How to update software inside a docker container? - docker

I am very new to Docker and currently trying to get my head around if there is any best practice guide to update software that runs inside a docker container in a very large distributed environment. I already found couple of posts around updating a MySQL database in docker, etc. It gives a good hint for any software that stores data, but what if you want to update other parts or your own software package or services that are distributed and used by several other docker images through docker-compose?
Is there someone with real life experience doing that in such an environment who can help me or other newbies to understand the best practices in docker if there are any.
Thanks for your help!

You never update software in a running container. You pull down a new version from the hub. If we assume you're using the latest tag (which is a bad idea, always pin your versions) of your image and it's one of the official library images or the publicly available that uses automated builds you'll get the latest version of the container image when you pull the image.
This assume you've also separated the data out of your container either as a host volume or using the data container pattern.
The container should be considered immutable, if you change it's state it's no longer a true version of the image.


How to find a Docker image on Docker Hub?

I am new to Docker. Using Kitematic, how can I setup a Docker container containing the following?
Apache, Memcached, MySQL, Nginx, PHP FPM
Should I find one single image with all these? If so, how do I find that on It doesn't seem possible to filter by above requirements.
Or should I install these as separate containers?
I don't know anything about kitematic but I can give you some general information though to clear things up.
General concensus is to run only a single process per container. There are lot's of discussions and information around why this would be good or bad, one such discussion for example:
That said, these are the images I would choose for an environment with the software you described above:
How do I get these images? I go to and search for the software I want, I then start with the official images and see if they suite my needs. If they do, great! Otherwise, I would look for non-official images and eventually if I don't find what I want I will extend the existing images by creating a custom image, based on one from
Some more explanation about the last one, PHP. PHP is distributed with multiple tags. By going to the docker hub page ('description'-tab) you can see the supported tags. Clicking the tag you are interested in will lead you to a github repo where the Dockerfile is hosted. This file contains the commands, used to construct the image you are researching. You can check all the tags to see which one installs the software you need. For example, there are PHP tags where apache is installed (i.e. 7-apache) and there are tags where FPM is installed (i.e. 7-fpm).
Hope this will help you with the research about what images to use!
You need to run those images within the same docker network, tough a docker-compose (and is associated docker-compose.yml) such as this one.
The docker-compose support in Kinematic UI though... is still an open issue.
you cant find all of these containers as one image.. all you can do is create a docker-compose file and add all those independent images into the compose file.
This way you can handle all your containers as a service in a single with there dependencies too..
For further info refer to

Docker for non-code deployments?

I am trying to help a sysadmin group reduce server & service downtime on the projects they manage. Their biggest issue is that they have to take down a service, install upgrade/configure, and then restart it and hope it works.
I have heard that docker is a solution to this problem, but usually from developer circles in the context of deploying their node/python/ruby/c#/java, etc. applications to production.
The group I am trying to help is using vendor software that requires a lot of configuration and management. Can docker still be used in this case? Can we install any random software on a container? Then keep that in a private repository, upgrade versions, etc.?
This is a windows environment if that makes any difference.
Docker excels at stateless applications. You can use it for persistent data style applications, but requires the use of volume commands.
Can docker still be used in this case?
Yes, but it depends on the application. It should be able to be installed headless, and a couple other things that are pretty specific. (EG: talking to third party servers to get an license can create issues)
Can we install any random software on a container?
Yes... but: remember that when the container restarts, that software will be gone. It's better to create it as an image, and then deploy it.See my example below.
Then keep that in a private repository, upgrade versions, etc.?
Here is an example pipeline:
Create a Dockerfile for the OS and what steps it takes to install the application. (Should be headless)
Build the image (at this point, it's called an image, not a container)
Test the image locally by creating a local container. This container is what has the configuration data such as environment variables, the volumes for persistent data it needs, etc.
If it satisifies the local developers wants, then you can either:
Let your build servers create the image and publish it an internal
docker registry (best practice)
Let your local developer publish it
to an internal docker registry
At that point, your next level environments can then pull down the image from the docker registry, configure them and create the container.
In short, it will require a lot of elbow grease but is possible.
Can we install any random software on a container?
Generally yes, but you can have many problems with legacy software which was developed to work on bare metal.
At first it can be persistence problem, but it can be solved using volumes.
At second program that working good on full OS can work not so good in container. Containers have some difference with VM's or bare metal. For example due to missing init process some containers have zombie process issue. About others difference you can read here
Docker have big profit for stateless apps, but some heave legacy apps can work not so good inside containers and should be tested good before using it in production.

What are the benefits of using Docker for persistent data

I'm new to the Docker world. We have already Dockerized our micro-services to increase scalability.
Now I'm looking into using Docker for databases. And I'm not sure if we should do that since it adds one level of complexity compared to running database server on a physical machine. What are the benefits of doing this?
If you use docker you stil run your database on a physical machine. Docker is not a VM.
The benefits that you can get from it are e.g.
you have the installed version of your the software as a reusable image. So if you want to run that on a machine with docker you have no external dependencies and get exactly that version from your image.
You can use that image for development and and tests and then deploy it to your production system. You will have the same versions everywhere.
It's simple to run two different versions of your database software on the same machine.
If you already use docker to deploy your microservices it could reduce complexity to use docker to deploy all the software. Think about a scenario where you want to update your database software and you want to use a new feature of that version in your microservices.
If there is a database upgrade , please see below steps to handle it
1.Create a new container with the new database version.
2.Mount the data volume from old container to new container.
3.stop the old container.
Hope this helps.

Use docker to migrate a system

I have an aws ec2 account, where I am running couple of web apps on nginx. I don't know much about docker, except it is a container that takes snapshot of filesystem. Now, for some reason I am forced to switch accounts. I have opened a new aws ec2 account. Can I use docker to set up a container in my old virtual system, then get an image and deploy in my new system? This way I can remove the headache of having to install many components, configure nginx and all applications in my new system. Can I do that? If so, how?
According to the best practices of Docker and its CaaS, images are not supposed to "virtualize" a whole lot of services, on the contrary. Docker does not aim at taking a snapshot of the system (it uses FS overlay to create images, but theses are not snapshots).
So basically, if your (yet unclear) question is: "Can I virtualize my whole system into one image" the answer is: "No".
What you can do is using an image for each of your service (you'll find everything you need on the hub.docker) to keep a clean system on your new one.
Another solution would be to list all the installed Linux packages on your old system, and installed them on the new one and copy all the configuration files.

How to share images between multiple docker hosts?

I have two hosts and docker is installed in each.
As we know, each docker stores the images in local /var/lib/docker directory.
So If I want to use some image, such as ubuntu, I must execute the docker pull to download from internet in each host.
I think it's slow.
Can I store the images in a shared disk array? Then have some host pull the image once, allowing every host, with access to the shared disk, to use the image directly.
Is it possible or good practice? Why docker is not designed like this?
It may need to hack the docker's source code to implement this.
Have you looked at this article
Dockerizing an Apt-Cacher-ng Service
This container makes the second download of any package almost instant.
At least one node will be very fast, and I think it should possible to tell the second node to use the cache of the first node.
Edit : you can run your own registry, with a command similar to
sudo docker run -p 5000:5000 registry
What you are trying to do is not supposed to work as explained by cpuguy83 at this github/docker issue.
The underlying storage driver would need to synchronize access.
Sharing /var/lib/docker is far not enough and won't work!
According to the
You should use the Registry if you want to:
tightly control where your images are being stored
fully own your images distribution pipeline
integrate image storage and distribution tightly into your in-house development workflow
So I guess that this is the (/your) best option to work this out (but I guess that you got that info -- I just add it here to update the details).
Good luck!
Update in 2016.1.25 docker mirror feature is deprecated
Therefore this answer is not applicable now, leave for reference
Old info
What you need is the mirror mode for docker registry, see
It is supported directly from docker-registry
Surely you can use public mirror service locally.
