Here is a sample application application I created to mimic the case I'm working on. It is a single view application that uses CoreData and Swift 2.0 with Xcode 7 beta4
So in my View Controller I create a privateObjectContext that is a child of the mainManagedObjectContext
let mainMOC = AppDelegate().managedObjectContext
var privateObjectContext : NSManagedObjectContext?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
privateObjectContext = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .PrivateQueueConcurrencyType)
privateObjectContext?.parentContext = mainMOC
I know that saving in the child MOC syncs it to the parent and then saving the parent will save it to the persistent store but saving the main MOC everytime I save my child MOC doesn't make sense and makes the purpose of child MOC redundant. SO after all my testing is done I save my parent MOC and it does get stored in the persistent Store as expected.
But when I simulate a crash on the application ( by going to the task manager and forcibly killing the application) it doesn't get stored in the persistent manager; which it should have because of this
func applicationWillTerminate(application: UIApplication) {
// Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:.
// Saves changes in the application's managed object context before the application terminates.
func saveContext () {
if managedObjectContext.hasChanges {
do {
} catch {
// Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.
// abort() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development.
let nserror = error as NSError
NSLog("Unresolved error \(nserror), \(nserror.userInfo)")
But managedObjectContext.hasChanges returns false, despite it having changes in the ViewController
Am I wrong somewhere in the lifecycle of the the MOC?
I use an extension to NSManagedObjectContext to create test objects in bulk
privateObjectContext?.performBlock {
self.privateObjectContext?.createTestObjects(100) {
(person: Person, index) in = "Test Person \(index)"
do {
try self.privateObjectContext?.save()
} catch {
After this if I fetch from my main MOC then i get as expected 100 records.
print(mainMOC.hasChanges) //true
let persons = mainMOC.fetchAll(Person)
print(persons.count) //100
But after forcibly crashing the app the main MOC still shows no changes.
The application will terminate method is basically never used, so you shouldn't rely on it. You also shouldn't really be coding to save on crash, firstly your app shouldn't crash and secondly it's hard to know what data is invalid on crash so you may be corrupting otherwise good data.
In general you should either save immediately or batch save up to the persistent store.
Note that you can also construct your managed object contexts differently so things are processed and saved and then merged down to the main context. You probably only want to go to this effort if you're actually seeing problems at the UI when saving.
Strictly for your issue, the problem is that you aren't saving the child MOC (at least not in the code we can see). So, when you come to save the main MOC it doesn't have any of the child changes yet and there is nothing to be saved.
If you have lot of saves to be made, and as #Wain rightly pointed out that, it is not a good idea to perform saves on termination, there is a more recommended way to do this without choking the main thread. You will need to create a root context, that is associated with the store coordinator and runs in a non main queue. Your main context can be the child of this context.
Refer section ' Asynchronous Saving' in
I’m trying to get my head around background threads and manipulating CoreData via a background MOC, but I’ve ran into a bit of a snag whilst deleting a large number of records from CoreData
My setup is, I have a number of (Main) records, each of which can have 0 to several thousand (Secondary) records associated to them via a one to many relationship
This is represented by 2 view controllers in a master/detail style setup.
ViewController A has a table view that lists all of the main records.
ViewController B then shows the associated records when a cell on viewController A is tapped
Both tables are populated on the main thread and the data is fetched using the persistentContainer.viewContext.
ViewController B gives the user the option to delete all of the associated records in bulk, so I would like this to be done on a background thread, so as not to block the main thread.
The problem I am having is, If I delete the records and close viewController B before the process is finished, it doesn’t delete the records.
However, it deletes them fine if I leave viewController B open until the delete has finished.
One thing I have noticed, is if I do close ViewController B before the delete thread has finished, the view doesn’t deinitialize until the background delete process ends, so it seems to still be deleting after the view is closed, but it doesn’t seem to save to the persistent store unless I leave the view open until the process has finished
Here is the code i use to delete the records in the background:
class GlobalChanges....
static func deleteRecords(records: [NSManagedObject], managedContext: NSManagedObjectContext, finished: () -> Void){
//create a new background MOC
let coreDataManager = CoreDataStack.shared
let backgroundContext = coreDataManager.persistentContainer.newBackgroundContext()
backgroundContext.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true
backgroundContext.performAndWait {
//remove the records from the managed context
for record in records{
let backgroundContextRecord = backgroundContext.object(with: record.objectID) as NSManagedObject
//delete the record
do {
//update core data
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Could not save \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
And this is called when user taps delete by:
#IBAction func deleteButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
let deleteQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "deleteQueue")
deleteQueue.async {
GlobalChanges.deleteRecords(records: self.selectedRows, managedContext: self.managedContext){
//update UI...
How would I get the data to persist when closing ViewController B before the delete process has finished?
Thank in advance
What I would like to contribute to your question is not the solution of your problem per se. But I want to help you improve your approach to "delete all of the associated records in bulk".
If indeed you want to delete all the secondary records of a Primary (Main) records at once, the best approach in CoreData is to edit the to-Many relationship using the Relationship Inspector of the .xcmodeld file and set the Delete Rule to cascade.
Then you delete the primary record itself. Core Data will automatically cascade your delete to all the secondary records. They will be deleted as well without you doing anything else.
If you need the keep the primary record an only clear the relationship, you might consider having a to-One relationship to an intermediate entity that will hold the to-Many secondary records. This way you can delete that intermediate entity an assign a new one to the to-One relationship.
Ok, I’ve sussed it
Each time View controller B is closed, it calculates totals from the remaining (Secondary) records and writes the data back to the (Main) record on the ViewContext.
This was causing a merge conflict due to the backgroundContext and the ViewContext both trying to update the persistent store at the same time.
To get around this, I queued all context writes, so that only one write was being performed on the store at any given time
let persistentContainerQueue = OperationQueue()
persistentContainerQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
func SaveBackgroundContext(backgroundContext: NSManagedObjectContext) {
//add the save operation to the back of the queue
do {
//update core data
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Could not save \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
I've already done research in lots of articles and discussions about how to use NSManagedObjectContext, but still could't find a satisfying architecture for my project.
In my app, there are three sources where the data might be modified from, ordered by their priorities when there is conflict simultaneously (ex. the cloud has the least priority):
User interface,
BLE message,
HTTP response from the cloud
Since I'm still not an expert on iOS development, I tried to avoid using multiple context for each source. However, after weeks of trial and error, I am reluctant but start to think if I really need to go for multi-context approach.
At the very beginning, I tried to use context.perform { } on the main context to do all the data change operations (add/update/delete, except fetch). I kept fetch to be a sync function because I want the data fetch to be instant so that can responsive with the UI. However, under this approach, I occasionally receive "Collection <__NSCFSet: 0x000000000> was mutated while being enumerated" exception (which I suppose might happen in the forEach or map function for batch data processing). I also found that this approach still block the UI when there are bunch of records to update in the background queue.
Therefore, I created a background context and use parent-child model to manipulate data. Basically the main context(parent) is only responsible for fetching data, while the background context(child) manipulates all the data change (add/update/delete) via backgroundContext.perform { }. This approach solves the UI block problem, however the collection mutated error still happen occasionally, and another issue occurs under this structure: for instance, the app would crash when I add a data record in ViewController A, and move to View Controller B, which fetch the same data immediately even if the background context haven't finished adding the data record.
Therefore I would like to ask some suggestions for the Core Data usage on my project. Is there something I did wrong under my parent-child data context model? Or, should I inevitably go for a real multi-context model without parent-child? How to do it?
My main context(parent) and background context(child) are initiated like this:
lazy var _context: NSManagedObjectContext = {
return (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext
lazy var _backgroundContext: NSManagedObjectContext = {
let ctx = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: NSManagedObjectContextConcurrencyType.privateQueueConcurrencyType)
ctx.parent = self._context
return ctx
And the merge function is as follow:
#objc func contextDidSaveContext(notification: NSNotification) {
let sender = notification.object as! NSManagedObjectContext
if sender === self._context {
NSLog("******** Saved main Context in this thread")
self._backgroundContext.perform {
self._backgroundContext.mergeChanges(fromContextDidSave: notification as Notification)
} else if sender === self._backgroundContext {
NSLog("******** Saved background Context in this thread")
self._context.perform {
self._context.mergeChanges(fromContextDidSave: notification as Notification)
else {
NSLog("******** Saved Context in other thread")
self._context.perform {
self._context.mergeChanges(fromContextDidSave: notification as Notification)
self._backgroundContext.perform {
self._backgroundContext.mergeChanges(fromContextDidSave: notification as Notification)
Any advice of the core data structure would be appreciated.
Have you explored to use NSFetchedResultsController to fetch the data?
NSFetchedResultsController provides a thread safe way to observe for changes in the data due to Create, update or delete operations in CoreData.
Use NSFetchedResultsController's delegate methods to update the UI.
Ideally, controllerDidChangeContent delegate would give you an indication to update the UI. Documentation for reference
Saving a large amount of data at a time is very slow.
Current Setup
In my app there's a private-queue NSManagedObjectContext as the parent that talks to the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator directly to save data. A child main-queue context is consumed by a NSTreeController for the UI(NSOutlineView).
(My goal was to prevent any occurence of the beach ball. Currently I remedy the problem by only saving data when the app goes inactive. But since the data that are planed to be deleted are not deleted yet, they may still come up in a fetch result. That's another problem I'm trying to solve.)
The Problem
The child main-queue context can only wait when fetching when the parent context is busy saving.
Related Problems
Core Data: parent context blocks child This perhaps is essentially the same question. I've noticed the answer says the setup is intrinsically wrong. Then I wonder is there a way to do the writing and reading at the same time with Core Data?
Correct implementation of parent/child NSManagedObjectContext A commonly asked question lacks answers with insights (sorry...).
What is the most efficient way to delete a large number (10.000+) objects in Core Data? If the objects can't be designated by a NSPredicate, we still need to rely on the traditional delete() (and maybe the Cascade delete rule) Also, it doesn't eliminate the blocking-the-UI issue.
I will update this question when I have more findings.
I'm guessing you're developing for OS X / macOS (NSTreeController & NSOutlineView). I've no experience with macOS - I develop for iOS - so you might need to take that into account when you're reading my response.
I've not yet made the switch to swift - my code is, perhaps obviously, Objective-C...
I'll start with how I prepare the Core Data stack.
I set up two public properties in the header file:
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSManagedObjectContext *mocPrivate;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSManagedObjectContext *mocMain;
Although this is unnecessary, I also prefer to set up private properties for my Core Data objects, including, for example:
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *persistentStoreCoordinator;
Once I've pointed to my model URL, established my managed object model NSManagedObjectModel, pointed to my store URL for my NSPersistentStore and established my persistent store coordinator NSPersistentStoreCoordinator (PSC), I set up my two managed object contexts (MOC).
Within the method to "build" my Core Data stack, after I've completed the code per the above paragraph, I then include the following...
if (!self.mocPrivate) {
self.mocPrivate = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
[self.mocPrivate setPersistentStoreCoordinator:self.persistentStoreCoordinator];
} else {
// report to console the use of existing MOC
if (!self.mocMain) {
self.mocMain = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSMainQueueConcurrencyType];
[self.mocMain setParentContext:self.mocPrivate];
} else {
// report to console the use of existing MOC
(I usually include a few NSLog lines in this code to report to my console but I've excluded that here to keep the code clean.)
Note two important aspects to this code...
set the private queue MOC to interact with the PSC; and
set the main queue MOC as the child of the private queue MOC.
Why is this done? First let's highlight a couple of important points:
Saves to memory are relatively fast; and
Saves to disc are relatively slow.
The private queue is asynchronous to the main queue. The User Interface (UI) operates on the main queue. The private queue operates on a separate thread "in the background" working to maintain context and coordinate data persistence with the PSC, perfectly managed by Core Data and iOS. The main queue operates on the main thread with the UI.
Written a different way...
Heavy work completing irregular (managed by Core Data) data persistence to the PSC (saves to disc) is completed in the private queue; and
Light work completing regular (managed by developer) data persistence to the MOC (saves to memory) is completed in the main queue.
In theory this should ensure your UI is never blocked.
But there is more to this solution. How we manage the "save" process is important...
I write a public method:
- (void)saveContextAndWait:(BOOL)wait;
I call this method from any class that needs to persist data. The code for this public method:
- (void)saveContextAndWait:(BOOL)wait {
// 1. First
if ([self.mocMain hasChanges]) {
// 2. Second
[self.mocMain performBlockAndWait:^{
NSError __autoreleasing *error;
BOOL success;
if (!(success = [self.mocMain save:&error])) {
// error handling
} else {
// report success to the console
} else {
NSLog(#"%# - %# - CORE DATA - reports no changes to managedObjectContext MAIN_", NSStringFromClass(self.class), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
// 3. Third
void (^savePrivate) (void) = ^{
NSError __autoreleasing *error;
BOOL success;
if (!(success = [self.mocPrivate save:&error])) {
// error handling
} else {
// report success to the console
// 4. Fourth
if ([self.mocPrivate hasChanges]) {
// 5. Fifth
if (wait) {
[self.mocPrivate performBlockAndWait:savePrivate];
} else {
[self.mocPrivate performBlock:savePrivate];
} else {
NSLog(#"%# - %# - CORE DATA - reports no changes to managedObjectContext PRIVATE_", NSStringFromClass(self.class), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
So I'll work through this to explain what is happening.
I offer the developer the option to save and wait (block), and depending on the developer's use of the method saveContextAndWait:wait, the private queue MOC "saves" using either:
the performBlockAndWait method (developer calls method with wait = TRUE or YES); or
the performBlock method (developer calls method with wait = FALSE or NO).
First, the method checks whether there are any changes to the main queue MOC. Let's not do any work unless we have to!
Second, the method completes a (synchronous) call to performBlockAndWait on the main queue MOC. This performs the call to save method in a code block and waits for completion before allowing the code to continue. Remember this is for regular "saves" of small data sets. The (asynchronous) option to call performBlock is not required here and in fact will derail the effectiveness of the method, as I experienced when I was learning to implement this in my code (failure to persist data due to the save call on the main queue MOC attempting to complete after completion of the save on the private queue MOC).
Third, we write a little block within a block that contains the code to save the private queue MOC.
Fourth, the method checks whether there are any changes to the private queue MOC. This may be unnecessary but it is harmless to include here.
Fifth, depending on the option the developer chooses to implement (wait = YES or NO) the method calls either performBlockAndWait or performBlock on the block within a block (under third above).
In this last step, regardless of the implementation (wait = YES or NO), the function of persisting data to disc, from the private queue MOC to the PSC, is abstracted to the private queue on an asynchronous thread to the main thread. In theory the "save to disc" via the PSC can take as long as it likes because it has nothing to do with the main thread. AND because the private queue MOC has all the data in memory, the main queue MOC is fully and automatically informed of the changes because it is the child of the private queue MOC.
If you import large volumes of data into app, something I am currently working on implementing, then it makes sense to import this data into the private queue MOC.
The private queue MOC does two things here:
It coordinates data persistence (to disc) with the PSC;
Because it is the parent of the main queue MOC (in memory), the main queue MOC will be notified of the data changes in the private queue MOC and merges are managed by Core Data;
Finally, I use NSFetchedResultsController (FRC) to manage my data fetches, which are all completed against the main queue MOC. This maintains data hierarchy. As changes are made to the data sets in either context, the FRC updates the view.
This solution is simple! (Once I spent weeks wrangling my head around it and another few weeks refining my code.)
There is no requirement to monitor notifications for merges or other changes to MOC. Core Data and iOS handle everything in the background.
So if this doesn't work for you - let me know - I may have excluded or overlooked something as I wrote this code well over a year ago.
I've found so many solutions for progress bar update within the same thread and view controller, however they seemed to be not similar cases as mine.
In my application, the main view controller calls loadIntoCoreData()(implemented in class MyLoadingService) which asynchronously loads data into core data by another thread. This function has to continuously update the loading percentage (which is written in NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()) to the main thread so that it could be shown on the progress bar in main view controller. I had ever used a while loop in MainViewController to continuously fetch the current percentage value, like below:
class MainViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
MyLoadingService.loadIntoCoreData() { result in
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setBool(false, forKey: "isLoading")
// do something to update the view
self.performSelectorInBackground("updateLoadingProgress", withObject: nil)
func updatingLoadingProgress() {
let prefs = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
prefs.setBool(true, forKey: "isLoading")
// here I use a while loop to listen to the progress value
while(prefs.boolForKey("isLoading")) {
// update progress bar on main thread
self.performSelectorOnMainThread("showLoadingProcess", withObject: nil, waitUntilDone: true)
prefs.setValue(Float(0), forKey: "loadingProcess")
func showLoadingProcess() {
let prefs = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
if let percentage = prefs.valueForKey("loadingProcess") {
self.progressView.setProgress(percentage.floatValue, animated: true)
And in the class of function loadIntoCoreData:
class MyLoadingService {
let context = (UIApplication.sharedApplication()delegate as! AppDelegate).managedObjectContext!
func loadIntoCoreData(source: [MyModel]) {
var counter = 0
for s in source {
//load into core data using the class context
// updating the value of "loadingProcess" in NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
// and synchronize it on main queue
The above code can successfully run the progress bar, however it often encounter BAD_ACCESS or some other exceptions(like "Cannot update object that was never inserted") due to the conflicts on core data context (thought it seems that managedObjectContext isn't touched by the main thread). Therefore, instead of using a while loop listening on the main thread, I consider using NSOperationQueue.performSelectorOnMainThread to acknowledge the main thread after each entry. Therefore I put my view controller as an argument sender into loadCoreData and call performSelectorOnMainThread("updateProgressBar", withObject: sender, waitUntilDone: true) but failed with error "unrecognized selector sent to class 'XXXXXXXX'". So I would like to ask if is it possible to update an UI object between threads? Or, how to modify my previous solution so that the core data context conflicts could be solved? Any solutions are appreciated.
class MyLoadingService {
func loadIntoCoreData(sender: MainViewController, source: [MyModel]) {
var counter = 0
for s in source {
//load into core data using the class context
// updating the value of "loadingProcess" in NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
// and synchronize it on main queue
NSOperationQueue.performSelectorOnMainThread("updateProgressBar", withObject: sender, waitUntilDone: true)
func updateProgressBar(sender: MainViewController) {
sender.progressView.setProgress(percentage, animated: true)
class MainViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
MyLoadingService.loadIntoCoreData(self) { result in
// do something to update the view
First, you are abusing NSUserDefaults in horrible ways. The documentation describes it as this...
The NSUserDefaults class provides a programmatic interface for
interacting with the defaults system. The defaults system allows an
application to customize its behavior to match a user’s preferences.
For example, you can allow users to determine what units of
measurement your application displays or how often documents are
automatically saved. Applications record such preferences by assigning
values to a set of parameters in a user’s defaults database. The
parameters are referred to as defaults since they’re commonly used to
determine an application’s default state at startup or the way it acts
by default.
You are using it to store a global variable.
Furthermore, you are completely abusing the user's CPU in your loop where you continuously are checking the value in the user defaults, and clipping off a selector to the main thread. "Abuse of the CPU" doesn't even come close to describing what this code is doing.
You should use NSProgress for reporting progress. There is a WWDC 2015 presentation dedicated exclusively to using NSProgress.
On to your core data usage.
Unfortunately, since you intentionally redacted all of the core data code, it's impossible to say what is going wrong.
However, based on what I see, you are probably trying to use that managed object context from your app delegate (which is probably still created with the deprecated confinement policy) from a background thread, which is a cardinal sin of the highest order as far as core data is concerned.
If you want to import data as a long running operation, use a private context, and execute the operations in the background. Use NSProgress to communicate progress to anyone wanting to listen.
Thanks for the advice on my core data context usage. I digged into all
the contexts in my code and re-organized the contexts inside, the
conflict problem does not happen anymore. As for NSProgress , it's a
pity that the WWDC presentation focus on the feature on iOS 9 (while
my app must compact on iOS 8 devices). However, even though I use
NSProgress, I should still tell the main thread how many data the core
data (on another thread) already has, right? How does the thread on
NSProgress know the loading progress on my core data thread? –
You can still use NSProgress for iOS8, then only real difference is that you can't explicitly add children, but the implicit way still works, and that video explains it as well.
You really should watch the whole video and forget about the iOS9 part, except to know that you must add children implicitly instead of explicitly.
Also, this pre-iOS9 blog post should clear up any questions you have about it.
I have a large import task I need to do with core data.
Let say my core data model look like this:
I fetch a list of car info JSON from my server and then I want to sync it with my core data Car object, meaning:
If its a new car -> create a new Core Data Car object from the new info.
If the car already exists -> update the Core Data Car object.
So I want to do this import in background without blocking the UI and while the use scrolls a cars table view that present all the cars.
Currently I'm doing something like this:
// create background context
NSManagedObjectContext *bgContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc]initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
[bgContext setParentContext:self.mainContext];
[bgContext performBlock:^{
NSArray *newCarsInfo = [self fetchNewCarInfoFromServer];
// import the new data to Core Data...
// I'm trying to do an efficient import here,
// with few fetches as I can, and in batches
for (... num of batches ...) {
// do batch import...
// save bg context in the end of each batch
[bgContext save:&error];
// when all import batches are over I call save on the main context
// save
NSError *error = nil;
[self.mainContext save:&error];
But I'm not really sure I'm doing the right thing here, for example:
Is it ok that I use setParentContext ?
I saw some examples that use it like this, but I saw other examples that don't call setParentContext, instead they do something like this:
NSManagedObjectContext *bgContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
bgContext.persistentStoreCoordinator = self.mainContext.persistentStoreCoordinator;
bgContext.undoManager = nil;
Another thing that I'm not sure is when to call save on the main context, In my example I just call save in the end of the import, but I saw examples that uses:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification* note) {
NSManagedObjectContext *moc = self.managedObjectContext;
if (note.object != moc) {
[moc performBlock:^(){
[moc mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:note];
As I mention before, I want the user to be able to interact with the data while updating, so what if I the user change a car type while the import change the same car, is the way I wrote it safe?
Thanks to #TheBasicMind great explanation I'm trying to implement option A, so my code looks something like:
This is the Core Data configuration in AppDelegate:
#pragma mark - Core Data stack
- (void)saveContext {
NSError *error = nil;
NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext = self.managedObjectContext;
if (managedObjectContext != nil) {
if ([managedObjectContext hasChanges] && ![managedObjectContext save:&error]) {
DDLogError(#"Unresolved error %#, %#", error, [error userInfo]);
// main
- (NSManagedObjectContext *)managedObjectContext {
if (_managedObjectContext != nil) {
return _managedObjectContext;
_managedObjectContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSMainQueueConcurrencyType];
_managedObjectContext.parentContext = [self saveManagedObjectContext];
return _managedObjectContext;
// save context, parent of main context
- (NSManagedObjectContext *)saveManagedObjectContext {
if (_writerManagedObjectContext != nil) {
return _writerManagedObjectContext;
NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *coordinator = [self persistentStoreCoordinator];
if (coordinator != nil) {
_writerManagedObjectContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
[_writerManagedObjectContext setPersistentStoreCoordinator:coordinator];
return _writerManagedObjectContext;
And this is how my import method looks like now:
- (void)import {
NSManagedObjectContext *saveObjectContext = [AppDelegate saveManagedObjectContext];
// create background context
NSManagedObjectContext *bgContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc]initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
bgContext.parentContext = saveObjectContext;
[bgContext performBlock:^{
NSArray *newCarsInfo = [self fetchNewCarInfoFromServer];
// import the new data to Core Data...
// I'm trying to do an efficient import here,
// with few fetches as I can, and in batches
for (... num of batches ...) {
// do batch import...
// save bg context in the end of each batch
[bgContext save:&error];
// no call here for main save...
// instead use NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification to merge changes
And I also have the following observer:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification* note) {
NSManagedObjectContext *mainContext = self.managedObjectContext;
NSManagedObjectContext *otherMoc = note.object;
if (otherMoc.persistentStoreCoordinator == mainContext.persistentStoreCoordinator) {
if (otherMoc != mainContext) {
[mainContext performBlock:^(){
[mainContext mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:note];
This is an extremely confusing topic for people approaching Core Data for the first time. I don't say this lightly, but with experience, I am confident in saying the Apple documentation is somewhat misleading on this matter (it is in fact consistent if you read it very carefully, but they don't adequately illustrate why merging data remains in many instances a better solution than relying on parent/child contexts and simply saving from a child to the parent).
The documentation gives the strong impression parent/child contexts are the new preferred way to do background processing. However Apple neglect to highlight some strong caveats. Firstly, be aware that everything you fetch into your child context is first pulled through it's parent. Therefore it is best to limit any child of the main context running on the main thread to processing (editing) data that has already been presented in the UI on the main thread. If you use it for general synchronisation tasks it is likely you will be wanting to process data which extends far beyond the bounds of what you are currently displaying in the UI. Even if you use NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType, for the child edit context, you will potentially be dragging a large amount of data through the main context and that can lead to bad performance and blocking. Now it is best not to make the main context a child of the context you use for synchronisation, because it won't be notified of synchronisation updates unless you are going to do that manually, plus you will be executing potentially long running tasks on a context you might need to be responsive to saves initiated as a cascade from the edit context that is a child of your main context, through the main contact and down to the data store. You will have to either manually merge the data and also possibly track what needs to be invalidated in the main context and re-sync. Not the easiest pattern.
What the Apple documentation does not make clear is that you are most likely to need a hybrid of the techniques described on the pages describing the "old" thread confinement way of doing things, and the new Parent-Child contexts way of doing things.
Your best bet is probably (and I'm giving a generic solution here, the best solution may be dependent on your detailed requirements), to have a NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType save context as the topmost parent, which saves directly to the datastore. [Edit: you won't be doing very much directly on this context], then give that save context at least two direct children. One your NSMainQueueConcurrencyType main context you use for the UI [Edit: it's best to be disciplined and avoid ever doing any editing of the data on this context], the other a NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType, you use to do user edits of the data and also (in option A in the attached diagram) your synchronisation tasks.
Then you make the main context the target of the NSManagedObjectContextDidSave notification generated by the sync context, and send the notifications .userInfo dictionary to the main context's mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:.
The next question to consider is where you put the user edit context (the context where edits made by the user get reflected back into the interface). If the user's actions are always confined to edits on small amounts of presented data, then making this a child of the main context again using the NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType is your best bet and easiest to manage (save will then save edits directly into the main context and if you have an NSFetchedResultsController, the appropriate delegate method will be called automatically so your UI can process the updates controller:didChangeObject:atIndexPath:forChangeType:newIndexPath:) (again this is option A).
If on the other hand user actions might result in large amounts of data being processed, you might want to consider making it another peer of the main context and the sync context, such that the save context has three direct children. main, sync (private queue type) and edit (private queue type). I've shown this arrangement as option B on the diagram.
Similarly to the sync context you will need to [Edit: configure the main context to receive notifications] when data is saved (or if you need more granularity, when data is updated) and take action to merge the data in (typically using mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:). Note that with this arrangement, there is no need for the main context to ever call the save: method.
To understand parent/child relationships, take Option A: The parent child approach simply means if the edit context fetches NSManagedObjects, they will be "copied into" (registered with) first the save context, then the main context, then finally edit context. You will be able to make changes to them, then when you call save: on the edit context, the changes will saved just to the main context. You would have to call save: on the main context and then call save: on the save context before they will be written out to disk.
When you save from a child, up to a parent, the various NSManagedObject change and save notifications are fired. So for example if you are using a fetch results controller to manage your data for your UI, then it's delegate methods will be called so you can update the UI as appropriate.
Some consequences: If you fetch object and NSManagedObject A on the edit context, then modify it, and save, so the modifications are returned to the main context. You now have the modified object registered against both the main and the edit context. It would be bad style to do so, but you could now modify the object again on the main context and it will now be different from the object as it is stored in the edit context. If you then try to make further modifications to the object as stored in the edit context, your modifications will be out of sync with the object on the main context, and any attempt to save the edit context will raise an error.
For this reason, with an arrangement like option A, it is a good pattern to try to fetch objects, modify them, save them and reset the edit context (e.g. [editContext reset] with any single iteration of the run-loop (or within any given block passed to [editContext performBlock:]). It is also best to be disciplined and avoid ever doing any edits on the main context.
Also, to re-iterate, since all processing on main is the main thread, if you fetch lots of objects to the edit context, the main context will be doing it's fetch processing on the main thread as those objects are being copied down iteratively from parent to child contexts. If there is a lot of data being processed, this can cause unresponsiveness in the UI. So if, for example you have a large store of managed objects, and you have a UI option that would result in them all being edited. It would be a bad idea in this case to configure your App like option A. In such a case option B is a better bet.
If you aren't processing thousands of objects, then option A may be entirely sufficient.
BTW don't worry too much over which option you select. It might be a good idea to start with A and if you need to change to B. It's easier than you might think to make such a change and usually has fewer consequences than you might expect.
Firstly, parent/child context are not for background processing. They are for atomic updates of related data that might be created in multiple view controllers. So if the last view controller is cancelled, the child context can be thrown away with no adverse affects on the parent. This is fully explained by Apple at the bottom of this answer at [^1]. Now that is out of the way and you haven't fallen for the common mistake, you can focus on how to properly do background Core Data.
Create a new persistent store coordinator (no longer needed on iOS 10 see update below) and a private queue context. Listen for the save notification and merge the changes into the main context (on iOS 10 the context has a property to do this automatically)
For a sample by Apple see "Earthquakes: Populating a Core Data Store Using a Background Queue"
As you can see from the revision history on 2014-08-19 they added
"New sample code that shows how to use a second Core Data stack to fetch data on a background queue."
Here is that bit from AAPLCoreDataStackManager.m:
// Creates a new Core Data stack and returns a managed object context associated with a private queue.
- (NSManagedObjectContext *)createPrivateQueueContext:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error {
// It uses the same store and model, but a new persistent store coordinator and context.
NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *localCoordinator = [[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator alloc] initWithManagedObjectModel:[AAPLCoreDataStackManager sharedManager].managedObjectModel];
if (![localCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:NSSQLiteStoreType configuration:nil
URL:[AAPLCoreDataStackManager sharedManager].storeURL
error:error]) {
return nil;
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
[context performBlockAndWait:^{
[context setPersistentStoreCoordinator:localCoordinator];
// Avoid using default merge policy in multi-threading environment:
// when we delete (and save) a record in one context,
// and try to save edits on the same record in the other context before merging the changes,
// an exception will be thrown because Core Data by default uses NSErrorMergePolicy.
// Setting a reasonable mergePolicy is a good practice to avoid that kind of exception.
context.mergePolicy = NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy;
// In OS X, a context provides an undo manager by default
// Disable it for performance benefit
context.undoManager = nil;
return context;
And in AAPLQuakesViewController.m
- (void)contextDidSaveNotificationHandler:(NSNotification *)notification {
if (notification.object != self.managedObjectContext) {
[self.managedObjectContext performBlock:^{
[self.managedObjectContext mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:notification];
Here is the full description of how the sample is designed:
Earthquakes: Using a "private" persistent store coordinator to fetch data in background
Most applications that use Core Data employ a single persistent store coordinator to mediate access to a given persistent store. Earthquakes shows how to use an additional "private" persistent store coordinator when creating managed objects using data retrieved from a remote server.
Application Architecture
The application uses two Core Data "stacks" (as defined by the existence of a persistent store coordinator). The first is the typical "general purpose" stack; the second is created by a view controller specifically to fetch data from a remote server (As of iOS 10 a second coordinator is no longer needed, see update at bottom of answer).
The main persistent store coordinator is vended by a singleton "stack controller" object (an instance of CoreDataStackManager). It is the responsibility of its clients to create a managed object context to work with the coordinator[^1]. The stack controller also vends properties for the managed object model used by the application, and the location of the persistent store. Clients can use these latter properties to set up additional persistent store coordinators to work in parallel with the main coordinator.
The main view controller, an instance of QuakesViewController, uses the stack controller's persistent store coordinator to fetch quakes from the persistent store to display in a table view. Retrieving data from the server can be a long-running operation which requires significant interaction with the persistent store to determine whether records retrieved from the server are new quakes or potential updates to existing quakes. To ensure that the application can remain responsive during this operation, the view controller employs a second coordinator to manage interaction with the persistent store. It configures the coordinator to use the same managed object model and persistent store as the main coordinator vended by the stack controller. It creates a managed object context bound to a private queue to fetch data from the store and commit changes to the store.
[^1]: This supports the "pass the baton" approach whereby—particularly in iOS applications—a context is passed from one view controller to another. The root view controller is responsible for creating the initial context, and passing it to child view controllers as/when necessary.
The reason for this pattern is to ensure that changes to the managed object graph are appropriately constrained. Core Data supports "nested" managed object contexts which allow for a flexible architecture that make it easy to support independent, cancellable, change sets. With a child context, you can allow the user to make a set of changes to managed objects that can then either be committed wholesale to the parent (and ultimately saved to the store) as a single transaction, or discarded. If all parts of the application simply retrieve the same context from, say, an application delegate, it makes this behavior difficult or impossible to support.
Update: In iOS 10 Apple moved synchronisation from the sqlite file level up to the persistent coordinator. This means you can now create a private queue context and reuse the existing coordinator used by the main context without the same performance problems you would have had doing it that way before, cool!
By the way this document of Apple is explaining this problem very clearly. Swift version of above for anyone interested
let jsonArray = … //JSON data to be imported into Core Data
let moc = … //Our primary context on the main queue
let privateMOC = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .PrivateQueueConcurrencyType)
privateMOC.parentContext = moc
privateMOC.performBlock {
for jsonObject in jsonArray {
let mo = … //Managed object that matches the incoming JSON structure
//update MO with data from the dictionary
do {
moc.performBlockAndWait {
do {
} catch {
fatalError("Failure to save context: \(error)")
} catch {
fatalError("Failure to save context: \(error)")
And even simpler if you are using NSPersistentContainer for iOS 10 and above
let jsonArray = …
let container = self.persistentContainer
container.performBackgroundTask() { (context) in
for jsonObject in jsonArray {
let mo = CarMO(context: context)
do {
} catch {
fatalError("Failure to save context: \(error)")