Xcode 7 missing required architecture arm64 in file - ios

I started a new project and Added an SDK and got this warning:
ignoring file libLineaSDK.a, missing required architecture arm64 in file libLineaSDK.a (3 slices)
my question is how do I add the required architecture in Xcode 7...either blind because I dont see it.
I was able to find the architectures in build settings and I see arm64 is one of the listed artchitectures, so now I have no idea how to fix this issue.

You have to recompile libLineaSDK.a with arm64 turned on. If it's a third-party library, you'll have to ask provider for a 64-bit compatible version.

otool -hv /path/to/libLineaSDK.a
If your architecture is not among the listed, compile the lib again but for the respective architecture.
If the architecture is listed, check your library path, it may point to a different version.


Undefined symbols for architecture arm64 when running it to device [duplicate]

I am getting a Apple Mach-O Linker Error everytime I import a file from CocoaPods.
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_FBSession", referenced from: someFile
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
I get about 12 of these, for the various Pods I use.
I am trying to build for the iPhone 5S using XCode 5.
I've been trying various solutions here on SO, but haven't got any of them to work yet.
How do I fix this Apple Mach-O Linker Error?
Just found another warning that might be interesting, I hope this leads me to the solution:
Ignoring file ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SomeApp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libPods.a,
file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (arm64):~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/someApp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libPods.a
If your Architectures and Valid Architectures are all right, you may check whether you have added $(inherited) , which will add linker flags generated in pods, to Other Linker Flags as below:
The issue is that the cocoapods have not been built for arm64 architecture yet thus they cannot be linked when you build them. Likely you cannot use those packages until they are updated and use that architecture. You can fix the linker error by going to project -> target (your project name) -> build settings and change architectures to standard architectures (armv7, armv7s), and valid architectures to armv7, armv7s.
Note though, this means you won't get the full power of the 64 bit processor. You said you are building for the 5s, so there may be some reason you need this. If you for some reason absolutely need that power (perhaps you are building a game), and desperately need those files, you could submit a pull request and then recompile the project to arm64 by setting those same fields to arm64 in the files you pulled from the open source projects. But, unless you really need these files to be 64 bit compatible, that seems like a bit of overkill for now.
EDIT: Some people also reported that setting Build For Active Architectures to YES was also necessary to solve this problem.
As of 2014-04-28 the setting should look something like this:
I solved this problem by setting that:
ARCHS = armv7 armv7s
VALID_ARCHS = armv6 armv7 armv7s arm64
I ran into the same/similar issue implementing AVPictureInPictureController and the issue was that I wasn't linking the AVKit framework in my project.
The error message was:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_AVPictureInPictureController", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in yourTarget.a(yourObject.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The Solution:
Go to your Project
Select your Target
Then, go to Build Phases
Open Link Binary With Libraries
Finally, just add + the AVKit framework / any other framework.
Hopefully this helps someone else running into a similar issue I had.
I also encountered the same problem , the above methods will not work . I accidentally deleted the files in the following directory on it .
Folder emplacement:
Set Architectures to armv7 armv7s, Build Active Architecture Only to NO, for every target in the project, including every one in Pods
I fixed mine by checking the selected implementation files in the target membership on the right side. This is useful especially in dealing with extensions i.e. custom keyboards.
Here are some explanations why build_active_architecture is set to NO.
Xcode now detects which devices you have connected and will set the active architecture accordingly. So if you plug a 2nd generation iPod Touch into your computer, Xcode should set the active architecture to armv6. Building your target with the above Debug configuration will now only build the armv6 binary to save time (unless you have a huge project you may not notice the difference but I guess the seconds add up over time).
When you create a Distribution configuration for publishing to the App Store, you should make sure this option is not set, so that Xcode will instead build the fat universal binary
This might be related to libz.dylib or libz.tbd, just have to add it to your targets for the linking binaries, and try to compile again.
You need to just remove arm64 from Valid Architecture and set NO to Active Architecture Only . Now just Clean, Build and Run. You will not see this error again.
:) KP
Solved after deleting the content of the DerivedData-->Build-->Products-->Debug-iphoneos
I solved it by setting valid archs to armv7 armv7s and setting build active architectures only to YES in release and then doing a new "pod install" from the command line
Following worked for me:
Remove all pods
cd ios && pod deintegrate
Comment this line in ios/Podfile -> use_flipper!()
Reinstall all pods arch -x86_64 pod install
Run your app :) npm run ios
Node version: 14.17.1
RN version: 6.0.0
OS: macOS BigSur m1
Given an iPhone 5s and not yet having received a 64 bit version of a third party library, I had to go back to 32 bit mode with the latest Xcode (prior to 5.1 it didn't complain).
I fixed this by deleting arm64 from the Valid Architectures list and then setting Build Active Architecture Only to NO. It seems to me this makes more sense than the other way around as shown above. I'm posting in case other people couldn't get any of the above solutions to work for them.
I had the same problem after upgrading to Xcode 5.1 and fixed it by setting Architectures to armv7 armv7s
Had been stuck on this issue the whole day.
I had multiple Schemes, it was compiling fine for Demo, Internal, Release - however Debug scheme just would not compile and was complaining about the libPods.a missing.
The solution was to go to the Project -> Target -> Build Settings and change "Build Active Architecture Only" to YES. Clean and build! Finally hours of head itching solved!
Setting -ObjC to Other Linker Flags in Build Settings of the target solved the problem.
This worked for me:
ios sdk 9.3
into your build setting of app.xcodeproj
valid architecture: armv7 armv7s
Build Active architecture : No
Clean and build , worked for me.
If you faced this issue on your Flutter project while building in Release mode (or Archive) check out my this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61446892/5502121
Long story short:
set your build system to New Build System in File > Project Settingsā€¦
remove ios and build_ios folders
run flutter create . to init new ios module
run pod install
run flutter pub get
check your Xcode build config (it should be Release mode and General iOS Device)
and you're good to go
The following worked for me to get GPUImage compiling without errors on Xcode 5.1 for both the 64-bit simulator and retina iPad Mini, without needing to remove arm64 from the Valid Architectures list (which defeats the purpose of owning a 64-bit device for testing 64-bit performance).
Download the .zip folder from the GitHub page: https://github.com/BradLarson/GPUImage
Unzip, and navigate to the 'framework' folder. From here, add and copy the 'Source' folder into your Xcode project. Ensure 'Copy items into destination group's folder' is ticked, and that 'Create groups for any added folders' is also ticked. This will copy the generic, iOS and Mac header/implementation files into your project.
If you don't need the Mac files because you're compiling for iOS you can delete the Mac folder either before you copy the files into your project, or simply delete the group from within Xcode.
Once you've added the Source folder to your project just use the following to begin using GPUImage's classes/methods:
#import "Source/GPUImage.h"
A few things to point out:
If you get an error saying 'Cocoa' not found, you've added the Mac folder/headers into your iOS project - simply delete the Mac group/files from your project and the warning will vanish
If you rename the Source folder (not the group in Xcode), use that name instead of "Source/GPUImage.h" in the #import instruction. So if you rename the folder to GPUImageFiles before you add to your project, use: #import "GPUImageFiles/GPUImage.h
Obviously ensure arm64 is selected in the Valid Architectures list to take advantage of the A7 64-bit processor!
This isn't a GPUImage.framework bundle (such as if you downloaded the framework from http://www.raywenderlich.com/60968/ios-7-blur-effects-gpuimage) so it may not the correct way to use GPUImage that Brad Larson intended, but it works for my current SpriteKit project.
There's no need to link to frameworks/libraries etc - just import the header and implementation source folder as described above
Hope the above helps - it seems there were no clear instructions anywhere despite the question being asked multiple times, but fear not, GPUImage definitely works for arm64 architecture!
This issue occurred for me after installing a pod via Podfile and pod install. After trying a bunch of different fixes I finally just imported the Pod manually (dragging the necessary files into my project) and that solved the problem.
As morisunshine answer pointed in right direction, a little tweak in his answer solved my problem for iOS8.2 .Thanks to him.
I solved this problem by setting that:
ARCHS = armv7
VALID_ARCHS = armv6 armv7 armv7s arm64
Go to target Build Settings.
set BUILD ACTIVE ARCHITECTURE ONLY = NO for both Debug and Release
Build and run
In my case, I had to look for
C++ Standard Library and make sure that the libc++ was the one selected.
For me, I use opencv 2.4.9 in xcode 7.2 for iOS and the errors above occurred, and I solve the errors by using the opencv through pod install rather than offline opencv framework.
You can have a try by adding the opencv pod text below and delete the offline opencv framework if you have used.
pod 'OpenCV', '2.4.9'
None of the solutions fix this error in my case(Xcode 9), with TesseractOCRiOS. After hours of trial and error, I came up with a good solution. I just delete 'pod 'TesseractOCRiOS', '~> 4.0.0' in the Podfile, run pod install. And then, add pod 'TesseractOCRiOS', '~> 4.0.0' back to Podfile and run pod install again.
Bang! It works!
"The OPN [Debug] target overrides the OTHER_LDFLAGS build setting". This was the main issue. After adding $(inherited) in new line in other linker flags solved my issue.
in some case, if you define one more interface in a .h file, but did not implementation all these interface, this error occurred.
The linker can't found the implementation in .m file, so you need to implementation it in your .m file for every interface.
To resolve this error:
1.in .m file, supply the implementation for each interface.
I faced the same issue.
My solution I found here: Why linker link static libraries with errors? iOS
Adding $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift/$(PLATFORM_NAME) to the library search paths fixed the problem.
This error consumed my whole day so thought of writing what really worked for me
delete .xworkspace
delete podfile.lock
delete the Pods folder/directory
After all this, CLEAN(OPTION + SHIFT + CMD + K) --> BUILD(CMD + B) --> RUN(CMD + R)
I hope this really works for you :)

Xcode - Missing Architecture (library linking)

For the recent couple of days I have had this compiler error in Xcode every time I've built my project:
ld: warning: ignoring file /.../(Framework Name).framework/(Framework), missing required architecture x86_64 in file /.../(Framework Name).framework/(Framework) (2 slices)
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_CLSNAME", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in ViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I also can't run this code on the iPhone 5 simulator (i386).
The iPhone device I have is outdated and can't run iOS 8. I tried setting the build settings to iOS 7 but I get an error regarding the lack of support for dynamic libraries before iOS 8.
Things to note:
I am using 2 projects, in 2 different workspaces. (one for the library and one for the demo app. Tests of the same code with the unit tests in the library project are successful.)
I used to be able to link the demo project with the library project until I had to do some changes in the library code. After I exported the newer version this error started occurring.
In order to get the library file/folder (.framework) I used the Archive option.
Running lipo -info outputs Architectures in the fat file: lib.a armv7 arm64
I have C++ code in the library project (unlikely to be the issue)
In the library project, I am using another external library I installed with Cocoa Pods (also used to work before changes in the library code)
Solutions I tried:
Changing the Architectures and the Valid Architectures list in Build Settings.
Setting "Build Active Architecture Only" to "No" in Build Settings.
Creating a new project (both for the demo and the library)
Making the library a static library (new project, got the same warning, no error, couldn't #import the files I needed)
I only started working with iOS and Xcode a couple of months ago and I am not super-experienced with everything there yet, so please try to explain everything with as much detail as you can.
Thanks in advance to anyone trying to help :)
Did you add the framework it says is missing? Also, try to delete the Derived Data folder and then clean the project. If that does not work, then turn off Modules in build settings.

How to Use LibXtract with iOS project?

I am trying to extract some features from audio files, MFCC to be accurate. Then I found a C library LibXtract, that would do the job for me.
I am trying to use LibXtract in iOS project, I have followed this tutorial
but I got some problems in process, first I got this warning
ld: warning: ignoring file ......./libLibXtract.a, missing required architecture i386 in file ..../libLibXtract.a
and those errors
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_xtract_asdf", referenced from:
-[VoiceRecAppDelegate applicationWillResignActive:] in VoiceRecAppDelegate.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
So I would like to ask for your help in this problem, I would like to extract the MFCC from scratch with only obj-C code if possible.
It sounds like you are trying to build your application with the Simulator as a target, but the LibXtract static library was not built for the i386 architecture.
You can confirm this with:
lipo -info /path/to/libxtract.a
The result from lipo should list the i386 architecture.
If it doesn't, then check that iphonesimulator is included in the Supported Platforms build setting in your LibXtract Xcode project and that i386 is included in the list of architectures.
It is also possible to compile autotools-based libraries for iOS/Simulator from the command line. Some instructions for this can be found here. Note: these are a little out-of-date so some of the options may need tweaking, although the principle remains the same.
However, it is far simpler to compile LibXtract into your application by dragging the LibXtract sources into your application's Xcode project!
I generally tend to have a "Libraries" group in my projects, under which I place third party sources (like LibXtract), as follows:
When dragging the files into your project ensure that you check the checkbox for your application in "Add to targets".
The LibXtract sources will then be compiled into your application and you can remove libxtract.a from your linker settings (or frameworks).

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64

I am getting a Apple Mach-O Linker Error everytime I import a file from CocoaPods.
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_FBSession", referenced from: someFile
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
I get about 12 of these, for the various Pods I use.
I am trying to build for the iPhone 5S using XCode 5.
I've been trying various solutions here on SO, but haven't got any of them to work yet.
How do I fix this Apple Mach-O Linker Error?
Just found another warning that might be interesting, I hope this leads me to the solution:
Ignoring file ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SomeApp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libPods.a,
file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (arm64):~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/someApp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libPods.a
If your Architectures and Valid Architectures are all right, you may check whether you have added $(inherited) , which will add linker flags generated in pods, to Other Linker Flags as below:
The issue is that the cocoapods have not been built for arm64 architecture yet thus they cannot be linked when you build them. Likely you cannot use those packages until they are updated and use that architecture. You can fix the linker error by going to project -> target (your project name) -> build settings and change architectures to standard architectures (armv7, armv7s), and valid architectures to armv7, armv7s.
Note though, this means you won't get the full power of the 64 bit processor. You said you are building for the 5s, so there may be some reason you need this. If you for some reason absolutely need that power (perhaps you are building a game), and desperately need those files, you could submit a pull request and then recompile the project to arm64 by setting those same fields to arm64 in the files you pulled from the open source projects. But, unless you really need these files to be 64 bit compatible, that seems like a bit of overkill for now.
EDIT: Some people also reported that setting Build For Active Architectures to YES was also necessary to solve this problem.
As of 2014-04-28 the setting should look something like this:
I solved this problem by setting that:
ARCHS = armv7 armv7s
VALID_ARCHS = armv6 armv7 armv7s arm64
I ran into the same/similar issue implementing AVPictureInPictureController and the issue was that I wasn't linking the AVKit framework in my project.
The error message was:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_AVPictureInPictureController", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in yourTarget.a(yourObject.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The Solution:
Go to your Project
Select your Target
Then, go to Build Phases
Open Link Binary With Libraries
Finally, just add + the AVKit framework / any other framework.
Hopefully this helps someone else running into a similar issue I had.
I also encountered the same problem , the above methods will not work . I accidentally deleted the files in the following directory on it .
Folder emplacement:
Set Architectures to armv7 armv7s, Build Active Architecture Only to NO, for every target in the project, including every one in Pods
I fixed mine by checking the selected implementation files in the target membership on the right side. This is useful especially in dealing with extensions i.e. custom keyboards.
Here are some explanations why build_active_architecture is set to NO.
Xcode now detects which devices you have connected and will set the active architecture accordingly. So if you plug a 2nd generation iPod Touch into your computer, Xcode should set the active architecture to armv6. Building your target with the above Debug configuration will now only build the armv6 binary to save time (unless you have a huge project you may not notice the difference but I guess the seconds add up over time).
When you create a Distribution configuration for publishing to the App Store, you should make sure this option is not set, so that Xcode will instead build the fat universal binary
This might be related to libz.dylib or libz.tbd, just have to add it to your targets for the linking binaries, and try to compile again.
You need to just remove arm64 from Valid Architecture and set NO to Active Architecture Only . Now just Clean, Build and Run. You will not see this error again.
:) KP
Solved after deleting the content of the DerivedData-->Build-->Products-->Debug-iphoneos
I solved it by setting valid archs to armv7 armv7s and setting build active architectures only to YES in release and then doing a new "pod install" from the command line
Following worked for me:
Remove all pods
cd ios && pod deintegrate
Comment this line in ios/Podfile -> use_flipper!()
Reinstall all pods arch -x86_64 pod install
Run your app :) npm run ios
Node version: 14.17.1
RN version: 6.0.0
OS: macOS BigSur m1
Given an iPhone 5s and not yet having received a 64 bit version of a third party library, I had to go back to 32 bit mode with the latest Xcode (prior to 5.1 it didn't complain).
I fixed this by deleting arm64 from the Valid Architectures list and then setting Build Active Architecture Only to NO. It seems to me this makes more sense than the other way around as shown above. I'm posting in case other people couldn't get any of the above solutions to work for them.
I had the same problem after upgrading to Xcode 5.1 and fixed it by setting Architectures to armv7 armv7s
Had been stuck on this issue the whole day.
I had multiple Schemes, it was compiling fine for Demo, Internal, Release - however Debug scheme just would not compile and was complaining about the libPods.a missing.
The solution was to go to the Project -> Target -> Build Settings and change "Build Active Architecture Only" to YES. Clean and build! Finally hours of head itching solved!
Setting -ObjC to Other Linker Flags in Build Settings of the target solved the problem.
This worked for me:
ios sdk 9.3
into your build setting of app.xcodeproj
valid architecture: armv7 armv7s
Build Active architecture : No
Clean and build , worked for me.
If you faced this issue on your Flutter project while building in Release mode (or Archive) check out my this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61446892/5502121
Long story short:
set your build system to New Build System in File > Project Settingsā€¦
remove ios and build_ios folders
run flutter create . to init new ios module
run pod install
run flutter pub get
check your Xcode build config (it should be Release mode and General iOS Device)
and you're good to go
The following worked for me to get GPUImage compiling without errors on Xcode 5.1 for both the 64-bit simulator and retina iPad Mini, without needing to remove arm64 from the Valid Architectures list (which defeats the purpose of owning a 64-bit device for testing 64-bit performance).
Download the .zip folder from the GitHub page: https://github.com/BradLarson/GPUImage
Unzip, and navigate to the 'framework' folder. From here, add and copy the 'Source' folder into your Xcode project. Ensure 'Copy items into destination group's folder' is ticked, and that 'Create groups for any added folders' is also ticked. This will copy the generic, iOS and Mac header/implementation files into your project.
If you don't need the Mac files because you're compiling for iOS you can delete the Mac folder either before you copy the files into your project, or simply delete the group from within Xcode.
Once you've added the Source folder to your project just use the following to begin using GPUImage's classes/methods:
#import "Source/GPUImage.h"
A few things to point out:
If you get an error saying 'Cocoa' not found, you've added the Mac folder/headers into your iOS project - simply delete the Mac group/files from your project and the warning will vanish
If you rename the Source folder (not the group in Xcode), use that name instead of "Source/GPUImage.h" in the #import instruction. So if you rename the folder to GPUImageFiles before you add to your project, use: #import "GPUImageFiles/GPUImage.h
Obviously ensure arm64 is selected in the Valid Architectures list to take advantage of the A7 64-bit processor!
This isn't a GPUImage.framework bundle (such as if you downloaded the framework from http://www.raywenderlich.com/60968/ios-7-blur-effects-gpuimage) so it may not the correct way to use GPUImage that Brad Larson intended, but it works for my current SpriteKit project.
There's no need to link to frameworks/libraries etc - just import the header and implementation source folder as described above
Hope the above helps - it seems there were no clear instructions anywhere despite the question being asked multiple times, but fear not, GPUImage definitely works for arm64 architecture!
This issue occurred for me after installing a pod via Podfile and pod install. After trying a bunch of different fixes I finally just imported the Pod manually (dragging the necessary files into my project) and that solved the problem.
As morisunshine answer pointed in right direction, a little tweak in his answer solved my problem for iOS8.2 .Thanks to him.
I solved this problem by setting that:
ARCHS = armv7
VALID_ARCHS = armv6 armv7 armv7s arm64
Go to target Build Settings.
set BUILD ACTIVE ARCHITECTURE ONLY = NO for both Debug and Release
Build and run
In my case, I had to look for
C++ Standard Library and make sure that the libc++ was the one selected.
For me, I use opencv 2.4.9 in xcode 7.2 for iOS and the errors above occurred, and I solve the errors by using the opencv through pod install rather than offline opencv framework.
You can have a try by adding the opencv pod text below and delete the offline opencv framework if you have used.
pod 'OpenCV', '2.4.9'
None of the solutions fix this error in my case(Xcode 9), with TesseractOCRiOS. After hours of trial and error, I came up with a good solution. I just delete 'pod 'TesseractOCRiOS', '~> 4.0.0' in the Podfile, run pod install. And then, add pod 'TesseractOCRiOS', '~> 4.0.0' back to Podfile and run pod install again.
Bang! It works!
"The OPN [Debug] target overrides the OTHER_LDFLAGS build setting". This was the main issue. After adding $(inherited) in new line in other linker flags solved my issue.
in some case, if you define one more interface in a .h file, but did not implementation all these interface, this error occurred.
The linker can't found the implementation in .m file, so you need to implementation it in your .m file for every interface.
To resolve this error:
1.in .m file, supply the implementation for each interface.
I faced the same issue.
My solution I found here: Why linker link static libraries with errors? iOS
Adding $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift/$(PLATFORM_NAME) to the library search paths fixed the problem.
This linker error message suggests that the source file defining it is not marked as being part of your app target. Find that source file, and use the File property inspector on the right to check the target membership entry for your app target.
Select the file -> openFile Inspector -> see Target Membership -> check if unchecked target your running target

Cannot Archive when a library is included in my own iOS custom framework

I created my own iOS framework by following this tutorial, https://code.google.com/p/ios-static-framework/, which uses a static library template and aggregate target with a custom run script to create a framework.
At first it works fine. After including another library in the framework project creates the error when archive or build for device. I think the problem is with some wrong settings for that library. But I just don't know what to try. I have tried setting some sensible Other Linker Flags from https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/ld.1.html , but no luck. Can anyone help please ;(
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Follow the tutorial, but change the Aggregate script architecture from armv6 armv7 to armv7 armv7s. Here is the part of the aggregate target script I changed. Everything else is the same.
if [[ "$SF_SDK_PLATFORM" = "iphoneos" ]]
SF_ARCHS="armv7 armv7s"
Add an external library to the project, here I use libBlocksKit.a.
Build the framework, success.
In another child project. Include my built framework.
Add -ObjC in the app Target > Build Settings > Other Linker Flags
Archive and get error. Building for device (iPhone5) gives error too. But building for simulator seems to work.
What is the error?
This error, basically "ld: warning: directory not found for option ... ld: lto: could not merge in ... symbol multiply defined!".
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/hlung/Dropbox/- Notes/stackoverflow/RealFrameworkApp/RealFrameworkApp/External/BlocksKit'
ld: lto: could not merge in /Users/hlung/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/RealFrameworkTest-evagqzwzyyolhjenkkjbvzibxppf/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/RealFrameworkTest.framework/RealFrameworkTest(NSObject+BlockObservation.o) because 'Linking globals named 'OBJC_CLASS_$_BKObserver': symbol multiply defined!', using libLTO version 'LLVM version 3.2svn, from Apple Clang 4.2 (build 425.0.28)' for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
If I archive my child project with only one architecture (like armv7), it works. It shows this error with armv7 armv7s architectures ( $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) ).
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
OS X 10.8.5, XCode 4.6.3
== Update 1 ==
Posted an issue at the tutorial's code.google.com page Update: 2 weeks no answer.
I found a set of useful suggestions from this answer. Update: Doesn't work
I have created a project so you can run and see for yourself here
Linking against a static library from within a framework can create some interesting challenges... It sounds like you may be linking to BlocksKit from both your framework and your application projects.
You should link in only one of those places. Try removing libBlocksKit.a from the Link Libraries build phase of your framework, but leave it in the other project.
You can do like this:
Click on your project (targets)
Click on Build Settings
Under Library Search Paths, delete the paths
I hope it can help you.
