RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers the tabs doesn't show ios - ios

it's a library to make swipe-able tap-bar and move between the taps by swiping left and right
-> library
when i apply the code from app delegate it works perfectly , but when i do it using storyboard and in the RK Swipe Between View Controllers.m i add the view controllers in the view Controller Array when it loads the buttons don't show , even i print their titles and they exist and tried to make hidden = true but it still don't show , any help please
my code

Change the option to Translucent Navigation Bar and make sure that there is a navigation bar in the storyboard.


TableViewController scrolls under status bar

I’m working on a project in Xcode 9.1 and a very strange problem occurs with my Table View Controller.
I need to have a table view with static cells and Xcode tells me that I can achieve this only with a TableViewController (doesn’t work with a TableView in a ViewController. Gives me errors).
I’ve embedded my TableViewController inside a Navigation Controller, but when I run the project, the table View scrolls and it’s visible under the status bar (on every iPhone, from X to SE).
I wanted to make the status bar opaque but didn’t find a way to do it.
Am I doing something wrong?
My steps are:
1) Dragged a TableViewController on the storyboard
2) Embed the TableViewController into a Navigation Bar (I’ve tried also to drag the Navigation Bar directly and it comes already connected to a TableViewController).
3) Set the Cells to Static
4) Run on device or simulator.
Screenshot of my problem
Solved it!
The problem was the code I wrote to hide the navigation bar hairline (the 1px line under the bar).
Commenting the code make everything work fine.
To fix your issue I think your Navigation Bar is set to hidden.
1. In your storyboard click on the navigationBar in the navigation controller.
2. Then look for the attributes section "Drawing"
3. Check to see if hidden is true.
4. If it is uncheck it.
My setup has it set to false as default.
to hide navigation you need to write below code in viewDidLoad
self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = true

How do I get Navigation bar on only the last screen in Swift iOS?

If I've got 6 screens total and I'm wanting to add a navigation controller between my last two scenes so my final screen has a nav bar/ navigation through a navigation controller is there an easy way to do that?
I've tried embedding a nav controller into my first scene and switching my segues to "show" and setting the navigationbar.isHidden to true in appear and then on my last screen trying to set it to false in viewdidappear and then to true again in viewdiddissapear.
First of all it didn't work, (I just need to tinker with it probably), but secondly it seems like a lot of "work" just to get navigation between two screens.
Do you have to have navigation throughout your entire project to get navigation between two specific screens? What's the best way to do this?
If you have a storyboard, you should be able to select the second-last screen and use the Editor->Embed in->Navigation controller menu item.
In the viewController that you want to hide the navBar add the following in viewDidLoad
self.navigationController!.isNavigationBarHidden = true

Dragging Bar Button Item to Navigation Controller fails

I am following a tutorial on Udemy about Navigation Controllers.
The instructions are to drag a Navigation Controller onto the storyboard, and then drag and drop a Bar Button Item on the right of its navigation bar to segue to another view controller.
However, when I drag the Bar Button Item to its would-be position on the navigation bar, no drop-zone gets highlighted, and the button gets added to a random tab at the bottom of the screen.
I have tried finding references to this problem but all solutions are programmatic and given the wysiwyg nature of iOS development I would like to solve it through XCode UI.
Is there some setup I must change or is this an XCode 7 discrepancy?
Try to add a ViewController and then in Editor -> Embed in -> NavigationController. Then it should work.
I have solved my problem by dragging the Bar Button Item into the Document Outline, below Root View Controller.
This automatically creates Left Bar Button Items and Right Bar Button Items, which gives you an opportunity to drag the Item in the section of the controller you like.

Xcode - How to attach a tab bar to a view without adding a tab for the new view

I have an application which has 5 tabs. I also have another view which you can access from tab3 via a selection of buttons. I will call it view 3b. View 3b populates with information based on which button the user selected in view 3. After the user puts in all the information required the app automatically takes them back to view 3. I want to add the tab bar to this view(3b) but I do not want it to have its own tab. I just want to use it so the user can navigate out of this view back to the rest of the app if they want to exit the screen early. Does anyone know how I can attach the tab bar to this screen without having a tab added for this screen. I am using Xcode 4.6.2 and am using storyboards to set up my app.
Any help would be appreciated. I've done a bit of searching but everything I find just explains how to use tabs.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
It sounds like you need to use a UINavigationController.
When you set up your UITabBarController, instead of linking the third tab directly to your 3rd view controller, connect it to a UINavigationController, and then set the root view of that UINavigationController as the UIViewController you want as your third tab.
From there, you can set up your buttons to perform a push segue to your second view controller (view 3b from your question). If you do this, not only will you keep the tab bar on view 3b, but a back button will automatically be placed in the top left of the page so the user can simply go back to view 3. If you don't want the navigation bar that appears to be there, you can instead uncheck the "shows navigation bar" checkbox in the UINavigationController's attributes inspector.
I hope this helps!

iOS: table view's title bar covered by navigation bar unexpectedly

I'm developing a simple UI for an iOS app.
what I've done is I developed it into a table view which has a navigation controller associated to it and had it laid out in Storyboard.
Everything seems working fine, except the navigation bar accidentally cover the view's title bar "Click to select item" as shown in the pictures below.
the first picture is when it first shows on the screen.
the second one illustrates when I drag the title bar off the covering navigation bar.
what do i do to get completely rid of this?
In Interface Builder, select your view controller and on the attributes inspector turn off Layout: Wants Full Screen. Then, your layout will automatically adjust its size to make room for the navigation bar.
Add this code in your viewDidLoad method
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.translucent = false
It works for me, since you've the same problem with me, I think it's work for you as well.
where u want hide navigation bar use this line
self.navigationController.hidden = YES;
