On iPhone, how to make the keyboard show numbers above the letters? - ios

On iPhone, is there a way to make the keyboard show numbers above the letters, like computer keyboards? It seems that the keyboard type doesn't provide that.
I know that this will need more space for the keyboard. I can afford that.

By default, no, this is not possible. However, Apple provides a way for developers to attach views to the keyboard. Take a look at inputAccessoryView and inputAccessoryViewController, both UIResponder properties, these are the properties that are used to do this.


iOS App: Possible to make keyboard recommendations?

In an iOS application, is it possible to make own keyboard suggestions if the user taps a specific UITextField? The suggestion should only appear if the UITextField is empty.
By keyboard recommendations I mean the Predictive Keyboard:
Swift code is preferred.
I don't think you can provide suggestions to the actual keyboard so they get presented, but what you can do is write your own inputAccessoryView to be there instead, and handle the tapping/appending of text yourself, and possibly disable the completion from the keyboard. This is essentially what the messaging apps do to present a bar with buttons to add photos and attachments when writing.
Since you don't mention what you're trying to accomplish I don't know if this would make sense. Let me know if you want me to elaborate on how to do this in code.

Is it possible to remove iOS Quicktype Keyboard but keep auto correction?

I know it is possible to remove the QuickType keyboard of a UITextView or UITextField, by using .autoCorrectionType = .No , but this also disables auto-correct and autocompletion while the user is typing.
Is there a possible work around to this?
I'm trying to make a very clean note making app and have an accessory to the keyboard, that looks ugly with the quicktype bit.
I don't think what you are asking. Is possible but even if it were - is that a good idea?
You may not like how it looks but allot of people really like that feature and might not like it if you remove it.
Users who don't like that can turn it off in the phone's settings so if your user does have it - there is a good reason to keep it there

The Correct Way to do Custom Keyboards in iOS?

I am looking to implement a custom toolbar that sits above my keyboard for a text field with some custom values. I've found a ton of tutorials online but this question is for asking what's the best way to do this.
This tutorial here http://blog.carbonfive.com/2012/03/12/customizing-the-ios-keyboard/ provides the most common way I can see across many tutorials, with creating a new subclass of UIView and using delegates to get that information across.
That's the commonality. However, I came across this tutorial which in the view controller itself just creates the toolbar, assigns it to the textField inputAccessory and it's good to go. In fact, I tried out the code and without any effort, I have now a custom keyboard.
This just seems a bit too easy to me though and I'd think the proper, Apple recommended way would be to create that UIView subclass and use delegates so that the view controller with the text fields acts as that delegate.
I'm specifically targeting iOS 7 in my app.
What are people's thoughts on this? If the second easier link is supported and is likely to pass Apple's guidelines, it's a good starting point but if delegates are the way to go, I'd rather look into that from the start.
Your thoughts will be appreciated.
There is no 'Apple Approved' way to do this, and its hard to believe anything you do here would get your app rejected. The custom keyboard you reference in your post has the iOS6 look and will appear outdated in an iOS6 app. I'll mention some iOS7 suggestions shortly, but the constant danger of mimicking what the System looks like today is guaranteed to look outdated later. In Mac/Cocoa development, Apple use to say at the WWDC that if you did something custom, make it look custom, don't take a standard Apple widget and try to duplicate it. But that advice is mostly ignored.
For iOS 7, you can create buttons that appear just like the system ones do (not pressed), but of course when someone presses them, they won't act like system buttons (i.e. animate up and "balloon" out.
I'm currently using a fantastic add-on keyboard, my fork of KOKeyboard (which uses the buttons above). This is such a cool addition. While the buttons look like iPad buttons, each one has 5 keys in it. By dragging to a corner you select one of the four, and tapping in the middle gives you that key. This might be overkill for your app, but it really helped me with mine. It looks like this:
(the Key / Value is in the under laying view.) The center control lets you move the cursor - its like a joy stick - and can be used to both move and select text. Amazing class, I wish I'd invented it!
Also, for any solution, you want to use a UIToolbar as the view holding the keys, for the reason that it supports blur of the view it overlays, just like the keyboard does. You can use the UIToolbar with no bar button items in it (if you want), and just add subviews. This is a "trick" I learned here, as there is no other way to get blur!
David's KOKeyboard (er…, the one he used - see David's comment below) looks nice. I suspect that he is using the official Apple mechanism:
Typically, you'd set that value on a UITextView, but it can be any class that allows itself to become the first responder.
The provided view will be placed above the default apple keyboard.
It is correct that there is no official mechanism (and it is suggested against) to modify any system provided keyboard. You can add to it, as above. You can also entirely replace it for with your own mechanism. Apply will forgo the keyboard setting on your view and use a custom input mechanism if you set
set it to any view - Apple will still manage its appearance and dismissal as it does the custom keyboards.
Edit: Of course, iOS 8.x added significant access to keyboards. (not mentioned here)

Bigger iOS keyboard with bigger keys

I wanted to know if there is an option to display a bigger keyboard with a bigger font of keys? Can I control the size of the keys?
No, you cannot. This is standard Apple stuff. You can create your own keyboard from scratch. But It sounds like you are asking if this is just a simple settings thing which it is not.
No, there isn't any way you can control the size of the keys of the keyboard.
You would need to customise your own keyboard by creating your own buttons.

bluetooth keyboard override

Is there a way to force up a software keyboard when the user has a iOS bluetooth keyboard device installed?
Or, to that end, is it possible in code to disable a specific bluetooth device?
In most (maybe all?) iOS apps with which I have used Apple's bluetooth keyboard, pressing the eject key (located in the top right corner) will bring up the soft keyboard on the screen. Maybe that little factoid could help you in some way.
Not from within the application's code, if you're planning on getting into the app store. Apple expressly does not provide methods to show or hide keyboard, instead pushing you to use becomeFirstResponder and resignFirstResponder.
You may be able to do this through some non-AppStore-friendly methods, but somehow I don't think that's the answer you're looking for.
(Note - you could make a fake, Apple-looking keyboard when the real one is hidden, and check if the real one is hidden based on whether a view is visible, but if Apple notices you doing this, you'll get denied.)
