Having issue with Xcode 7 iOS 9 mapview - ios

I am building a sample application using Xcode 7 beta6. I have included MapView in xib and a label . When I am trying to run the app it is giving the below error. It is working in Xcode 6. I have searched web but nothing is working for me. Could you please help me to resolve this issue?

Not sure if this is of help to you as I am in a similar issue with XCode 7 and iOS 9 whereas it was working for me too in iOS 8.4 and XCode 6.4... But I previously had to make two inserts into the info.plist section of XCode of the app in order for my app using a UIMapview to work. I just discovered it yesterday myself iwhen I upgraded to iOS 9 and XCod4 7. Hope this points you in a general correct direction to look.


Issue with UIImage on older iOS versions [duplicate]

EDIT : note that this issue is now resolved in Xcode 9.3, hourrah !
OK, it's a Xcode bug, but does anyone has a workaround for this ?
Since I made the update to Xcode 9 and compile my app, I get a bug with my images. All images in my app get distorted, only on iOS 8. I have to point out that when recompiling the exact same project with Xcode 8, every image shows well !
Here is my launch screen when my app is run on iOS 8, then on iOS 9 (or 10 or 11), both with Xcode 9.
I know that some people encounter this bug with Xcode 8 beta 6 (Xcode 8 simulator ios 8 image get distorted and Xcode 8 beta 6 - App image broken in iOS 8) but they say this was a Xcode bug that was resolved in Xcode 8 GM. I can't find anybody having this issue in Xcode 9.
Xcode 9 brings many changes to images assets, so I've tried to play with them (ticking "Preserve Vector Data", changing to "Individual scales" etc) but it didn't helped.
I'm using Xcode 9.2 (9C40b), which I think is the last Xcode version available.
Does anybody has a clue for this ?
Can refer on Xcode 9 Release Notes https://developer.apple.com/library/content/releasenotes/DeveloperTools/RN-Xcode/Chapters/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001051-CH1-SW936
Two workarounds :
Build the app using Xcode 9.1 (official download link)
OR use Xcode 9.2 and set the deployment target to iOS 8.4 or later.
It works for me.
The first one is recommended as the second will only allow iOS 8.4 support.
I found move the image from assets to bundle can fix this bug

My iOS application's picture is strange and broken? [duplicate]

EDIT : note that this issue is now resolved in Xcode 9.3, hourrah !
OK, it's a Xcode bug, but does anyone has a workaround for this ?
Since I made the update to Xcode 9 and compile my app, I get a bug with my images. All images in my app get distorted, only on iOS 8. I have to point out that when recompiling the exact same project with Xcode 8, every image shows well !
Here is my launch screen when my app is run on iOS 8, then on iOS 9 (or 10 or 11), both with Xcode 9.
I know that some people encounter this bug with Xcode 8 beta 6 (Xcode 8 simulator ios 8 image get distorted and Xcode 8 beta 6 - App image broken in iOS 8) but they say this was a Xcode bug that was resolved in Xcode 8 GM. I can't find anybody having this issue in Xcode 9.
Xcode 9 brings many changes to images assets, so I've tried to play with them (ticking "Preserve Vector Data", changing to "Individual scales" etc) but it didn't helped.
I'm using Xcode 9.2 (9C40b), which I think is the last Xcode version available.
Does anybody has a clue for this ?
Can refer on Xcode 9 Release Notes https://developer.apple.com/library/content/releasenotes/DeveloperTools/RN-Xcode/Chapters/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001051-CH1-SW936
Two workarounds :
Build the app using Xcode 9.1 (official download link)
OR use Xcode 9.2 and set the deployment target to iOS 8.4 or later.
It works for me.
The first one is recommended as the second will only allow iOS 8.4 support.
I found move the image from assets to bundle can fix this bug

Xcode 9 - iOS 8 images get weirdly distorted

EDIT : note that this issue is now resolved in Xcode 9.3, hourrah !
OK, it's a Xcode bug, but does anyone has a workaround for this ?
Since I made the update to Xcode 9 and compile my app, I get a bug with my images. All images in my app get distorted, only on iOS 8. I have to point out that when recompiling the exact same project with Xcode 8, every image shows well !
Here is my launch screen when my app is run on iOS 8, then on iOS 9 (or 10 or 11), both with Xcode 9.
I know that some people encounter this bug with Xcode 8 beta 6 (Xcode 8 simulator ios 8 image get distorted and Xcode 8 beta 6 - App image broken in iOS 8) but they say this was a Xcode bug that was resolved in Xcode 8 GM. I can't find anybody having this issue in Xcode 9.
Xcode 9 brings many changes to images assets, so I've tried to play with them (ticking "Preserve Vector Data", changing to "Individual scales" etc) but it didn't helped.
I'm using Xcode 9.2 (9C40b), which I think is the last Xcode version available.
Does anybody has a clue for this ?
Can refer on Xcode 9 Release Notes https://developer.apple.com/library/content/releasenotes/DeveloperTools/RN-Xcode/Chapters/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001051-CH1-SW936
Two workarounds :
Build the app using Xcode 9.1 (official download link)
OR use Xcode 9.2 and set the deployment target to iOS 8.4 or later.
It works for me.
The first one is recommended as the second will only allow iOS 8.4 support.
I found move the image from assets to bundle can fix this bug

Weird issues with xcode 7

when I use Xcode 6 my apps works fine. When I update to new Xcode 7 my apps It has some problems. Scrollview for news does not work. In Tableview when I tap one record Simulator or iPhone freeze. What is the problem?
I had a similar problem with Xcode 7. if your app runs on ios 9 please refer to the iOS 9 release notes for possible issues: https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/releasenotes/General/RN-iOSSDK-9.0/
sometimes, recreating your problematic view controllers in story board will solve the problem, as in Xcode 7 the outlets in the storyboard work differently than the way they used to work in previous versions. (as someone who worked with the Xcode 7 beta for quite some time, I can tell you how annoying it can get...).

Should we run iPhone application in xcode 5 with ios simulator 7?

I have generated a build in Xcode 4.6 and tested it in iPhone 5 device with iOS 7.4 and its working fine and I was not getting any issues such as status bar missing, UIButton background missing etc. But if I run the same code in Xcode 5 with iOS simulator7 then I was getting issues such as status bar missed, background of UIButton missed and I couldn't able to change the table view back ground color. So finally should I run my code in Xcode 5 with iOS simulator 7 and fix all the issues? OR can I directly push this app in to App Store with out checking it in Xcode 5. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
In Xcode 4.6 the base SDK is for iOS6. So if you build an application on Xcode 4.6 it will run iOS 7 but it will not be able to use the API's provided by Apple for iOS7. It will a iOS6 app running on iOS7 like many other apps do.
In Xcode 5.0 the base SDK is for iOS7. This means that you can use the latest APIs provided for iOS7. You are getting these errors when building in Xcode 5.0 because those APIs might not be supported in the new iOS7 SDK.
What I mean to say is that if you want your app to be a native iOS7 app then you need to build it on Xcode 5. Building on Xcode 5 will allow your app to feel like an iOS7 app. Though you will face a lot of errors as a lot of iOS6 APIs have been deprecated in iOS7.
If you want to support both iOS6 and iOS7 I suggest you build it on Xcode 5. Again you will have to keep in mind that some iOS7 API's are not available for iOS6 therefore you will have to keep a check on that.
To get a better idea I suppose you should have a look at this document.
iOS7 transition guide
Thank You.
You should definitely build and test in Xcode 5, why run the risk of shipping a bad product? For me you must properly test this in Xcode 5, on all deployment intended devices and the simulator.
Follow the iOS 7 UI Transition Guide to fix all the issues you have in XCode 5 and then submit the app to the store.
