem slow. Using wireshark I just discovered that this background session seems to use a new http connection per request, meaning it requires setting up a TCP connection and new TLS handshake for every request, which was adding a ~500ms latency on every request in our app. This is a pretty big deal but I can't find this behavior documented anywhere, including the link above or Apple's background transfer considerations.
So my question is, is this behavior expected, or am I doing something wrong somewhere? Is there an easy way with NSURLSession to make an HTTP request that will use an existing keep-alive connection if there is one, but can fall back to the backgroundConfiguration if the app gets moved to the background?
NSURLSession is the recommended way to fulfill your use case. Have you tried setting backgroundSessionConfig.discretionary = true
iOS Reference
A Boolean value that determines whether background tasks can be
scheduled at the discretion of the system for optimal performance.
If that doesn't help, I recommend filing a bug with iOS.

How do I know if NSURLSessionUploadTask is working when application is suspended?

When my application is running in the foreground I see periodic calls to: NSURLSessionTaskDelegate -> URLSession:task:didSendBodyData:totalBytesSent:totalBytesExpectedToSend:
When my application moves to the background and is suspended, calls to this method stop so I have no feedback on whether NSURLSessionUploadTask is continuing to upload. Are there any techniques out there for getting some feedback about the upload?
From looking at other StackOverflow posts about NSURLSessionUploadTask I can see there is a lot of confusion about this feature. Here are some feedback mechanisms I uncovered to help reduce this confusion:
use a network proxy and packet sniffer like Wireshark (see this for details). Filter out all traffic except traffic to/from the server you are upload the file to. Look for HTTP Response (200) from the server and a FIN,ACK from the iOS device to signal that the upload is complete and the response has been received. You can also use the packet sniffer to diagnose problems with the upload.
use Instruments to capture network traffic for the process nsurlsessiond
wait for the upload to complete. If your application is in the background and suspended when the upload completes, then iOS moves your application from the suspended state to actively running in the background and invokes the following methods in this order:
via NSURLSessionTaskDelegate -> URLSession:task:didSendBodyData:totalBytesSent:totalBytesExpectedToSend: some calls to this method that were not processed before application went into the background may be called
via NSURLSessionTaskDelegate: -> URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveData:
via NSURLSessionTaskDelegate -> NSURLSession:task:didCompleteWithError:
via NSURLSessionDelegate -> :URLSessionDidFinishEventsForBackgroundURLSession:
iOS gives the application 30 seconds TOTAL to handle end of download in the background before suspending the application
I've also put a very basic NSURLSessionUploadTask example application and webserver on github here.

Sending SPDY requests results in "The request timed out" errors with NSUrlSession in iOS

My iOS app loads images from an nginx HTTP server. After I send 400+ such requests the networking 'gets stuck' and all subsequent HTTP requests result in "The request timed out" error. I can make the images load again only when I restart the app.
I am using NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL to send four hundred HTTP GET requests to jpeg files.
Requests are sent sequentially, one after another. The interval between requests is 10 ms.
Each previous unfinished request is cancelled with cancel() method of NSURLSessionDataTask object.
I can only have this issue with HTTPS requests and when SPDY is enabled on the server.
Non-secure HTTP requests work fine.
Non-SPDY HTTPS requests work fine. I tested it by turning SPDY off on the server side, in the nginx config.
Problem appears both on iOS 8 and 9, on physical device and in the simulator. Both on Wi-Fi and LTE.
When I look at nginx access logs, I can still see the 'stuck' requests coming in. Important nuance: the request log record appears at the exact moment when the iOS app is giving up on it after the time out period ends.
I was hoping to analyze HTTP requests with Charles Proxy but the problem cures itself when requests go through Charles. That is - everything works with Charles, much like effect in quantum mechanics when the fact of looking influences the outcome.
I was able to reproduce the issue when the iOS app connected to two different servers with vastly different nginx configurations. This probably means that the issue is not related to a particular nginx setup.
I analyzed the app using "Activity Monitor" instrument. The number of threads it is using during the bulk HTTP requests jumps from 5 to 10. In comparison, when I send just a single HTTP requests the number of threads jumps to 8. CPU load rarely goes above 30%.
What can be the cause of the issue? Can anyone recommend other ways or tools for analysing and debugging it?
Analysing with scheduling instrument
Demo app
This demo app reproduces the issue 100% of the time for me.
Versions and settings
My nginx config:
OS X: 10.10.4 (14E46), iOS: 8 and 9, Xcode: 7.0 (7A218), nginx: 1.9.4
Not ideal workaround
I managed to keep requests working only if I create a new NSURLSession for each individual request and clear the previous session with finishTasksAndInvalidate or invalidateAndCancel.
// Request 1
let configuration = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()
let session = NSURLSession(configuration: configuration)
session.dataTaskWithURL ...
// Request 2
// clear the previous request
let session2 = NSURLSession(configuration: configuration)
session2.dataTaskWithURL ...
One possibility is that iOS started sending the request, and then packet loss prevented the headers and request body from being fully delivered.
Another possibility that comes to mind is that your server may not be logging the request until it actually finishes trying to deliver it, which would make the time stamps in the server logs line up with when the connection was closed, rather than when it was opened. (IIRC, that's what Apache does; I haven't worked with nginx, so I can't speak for its behavior.) If that's the case, then this is just a simple connection stall. As for why it is stalling, I couldn't guess.
Does the problem occur exclusively for HTTPS traffic? If you can reproduce it with HTTP, you don't need Charles Proxy; just use OS X's "Internet Sharing" feature, and capture the packets with tcpdump or wireshark, listening on the bridge interface. If you can't reproduce it with HTTP, my money would be on a problem with fetching the CRLs or performing the OCSP check while validating the server's certificate.
Is your app ending up with a huge number of threads as a result of excessive async dispatching to new queues, by any chance? Because that could easily cause all sorts of odd misbehavior.
How long is the timeout? If it is too short, your app might simply be running up against performance limitations of the hardware while processing the results of 400 requests delivered in only four seconds.
Also, are you trying to schedule these requests simultaneously? Because I seem to recall reading about a bug that causes NSURLSession to hit a brick wall if you start too many tasks in a single session at the same time. You might try adding tasks only after the number of tasks in a session drops below some threshold and see if that fixes the problem.

Should I continue to use

I am currently in the process of writing an iOS app and it's now been decided that there will no longer be an in-built real time messaging service. This was the main reason around using on the server. So basically when the app is loaded it logged in in the background by sending the login credentials with the connection request. Now that I don't need the messaging service, most of the app is just information requests and the server responds with the relevant information. I could still utilize the real time aspect by sending updated information to the device if it gets updated on the server and some in-app notifications could utilize this too. However I'm pretty sure it can be all done using http requests and I'm not sure how likely I would need real time functionality in a future update.
Ignoring time and money, should I fundamentally re-write the way the server and the app communicate or would it be okay to continue using and websockets?
