Idiomatic way to implement "services" in F# - f#

When working in F# and implementing a "service" pattern, such as wrappers around web APIs or databases or USB gadgets, what's the idiomatic way to do this? My inclination is to use e.g. IDatabase and Database, ITwitter and Twitter, ICamera and Camera interfaces and classes just like in C#, allowing for easy test mocks. But I don't want to code "C# in F#" if that's not the standard way to do it.
I considered using DU's, to represent e.g. Camera | TestCamera, but that means putting all the mock code into the production codebase, which sounds horrible. But maybe that's just my OO background speaking.
I also considered making IDatabase a record of functions. I'm still open to that idea, but it seems a bit contrived. Plus it rules out the idea of ever using an IoC controller, or any "MEF-like" plugin capability (at least that I'm aware of).
What's the "idiomatic F#" way of doing this? Just follow the C# service pattern?

As mentioned in the other answer, using interfaces is fine in F# and that might be a good way to solve the problem. However, if you use more functional transformation-oriented style of programming, you may not need them.
Ideally, most of the actual interesting code should be transformations that do not perform any effects - and so they do not invoke any services. Instead, they just take inputs and produce outputs. Let me demonstrate using a database.
Using a IDatabase service, you might write something like this:
let readAveragePrice (database:IDatabase) =
[ for p in database.GetProducts() do
if not p.IsDiscontinued then
yield p.Price ]
|> Seq.average
When written like this, you can provide a mock implementation of IDatabase to test that the averaging logic in readAveragePrice is correct. However, you can also write the code like this:
let calculateAveragePrice (products:seq<Product>) =
[ for p in products do
if not p.IsDiscontinued then
yield p.Price ]
|> Seq.average
Now you can test calculateAveragePrice without any mocking - just give it some sample products that you want to process! This is pushing the data access out from the core logic to the outside. So you'd have:
database.GetProducts() |> calculateAveragePrice // Actual call in the system
[ Product(123.4) ] |> calculateAveragePrice // Call on sample data in the test
Of course, this is a simplistic example, but it shows the idea:
Push the data access code outside of the core logic and keep the core logic as pure functions that implement transformations. Then your core logic will be easy to test - given sample inputs, they should return the correct results!

While other people here write that there's nothing wrong with using interfaces in F#, I consider interfaces nothing more than an interop mechanism that enables F# to work with code written in the other .NET languages.
When I write code in C#, I follow the SOLID principles. When used together, the Single Responsibility Principle and the Interface Segregation Principle should ultimately drive you towards defining as small-grained interfaces as possible.
Thus, even in C#, properly designed interfaces should have only a single method:
public interface IProductQuery
IEnumerable<Product> GetProducts(int categoryId);
Furthermore, the Dependency Inversion Principle implies that "clients [...] own the abstract interfaces" (APPP, chapter 11), which means that artificial bundles of methods is a poor design anyway.
The only reason to define an interface like the above IProductQuery is that in C#, interfaces are still the best mechanism for polymorphism.
In F#, on the other hand, there's no reason to define a single-member interface. Use a function instead.
You can pass in functions as arguments to other functions:
let calculateAveragePrice getProducts categoryId =
|> getProducts
|> Seq.filter (fun p -> not p.IsDiscontinued)
|> (fun p -> p.Price)
|> Seq.average
In this example, you'll notice that getProducts is passed as an argument to the calculateAveragePrice function, and its type is not even declared. This fits beautifully with the principle of letting the client define the interface: the type of the argument is inferred from the client's usage. It has the type 'a -> #seq<Product> (because categoryId can be any generic type 'a).
Such a function as calculateAveragePrice is a higher-order function, which is a Functional thing to do.

There's nothing wrong with using interfaces in F#.
The textbook FP approach would be to have the client take functions that implement the logic of your component as arguments, but that approach doesn't scale nicely as the number of those functions grows. Grouping them together is a good idea as it improves readability, and using interfaces for that is an idiomatic way of doing it in .NET. It makes sense especially on the boundary of well-defined components, and I think the three interfaces you cite fit that description well.
I've seen DU's used roughly the way you described (providing both production and a fake implementation), but it doesn't sit well with me either.
If anything, records of functions are not idiomatic. They're a poor man's way of bundling together behaviour in FP languages, but if there's one thing object oriented languages do right, it's bundling together behaviour. Interfaces are just a better tool for the job, especially since F# lets you create implementations inline with object expression syntax.


Monadic operations on Choice<'T1,'T2>

I could not find an object choice in the standard libraries, that allows me to write
let safeDiv (numer : Choice<Exception, int>) (denom : Choice<Exception, int>) =
choice {
let! n = numer
let! d = denom
return! if d = 0
then Choice1Of2 (new DivideByZeroException())
else Choice2Of2 (n / d)
like in Haskell. Did I miss anything, or is there a third-party library for writing this kind of things, or do I have to re-invent this wheel?
There is no built-in computation expression for the Choice<'a,'b> type. In general, F# does not have a built-in computation expression for the commonly used Monads, but it does offer a fairly simple way to create them yourself: Computation Builders. This series is a good tutorial on how to implement them yourself. The F# library does often have a bind function defined that can be used as the basis of a Computation Builder, but it doesn't have one for the Choice type (I suspect because there are many variations of Choice).
Based on the example you provided, I suspect the F# Result<'a, 'error> type would actually be a better fit for your scenario. There's a code-review from a few months ago where a user posted an Either Computation Builder, and the accepted answer has a fairly complete implementation if you'd like to leverage it.
It is worth noting that, unlike in Haskell, using exceptions is a perfectly acceptable way to handle exceptional situations in F#. The language and the runtime both have a first-class support for exceptions and there is nothing wrong about using them.
I understand that your safeDiv function is for illustration, rather than being a real-world problem, so there is no reason for showing how to write that using exceptions.
In more realistic scenarios:
If the exception happens only when something actually goes wrong (network failure, etc.) then I would just let the system throw an exception and handle that using try ... with at the point where you need to restart the work or notify the user.
If the exception represents something expected (e.g. invalid user input) then you'll probably get more readable code if you define a custom data type to represent the wrong states (rather than using Choice<'a, exn> which has no semantic meaning).
It is also worth noting that computation expressions are only useful if you need to mix your special behaviour (exception propagation) with ordinary computation. I think it's often desirable to avoid that as much as possible (because it interleaves effects with pure computations).
For example, if you were doing input validation, you could define something like:
let result = validateAll [ condition1; condition2; condition3 ]
I would prefer that over a computation expression:
let result = validate {
do! condition1
do! condition2
do! condition3 }
That said, if you are absolutely certain that custom computation builder for error propagation is what you need, then Aaron's answer has all the information you need.

Working with classes in F# (mutability vs immutability / members vs free functions)

I am currently doing the F# track. For everyone who doesn't know it, it's solving small problems TDD style to learn or improve a programming language.
The last two tasks were about the usage of classes in F# (or types as they are called in F#). One of the tasks uses a BankAccount that has a balance and a status (open/closed) and can be altered by using functions. The usage was like this (Taken from the test code):
let test () =
let account = mkBankAccount () |> openAccount
Assert.That(getBalance account, Is.EqualTo(Some 0.0)
I wrote the code that makes the test pass using an immutable BankAccount class that can be interacted with using free functions:
type AccountStatus = Open | Closed
type BankAccount (balance, status) =
member acc.balance = balance
member acc.status = status
let mkBankAccount () =
BankAccount (0.0, Closed)
let getBalance (acc: BankAccount) =
match acc.status with
| Open -> Some(acc.balance)
| Closed -> None
let updateBalance balance (acc: BankAccount) =
match acc.status with
| Open -> BankAccount (acc.balance + balance, Open)
| Closed -> failwith "Account is closed!"
let openAccount (acc: BankAccount) =
BankAccount (acc.balance, Open)
let closeAccount (acc: BankAccount) =
BankAccount (acc.balance, Closed)
Having done a lot of OO before starting to learn F# this one got me wondering. How do more experienced F# developers use classes? To make answering this question more simple, here are my main concerns about classes/types in F#:
Is the use of classes in a typical OO fashion discouraged in F#?
Are immutable classes preferred? ( I found them to be confusing in the above example)
What is the preferred way to access/alter class data in F#? (Class member functions and get/set or free functions which allow piping? What about static members to allow piping and providing the functions with a fitting namespace?)
I'm sorry if the question is vague. I don't want to develop bad coding habits in my functional code and i need a starting point on what good practices are.
Is the use of classes in a typical OO fashion discouraged in F#?
It's not discouraged, but it's not the first place most experienced F# developers would go. Most F# developers will avoid subclassing and OO paradigms, and instead go with records or discriminated unions, and functions to operate on them.
Are immutable classes preferred?
Immutability should be preferred when possible. That being said, immutable classes can often be represented other ways (see below).
What is the preferred way to access/alter class data in F#? (Class member functions and get/set or free functions which allow piping? What about static members to allow piping and providing the functions with a fitting namespace?)
This is typically done via functions that allow piping, though access can be done directly, as well.
For your above code, it would be more common to use a record instead of a class, and then put the functions which work on the record into a module. An "immutable class" like yours can be written as a record more succinctly:
type BankAccount = { balance : float ; status : AccountStatus }
Once you've done this, working with it becomes easier, as you can use with to return modified versions:
let openAccount (acc: BankAccount) =
{ acc with status = Open }
Note that it'd be common to put these functions into a module:
module Account =
let open acc =
{ acc with status = Open }
let close acc =
{ acc with status = Closed }
Question: Is the use of classes in a typical OO fashion discouraged in F#?
It is not against F#'s nature. I think that there are cases when this is justified.
However, usage of classes should be limited if developers want to take full advantage of F# strengths (e.g. type interference, ability to use functional patterns such as partial application, brevity) and are not constrained by legacy systems and libraries.
F# for fun and profit gives a quick summary of pros and cons of using classes.
Ouestion: Are immutable classes preferred? ( I found them to be confusing in the above example)
Sometimes yes, sometimes not. I think that immutability of classes gives you lots of advantages (it's easier to reason about type's invariants etc.) but sometimes immutable class can be a bit cumbersome to use.
I think that this question is a bit too broad - it's somewhat similar to a question if fluent interfaces are preferred in object-oriented design - the short answer is: it depends.
What is the preferred way to access/alter class data in F#? (Class member functions and get/set or free functions which allow piping? What about static members to allow piping and providing the functions with a fitting namespace?)
Piping is a canonical construct in F#, so I would go for static member. If your library is consumed in some other languages, you should include getter and setter inside class as well.
EDIT: has a list of quite specific design guidelines which include:
✔ Do use classes to encapsulate mutable state, according to standard
OO methodology.
✔ Do use discriminated unions as an alternative to class hierarchies
for creating tree-structured data.
There are a few ways of looking at this question.
This could mean several things. For POCO's, immutable F# records are preferred. Then the operations on them return new records with the requisite fields changed.
type BankAccount { status: AccountStatus; balance: int }
let close acct = { acct with status = Closed } // returns a *new* acct record
So that means you've got to get past the idea of an account "object" that represents a single "thing". It's just data that you operate on to create different data, and eventually (likely) store into a database somewhere.
So rather than the OO paradigm acct.Close(); acct.PersistChanges(), you'd have let acct' = close acct; db.UpdateRecord(acct').
For "services" in a "service-oriented architecture (SOA)" however, interfaces and classes are perfectly natural in F#. For instance, if you want a Twitter API, you'd probably create a class that wraps all the HTTP calls just like you would in C#. I've seen some references to the "SOLID" ideology in F# that eschews SOA completely but I've never figured out how to make that work in practice.
Personally, I like an FP-OO-FP sandwich with Suave's FP combinators on top, a SOA using Autofac in the middle, and FP records on the bottom. I find that works well and is scalable.
FWIW also you may want do make your BankAccount a discriminated union, if Closed can't have a balance. Try this out in your code samples. One of the nice things in F# is it makes illogical states unrepresentable.
type BankAccount = Open of balance: int | Closed

How to guarantee referential transparency in F# applications?

So I'm trying to learn FP and I'm trying to get my head around referential transparency and side effects.
I have learned that making all effects explicit in the type system is the only way to guarantee referential transparency:
The idea of “mostly functional programming” is unfeasible. It is impossible to make imperative
programming languages safer by only partially removing implicit side effects. Leaving one kind of effect is often enough to simulate the very effect you just tried to remove. On the other hand, allowing effects to be “forgotten” in a pure language also causes mayhem in its own way.
Unfortunately, there is no golden middle, and we are faced with a classic dichotomy: the curse of the excluded middle, which presents the choice of either (a) trying to tame effects using purity annotations, yet fully embracing the fact that your code is still fundamentally effectful; or (b) fully embracing purity by making all effects explicit in the type system and being pragmatic - Source
I have also learned that not-pure FP languages like Scala or F# cannot guarantee referential transparency:
The ability to enforce referential transparency this is pretty much incompatible with Scala's goal of having a class/object system that is interoperable with Java. - Source
And that in not-pure FP it is up to the programmer to ensure referential transparency:
In impure languages like ML, Scala or F#, it is up to the programmer to ensure referential transparency, and of course in dynamically typed languages like Clojure or Scheme, there is no static type system to enforce referential transparency. - Source
I'm interested in F# because I have a .Net background so my next questions is:
What can I do to guarantee referential transparency in an F# applications if it is not enforced by the F# compiler?
The short answer to this question is that there is no way to guarantee referential transparency in F#. One of the big advantages of F# is that it has fantastic interop with other .NET languages but the downside of this, compared to a more isolated language like Haskell, is that side-effects are there and you will have to deal with them.
How you actually deal with side effects in F# is a different question entirely.
There is actually nothing to stop you from bringing effects into the type system in F# in very much the same way as you might in Haskell although effectively you are 'opting in' to this approach rather than it being enforced upon you.
All you really need is some infrastructure like this:
/// A value of type IO<'a> represents an action which, when performed (e.g. by calling the function), does some I/O which results in a value of type 'a.
type IO<'a> =
|Return of 'a
|Delay of (unit -> 'a)
/// Pure IO Functions
module IO =
/// Runs the IO actions and evaluates the result
let run io =
match io with
|Return a -> a
|Delay (a) -> a()
/// Return a value as an IO action
let return' x = Return x
/// Creates an IO action from an effectful computation, this simply takes a side effecting function and brings it into IO
let fromEffectful f = Delay (f)
/// Monadic bind for IO action, this is used to combine and sequence IO actions
let bind x f =
match x with
|Return a -> f a
|Delay (g) -> Delay (fun _ -> run << f <| g())
return brings a value within IO.
fromEffectful takes a side-effecting function unit -> 'a and brings it within IO.
bind is the monadic bind function and lets you sequence effects.
run runs the IO to perform all of the enclosed effects. This is like unsafePerformIO in Haskell.
You could then define a computation expression builder using these primitive functions and give yourself lots of nice syntactic sugar.
Another worthwhile question to ask is, is this useful in F#?
A fundamental difference between F# and Haskell is that F# is an eager by default language while Haskell is lazy by default. The Haskell community (and I suspect the .NET community, to a lesser extent) has learnt that when you combine lazy evaluation and side-effects/IO, very bad things can happen.
When you work in the IO monad in Haskell, you are (generally) guaranteeing something about the sequential nature of IO and ensuring that one piece of IO is done before another. You are also guaranteeing something about how often and when effects can occur.
One example I like to pose in F# is this one:
let randomSeq = Seq.init 4 (fun _ -> rnd.Next())
let sortedSeq = Seq.sort randomSeq
printfn "Sorted: %A" sortedSeq
printfn "Random: %A" randomSeq
At first glance, this code might appear to generate a sequence, sort the same sequence and then print the sorted and unsorted versions.
It doesn't. It generates two sequences, one of which is sorted and one of which isn't. They can, and almost certainly do, have completely distinct values.
This is a direct consequence of combining side effects and lazy evaluation without referential transparency. You could gain back some control by using Seq.cache which prevents repeat evaluation but still doesn't give you control over when, and in what order, effects occur.
By contrast, when you're working with eagerly evaluated data structures, the consequences are generally less insidious so I think the requirement for explicit effects in F# is vastly reduced compared to Haskell.
That said, a large advantage of making all effects explicit within the type system is that it helps to enforce good design. The likes of Mark Seemann will tell you that the best strategy for designing robust a system, whether it's object oriented or functional, involves isolating side-effects at the edge of your system and relying on a referentially transparent, highly unit-testable, core.
If you are working with explicit effects and IO in the type system and all of your functions are ending up being written in IO, that's a strong and obvious design smell.
Going back to the original question of whether this is worthwhile in F# though, I still have to answer with a "I don't know". I have been working on a library for referentially transparent effects in F# to explore this possibility myself. There is more material there on this subject as well as a much fuller implementation of IO there, if you are interested.
Finally, I think it's worth remembering that the Curse of the Excluded Middle is probably targeted at programming language designers more than your typical developer.
If you are working in an impure language, you will need to find a way of coping with and taming your side effects, the precise strategy which you follow to do this is open to interpretation and what best suits the needs of yourself and/or your team but I think that F# gives you plenty of tools to do this.
Finally, my pragmatic and experienced view of F# tells me that actually, "mostly functional" programming is still a big improvement over its competition almost all of the time.
I think you need to read the source article in an appropriate context - it is an opinion piece coming from a specific perspective and it is intentionally provocative - but it is not a hard fact.
If you are using F#, you will get referential transparency by writing good code. That means writing most logic as a sequence of transformations and performing effects to read the data before running the transformations & running effects to write the results somewhere after. (Not all programs fit into this pattern, but those that can be written in a referentially transparent way generally do.)
In my experience, you can live perfectly happily in the "middle". That means, write referentially transparent code most of the time, but break the rules when you need to for some practical reason.
To respond to some of the specific points in the quotes:
It is impossible to make imperative programming languages safer by only partially removing implicit side effects.
I would agree it is impossible to make them "safe" (if by safe we mean they have no side-effects), but you can make them safer by removing some side effects.
Leaving one kind of effect is often enough to simulate the very effect you just tried to remove.
Yes, but simulating effect to provide theoretical proof is not what programmers do. If it is sufficiently discouraged to achieve the effect, you'll tend to write code in other (safer) ways.
I have also learned that not-pure FP languages like Scala or F# cannot guarantee referential transparency:
Yes, that's true - but "referential transparency" is not what functional programming is about. For me, it is about having better ways to model my domain and having tools (like the type system) that guide me along the "happy path". Referential transparency is one part of that, but it is not a silver bullet. Referential transparency is not going to magically solve all your problems.
Like Mark Seemann has confirmed in the comments "Nothing in F# can guarantee referential transparency. It's up to the programmer to think about this."
I have been doing some search online and I found that "discipline is your best friend" and some recommendations to try to keep the level of referential transparency in your F# applications as high as possible:
Don't use mutable, for or while loops, ref keywords, etc.
Stick with purely immutable data structures (discriminated union, list, tuple, map, etc).
If you need to do IO at some point, architect your program so that they are separated from your purely functional code. Don't forget functional programming is all about limiting and isolating side-effects.
Algebraic data types (ADT) AKA "discriminated unions" instead of objects.
Learning to love laziness.
Embracing the Monad.

Is the "expression problem" solvable in F#?

I've been watching an interesting video in which type classes in Haskell are used to solve the so-called "expression problem". About 15 minutes in, it shows how type classes can be used to "open up" a datatype based on a discriminated union for extension -- additional discriminators can be added separately without modifying / rebuilding the original definition.
I know type classes aren't available in F#, but is there a way using other language features to achieve this kind of extensibility? If not, how close can we come to solving the expression problem in F#?
Clarification: I'm assuming the problem is defined as described in the previous video
in the series -- extensibility of the datatype and operations on the datatype with the features of code-level modularization and separate compilation (extensions can be deployed as separate modules without needing to modify or recompile the original code) as well as static type safety.
As Jörg pointed out in a comment, it depends on what you mean by solve. If you mean solve including some form of type-checking that the you're not missing an implementation of some function for some case, then F# doesn't give you any elegant way (and I'm not sure if the Haskell solution is elegant). You may be able to encode it using the SML solution mentioned by kvb or maybe using one of the OO based solutions.
In reality, if I was developing a real-world system that needs to solve the problem, I would choose a solution that doesn't give you full checking, but is much easier to use.
A sketch would be to use obj as the representation of a type and use reflection to locate functions that provide implementation for individual cases. I would probably mark all parts using some attribute to make checking easier. A module adding application to an expression might look like this:
[<Extends("Expr")>] // Specifies that this type should be treated as a case of 'Expr'
type App = App of obj * obj
module AppModule =
[<Implements("format")>] // Specifies that this extends function 'format'
let format (App(e1, e2)) =
// We don't make recursive calls directly, but instead use `invoke` function
// and some representation of the function named `formatFunc`. Alternatively
// you could support 'e1?format' using dynamic invoke.
sprintfn "(%s %s)" (invoke formatFunc e1) (invoke formatFunc e2)
This does not give you any type-checking, but it gives you a fairly elegant solution that is easy to use and not that difficult to implement (using reflection). Checking that you're not missing a case is not done at compile-time, but you can easily write unit tests for that.
See Vesa Karvonen's comment here for one SML solution (albeit cumbersome), which can easily be translated to F#.
I know type classes aren't available in F#, but is there a way using other language features to achieve this kind of extensibility?
I do not believe so, no.
If not, how close can we come to solving the expression problem in F#?
The expression problem is about allowing the user to augment your library code with both new functions and new types without having to recompile your library. In F#, union types make it easy to add new functions (but impossible to add new union cases to an existing union type) and class types make it easy to derive new class types (but impossible to add new methods to an existing class hierarchy). These are the two forms of extensibility required in practice. The ability to extend in both directions simultaneously without sacrificing static type safety is just an academic curiosity, IME.
Incidentally, the most elegant way to provide this kind of extensibility that I have seen is to sacrifice type safety and use so-called "rule-based programming". Mathematica does this. For example, a function to compute the symbolic derivative of an expression that is an integer literal, variable or addition may be written in Mathematica like this:
D[_Integer, _] := 0
D[x_Symbol, x_] := 1
D[_Symbol, _] := 0
D[f_ + g_, x_] := D[f, x] + D[g, x]
We can retrofit support for multiplication like this:
D[f_ g_, x_] := f D[g, x] + g D[f, x]
and we can add a new function to evaluate an expression like this:
E[n_Integer] := n
E[f_ + g_] = E[f] + E[g]
To me, this is far more elegant than any of the solutions written in languages like OCaml, Haskell and Scala but, of course, it is not type safe.

Hidden Features of F#

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
This is the unabashed attempt of a similar C# question.
So what are your favorite F# hidden (or not) features?
Most of the features I've used so far aren't exactly hidden but have been quite refreshing. Like how trivial it is to overload operators compared to say C# or VB.NET.
And Async<T> has helped me shave off some real ugly code.
I'm quite new to the language still so it'd be great to learn what other features are being used in the wild.
User defined numeric literals can be defined by providing a module whose name starts with NumericLiteral and which defines certain methods (FromZero, FromOne, etc.).
In particular, you can use this to provide a much more readable syntax for calling LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero and LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne:
module NumericLiteralG = begin
let inline FromZero() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let inline FromOne() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
let inline genericFactorial n =
let rec fact n = if (n = 0G) then 1G else n * (fact (n - 1G))
fact n
let flt = genericFactorial 30.
let bigI = genericFactorial 30I
F# has a little-used feature called "signature files". You can have a big implementation file full of public types/methods/modules/functions, but then you can hide and selectively expose that functionality to the sequel of the program via a signature file. That is, a signature file acts as a kind of screen/filter that enables you to make entities "public to this file" but "private to the rest of the program".
I feel like this is a pretty killer feature on the .Net platform, because the only other/prior tool you have for this kind of encapsulation is assemblies. If you have a small component with a few related types that want to be able to see each other's internal details, but don't want those types to have all those bits public to everyone, what can you do? Well, you can do two things:
You can put that component in a separate assembly, and make the members that those types share be "internal", and make the narrow part you want everyone else to see be "public", or
You just mark the internal stuff "internal" but you leave those types in your gigantic assembly and just hope that all the other code in the assembly chooses not to call those members that were only marked 'internal' because one other type needed to see it.
In my experience, on large software projects, everyone always does #2, because #1 is a non-starter for various reasons (people don't want 50 small assemblies, they want 1 or 2 or 3 large assemblies, for other maybe-good reasons unrelated to the encapsulation point I am raising (aside: everyone mentions ILMerge but no one uses it)).
So you chose option #2. Then a year later, you finally decide to refactor out that component, and you discover that over the past year, 17 other places now call into that 'internal' method that was really only meant for that one other type to call, making it really hard to factor out that bit because now everyone depends on those implementation details. Bummer.
The point is, there is no good way to create a moderate-size intra-assembly encapsulation scope/boundary in .Net. Often times "internal" is too big and "private" is too small.
... until F#. With F# signature files, you can create an encapsulation scope of "this source code file" by marking a bunch of stuff as public within the implementation file, so all the other code in the file can see it and party on it, but then use a signature file to hide all of the details expect the narrow public interface that component exposes to the rest of the world. This is happy. Define three highly related types in one file, let them see each others implementation details, but only expose the truly public stuff to everyone else. Win!
Signature files are perhaps not the ideal feature for intra-assembly encapsulation boundaries, but they are the only such feature I know, and so I cling to them like a life raft in the ocean.
Complexity is the enemy. Encapsulation boundaries are a weapon against this enemy. "private" is a great weapon but sometimes too small to be applicable, and "internal" is often too weak because so much code (entire assembly and all InternalsVisibleTo's) can see internal stuff. F# offers a scope bigger than "private to a type" but smaller than "the whole assembly", and that is very useful.
I wonder what happens if you add
<add key="fsharp-navigationbar-enabled" value="true" />
to your devenv.exe.config file? (Use at your own risk.)
Passing --warnon:1182 to the compiler turns on warnings about unused variables; variable names that begin with underscore are immune.
Automatically-generated comparison functions for algebraic data types (based on lexicographical ordering) is a nice feature that is relatively unknown; see!701679AD17B6D310!548.entry
for an example.
Yes, F# doesn't have any 'hidden' features, but it sure does have a lot of power packed into the simple language. A less-known feature of the language, is where you can basically enable duck typing despite the fact F# is staticaly typed.
See this question
F# operator "?"
for info on the question-mark operator and how it provides the basic language mechanism to build a feature akin to 'dynamic' in C#.
Not really hidden, but as a non-ML person this escaped me for quite a while:
Pattern matching can decompose arbitrarily deep into data structures.
Here's a [incredibly arbitrary] nested tuple example; this works on lists or unions or any combinations of nested values:
let listEven =
"Manipulating strings can be intriguing using F#".Split ' '
|> List.ofArray
|> (fun x -> (x.Length % 2 = 0, x.Contains "i"), x)
|> List.choose
( function (true, true), s -> Some s
| _, "F#" -> Some "language"
| _ -> None )
Use of F# as a utility scripting language may be under appreciated. F# enthusiasts tend to be quants. Sometimes you want something to back up your MP3s (or dozens of database servers) that's a little more robust than batch. I've been hunting for a modern replacement for jscript / vbscript. Lately, I've used IronPython, but F# may be more complete and the .NET interaction is less cumbersome.
I like curried functions for entertainment value. Show a curried function to a pure procedural / OOP program for at least three WTFs. Starting with this is a bad way to get F# converts, though :)
Inlined operators on generic types can have different generic constraints:
type 'a Wrapper = Wrapper of 'a with
static member inline (+)(Wrapper(a),Wrapper(b)) = Wrapper(a + b)
static member inline Exp(Wrapper(a)) = Wrapper(exp a)
let objWrapper = Wrapper(obj())
let intWrapper = (Wrapper 1) + (Wrapper 2)
let fltWrapper = exp (Wrapper 1.0)
(* won''t compile *)
let _ = exp (Wrapper 1)
There are no hidden features, because F# is in design mode. All what we have is a Technical Preview, which changes every two month.
