IOS PDF Reader with search , annotation and bookmarks - ios

I'm trying to do a PDF Reader which have the following features:
highlight //annotation or just changing the background of the rect
what I'm using is vfr/Reader :
it have the zooming function and bookmarks
and I want to make it like LazyPDf :
which have annotation function
or make it like
which have less annotation functions than lazypdf
and add the search from
the problem is that i have been working on it for like a month and I didn't make any progress and I don't know where to start or how to merge those applications together , even though all of them uses CGPDF.
please help me to find a way to make my app or let me know if there is a better free library ,and if i need to learn anything just drop a link in a comment.
Thank you !!

You can use below link for pdf reader.
you can easly use the book mark,zooming,saved pdf,email,print pdf

You can use iOS PDFKit:
This reponse will help you


Problem rendering SVG in Chrome mobile and iOS Safari mobile

Video of the problem
The problem happens when there is a screen switch or browser minimization, and it only happens with the svg element. Has anyone encountered this? How to fix?
imagem here
I managed to correct
good through this post
Clipping path in SVG not working in Safari
and this post
but I had to make some adaptations...
how did i fix this problem
1st first
had to change inline structure that comes before all sinline svgs
before:[enter image description here][1]
enter image description here
so far I had already converted all patches into points
tools that helped me in this work:
1st crucial tool because it is possible to convert paths code into points codes for polygon software built on the code pen
2st another tool to remove parts of unnecessary text such as curly braces ({}) spaces and commas that because the conversion tool transforms results into arrray
3st another tool to remove lines breaks
4st another last tool but not less important because it is possible to test directly online before inserting it in the code definitively
that was a good tool
final result :
before applying any new structure
after: after applying any new structure
I want to thank all the devs who collaborated with me, either by creating the free software and the post made, my thanks to everyone, the people of the stackoverflow, thanks!

I want to display graphs and compare them

Display the points at which they merge , I was not able to find any library .....
Displaying any form of charts in iOS can be done in 2 ways.
Using webView to load a html string with the javascript files imported into it.
Using stringByAppendingFormat you can change the data points and refresh the webview.
Using a library to display them Natively. Something like Charts by Daniel Iohen Gindi. It is a bit extensive so just use the line Charts in your case and ignore the others.
Using the 2nd method (native) will always perform better, but the simplicity of html5 charts make it very easy to implement
To obtain points when lines meet is basically saying when 2 data has the same value. So you can just add an if statement and print the value out or store it as a variable.

Reload data in Amchart

I'm using this library,
It works cool, but i didn't find how to reload existing chart. When i call multiple times:
self.mapView.chart =
map disappear or it's color set to black. In original AmChart for JavaScript, object has method validateData, but this method i didn't find in IOS library.
If someone used this library, please help, because in github author not answer.
I'm unfamiliar with this specific library/wrapper, but looking in the repo, it does appear that both chart.validateData() and chart.validateNow() are supported.
Example usage in ChartView.m

could not be able to get image from url and set to image view in flex

Any body help me I want to get image from yahoo weather rss and set the source of my flex component, I'm now able get other data from yahoo weather rss but still not able to get image please help me I have got other data in this way could-not-be-able-to-get-data-from-yahoo-weather-rss-in-flex
please give me some hint to get that images
Ok, at last today I got idea about how to set image, not about get image, from yahoo weather api or rss feed. So, I tried to get code of condition and set my own image placed in my assets folder like this:
var codeOfCondition:XMLList = result_weather_data_xml.descendants().attribute("code");
and then tried :
if(codeOfCondition == 0){image.source = "assets/CORRESPONDING_IMAGE_TO_CODE";// for all conditions there should be corresponding image}
and this solves the problem for me, there may be some other way to do that but this is my approach thanks.

How to display a map using WebView

I have a Basic4PPC program that displays Bing (or Google) static maps in a WebBrowser, simply with one statement: WEB1.Navigate(URLStr).
Now, I try to do the same in Basic4Android using a WebView view, as follows:
In the designer I added WebView1, 0,0,480,480
Under Globals: Dim WebView1 as WebView
Under Activity_Create: WebView1.Initialize("WebView1")
In a sub GetMap:WebView1.LoadUrl(URLStr)
Finally in Sub WebView1_PageFinished(WEBStr)
End Sub
I get the impression data some data traffic occurs; but no map is shown.
I searched the WEB for a simple demo of the use of WebView but only find a lot of Java stuff, which I don't understand.
I recommend you to use 'basic4android' tag for Basic4android related questions. See this link for an example of using WebView with google maps.
