Is there any way to plot and analyse data with swift? [closed] - ios

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to build an iOS application where you can easily view and interact with geophysics data (well logs, seismic sections etc), which usually come as huge matrices in SEGY format or similar.
Is there any way I can do this with swift? Also I need to extract statistics and and perform mathematical operations. Is there any scientific use of swift at all?
Sorry if I'm being vague, it's a fairly new idea and I would love to do it on iOS instead of using C/matlab/python etc.

There's nothing native to Swift, but you could always use third party frameworks for anything.
Of course, science power of Matlab won't be achievable by iOS, since the language is not intended for that, so you'll have to write some math functions on your own.
For charts, I used CorePlot, but now there's a better alternative written completely in Swift, called ios-charts.


What apps can not be created with flutter? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am very interested about what apps I can not create using flutter?
It seems like almost everything (except what?) can be done, and the only price of cross-platform is app speed.
The primary downside of using Flutter is library support. Only a very small number of libraries have been ported over. For instance, Realm is a popular database solution. It has not been ported to Dart or Flutter. So if you have either an existing app or an idea for an app that you want to develop in Flutter, then you should first think about what libraries you need (databases, maps, etc.) and then ensure that there exist the appropriate libraries.
Everything CAN be done in Flutter, but unless all of the main libraries you need have been ported over, it will be a lot of work. So in that case, you should choose a different framework.

iOS Generating Random Test Data [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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For testing, I needed to generate a list of data values randomly and put them into the models for further use. But I found out that there is no library, which could produce such functionality.
The elegant solution I expected to find had to combine such simple things as:
the variety of data;
the variety of methods to reach this data;
the possibility to change the default data set to the custom one.
Since I hadn't found the accurate solution, I decided to create my own library (ref.
There were implemented all necessary methods for data generation (including random names, cities, addresses, dates etc) and data retrieve. And moreover, it has "swifty" interface, which provides comfortable use in every project.
I hope, it will be helpful for everyone, who faced the same problem as me!

How to write a program that outputs source code [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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This might not be the right place for this to ask, but I am interested in artificial neural networks and want to learn more.
How do you design a network and train it on source code so it can come up with programs for, for example, easy number theory problems?
What's the general name of this research field?
This is a hugely interesting, and very hard, problem area. It will probably take you months to read enough to even understand how to attack the problem. Here's a few things that might help you get started, and they are more to show the problems you will face than to provide solutions:
Then read this, and related papers:
Next, you probably want to read the classic papers in program synthesis and generation at the parse tree/AST level (mostly out of MIT, I think, in the early 90s.)
Best of luck. This is not trivial.

Image Recognition in iOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am creating an iPad app for golfers, I will get their score card image as below. I want to calculate sum of scores for each person by scanning this image.
Is there any way. Please give me a logic for this.
I have used opencv in the past to do something similar but with sudoku puzzles.
It is a LOT of work and making it work with handwriting will add to the difficulty.
I found a really good resource for analysing sudoku grids. I'll try to find it again but it was 4 years ago.
Good luck though.
There is a Tesseract port for iOS which is about the best OCR you're likely to get on the platform without either:
A) Porting another OCR library
B) Shipping the images off to an online OCR service
To make this more complex, you don't just want to OCR but you want to OCR handwriting and put it into a grid. This is not something that can be done overnight but is in fact rather complex. Not impossible, but complex.
Would it not just be easier to let the players enter there scores straight onto the app and then airprint a score card?

Getting text from a picture in iOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondering if it is possible to get text (like an NSString) from a picture in iOS. So like if you took a picture of the words "Hello World" the code would convert the image into an NSString with the words "Hello World". For my purposes it wont matter if it is not case sensitive but I would like to know if it is possible and if so, then how.
I would look into this and stack overflow has some posts about this already like Getting text from image on ios (image processing)
It is possible.
You would use OCR (Optical Character Recognition).
Because OCR is a broad and complex topic, the question of "how to" is probably too vague for S.O. You should probably do some research, make some prototypes, and develop some more specific follow up questions.
One of the main open source libraries used to do OCR on iOS is a google-sponsored open source project called tesseract.
Here is some info on compiling tesseract for use in iOS apps:
The same guy has a nice sample project on github demonstrating how a simple client might use the compiled library:
