Encrypt/sign a client-to-API request? - ruby-on-rails

We are building a JSON API on top of our Web application, using JSONAPI::Resources to expose endpoints and Doorkeeper to handle user authentication.
Most of our API endpoints will be exposed only to authenticated users, and Doorkeeper will probably do a great job at enforcing that. But we still have a couple endpoints that will not be authenticated: signup, login, account confirmation, and maybe a couple others.
I am worried that letting those API endpoints completely open will expose us to attacks, in the form of spamming new accounts for example.
Maybe I am worrying more than necessary? Do APIs usually let this kind of endpoint unsecure, and add prevention systems like throttling? (Rack::Attack!!!?)
If not, is signing (or encrypting) my requests before sending them to the API server the right approach?
And if that's so, do you have any recommendation, or preferred approach, in doing so?
I tried to Google keywords like "rails api sign request" or "rails api encrypt request", but I'm not sure the results are pertinent, or which one would be recommended.
The first clients that will talk to this API will be Android then iOS applications, and we might add in the future client-side web applications (at the moment, our web application is monolithic and does not use the API).


Using OAuth2 to permit users to authorize as a global user

Apologies for the oddly worded title, however I could not come up with a better one.
My application should be able to perform a limited set of actions on an Enterprise Google Apps system. Users submit requests to the application, the application interprets these requests and then makes requests to Google resources as necessary.The point is that users, who normally do not have permissions to access/modify the google apps resources, will be able to use this application to do so in the limited ways that it allows.
My problem lies in the apparent fact that the OAuth2.0 authorization flow seems designed to allow third party client applications to authorize themselves as the user and access/modify the user's google resources, rather than a global administrator's. In other words, a normal API key type deal. Unfortunately it seems that Google's AdminSDK will only work with OAuth2 authorization.
Is there a way to use Google's AdminSDK API with OAuth2 (permanent access token, maybe? API key?) to do what I want? Or is there a different API I should be trying? The now-deprecated Provisioning API seemed to be able to do this.
I feel like there should be a way for the application to just pull something out of a secrets.json or secrets.yml, include that in the API authorization request and have Google servers recognize and grant access to the application without the user ever needing to see what's going on.
For the record I'm using Ruby on Rails, though I don't think that affects the question very much.

How to secure access to rails server which provides REST API access

How to secure access to rails server which provides REST API access.
We use Devise for authentication.
Our Rails app talks to another Rails server (Service App) and we would like the user to authenticate before accessing the Service App. Should I do it via device authentication token. Kindly advise? What should be done at the service level
Well, it depends of your app architecture.
You can use devise to authenticate users at REST API.
But if your Service App is for internal use only, for example it provides data only for another app, you can restrict access by ip, or Basic HTTP auth.
My opinion, that devise is good only for authorising end-users, but not services.
In my opinion, this question is highly opinion based as it stands at the moment.
What is the purpose of the Service App? Does your Rails app consumes frequently from the Service App? Or the other way around? Is it just for logging purposes, like statistics or tag-like resources or critical data like credentials?
From my rule of thumb, if an actual end-user needs to access it to modify a resource (POST, PUT, DELETE) I'd go for token based authentication. If it only needs to read, I might just go with just Basic or none at all, depending on the context.
Either way, I would consider twice if Devise is the precise tool for your own scenario. More than few times I have found myself writing more to actually modify Devise than it would be necessary if I implement my own authentication system. It's not that hard and you learn a lot!

Client-server user authentication

UPDATE: I failed to mention earlier that we want solution that will be flexible with authenticating users from within our databases or by asking other servers to tell us if the user is authenticated. It is also worth mentioning that these other servers are not under our control so we can't enforce a specific user model.
I had a long and hard read on OAuth and OpenID but they are both not a suitable solution for our situation and will make the process harder to the user. This is something that has been solved a thousand times, yet I cannot find the solution.
What we are looking for is a framework that can be used in a REST services server to authenticate users (no third-party clients involved) with their username and password.
The solution must not pass the username and password except the first time on login and use tokens for further authentication. Even though OAuth does use tokens, it is designed to allow third-party clients access to the service-providers resources. That is not the case here, the services are for our own application only, the only thing needed is user authentication.
What do you guys think is the most appropriate solution?
-Spring server that provides RESTful services with our thinking going towards using Spring Security with some user management and token management framework.
-iOS Device that will be making HTTPS calls to the server.
What we ultimately want is to have the device send a login request and receive a token if the login was successful, later on make requests using that token. Just like Facebook, excluding third-party involvement.
Is there something that is ready to be configured in our server? Or should we consider building our own token management, comparison and generation software?
Is using Spring-Security with an iOS application without involving storing cookies or redirecting to pages possible?
OpenStack offers as part of it's many projects related to open source cloud... the project Keystone. Which does this pretty much exactly what you want.
You might want to check it out here:

Building an API with/without OAuth and OpenID

I need to develop an API to be the core of a web APP.
My initial idea was making a REST API that would treat all the request and then create some clients for web, mobile and desktop.
My question is, How should I manage the authentication for this situation?
I thought about using a token that would be passed with all requests to the REST API.
Im my case, I would not like to have something like OAuth because the ecosystem will not have multiple apps like Facebook/Twitter does.
NOTE: I must have the API separated from the client for web.
In more details, I would request POST /users/auth passing their password and username, and receive an auth token.
Is it a good approach or there is something better?
Agree that Devise is great for the auth in the application. For the API level, 3scale could help a lot (http://www.3scale.net) - it takes care of rate limits, keys, oauth secret distribution, analytics, developer portal and other stuff. There's a ruby plugin to get started here: https://github.com/3scale/3scale_ws_api_for_ruby.
Devise is a fantastic gem that handles authentication in rails apps. It also provides token based authentication. You can find many resources on the web (for example here) explainig how to use it. No doubt it will fit for your situation.

Best authentication method to grant API access to Rails app

I would like to offer authenticated API access to my web app. The consumers of such a service are typically other web sites/services.
What would be the best method of authenticating these users? OAuth, openID, http authentication?
As so much in our line of work, the answer to "which is best?" is "it depends." :)
HTTP Authentication - If you're already letting clients log in to your service via an ID and password, you'll probably only have to do minimal work to get this to play nicely with your API. If your API is basically mono-purpose and doesn't require detailed permissions, you can get something working fairly quickly here.
API Token - If you want clients to be able to authenticate easily without providing a password (think companies that build a service that interacts with your API; maybe the IT dept. doesn't want the dev. team knowing the passwords; etc.), then attaching a random API token à la GitHub to the user account is probably the quickest way to go. As a bonus, you can supply a method for regenerating the API token without having to change the account password.
OAuth - If you have multiple permissions or want finer-grained control over how and when a client can access your API, OAuth is a pretty good bet (OAuth2 is much easier to work with, IMO, and supports multiple methods of obtaining an access token). Furthermore, many languages have libraries, gems, etc. that will allow them to simplify the OAuth workflow.
I would say the "best" method is oAuth. It's more flexible and it can be application independant for further uses .
I am using oAuth to authenticate my clients (applications).
