Caret - Setting the seeds inside the gafsControl() - r-caret

I am trying to set the seeds inside the caret's gafsControl(), but I am getting this error:
Error in { : task 1 failed - "supplied seed is not a valid integer"
I understand that seeds for trainControl() is a vector equal to the number of resamples plus one, with the number of combinations of models's tuning parameters (in my case 36, SVM with 6 Sigma and 6 Cost values) in each (resamples) entries. However, I couldn't figure out what I should use for gafsControl(). I've tried iters*popSize (100*10), iters (100), popSize (10), but none has worked.
Thanks in advance.
here is my code (with simulated data):
train.set <- twoClassSim(300, noiseVars = 100, corrVar = 100, corrValue = 0.75)
mylogGA <- caretGA
mylogGA$fitness_extern <- mnLogLoss
#Index for gafsControl
ga_index <- createFolds(train.set$Class, k=3)
#Seed for the gafsControl()
ga_seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 4)
for(i in 1:3) ga_seeds[[i]] <-, 1000)
## For the last model:
ga_seeds[[4]] <-, 1)
#Index for the trainControl()
tr_index <- createFolds(train.set$Class, k=5)
#Seeds for the trainControl()
tr_seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 6)
for(i in 1:5) tr_seeds[[i]] <-, 36)#
## For the last model:
tr_seeds[[6]] <-, 1)
gaCtrl <- gafsControl(functions = mylogGA,
method = "cv",
number = 3,
metric = c(internal = "logLoss",
external = "logLoss"),
verbose = TRUE,
maximize = c(internal = FALSE,
external = FALSE),
index = ga_index,
seeds = ga_seeds,
allowParallel = TRUE)
tCtrl = trainControl(method = "cv",
number = 5,
classProbs = TRUE,
summaryFunction = mnLogLoss,
index = tr_index,
seeds = tr_seeds,
allowParallel = FALSE)
svmGrid <- expand.grid(sigma= 2^c(-25, -20, -15,-10, -5, 0), C= 2^c(0:5))
t1 <- Sys.time()
svmFuser.gafs <- gafs(x = train.set[, names(train.set) != "Class"],
y = train.set$Class,
gafsControl = gaCtrl,
trControl = tCtrl,
popSize = 10,
iters = 100,
method = "svmRadial",
preProc = c("center", "scale"),
tuneGrid = svmGrid,
maximize = FALSE)
t2<- Sys.time()
save(svmFuser.gafs, file ="svmFuser.gafs.rda")
save(svmFuser.gafs.time, file ="svmFuser.gafs.time.rda")
Session Info:
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] kernlab_0.9-22 doMC_1.3.3 iterators_1.0.7 foreach_1.4.2 caret_6.0-52 ggplot2_1.0.1 lattice_0.20-33
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_0.12.0 magrittr_1.5 splines_3.2.2 MASS_7.3-43 munsell_0.4.2
[6] colorspace_1.2-6 foreach_1.4.2 minqa_1.2.4 car_2.0-26 stringr_1.0.0
[11] plyr_1.8.3 tools_3.2.2 parallel_3.2.2 pbkrtest_0.4-2 nnet_7.3-10
[16] grid_3.2.2 gtable_0.1.2 nlme_3.1-122 mgcv_1.8-7 quantreg_5.18
[21] MatrixModels_0.4-1 iterators_1.0.7 gtools_3.5.0 lme4_1.1-9 digest_0.6.8
[26] Matrix_1.2-2 nloptr_1.0.4 reshape2_1.4.1 codetools_0.2-11 stringi_0.5-5
[31] compiler_3.2.2 BradleyTerry2_1.0-6 scales_0.3.0 stats4_3.2.2 SparseM_1.7
[36] brglm_0.5-9 proto_0.3-10

I am not so familiar with the gafsControl() function that you mention, but I encountered a very similar issue when setting parallel seeds using trainControl(). In the instructions, it describes how to create a list (length = number of resamples + 1), where each item is a list (length = number of parameter combinations to test). I find that doing that does not work (see topepo/caret issue #248 for info). However, if you then turn each item into a vector, e.g.
seeds <- lapply(seeds, as.vector)
then the seeds seem to work (i.e. models and predictions are entirely reproducible). I should clarify that this is using doMC as the backend. It may be different for other parallel backends.
Hope this helps

I was able to figure out my mistake by inspecting gafs.default. The seeds inside gafsControl() takes a vector with length (n_repeats*nresampling)+1 and not a list (as in trainControl$seeds). It is actually stated in the documentation of ?gafsControl that seeds is a vector or integers that can be used to set the seed during each search. The number of seeds must be equal to the number of resamples plus one. I figured it out the hard way, this is a reminder to carefully read the documentation :D.
if (!is.null(gafsControl$seeds)) {
if (length(gafsControl$seeds) < length(gafsControl$index) +
stop(paste("There must be at least", length(gafsControl$index) +
1, "random number seeds passed to gafsControl"))
else {
gafsControl$seeds <-, length(gafsControl$index) +
So, the proper way to set my ga_seeds is:
#Index for gafsControl
ga_index <- createFolds(train.set$Class, k=3)
#Seed for the gafsControl()
ga_seeds <-, 4)

If that way settings seeds you can ensure each run the same feature subset is selected ? I ams asking due randominess of GA


Rewriting ParamSet ids from mlr3::paradox()

Let's say I have the following ParamSet object:
my_ps = paradox::ps(
minsplit = p_int(1, 64, logscale = TRUE),
cp = p_dbl(1e-04, 1, logscale = TRUE))
Is it possible to rename minsplit to survTree.minsplit without changing anything else?
The reason for this is that I use some learners as part of a GraphLearner and so their parameters names changed and I would like to have some code that adds the learner$id in front the parameters to use later for tuning (rather than rewriting them from scratch with the new names)
I think I have a partial solution here. It is only partial, because it does not support the transformation.
Where it works:
my_ps = paradox::ps(
minsplit = p_int(1, 64),
cp = p_dbl(1e-04, 1)
my_ps$set_id = "john"
my_psc = ParamSetCollection$new(list(my_ps))
#> <ParamSetCollection>
#> id class lower upper nlevels default value
#> 1: john.minsplit ParamInt 1e+00 64 64 <NoDefault[3]>
#> 2: john.cp ParamDbl 1e-04 1 Inf <NoDefault[3]>
Created on 2022-12-07 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Where it does not:
my_ps = paradox::ps(
minsplit = p_int(1, 64, logscale = TRUE),
cp = p_dbl(1e-04, 1)
my_ps$set_id = "john"
my_psc = ParamSetCollection$new(list(my_ps))
#> Error in .__ParamSetCollection__initialize(self = self, private = private, : Building a collection out sets, where a ParamSet has a trafo is currently unsupported!
Created on 2022-12-07 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
The underlying problem is that we did not solve the problem of how to reconcile the parameter transformations of individual ParamSets and a possible parameter transformation of the ParamSetCollection
I fear that there is currently no neat solution for your problem.
Sorry I can not comment yet, this is not exactly the solution you are looking for but I hope this will fix the problem you are having.
You can set the param_space in the learner, before putting it in the graph, i.e. sticking with your search space. After you create the GraphLearner regularly it will have the desired search space.
A concrete example:
learner = lrn("regr.rpart", cp = to_tune(0.1, 0.2))
glrn = as_learner(po("pca") %>>% po("learner", learner))
at = auto_tuner(
term_evals = 10
task = tsk("mtcars")

R: Error in predict.xgboost: Feature names stored in `object` and `newdata` are different

I wrote a script using xgboost to predict soil class for a certain area using data from field and satellite images. The script as below:
data <- read.csv('96PointsClay02finalone.csv')
ras <- stack("Allindices04TIFF.tif")
names(ras) <- c("b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "b6", "b7", "b10", "b11","DEM",
"R1011", "SCI", "SAVI", "NDVI", "NDSI", "NDSandI", "MBSI",
"GSI", "GSAVI", "EVI", "DryBSI", "BIL", "BI","SRCI")
set.seed(27) # set seed for generating random data.
# createDataPartition() function from the caret package to split the original dataset into a training and testing set and split data into training (80%) and testing set (20%)
parts = createDataPartition(data$Clay, p = .8, list = F)
train = data[parts, ]
test = data[-parts, ]
#define predictor and response variables in training set
train_x = data.matrix(train[, -1])
train_y = train[,1]
#define predictor and response variables in testing set
test_x = data.matrix(test[, -1])
test_y = test[, 1]
#define final training and testing sets
xgb_train = xgb.DMatrix(data = train_x, label = train_y)
xgb_test = xgb.DMatrix(data = test_x, label = test_y)
#defining a watchlist
watchlist = list(train=xgb_train, test=xgb_test)
#fit XGBoost model and display training and testing data at each iteartion
model = xgb.train(data = xgb_train, max.depth = 3, watchlist=watchlist, nrounds = 100)
#define final model
model_xgboost = xgboost(data = xgb_train, max.depth = 3, nrounds = 86, verbose = 0)
#use model to make predictions on test data
pred_y = predict(model_xgboost, xgb_test)
# performance metrics on the test data
mean((test_y - pred_y)^2) #mse - Mean Squared Error
caret::RMSE(test_y, pred_y) #rmse - Root Mean Squared Error
y_test_mean = mean(test_y)
rmseE<- function(error)
y = test_y
yhat = pred_y
(r2 = R2(yhat , y, form = "traditional"))
cat('The R-square of the test data is ', round(r2,4), ' and the RMSE is ', round(rmseresult,4), '\n')
#use model to make predictions on satellite image
result <- predict(model_xgboost, ras[1:(nrow(ras)*ncol(ras))])
#create a result raster
res <- raster(ras)
#fill in results and add a "1" to them (to get back to initial class numbering! - see above "Prepare data" for more information)
res <- setValues(res,result+1)
#Save the output .tif file into saved directory
writeRaster(res, "xgbmodel_output", format = "GTiff", overwrite=T)
The script works well till it reachs
result <- predict(model_xgboost, ras[1:(nrow(ras)*ncol(ras))])
it takes some time then gives this error:
Error in predict.xgb.Booster(model_xgboost, ras[1:(nrow(ras) * ncol(ras))]) :
Feature names stored in `object` and `newdata` are different!
I realize that I am doing something wrong in that line. However, I do not know how to apply the xgboost model to a raster image that represents my study area.
It would be highly appreciated if someone give a hand, enlightened me, and helped me solve this problem....
My data as csv and raster image can be found here.
Finally, I got the reason for this error.
It was my mistake as the number of columns in the traning data was not the same as in the number of layers in the satellite image.

Handling error with regressions inside a parallel foreach loop

Hi I am having issues regarding a foreach loop where in every iteration I estimate a regression on a subset of the data with a different list of controls on several outcomes. The problem is that for some outcomes in some countries I only have missing values and therefore the regression function returns an error message. I would like to be able to run the loop, get the output with NAs or a string saying "Error" for example instead of the coefficient table. I tried several things but they don't quite work with the .combine = rbind option and if I use .combine = c I get a very messy output. Thanks in advance for any help.
reg <- function(y, d, c){
if (missing(c))
feols(as.formula(paste0(y, "~ 0 + treatment")), data = d)
else {
feols(as.formula(paste0(y, "~ 0 + treatment + ", c)), data = d)
# Here we set up the parallelization to run the code on the server
n.cores <- 9 #parallel::detectCores() - 1
#create the cluster
my.cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(
type = "PSOCK"
# print(my.cluster)
#register it to be used by %dopar%
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = my.cluster)
# #check if it is registered (optional)
# foreach::getDoParRegistered()
# #how many workers are available? (optional)
# foreach::getDoParWorkers()
# Here is the cycle to parallel regress each outcome on the global treatment
# variable for each RCT with strata control
tables <- foreach(
n = 1:9, .combine = rbind, .packages = c('data.table', 'fixest'),
.errorhandling = "pass"
) %dopar% {
dt_target <- dt[country == n]
c <- controls[n]
est <- lapply(outcomes, function(x) reg(y = x, d = dt_target, c))
table <- etable(est, drop = "!treatment", cluster = "uid", fitstat = "n")

Training random forest (ranger) using caret with custom F4 metric in R yields but after running full ,error showing undefined columns selected

data is called as the "bank additional" full from this enter link description here and then following code to generate data1
data1<-hotdeck(data,variable=c('job','marital','education','default','housing','loan'),domain_var = "y",imp_var=FALSE)
#converting the categorical variables to factors as they should be
Now, splitting
#spliting data into train test 70/30
trainIndex<-createDataPartition(data1$y,p=0.7,times = 1,list = F)
train$y = as.factor(train$y)
# train$y = factor(train$y,levels = c("yes","no"))
# train$y = relevel(train$y,ref="yes")
Here, i got an idea of how to create F1 metric in Training Model in Caret Using F1 Metric
and using fbeta score formula i created f1_val; now i can't understand what lev,obs and pred are indicating . in my train dataset only column y showing data$obs , but no data$pred . So, is following error is due to this? and how to rectify this?
f1 <- function (data, lev = NULL, model = NULL) {
precision <- precision(data$obs,data$pred)
recall <- sensitivity(data$obs,data$pred)
f1_val <- (17*precision*recall)/(16*precision+recall)
names(f1_val) <- c("F1")
tgrid <- expand.grid(
.mtry = 1:5,
.splitrule = "gini",
.min.node.size = seq(1,500,75)
model_caret <- train(train$y~., data = train,
method = "ranger",
trControl = trainControl(method="cv",
number = 2,
verboseIter = T,
classProbs = T,
summaryFunction = f1),
tuneGrid = tgrid,
num.trees = 500,
importance = "impurity",
metric = "F1")
After running for 3/4 minutes we get following :
Aggregating results
Selecting tuning parameters
Fitting mtry = 5, splitrule = gini, min.node.size = 1 on full training set
but error:
Error in `[.data.frame`(data, , all.vars(Terms), drop = FALSE) :
undefined columns selected
Also when running model_caret we get,
Error: object 'model_caret' not found
Kindly help. Thanks in advance

How to use prepare_analogy_questions and check_analogy_accuracy functions in text2vec package?

Following code:
text8_file = "text8"
if (!file.exists(text8_file)) {
download.file("", "")
unzip ("", files = "text8")
wiki = readLines(text8_file, n = 1, warn = FALSE)
# Create iterator over tokens
tokens <- space_tokenizer(wiki)
# Create vocabulary. Terms will be unigrams (simple words).
it = itoken(tokens, progressbar = FALSE)
vocab <- create_vocabulary(it)
vocab <- prune_vocabulary(vocab, term_count_min = 5L)
# Use our filtered vocabulary
vectorizer <- vocab_vectorizer(vocab)
# use window of 5 for context words
tcm <- create_tcm(it, vectorizer, skip_grams_window = 5L)
RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = 4)
glove_model = GloVe$new(word_vectors_size = 50, vocabulary = vocab, x_max = 10, learning_rate = .25)
word_vectors_main = glove_model$fit_transform(tcm, n_iter = 20)
word_vectors_context = glove_model$components
word_vectors = word_vectors_main + t(word_vectors_context)
causes error:
qlst <- prepare_analogy_questions("questions-words.txt", rownames(word_vectors))
> Error in (function (fmt, ...) :
invalid format '%d'; use format %s for character objects
File questions-words.txt from word2vec sources
This was a small bug in information message formatting (after introduction of futille.logger). Just fixed it and pushed to github.
You can install updated version of the package with devtools::install_github("dselivanov/text2vec"
