Skobbler not picking up content from meta-folder in PreinstalledMaps (iOS) - ios

I am trying to make an offline application with a bundled map. The map is running in SKConnectivityMode.Offline, so I have put the map data in: SKMaps.Bundle/PreinstalledMaps/v1/20150413/package
I have also copied the metadata into:
The problem is that the data in the meta-folder is not picked up, and the map does not render. I tried to copy the meta-folder into the Library/Caches-location of a Simulator app, and then the map renders as expected.
A workaround I had in mind was to copy the meta-folder into the Library/Caches-area when the application is started the first time - but it will lead to double storage of files, and seems a bit dirty.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
The version of the Skobbler API is 2.5.

I found a solution to the problem, with help from the API developers. The SKMaps.bundle was for some reason not being replaced in the application package by the build script, and I needed to run a Product->Clean from XCode.


Mapbox GL JS : Live geoJSON overlay

I am working on a weather app in Mapbox and trying to get geoJSON files to update tornado warning polygons live on the map. (This would be done by a file called "warnings.geojson" in the same path as the html file and re-written frequently by a back end c++ app). Anyway, I found the following example on how to update live JSON files :
This works for what it is designed to do (and I understand what it is doing - it is what I am looking for), but I cannot seem to replace the code with my own. I would like to have it update the following test polygon file instead.
The above code is just a polygon of the Bermuda triangle. (Once I get this working, I can modify it on my own) I have tried so many variations of code that listing them here would just be a huge mess. Surely it should very simple and I am just missing it?
I believe what I should be changing is the map.addLayer() function, but I am not sure what to do. Any help would be so greatly appreciated.
The correct answer to my own question was testing the app in the wrong browser. Edge will not show geoJSON polygons that are on a local directory (atleast in this specific scenario). As MeltedPenguin pointed out - the JSON was valid. Once I uploaded my HTML and geoJSON to a server online with a http:// prefix, it worked great. Firefox showed the polygon even in offline mode.

Why can't I view or edit Umbraco templates?

When I open the Umbraco (7.6.3) backoffice, I'm unable to view or make changes to templates. It seems like other functionality is unaffected, and I can create & edit specific pages. However, attempting to open the templates themselves just leads to a white screen. This problem exists across browsers:
Other screens render just fine:
What gives?
Checking the console when attempting to load gives an interesting error:
Error: Argument 'Umbraco.Editors.Templates.EditController' is not a function, got undefined...
The issue seemed to be caused by outdated files in the Umbraco folder. Copying most directories over from packages\UmbracoCms.7.6.3\UmbracoFiles\umbraco\ seems to have done the trick.
Looking at the changelog, it seems like the JS folder was the most influential in getting this fixed.
Are you sure that you're on 7.6.3? The UI appears to be pre-7.6 (I can tell because the colours haven't been updated).
If you have just upgraded, it's possible that your browser has cached the JS which is used - hard refresh your browser to see if the UI updates.
Umbraco also uses a dependency service to compile all of the used JS/CSS files together into one large one. This service will not be used if your website is in debug mode. Either:
Turn debug mode on in the Web.config
Delete any files in the \App_Data\ClientDependency\ folder as this is where the cached compiled files are kept (these will be regenerated)
My first thought would be file permissions.
Have you run the health check for permissions in the developer section? Need to make sure that your application pool user has write permissions on the Views folder.

tensorflow/core/framework/resource_handle.pb.h file not found Error for iOS TensorFlow Camera App

When I go to run the TensorFlow iOS Camera app example I receive a 'tensorflow/core/framework/resource_handle.pb.h file not found' error. I have ran the and before running compile_ios_tensorflow and I still am receiving the error. Thanksenter image description here
Sorry you're hitting problems! Could you try running tensorflow/contrib/makefile/ to make sure everything's built, and then file a github issue if it's still having issues?
You need to create the files with Google's protocol buffer application.
I copied the resource_handle.proto to the application directory.
protoc.exe resource_handle.proto --cpp_out=.
copied the resulting resource_handle.pb.[cc][h] files back.

iOS CoreData image problems when working from a backup

We have an app that allows users to create their own content, it includes "groups" of text and images which are then used in a game. They are written to the db, but also "restored" back to documents when they are "synced" or "backed up" to an existing or "clean" device.
A user is able to backup (.fgz) to a dropbox, which is meant to make it easy to share the game data between a number of devices. This works without any problems. The game content (db driven) and images can be shared to any number of devices without any problems.
Every time we update the App, we have a problem where the text entries are retrieved and are completely viewable (both from the local file system / sqlite) but for some reason the images in the same location will not display as they have previously (the path to the image seems to be deprecated during the update). This includes doing a "backup" to a newer version of the app, to a device which has not previously had the application installed, which is also really strange.
During testing, using Xcode and local copies (replicating "install in place", we can not replicate this problem using the exact same code, and databases. There are no errors or warnings. Is this a core data problem? Any other suggestions about what we might be doing wrong?
What is going on here? We are at our ends trying to find a solution. Is there a better way to do this? We have thought about keeping our files as part of the local file system only, but if we do this, they won't be as "shareable" via the dropbox.
Any thoughts about managing image data in iOS would be very much appreciated.

Ionic 3 PWA not updating smoothly on iOS

We built a PWA with Ionic 3, which is a multiple page application. We host this on a linux server with nginx and use Laravel as a backend
The situation
We have seen that a update to a PWA is not always instantly, our client requested that if we released a update this would happen instantly and automatically.
What we tried
File based caching:
Our first thought was to use the concept of (old fashioned?) cache busting, so when building the app we use a random hash string in the filename. This ended up causing a major issue: Some PWA’s seem to hold on to the old index.html. In our access log we can see that old files get requested. The result being people will see a white screen after the splash screen. The only way for them to fix it is to reinstall the PWA completely.
Url based caching:
We devised a new plan: instead of using random hash string in the filename we moved in to the folder name. The request path would look like this: ./build/98312uj91eh9u2e/vendor.js. With NGINX we remove the hash and serve the same file, so it will return the the file from this path: ./build/vendor.js. This caused another issue where files would be mismatched. So some user would have parts of the old version and parts of the news versions which caused a lot of random issues.
Hosting multiple versions hoping they would update:
This pretty much did nothing other than creating lot of confusion. because some PWA’s would never update some people would be stuck on a old version and not see the new features.
Our current idea
Instead of using a static html file we are thinking of using javascript to make an API call to the backend of the PWA. Which will return a string with the current version of the PWA. This version will be the random string contain within the file names. This way, regardless of index.html updates, the content well be dynamic and not cause issue before description issues.
So what is the question?
Is it a good idea to make use of the concept where we would use JavaScript for making an API call or would this cause other issues we have not thought about yet.
