Is it possible to use SurveyMonkeyAPI to modify an existing SurveyMonkey survey? - surveymonkey

the list of SurveyMonkey API Methods does not appear to include a method to modify an existing survey. Is this right? Are there any development plans to include such a method? For a project, we want to be able to modify a presentation type question and add custom questions to a standard survey.

Correct. For now there is no way to modify an existing survey, just create new ones.
Regarding upcoming API features, it is unlikely SurveyMonkey would comment publicly on these, but if you are potentially a large API partner you could reach out and ask about this functionality via


How can I add guests or members to projects created through the Asana API?

I currently have a script that takes a list of people and creates new Asana projects, one for each person. These people are not in our Asana organization and need to be invited as guests to their respective projects. If I try to include a followers or members property in my API request, I get denied, and the docs list those properties as read-only.
I noticed this question from over a year and a half ago, where an Asana engineer said that it was on the API roadmap and that he hoped to publish it soon. It seems like the engineer in question no longer works at Asana, so replying to him won't help me, but has any progress been made on this front? Being able to invite guests to each project programmatically would be a huge time saver. Thanks!
We decided to keep this as a read-only endpoint. Apologies for the confusion.
You can add and remove followers on a task through the API. Perhaps you could adjust your workflow to use tasks instead of projects.

How do I associated custom metadata with a SurveyMonkey survey?

I would like to configure my SurveyMonkey account so that when I create a new survey I am required to assign the new survey to one of an editable (by me) list of 'groups'. I would then like to aggregate reports based on survey 'group'.
SurveyMonkey seems to have a fixed list of 'categories', respondent 'metadata', and per-response 'custom variables', but I'm not seeing any kind of mixed metadata or custom variables at the level of a survey.
Does such a thing exist or is there a common workaround to achieve this?
There isn't currently a way to tag surveys. That would be a nice feature to have.
One possible workaround (although not ideal) is to set the Survey nickname or put an ID in the Survey title you can filter by when searching for surveys.
Another one is to set a custom variable on the Survey. Although these are normally meant as GET parameters when taking the Survey, you can use it to categorize Surveys as well.
One last thing is to add a question and use advanced branching if necessary to make sure it's always hidden to the user, and categorize based on that.
I do agree that a way to tag surveys directly, and then filter surveys based on a tag would be very useful but there is no current way to do that (as far as I'm aware)..

Pass quiz score to Desire2Learn Valence via API

I am trying to integrate an external multimedia application with Valence. The application presents the user with quizzes along the way, with each question mapping to a learning objective. Using the API, how can I send the results of each quiz/objective to D2L so it's part of the overall course grade?
Thanks for your question, it's definitely a good one that I'd love to hear more about!
Right off the top, I'll say that unfortunately the short answer is that Valence currently doesn't support retrieving quiz information, nor accepting question responses to contribute to the user's quiz grade in the grade book, and competency-based evaluation. We recognize this is a big gaping hole in Valence, but the reason why we don't have it yet is due to an assessment tools re-architecture which we're embarking on now, which will put things in place to expose more assessments tools functionality via Valence.
That said, I'd love to capture more details about your use case so that we # D2L can be well-positioned to support it in the future.
Can I assume that you would want to perform the quiz create, update, delete operations, inclusive of learning objective question association, directly in D2L, and not via Valence?
Get Questions: Would you be looking to retrieve all quiz question information, providing a quiz identifier?
Submit Responses, and Trigger Evaluation: Would you be looking to submit all quiz question responses, in order to trigger automatic evaluation, to populate the quiz's score in the grade book, and contribute to competency-based evaluation? Would you ever have a case where a question response was provided which required manual evaluation (such as a short/long answer question type)? If so, how would you like to see that handled?
Many thanks again, I appreciate your time to communicate this request.

Can access codes be created with the Eventbrite API, like discount codes?

I've been able to create discount codes using discount_new, is it possible to create access codes with the API too?
I don't see a method on for doing that and discount_new doesn't seem to support it.
I'd like to create customized access codes that allow people to sign up for hidden tickets, such as a volunteer ticket, for example.
You can now get, create, and update access codes using the following api endpoints:
Documentation to follow soon, but usage is similar to that for discount codes. In order to create a new access_code, the corresponding ticket needs to be hidden. If the "tickets" parameter is not specified, the access code will apply to all tickets (and they all need to be hidden).

ASP.NET MVC - Create RSS feed that requires authentication

I've created a rudimentary RSSActionResult in ASP.NET MVC to generate an RSS feed based on new items in my ecommerce store - new items, sale items etc. That part was easy and works well.
I would like to go one step further and create a feed that is user specific. For instance - show users new products of interest based on their previous purchase history. This feed is user specific and one normally has to log into their account ( membership) to see this information. My question is, how does membership work on the RSS level? In MVC I can easily create an action filter that requires the user to be logged into the site to subscribe to the feed but I'm not sure if this is possible within a feed reader. When I view the feed in IE8's in-built reader and am not logged into my account I get the following message:
Feeds with DTDs are not supported
Is what i'm trying to do even possible? Any guidance would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Seems to me that private RSS feeds is a bit of a grey area and support from both newswires and newsreaders is limited. Have a read of this, for example.
This SO question discusses various ways one could implement such service. In order to be 100% compatible, I would just generate a unique token per customer and have them subscribe to that. Considering that actual private info is not exposed (we won't get into de-anonimization discussion), I think this is good enough.
Coupled with rate-limiting to prevent guessing of the token, I think this is an acceptable solution. Also, this can be enabled and disabled by the user for those that are more security conscious.
I've never tried it with RSS, but have you tried using the "Authorize attribute"
public RSSActionResult StephenRss()
return View();
