Fastest way to compare AnsiString - delphi

What would be the fastest way to check if an AnsiString equals some other AnsiString?
Currently i am doing this to check if the string is equal:
if AnsiCompareStr(mystring, 'helloworld') = 0 then
Also what would be the fastest way to check if a AnsiString contains another AnsiString (not complete Check)?
For this i am using:
StrPos(mystring, 'world') <> nil then

The answer is: it depends.
It depends on the type of strings, how they look, how long they are, and on which platform you are.
For any string comparison function that anyone comes up with here, I can come up with a scenario where that function is not the fastest solution.

AFAIK CompareText() is faster than AnsiCompareStr(), but only handle ASCII characters.
If you want a faster test of contained text, check

Fastest case sensitive way is standard compare:
if Str1 = Str2 then (case sensitive)
It's faster than CompareStr()
Or CompareText - case insensitive


Using Ruby, how can I convert a string to an array when there may be variable whitespace between terms?

Imagine I have a string like this: "hello:world, foo:bar,biz:baz, last:term "
And I want to convert it to an array ["hello:world", "foo:bar", "biz:baz", "last:term"]
Essentially I want to split by comma, but also by a variable amount of whitespace. I could do the split and then go through each term and strip whitespace from either side, but I'm hoping there is a simpler way - maybe using Regexp? (I'm very unfamiliar with how to use Regexp). I'm using Ruby on Rails.
You can use scan with a Regexp:
string = "hello:world, foo:bar,biz:baz, last:term "
#=> ["hello:world", "foo:bar", "biz:baz", "last:term"]
Or you could use split to split the string at the , and the strip to remove the unwanted whitespace.
string = "hello:world, foo:bar,biz:baz, last:term "
#=> ["hello:world", "foo:bar", "biz:baz", "last:term"]
I would probably prefer the second version because it is easier to read and understand. Additionally, I wouldn't be surprised if the simple string methods of the second version would perform better for small strings because Regexps are pretty expensive and usually only worth it for more complex or bigger tasks.

Rails: Given a String, check if an Array (of strings) contains a substring of String

Is there a more Railsy way to do this (without explicit regex, perhaps?):
array_o_strings = ["some strings", "I'd like", "to parse"]
string = "like to parse"
re = Regexp.union( { |i| })
string =~ re
Just pining for magical Rails methods.
There's really nothing wrong with using a regular expression here if that's your intent. It's generally more efficient to use one of those than to go through the trouble of comparing arrays.
It's worth noting you don't have to do that much work to get this:
re = Regexp.union(array)
That should handle automatically escaping those strings and compiling them into a singular regular expression. Test with strings containing * and ? to be sure.
One note to add on style is that the =~ operator is a hold-over from Perl. It's preferable to use string.match(re) to make it clear what's going on there.
How big is the array? It may be worth comparing the speed using a regex vs checking each element. If the array is sorted shortest to longest that would help when checking one by one as you're more likely to find a match first.
In any event, this is one way:
array_o_strings.any?{|e| string.index(e) }

URL Escape in Uppercase

I have a requirement to escape a string with url information but also some special characters such as '<'.
Using cl_http_utility=>escape_url this translates to '%3c'. However due to our backend webserver, it is unable to recognize this as special character and takes the value literally. What it does recognize as special character is '%3C' (C is upper case). Also if one checks it shows the value with all caps as the proper encoding.
I guess my question is is there an alternative to cl_http_utility=>escape_url that does essentially the same thing except outputs the value in upper case?
Use the string function.
l_escaped = escape( val = l_unescaped
format = cl_abap_format=>e_url ).
Other possible formats are e_url_full, e_uri, e_uri_full, and a bunch of xml/json stuff too. The string function escape is documented pretty well, demo programs and all.

mysql_real_escape_string when echoing out?

I know I have to use mysql_real_escape_string when running it in a query, for example:
$ProjectHasReservationQuery = ("
FROM reservelist rl
INNER JOIN project p on rl.projectid = p.projectid
WHERE rl.projectid = ". mysql_real_escape_string($record['projectid']) ."
AND restype = 'res'
But how about echoing it out, like:
query1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users");
while ($record = mysql_fetch_array($query1 ))
echo "".stripslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($record['usersurname']))."";
// OR
echo "".$record['usersurname']."";
Which one is it? Personally I think echo "".$record['usersurname']."";, since this is coming FROM a query and not going INTO. But want to be 100% sure.
(I am aware about PDO and mysqli)
I know I have to use mysql_real_escape_string when running it in a query
Quite contrary, you should not use mysql_real_escape_string on a query like this.
It will do no good but leave you with false feeling of safety.
As you can say from the function name, it is used to escape strings, while you are adding a number. So, this function become useless, while your query still remains wide open for injection.
One have to use this function only to format quoted strings in the SQL query.
Thus you can conclude the answer from this rule: no, there is no point in using this function for output.
As for the protection, either treat your number as a string (by quoting and escaping it) or cast it using intval() function.
Or, the best choice, get rid of this manual formatting and start using placeholders to represent dynamical data in the query. it is not necessarily prepared statements - it could use the same escaping, but encapsulated in some placeholder handling function

convert a string into another format

I would like to convert the binary string <<"abc">> into the following string "<a><b><c>" .
In other words, each byte shall be written between one "less than" char and one "greater than" char.
I suppose that the function is recursive ? Note that abc is just an example !
lists:flatmap(fun(C)-> [$<,C,$>] end,binary_to_list(<<"abc">>)).
f(C) -> [$<,C,$>].
lists:flatmap(fun f/1,binary_to_list(<<"abc">>)).
The most efficient if you want a flat list would probably be:
fr(<<C,Rest/binary>>) ->
fr(<<>>) -> [].
This expansion is similar to what a list/binary comprehension expands to.
Use a binary comprehension:
2> [[$<, C, $>] || <<C:1/binary>> <= <<"abc">>].
So you don't have to process the binary into a list first and then work on it. It is probably a bit faster, especially for large lists, so if performance matter to you, it may be a viable alternative option.
this answer is probably not best one in terms of efficiency(i didn't compare it to other solutions) but it certainly helps to understand how you can invent your own iterators over different collections in erlang aimed for achieving your specific goal instead of using predefined iterators
fr(<<>>, Output) -> Output;
fr(<<"b", Rest/binary>>, Output) ->
fr(Rest, <<Output, "b">>);
fr(<<C:8, Rest/binary>>, Output) ->
fr(Rest, <<Output/binary, $<, C:8, $>>>).
f(Input) -> fr(Input, <<>>).
P.S. it looks like this solution is actually the most efficient :)
