I was trying to do something similar to the stackoverflow article referenced below and am finding I can't set values in the code activity. I seem to be able to read values OK. I suspect this has something to do with the scope of these. In the stackoverflow article the code implied that the variable was set for the loop,
I am after guidance on how to set these correctly or a way for my codeactivity to flag to exit the external DoWhile loop ?
StackOverflow Article
Code Activity article
OK here is the missing story and is not in the MS doco that I have found..
e.g. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd647551(v=vs.120).aspx
Although MS document In, InOut, Out args their scope is not shared... i.e.
WRONG View of the world
XAML argument like MyBoolInOut Inout is the same argument that the C# code is using , e.g.
public InOutArgument MyBoolInOut { get; set; }
thus you only need to change values in C# code to change the values in the TFS XAML
Correct view of this handling
The custom code activity variables are visible in the XAML BUT are different from the XAML arguments. i.e.
as below, your C# codeactivity args have to be manually linked to the XAML args
So even though XAML has arguments and C# have arguments, these are separate.
This is an area MS could greatly improve their doco in.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Activities;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities;
namespace SampleActivityLibrary
// Sample Acitivty that will Flip a bool from True to False or from False to True
public sealed class SampleFlipInOutBoolean : CodeActivity<Boolean>
public InOutArgument<Boolean> MyBoolInOut { get; set; }
protected override Boolean Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
Boolean MyBool = context.GetValue(MyBoolInOut);
context.TrackBuildWarning("SampleFlipInOutBoolean: In Value of Bool: " + MyBool.ToString(), BuildMessageImportance.High);
MyBoolInOut.Set(context, !MyBool);
MyBool = context.GetValue(MyBoolInOut);
context.TrackBuildWarning("SampleFlipInOutBoolean: Out Value of Bool: " + MyBool.ToString(), BuildMessageImportance.High);
return MyBool;
I am creating a new Specflow project in VS2017. I have added 1 rule in the features file and generated the initial steps code. However, when I attempt to build the project I get the following 2 errors.
(1) CS1029 #error: 'Generation error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
(2) Custom tool error: Generation error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Feature file contains,
Feature: Change_Theme_Change_Scheme
Scenario: Verfy change of scheme
Given I log into Admin site
And I navigate to Colour Scheme page
And I select the Kumho theme
When I click the Save Theme button
Then Check website main menu background is Red
Steps file contains,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
namespace Tyres_and_Service_Tester.Steps
public sealed class Change_Theme_Change_Scheme
[Given(#"I log into Admin site")]
public void GivenILogIntoAdminSite()
[Given(#"I navigate to Colour Scheme page")]
public void GivenINavigateToColourSchemePage()
[Given(#"I select the Kumho theme")]
public void GivenISelectTheKumhoTheme()
[When(#"I click the Save Theme button")]
public void WhenIClickTheSaveThemeButton()
[Then(#"Check website main menu background is Red")]
public void ThenCheckWebsiteMainMenuBackgroundIsRed()
Image of project references
I've not come across this before when building Specflow projects with earlier versions of VS, and cannot figure out what I've done differently
Many thanks for any help. Tony
Thank you for all your responses. I decided to start from scratch again adding the Specflow packages to VS, and recreating the features, steps etc. As you might of guessed it worked this time - so I'm at a loss what might of been going on. Anyway this question can be closed.
I am trying to create a generic controller like this:
public class OrdersController<T> : Controller where T : IOrder
public async Task<IActionResult> Create(
[FromBody] Order<T> order)
I intend for the {orderType} URI segment variable to control the generic type of the controller. I'm experimenting with both a custom IControllerFactory and IControllerActivator, but nothing is working. Every time I try to send a request, I get a 404 response. The code for my custom controller factory (and activator) is never executed.
Evidently the problem is that ASP.NET Core expects valid controllers to end with the suffix "Controller", but my generic controller instead has the (reflection based) suffix "Controller`1". Thus the attribute-based routes it declares are going unnoticed.
In ASP.NET MVC, at least in its early days, the DefaultControllerFactory was responsible for discovering all the available controllers. It tested for the "Controller" suffix:
The MVC framework provides a default controller factory (aptly named DefaultControllerFactory) that will search through all the assemblies in an appdomain looking for all types that implement IController and whose name ends with "Controller."
Apparently, in ASP.NET Core, the controller factory no longer has this responsibility. As I stated earlier, my custom controller factory executes for "normal" controllers, but is never invoked for generic controllers. So there is something else, earlier in the evaluation process, which governs the discovery of controllers.
Does anyone know what "service" interface is responsible for that discovery? I don't know the customization interface or "hook" point.
And does anyone know of a way to make ASP.NET Core "dump" the names of all the controllers it discovered? It would be great to write a unit test that verifies that any custom controller discovery I expect is indeed working.
Incidentally, if there is a "hook" which allows generic controller names to be discovered, it implies that route substitutions must also be normalized:
public class OrdersController<T> : Controller { }
Regardless of what value for T is given, the [controller] name must remain a simple base-generic name. Using the above code as an example, the [controller] value would be "Orders". It would not be "Orders`1" or "OrdersOfSomething".
This problem could also be solved by explicitly declaring the closed-generic types, instead of generating them at run time:
public class VanityOrdersController : OrdersController<Vanity> { }
public class ExistingOrdersController : OrdersController<Existing> { }
The above works, but it produces URI paths that I don't like:
What I had actually wanted was this:
Another adjustment gets me the URI's I'm looking for:
[Route("api/Orders/Vanity", Name ="VanityLink")]
public class VanityOrdersController : OrdersController<Vanity> { }
[Route("api/Orders/Existing", Name = "ExistingLink")]
public class ExistingOrdersController : OrdersController<Existing> { }
However, although this appears to work, it does not really answer my question. I would like to use my generic controller directly at run-time, rather than indirectly (via manual coding) at compile-time. Fundamentally, this means I need ASP.NET Core to be able to "see" or "discover" my generic controller, despite the fact that its run-time reflection name does not end with the expected "Controller" suffix.
What happens by default
During the controller discovery process, your open generic Controller<T> class will be among the candidate types. But the default implementation of the IApplicationFeatureProvider<ControllerFeature> interface, DefaultControllerTypeProvider, will eliminate your Controller<T> because it rules out any class with open generic parameters.
Why overriding IsController() doesn't work
Replacing the default implementation of the IApplicationFeatureProvider<ControllerFeature> interface, in order to override DefaultControllerTypeProvider.IsController(), will not work. Because you don't actually want the discovery process to accept your open generic controller (Controller<T>) as a valid controller. It is not a valid controller per se, and the controller factory wouldn't know how to instantiate it anyway, because it wouldn't know what T is supposed to be.
What needs to be done
1. Generate closed controller types
Before the controller discovery process even starts, you need to generate closed generic types from your open generic controller, using reflection. Here, with two sample entity types, named Account and Contact:
Type[] entityTypes = new[] { typeof(Account), typeof(Contact) };
TypeInfo[] closedControllerTypes = entityTypes
.Select(et => typeof(Controller<>).MakeGenericType(et))
.Select(cct => cct.GetTypeInfo())
We now have closed TypeInfos for Controller<Account> and Controller<Contact>.
2. Add them to an application part and register it
Application parts are usually wrapped around CLR assemblies, but we can implement a custom application part providing a collection of types generated at runtime. We simply need to have it implement the IApplicationPartTypeProvider interface. Therefore, our runtime-generated controller types will enter the controller discovery process like any other built-in type would.
The custom application part:
public class GenericControllerApplicationPart : ApplicationPart, IApplicationPartTypeProvider
public GenericControllerApplicationPart(IEnumerable<TypeInfo> typeInfos)
Types = typeInfos;
public override string Name => "GenericController";
public IEnumerable<TypeInfo> Types { get; }
Registration in MVC services (Startup.cs):
.ConfigureApplicationPartManager(apm =>
apm.ApplicationParts.Add(new GenericControllerApplicationPart(closedControllerTypes)));
As long as your controller derives from the built-in Controller class, there is no actual need to override the IsController method of the ControllerFeatureProvider. Because your generic controller inherits the [Controller] attribute from ControllerBase, it will be accepted as a controller in the discovery process regardless of its somewhat bizarre name ("Controller`1").
3. Override the controller name in the application model
Nevertheless, "Controller`1" is not a good name for routing purposes. You want each of your closed generic controllers to have independent RouteValues. Here, we will replace the name of the controller with that of the entity type, to match what would happen with two independent "AccountController" and "ContactController" types.
The model convention attribute:
public class GenericControllerAttribute : Attribute, IControllerModelConvention
public void Apply(ControllerModel controller)
Type entityType = controller.ControllerType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
controller.ControllerName = entityType.Name;
Applied to the controller class:
public class Controller<T> : Controller
This solution stays close to the overall ASP.NET Core architecture and, among other things, you will keep full visibility of your controllers through the API Explorer (think "Swagger").
It has been tested successfully with both conventional and attribute-based routing.
Short Answer
Implement IApplicationFeatureProvider<ControllerFeature>.
Question and Answer
Does anyone know what "service" interface is responsible for [discovering all available controllers]?
The ControllerFeatureProvider is responsible for that.
And does anyone know of a way to make ASP.NET Core "dump" the names of all the controllers it discovered?
Do that within ControllerFeatureProvider.IsController(TypeInfo typeInfo).
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Controllers;
namespace CustomControllerNames
public class MyControllerFeatureProvider : ControllerFeatureProvider
protected override bool IsController(TypeInfo typeInfo)
var isController = base.IsController(typeInfo);
if (!isController)
string[] validEndings = new[] { "Foobar", "Controller`1" };
isController = validEndings.Any(x =>
typeInfo.Name.EndsWith(x, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
Console.WriteLine($"{typeInfo.Name} IsController: {isController}.");
return isController;
Register it during startup.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.ConfigureApplicationPartManager(manager =>
manager.FeatureProviders.Add(new MyControllerFeatureProvider());
Here is some example output.
MyControllerFeatureProvider IsController: False.
OrdersFoobar IsController: True.
OrdersFoobarController`1 IsController: True.
Program IsController: False.
<>c__DisplayClass0_0 IsController: False.
<>c IsController: False.
And here is a demo on GitHub. Best of luck.
Edit - Adding Versions
.NET Version
> dnvm install "1.0.0-rc2-20221" -runtime coreclr -architecture x64 -os win -unstable
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="AspNetCore"
value="https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetvnext/api/v3/index.json" />
> dotnet --info
.NET Command Line Tools (1.0.0-rc2-002429)
Product Information:
Version: 1.0.0-rc2-002429
Commit Sha: 612088cfa8
Runtime Environment:
OS Name: Windows
OS Version: 10.0.10586
OS Platform: Windows
RID: win10-x64
Restore, Build, and Run
> dotnet restore
> dotnet build
> dotnet run
Edit - Notes on RC1 vs RC2
This might not be possible is RC1, because DefaultControllerTypeProvider.IsController() is marked as internal.
Application Feature Providers examine application parts and provide features for those parts. There are built-in feature providers for the following MVC features:
Metadata Reference
Tag Helpers
View Components
Feature providers inherit from IApplicationFeatureProvider, where T is the type of the feature. You can implement your own feature providers for any of MVC's feature types listed above. The order of feature providers in the ApplicationPartManager.FeatureProviders collection can be important, since later providers can react to actions taken by previous providers.
By default, ASP.NET Core MVC ignores generic controllers (for example, SomeController). This sample uses a controller feature provider that runs after the default provider and adds generic controller instances for a specified list of types (defined in EntityTypes.Types):
public class GenericControllerFeatureProvider : IApplicationFeatureProvider<ControllerFeature>
public void PopulateFeature(IEnumerable<ApplicationPart> parts, ControllerFeature feature)
// This is designed to run after the default ControllerTypeProvider,
// so the list of 'real' controllers has already been populated.
foreach (var entityType in EntityTypes.Types)
var typeName = entityType.Name + "Controller";
if (!feature.Controllers.Any(t => t.Name == typeName))
// There's no 'real' controller for this entity, so add the generic version.
var controllerType = typeof(GenericController<>)
The entity types:
public static class EntityTypes
public static IReadOnlyList<TypeInfo> Types => new List<TypeInfo>()
public class Sprocket { }
public class Widget { }
The feature provider is added in Startup:
.ConfigureApplicationPartManager(p =>
p.FeatureProviders.Add(new GenericControllerFeatureProvider()));
By default, the generic controller names used for routing would be of the form GenericController`1[Widget] instead of Widget. The following attribute is used to modify the name to correspond to the generic type used by the controller:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationModels;
using System;
namespace AppPartsSample
// Used to set the controller name for routing purposes. Without this convention the
// names would be like 'GenericController`1[Widget]' instead of 'Widget'.
// Conventions can be applied as attributes or added to MvcOptions.Conventions.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class GenericControllerNameConvention : Attribute, IControllerModelConvention
public void Apply(ControllerModel controller)
if (controller.ControllerType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() !=
// Not a GenericController, ignore.
var entityType = controller.ControllerType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
controller.ControllerName = entityType.Name;
The GenericController class:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace AppPartsSample
[GenericControllerNameConvention] // Sets the controller name based on typeof(T).Name
public class GenericController<T> : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
return Content($"Hello from a generic {typeof(T).Name} controller.");
Sample: Generic controller feature
To get a list of controllers in RC2, just get ApplicationPartManager from DependencyInjection and do this:
ApplicationPartManager appManager = <FROM DI>;
var controllerFeature = new ControllerFeature();
foreach(var controller in controllerFeature.Controllers)
I am using Json.net to convert a json string into a dynamic. When I use this dynamic as a model for a Razor template, I am getting an error...
Unable to compile template. 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject' does not
contain a definition for 'Name' and no extension method 'Name'
accepting a first argument of type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
If I just use a simple anonymous object as the model, it works fine.
Here is the problem displayed in a simple console app where I used NuGet to pull in two libraries...Newtonsoft JSON and RazorEngine.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// template used for generation
var template = "<div>Hello #Model.Name</div>";
// create model
dynamic model = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
model.Name = "Foo";
// this works just fine
RazorEngine.Razor.Parse(template, model);
// convert model to string
var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model);
// regenerate model
model = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(json);
// this prints 'Foo' to the console just fine so the model is valid!
string name = model.Name;
// this throws the error above!
RazorEngine.Razor.Parse(template, model);
Can someone help me with the problem here?
You can't directly pass the JObjects into the RazorEngine because whenever you assign a value to the JObject they are stored as type JValue. When you try to retrieve the assigned value also you will get a JValue not the assigned one.
dynamic person = new JObject();
person.Name = "Vijay";
==> NewtonSoft.Json.Linq.JValue
I'm working on a biztalk project and use a map to create the new message.
Now i want to map a datefield to a string.
I thought i can do it on this way with an Function Script with inline C#
public string convertDateTime(DateTime param)
return System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToString(param,ÿyyyMMdd");
But this doesn't work and i receive an error. How can i do the convert in the map?
It's a Biztalk 2006 project.
Without the details of the error you are seeing it is hard to be sure but I'm quite sure that your map is failing because all the parameters within the BizTalk XSLT engine are passed as strings1.
When I try to run something like the function you provided as inline C# I get the following error:
Object of type 'System.String' cannot be converted to type 'System.DateTime'
Replace your inline C# with something like the following:
public string ConvertDateTime(string param1)
DateTime inputDate = DateTime.Parse(param1);
return inputDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
Note that the parameter type is now string, and you can then convert that to a DateTime and perform your string format.
As other answers have suggested, it may be better to put this helper method into an external class - that way you can get your code under test to deal with edge cases, and you also get some reuse.
1 The fact that all parameters in the BizTalk XSLT are strings can be the source of a lot of gotchas - one other common one is with math calculations. If you return numeric values from your scripting functoids BizTalk will helpfully convert them to strings to map them to the outbound schema but will not so helpfully perform some very random rounding on the resulting values. Converting the return values to strings yourself within the C# will remove this risk and give you the expected results.
If you're using the mapper, you just need a Scripting Functiod (yes, using inline C#) and you should be able to do:
public string convertDateTime(DateTime param)
As far as I know, you don't need to call the System.Xml namespace in anyway.
I'd suggest
public static string DateToString(DateTime dateValue)
return String.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}", dateValue);
You could also create a external Lib which would provide more flexibility and reusability:
public static string DateToString(DateTime dateValue, string formatPicture)
string format = formatPicture;
if (IsNullOrEmptyString(formatPicture)
format = "{0:yyyyMMdd}";
return String.Format(format, dateValue);
public static string DateToString(DateTime dateValue)
return DateToString(dateValue, null);
I tend to move every function I use twice inside an inline script into an external lib. Iit will give you well tested code for all edge cases your data may provide because it's eays to create tests for these external lib functions whereas it's hard to do good testing on inline scripts in maps.
This blog will solve your problem.
Given that maps in BizTalk are implemented as XSL stylesheets, when passing data into a msxsl scripting function, note that the data will be one of types in the Equivalent .NET Framework Class (Types) from this table here. You'll note that System.DateTime isn't on the list.
For parsing of xs:dateTimes, I've generally obtained the /text() node and then parse the parameter from System.String:
<xsl:value-of select="userCSharp:GetDateyyyyMMdd(string(s0:StatusIdChangeDate/text()))" />
And then the C# script
<msxsl:script language="C#" implements-prefix="userCSharp">
public System.String GetDateyyyyMMdd(System.String p_DateTime)
return System.DateTime.Parse(p_DateTime).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
Is there a way to use Property Injection in Ninject 2 without using the [Inject] attribute? This creates a dependency to Ninject in the class that will be wired using it and I prefer to avoid having unneeded dependencies to my IoC container, that's why I end up using Constructor Injection more often.
I guess the same applies to Method Injection
I followed Ruben's tip and posted a small blog post on how to achieve this, but here's the quick answer:
Create a custom attribute:
public class InjectHereAttribute : Attribute
The target class will now look like this:
public class Samurai
public IWeapon Context { get; set; }
Now Ninject must be configured to use the custom attribute, this can be done by creating an implementation of IInjectionHeuristic that recognizes the custom attribute:
public class CustomInjectionHeuristic : NinjectComponent, IInjectionHeuristic, INinjectComponent, IDisposable
public new bool ShouldInject(MemberInfo member)
return member.IsDefined(
And finally add this behavior to the Ninject Kernel using the Components collection, it will run along the existing components, namely the default implementation of IInjectionHeuristic, which means either the default or the custom attribute can be used.
// Add custom inject heuristic
kernel.Components.Add<IInjectionHeuristic, CustomInjectionHeuristic>();
You can pass in another [attribute] type to the Kernel upon creation which can be used instead of InjectAttribute, but you'll still have to reference something centrally OOTB.
There was a similar question very recently about doing PI without attributes - there's no OOTB (as in directly on the fluent configuration interface) to put in a custom scanner but the extensibility points (you add a component that implements a Ninject interface as you build your Kernel that dictates how that aspect is to be work if looking for a given attribute isnt't what you want) are in there to determine where to inject based on Convention over Configuration - there's nothing stopping you amending the scanning to be based on just an attribute name (so it doesnt necessarily have to live in a central location).
Note that, in general, constructor injection is good for lots of reasons anyway, including this one, and keeping you code container agnostic is important (even if you're currently happy with one!)
I was able to accomplish this using a Heuristic class:
public sealed class MyInjectionHeuristic : NinjectComponent, IInjectionHeuristic
private static readonly IList<Type>
_propertyInjectible =
new List<Type>
/// <summary>
/// Returns a value indicating whether the specified member should be injected.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="member">The member in question.</param>
/// <returns><c>True</c> if the member should be injected; otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
public bool ShouldInject(MemberInfo member)
var info = member as PropertyInfo;
if( member == null || info == null )
return false;
if (info.CanWrite)
return _propertyInjectible.Contains(info.PropertyType);
if( this.Settings == null )
return false;
var propList = member.GetCustomAttributes(this.Settings.InjectAttribute, true);
return propList.Length > 0;
When creating your kernel:
var heuristics = _kernel.Components.Get<ISelector>().InjectionHeuristics;
heuristics.Add(new MyInjectionHeuristic());
Simple add additional types to the IList when you want to inject other types via properties.