Web App - Can i use Voice recognition in Dart+Polymer - dart

Before I spend a lot of time (I guess) reading up on SpeechSynthesisUtterance, is this the way to go to add voice recognition to my Dart+Polymer web app?
In fact, all I need is dictation (to fill in a text box). Nothing particularly clever (on my part at least!).
Or [polymer] "is there an element for that?" ;-)

If it works in JS you can make it work in Dart. No need of Polymer but it will work with Polymer.dart as well.


Access iOS Voice recognition in app

Currently i am using open ears to detect a phrase and it works pretty well, although i would like to recognize all words in the english language and add that to a text field. So I had two thoughts on how to approach this.
1) Somehow load the entire english dictionary into OpenEars.
(i don't think it is a good idea because they say from 2-300 words or something like that
2)Activate the native iOS voice recognition without deploying the keyboard.
I'm leaning towoards the second way if possible because i love the live recognition in iOS 8, it works flawlessly for me.
How do i recognize all words using one of the two methods (or a better way if you know)?
Thank you
The answer is that you can't do 1) or 2), at least not the way you want to. OpenEars won't handle the whole English dictionary, and you can't get iOS voice recognition without the keyboard widget. You might want to look into Dragon Dictation, which is the speech engine that Siri uses, or SILVIA. You'll have to pay for a license though.

What makes a web application a touch pad friendly application?

Designing a web application with ASP.NET MVC I asked myself how can I also please those people using a smart phone, ipad, etc.. (everything thats touchable...) and not only a desktop/notebook with a browser.
How can I develop a better user experience.
I would be pleased to hear about technical advises concerning the asp.net mvc framework so I can later implement your suggestions concretely.
There are a few levels of friendlyness. You can start with the basic "does this site render well enough to be usable in a mobile browser?" This really should not be a problem for anything new that is using modern web standards but older sites could have problems. Corallary to this is "is my site a bandwidth hog that takes forever to render over 3g because each page is 14mb of animated GIFs and spaghetti HTML?" Or "does my site make mobile devices melt due to aggresive scripts?" Luckily this set is pretty easy to deal with -- modern websites tend to handle this pretty well by default.
The second level is "does this site do anything maddening from a touch perspective." The big thing that can clip you here is hover based menus -- there is no hover on a touch UI. The other common issue is using small links or buttons that one can't hit at least without zooming in to crazy levels. The solution here is testing -- some issues are obvious to all but you won't see some things until you are interacting without a mouse.
The final level is using a touch UI for fun and profit. If you make it this far, you are doing better than many web publishers in this day and age. What is involved here is using touch-friendly UI tools, such as jquery mobile, to handle swipe events and other touch features to make things work more like one expects with a touch UI. An easy example would be making an image carousel swipe-able rather than having to wait for the buttons.
Make the interface chunky - big icons are easy to click, text is very difficult to touch accurately. Set a minimum size for every element, at the very least as big as the individual keys on an iPhone/android's virtual keyboard and preferably much larger.
Ensure that the most relevant options are near the top, and after that the aim is simply to make it intuitive. Fewer menus are generally better.
Go through my tutorial ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Features
create mobile-specific views.
-use the HTML5 viewport attribute and adaptive rendering to improve display on mobile devices.

Mechanism for iconic "chat system" webapp

Let me set this up. I work in sound / multimedia at a medium-sized church. There are times when the platform needs to communicate with either the sound room or the multimedia room, and we don't want to be obvious about it. We've tried walkie talkies, but, frankly, we run things pretty hot, and we can't hear the talkies, even with earbuds.
Also, we can't use texting; it's just too slow.
The current working idea is to use some sort of tablets (e.g., iPads) to run a dead-simple application to deliver quick messages by just tapping on icons. For instance, the music director could tap an icon for "sound room", which gives way to a context-specific screen showing sound-related items. He could then tap "piano", then "pulpit monitor", then "up", then "lots", or "drums", "piano monitor", "down", "a little". See where I'm going? It would seem that a native app would be quick and cool (and easy to monetize), but I don't want to learn development on iOS if I don't have to. I'd rather it just be a web app so that I can run it with a Xoom, if and when I buy one. ;-)
I've spent the past couple of years learning Rails, but I haven't ventured into things like EventMachine. I see that "Juggernaut" might fit the bill, but there's no Flash on iPads. Does anyone know of something else that would might fit without using Flash?
Maybe I'll just have to concede and write it for iOS/Android. If so, where do I even start with that?
I think it really depends on how you want to approach this problem. Assuming that a web tier application is acceptable, I would highly recommend that you check out Sencha Touch. You can fairly easily program all sorts of commands to that sort of thing, and have a notifications page for everyone else to be looking at. You could run it on just about any mobile device (and computers, for that matter) if you wrote it that way.
I know there are a few others out there that are similar (jQuery Mobile, for instance), but I feel that Sencha Touch is probably the most mature product available at this point in time.
Hope that helps!

How can I differentiate between smart phones and others?

I'm looking to revamp our mobile site with something simple for phones below the ambiguous smart phone category and something a little more interesting for the phones above this category. I'm not interested in WAP/WML for this project. I'm building a ASP.Net 4 MCV 2 app and using MBDF
What I'd like to know is how best to define this differentiation when using MBDF? Screen size, Javascript, SpportsTouchScreen etc. are all in MBDF along with others but I'm not sure where to draw the line and where the data is most accurate for the broad number of devices.
What do those of you out there developing for this spread of hardware & software split on?
P.S. I've done my research on xHTML MP1.0 - 1.2 and the best practises for implementation to ensure broad coverage but I don't want to restrict the newer phones out there to what the base line can see.
I personally use simple mobile browser dedection script and limit max screen width to 240px. I also use simple AJAX and JavaScript calls too.
Above setup works fine for 90% of my visitors but my sites aren't business critical sites.
You can try http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/ but .net api is not as good as PHP one
So after a bit of testing myself I think I'm going to stick with testing if they support JavaScript and Touch using the MBDF. This line in the sand isn't perfect but it seems like the best out there to me.
Here is a neat little tutorial on Browser Detection using JavaScript
Browser Detection

Vista Speech Recognition in Delphi

I would like to be able to dictate into my Delphi application using Microsoft Vista's speech recognition. However when attempting to dictate into a TMemo, it simply does not work. I noticed that Firefox 3.0 has the same issue and after they contacted Microsoft about the problem, they told them that they need to implement the Text Services Framework for their application.
I am wondering if there is any way to implement this in Delphi so that I can dictate into a TMemo or a TRichEdit. Searching Google for a solution didn't return any relevant results. Where would I start in finding a solution?
Edit: I found out that there is a way to enable speech recognition in all programs, even those that don't support it, simply by going to the options of Windows Speech Recognition and selecting Enable dictation everywhere. However when you use this to dictate into an editbox that doesn't use the Text Services Framework, it always pops up the Alternates Panel which displays the prompt Say the number next to the item you want, followed by OK. While this may work for short sentences, it does not have many of the useful features such as correcting or deleting a word. So I am still trying to figure out how to enable speech recognition without relying on the Enable dictation everywhere option.
I found out that there is a way to enable speech recognition in all programs, even those that don't support it, simply by going to the options of Windows Speech Recognition and selecting Enable dictation everywhere. However when you use this to dictate into an editbox that doesn't use the Text Services Framework, it always pops up the Alternates Panel which displays the prompt Say the number next to the item you want, followed by OK. While this may work for short sentences, it does not have many of the useful features such as correcting or deleting a word.
Text to speech in Vista
Just tested it with a button like the demo code on that page, works fine in Vista SP1/D2007. (funny, I clicked the 'Vista' tag-link and found it there...)
