Xcode - Imposible generate for iOS App Store Deployment - ios

As title is pointing, I'm able to generate and IPA for ad hoc deployment but when I try to do the same for App store the error "You already have an iOS Distribution Valid certificate"
I'm using the same provisioning profile and I have already check if provisioning profile is using the valid certificate and it does.

I had a provisioning profile to adhoc, but what I need was generate another provisioning profile for distribution.
So I have finally 3 provisioning profile:
Development Provisioning profile
Adhoc Provisioning profile
Distribution Provisioning profile


Is there a way to update Apple AdHoc provision profile?

I have recently created a new certificate for my own profile but there are already development and AdHoc provisioning profiles exist. So now I want to include my newly created certificate into those provision profiles.
In Apple Developer portal I could edit "Development Provision Profile" and tick my certificate to include it into that provision profile but I do not see such option for AdHoc profile.
So my question is, can I include my newly created certificate into the existing AdHoc profile?
Because currently when I try to manually sign my project I get this warning in Xcode:
Provisioning profile "match AdHoc com.example" doesn't include signing certificate
"Apple Development: My Name (some_code_here)".
and when I click on info button I get this:
Doesn't include signing certificate "Apple Development: My Name (some_code_here)"
Any idea how can I fix this?

Expired provisioning profile

I have an expired provisioning profile which is managed by XCode. I tried to edit the provisioning profile through Apple Developer website, however the edit button is disabled for provisioning profile managed by XCode. Then I deleted the provisioning profile. However, XCode is not generating a new provisioning profile for me. I am using XCode 7.3.
I manually created a provisioning profile through the website, but I got the error:
No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a
provisioning profile with the UUID “xxxxx”,
however, no such provisioning profile was found.
I think you need to install "AppleWWDRCA.cer" on your Mac.You can download this from following link http://developer.apple.com/certificationauthority/AppleWWDRCA.cer

Cannot install ipa on device

I have signed a code with a distribution provisioning profile but when I generated the ipa in XCode 5.1 (Save for Enterprise/Adhoc Deployment), the app does not install in my device. I have checked that the distribution profile is properly aligned to the production certificate that is installed in my Macbook. Any reasons or solutions so that I can install my app? Thanks!
Make sure you are using Adhoc Distribution Provisioning Profile, not AppStore Distribution Provisioning Profile. AppStore Distribution Profile is required to distribute app from App Store, in your case you need to do following things in your Developer Account.
Add your Device in Devices List.
Create an Adhoc Distribution Provisioning Profile.
Select and check all the Devices listed.
Sign with the Distribution Certificate, and Adhoc Profile.
Create Adhoc Build, create IPA, and install.
Visit Apple Doc for more information.
Hope it helps.

The Executable was signed with invalid entilements - Distribution Profile -Xcode 6.1

I'm getting the following error when I create a Distribution Provisioning Profile and try to run to the device
"The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. (0xE8008016)."
I didn't find any issue if I create Adhoc Distribution provisioning profile and install in my device. But this happens only with Distribution Provisioning profile.Will this have any effect after submission to app store or while submitting to app store.?
You cannot install and run an app signed with a distribution profile. Those are for submitting only.

What is difference between .ipa with development provisioning and .ipa with adhoc distribution provisioning profile?

I looked on stack overflow there are many similar questions but could not understand exactly. As my knowledge there are three types provisioning profile -
Development provisioning profile
Ad hoc distribution provisioning profile
App store distribution provisioning profile
Development provisioning profile allows for testing and debugging.
Ad hoc distribution for beta testing without using Xcode.
But my question is that .ipa created for testing using development provisioning or using adhoc distribution provisioning, What is the difference in both ipa?
Thanks for your answer.
Development provisioning profile
the development provisioning profile is for testing your App on a device (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch)
Ad hoc distribution provisioning profile
Adhoc testing is when you have completed development and want to distribute your app to multiple users for testing (your second question). Just create a distribution profile for adhoc testing and select all the device ids for which the profile is valid. In that case you will only need to send the .app file and .mobileprovision file to each user testing your app.
Details Desription:
If you'd like to install your software on several devices without using the App Store, you'll have to create an Ad Hoc distribution profile with the device ID numbers, and install that profile as well as the software, on all of the devices.
App store distribution provisioning profile
For submission of the app to app store, you have to create a distribution mobile provisional file with the "App Store" option selected.
1.you want to test your App then use - Development provisioning profile.
2.test multiple users without interaction with APP store then use - Ad hoc distribution provisioning profile
2.multiple users interaction with APP store then use - App store distribution provisioning profile
