Launch Screen illegal Configuration XCode 6.4 - ios

I have been trying to fix the compilation issues for the open source project with XCode6.4. I seem to have fixed all the issues but unsure of how to fix the following errors:
DGRunkeeperSwitch/DGRunkeeperSwitchExample/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard: Launch screens may not use instances of IBUISceneExitPlaceholder.,
DGRunkeeperSwitch/DGRunkeeperSwitchExample/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard: Launch screens may only have one top level object, which must be a UIView or a kind of UIViewController.
DGRunkeeperSwitch/DGRunkeeperSwitchExample/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard: Launch screens may not use instances of IBUIStoryboardEntryPointIndicator.
Can someone please provide some pointers on how to go about fixing these errors?

Delete Your file LaunchScreen.StoryBoard, and then clear "LaunchScreen" in Lauch Screen File as photo. Done. Or you can add file LauchScreen.xib to your project, and then chose it in Launch Screen File as photo

"Requirements: Xcode 7-beta or higher." There's likely something new in the LaunchScreen.storyboard that trips up Xcode 6.
Since the launch screen is not a critical/essential part of the sample code, the easiest fix is to delete the existing launch screen, then create a new one in Xcode 6.
A launch screen is a splash screen that appears while your app launches. It doesn't have its own view controller, and is not the entry point for an app.
The example's navigation controller is the app's initial scene.
Update 2:
It's not that it's not fixable. Someone with the time and skill could rewrite it to remove the dependencies. Yet it does work as is with Xcode 7, so it's not really practical to fork it.
The error messages really are self-descriptive, but you may have introduced some of the problems by making some inadvertent/unintentional changes that broke it.
You could upgrade your tools and project to Xcode 7, find a different third-party component to replace this one, find someone who will fix it for you, or brush up on your skills and rewrite it yourself.

first you delete your launch screen and then delete UItests, you can find uitests in your project build settings under target files


iOS app not taking up entire screen in iOS 12 or 13

I have an old iOS app last built on iOS 8. When the app runs on iOS 10 or higher on larger phones the view doesn't take up the entire screen, there is a black bar on the top and bottom of the screen. In the past, Apple would just expand the app so it was stretched a little.
Not sure how to fix this? I am sure there has to be an expand setting or something? I believe it has to do with setting a Launch Screen, but not sure where to set that or how to? I do have a LaunchScreen.storyboard in my files.
I have tried multiple things to fix the issue, but nothing seems to work?
Also, not sure if it is related, but the Navigation Item (deprecated?) was once sticking to the top and now just randomly floats.
I have solved this problem on my older project by adding launch screen.
Try this if you are missing launch screen:
Add a new launch screen by going to File -> New -> File... -> Launch
Make sure the newly added LaunchScreen.storyboard is selected as
the launch screen file under project settings.
to check this follow this steps:
1)Choose your project name in Xcode. 2)Select your project target. 3)Then select app icons and launch images and choose your newly added LaunchScreen.storyboard.
Given the age of the app I suspect it uses fixed sizes or size classes for its layout?
You will need to update the code that controls the layout. If the design is simple and vertical based, you may be able to a 'quick and dirty" solution by embedding everything in a stack view. However you should really update your code and/or storyboard to use Autolayout. This will fix the current problem and ensure it will work with future devices of different sizes.

Xcode Project Settings Preventing TabBar at Bottom of iPhone X Models?

I have an old project that I've been working on and off on for about 4 years now - the project has gone through many upgrades of XCode versions from 6 to 10 (I'm now using XCode 10.2.1 with 12.2 SDK). The main problem I'm having with it is that it utilizes a Tab View Controller to switch tabs, and no matter what I do, I cannot get the tab bar to appear on the bottom of an iPhone X family device correctly: it appears much higher than it should.
To try and finally narrow down the problem, I've essentially temporarily "replaced" all code and storyboard items from the project to see if anything will move the tab bar to where it's supposed to (if I just create a blank new project with a tab bar controller, the tab bar does appear where it should). I created a test storyboard with just a Tab Bar Controller going to one navigation controller (no constraints have been put in). There is no viewController codes attached to them. I've replaced the app delegate with a "blank" app delegate so there are essentially no extraneous code or restraints there at all. And I still get the tab bar moved:
This happens on the simulator and the device, and there is no code or storyboard setting that's doing this (this same setup on a new project puts the tab bar in the right place).
I've looked around in the Build Settings and other properties that I may have missed to see if I constrained something years ago that may affect this, and didn't see anything.
Is there anything I should be looking for in the project settings that would do this?
I don't want to rebuild the project in a new project - there are many linked libraries, certificates, cocoapods, storyboard items, and I know it would be horrible to try and put it all back in one piece.
My Deployment Target is set to iOS 11, Devices: iPhone, Base SDK: iOS
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
This is usually caused by not having a correct launch image for the iPhone X. The easiest way to fix this is to tell the app target not to use launch images (from the app bundle or from the asset catalog) but to use the LaunchScreen.storyboard instead. (If you don't have one, make one; be sure to set it as a launch screen storyboard by clicking Use As Launch Screen and configure your target to point to it. Examine a plain vanilla new project to see what I mean.) You might not want to keep things that way in the long term but at least it will allow your app to launch to the correct size on all devices.

LaunchScreen.storyboard bug in swift

I was using LaunchScreen.storyboard without problems.
but I changed LaunchScreen.storyboard file name to LaunchScreen2.storyboard since I hoped not to use the splash image.
(I thought it could decrease loading time)
However, I couldn't see the loading time differences.
So I renamed the file to LaunchScreen.storyboard to use splash image again.
But the problem began from here.
Even though I change images in LaunchScreen.Storyboard:-
Only black screen is shown shortly when I run my app on simulators.
Old LaunscScreen.storyboard is shown when I run the app on my iPad.
I took some.. actions but it didn't work.
(use image in Assets.cassettes, make sure Launch Screen File name in project option)
Is there anyone who can help me?
*I attached screenshots
(I'm using the latest Xcode, Version 9.1 (9B55))
I think I found out the root cause of the issue that lasted for more than a month.
At least in my case, the issue was occurred because there was no entry point in the LaunchScreen file.
After entry point was set I could see the LaunchScreen.
This is iOS issue(OS Level) iOS caching LaunchScreen.storyboard image resource and reuse it
why your action did't work because
app on simulators have not cached LaunchScreen so show black screen(LaunchScreen.storyboard not found)
iPad has cached and used LaunchScreen Resource(LaunchScreen.storyboard) so old Resource shown
Common solution is delete app or shut down and on iPhone or iPad for removing cashed resource. iOS mananing this resource in Srpingboard(OS Level) so It is not a complete solution but promotes the cache to be quickly erased from OS. just waiting.. until iOS erase it

Launch Screen not displaying iOS 8

I'm trying to get the Launch screen to display instead I get the default black screen.
I remember I've had this issue in the past and is something really silly but I can't remember what it is.
I have a LaunchScreen.xib. I've set in my target -> info to use LaunchScreen and not image catalog. I am running iOS 8 and using Xcode 6.1. I tried on all iPhone simulators and iPhone 4s.
I can't think what more info to give than that.
For those who are still looking for another answer here's what worked for us:
Our launch xib only contains an imageView in the middle of the view. For some reason the image never showed (but the view was there, checked it with changing the background color).
The solution was to move the image file out of the image catalog and just drop it in the project as a standalone file. Pretty strange considering when we tried other images from the catalog they appeared correctly but not this one. Anyway, I hope this helps someone!
I had the same issue.
Turned out that I had earlier tried to attach a viewcontroller file with the launchscreen. To fix:
Go to launch screen
Click Connections Inspector in right pane
Remove all connections.
Accoring to #doctorBroctor: also go to the File's Owner tab and remove the connections there.
Go to your launch screen
Go to file inspector
Check the checkbox for "Use as Launch Screen"
I have tried with:
Deleted Launch Screen File.
Tapped on Use Asset Catalog in Launch Image Source and added Splash screen Images as desired in the image asset.
Deleted Previous Project on Simulator or Device. Clear the Project.
Run Again and it is showing now.
One reason for why you might experience the black screen instead of your launch screen is that the .xib file might not get copied in your build phase. At least that was my issue that caused my app to show the black screen even though I had done the steps you describe.
So, double check that your LaunchScreen.xib (or whatever it is named) appears in:
Your target -> Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources
And if not, make sure to add it. That resolved my issue.
For me the problem was that I hadn't selected the LaunchScreen.storyboard in the General tab of the project settings.
I've experienced the same issue. The solution for me was simply delete the app, reboot the device, then reinstall it. I think iOS caches the Launchscreen, and this cache is not invalidated every time when it should be.
I had the same issue in iOS 9 as well. Deleting the old app in simulator alone is not enough. Simulator has to be quit launched. It worked for me.
I fix it by select the "is Initial View Controller" in storyboard.
Make sure to delete the installed app from the emulator. Then run the app again from xcode (product->clean, product->run).
That worked for me.
I've looked at all the above answers, it helped a bit. Especially the answer by Suragch put me in right direction.
The LaunchScreen.storyboard isn't showing up, even after applying simple background colour to the view and removing the image.
Firstly, I cannot see the "LaunchScreen.storyboard" as shown in the image
This was because, some reason the LaunchScreen.storyboard wasn't added to the build Target.
Solution: Ensure the LaunchScreen.storyboard is included to the build Target.
Also, Choose the LaunchScreen.storyboard from the drop down as shown in above pic.
I hope it helps someone!
I found this old post 'cause my launch screen WAS working, then it stopped. I thrashed around for a good while and then realized this, undocumented problem:
If your launch XIB or storyboard file has a UIImageView with an image whose name contains a space, the entire screen won't load.
I only had a centered UIImageView in my LaunchScreen.xib that contained an image (.png file), and had the same black screen showing.
I removed the image (the .png file) from the project, added it again with new name, and used the new image.
Make sure to use empty Launch Screen File, then Xcode would use Launch Image Source.
Make sure you have "is initial View Controller" checked in interface builder.
I tried pretty much everything else but this finally fixed the problem and now it works in simulator as well as the device.
New feature in the iOS 8 SDK: you can now use a storyboard scene in place of your app’s launch images.
Create a blank storyboard file named LaunchScreen.storyboard.
Go to your target settings and, on the General tab, select the storyboard as your Launch Screen File. Xcode will add a corresponding UILaunchStoryboardName key to your app’s Info.plist. When this key is present, Xcode will prioritize it over any launch images you might have set.
Add a view controller scene to the storyboard. Add some subviews to the scene and position them with constraints. When you launch the app on a device, the OS should use the scene as the launch screen.
For more information check out this blog post by Ole Begemann "Replacing Launch Images With Storyboards".
Reset Simulator working for me
For iOS 14 and newer:
Device > Erase All Contents and Settings...
For iOS 11 and newer:
Hardware > Erase All Contents and Settings...
For previous versions:
Simulator > Reset Content and Settings...
Your launch image should be a PNG. A JPEG may work under certain targets, but you should use PNG anyway.

App Icon not showing up, although I have added in Xcode 5

I have added the icon as shown in the pic below but I am still not seeing the icon in my device or simulator.
This might be an XCode 5 bug that the added icons are not actually included in the app bundle, but you can work around it by going to Build Phases, expand Copy Bundle Resources, then press the "+" sign in the bottom to manually add the icon files to this category.
In addition iOS 5/6 seems to have a bug that the screen doesn't update the app icon even if the icon files are included in the bundle. To work around it (as suggested by josema.vitaminew at App Icon not changing when app version is updated in iOS 5 simulator) you can drag the app icon into a folder, then iOS will update the appearance of it.
If using the Asset Catalog, it might be worth also checking whether Images.xcassets holds all your targets as shown in the below image.
Expanding on adp's answer, if anyone has switched to asset catalogs but they stopped working, and still can't find a solution for Asset Catalog, Images.xcassets, AppIcon or LaunchImage not working, here is a reproduction of the same problem I encountered, and the solution:
I had upgraded to Xcode 6 and opened a project created by an earlier version (4 or 5, not sure) and no matter what I did, AppIcons and LaunchImages absolutely would show up when I ran the app in either iOS Simulator or the device.
I tried Xcode->Product->Clean, Xcode->Window->Organizer->Projects->Derived Data->Delete..., relaunching Xcode and the iOS Simulator, then rebuilding and relaunching the app (failed).
I tried "Reset Contents and Settings..." in iOS Simulator and even deleting ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData//Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos and relaunching the app (failed).
I tried archiving the project, hoping that it was just an issue with the iOS Simulator, but the icon in the Organizer-Archives window was still shown as the default white square with lines, confirming that the icon would also not show on a device (a helpful trick to have when no device is handy). (failed).
I tried choosing "Don't use asset catalogs" in Target Settings and creating a new AppIcon-2 and LaunchImage-2 (failed). -this is what cost me at least 2 more hours, because this should have worked and the fact that it didn't revealed the bug in Xcode but I just couldn't see it-
I tried creating a new project from the single view template and compared all of the Info.plist settings (failed).
I tried comparing the new project's Contents.json with mine in Images.xcassets (failed).
I tried dragging the images from the left sidebar Navigator into the AppIcon image wells, hoping that they were just not being copied in a build phase for some reason (failed).
Finally in exasperation at the thought of having to create a new project just to fix the icons, I tried deleting Images.xcassets in the left sidebar Navigator and choosing "Move to Trash", then quitting Xcode and relaunching in case it cached anything. Then when I went to click the App Icons Source popup menu, it only showed "Don't use asset catalogs". I had to select it in order to bring back the "Use Asset Catalog" button. Then I was able to create new AppIcons and LaunchImages, drag images to the wells, build and launch the app in iOS Simulator and finally see icons appear properly.
So the problem appears to be with how Xcode stores Images.xcassets inside the project, and not with target membership, derived data, or anything in Images.xcassets itself. You must remove your assets file and create a fresh one, then drag images to wells by hand again.
It took me 3 hours of research to solve something that should have "just worked" and the entire process of having to manually create individually sized art assets has been so tedious over the years that it has personally cost me countless hours of busywork.
Hopefully this bug workaround helps someone avoid the frustration I went through. I can't help with the friction of manually sizing art assets, but I highly recommend the Icon Slayer website to automate that (of which I have no affiliation).
I have encountered the same problem when the project is switching from xcode5 to xcode6 . The solution is just click on the icon in the image asset,open the right panel , just tick the iOS version option in the panel,add the icons that are blank run it again ... It worked for me
I want to add my solution, where the problem is only isolated to the iPad, my app icon will not show only for iPads. After trying all the solution above, and I looked in the info.plist and found this flag that was not there before the problem with iPads. A new key/value has been added called "CFBundleIcons~ipad" without my knowledge and had nothing as it's value. Removing the key helped resolve my issue.
According to Apple Docs, the icons must be placed on the root level of the app files.
IOS/Xcode will not go under directories to search your image.
Solution is to move the images onto the root of your application i.e. where your source files are, or you can create references in the same way.
In my case, I just needed to clean and rebuild my project.
I had the same problem and after a couple of hours finally I could resolved it, copying an old -info.plist from one of my backups project and replace it, this works fine for me.
My issue ended up being I had used jpg images, rather than pngs.
For me, it was a much simpler solution than the others listed here. I had simply got the assets the wrong size. I had not paid attention to the multipliers that are necessary (e.g. 2x or 3x) and therefore the build was generating a warning for the incorrect asset sizes (which I had ignored). In my case, I corrected the image sizes and voila they appeared in the simulator.
For a macOS/OSX application, you also need to always add a 128 pixel size (and 2x), you can not only use a 512 pixel size and expect it to size down.
If your app icon has any transparency then it won't work. Check it!
I had all the images in the relevant folders and when I right clicked on the empty icon image in Images.xcassets/AppIcon and chose show in finder it would find the image correctly and show it, but for whatever reason it wasn't adding correctly to the project.
After trying a lot of different things above I simply dragged the images from finder into the AppIcon area and it worked.
If you are using cocoapods be sure to check this answer from a related question. After many lost hours, this is what fixed it for me.
Xcode 9.3:
Open your project and add AppIcon images.
Click on general, go to "App Icon and Launch Image"
Click "App Icon resource" and add AppIcon (In my case it added AppIcon-1, so you can use that on rename that and do above step again).
In my case, I updated Build Rules > Using > to "Asset Catalog Compiler"
instead of any custom script and it worked for me.
I had this issue. Following the steps everyone provided did not help. However, it was because of my own ignorance. I had an issue with duplicate resources being created and one of the suggestions was to remove items from copy bundle resources. Well, it never mentioned that the asset folder was required to be in there so I deleted it. After fighting with this issue for 5 hours and recalling that it use to be in copy bundle resources I added it back and the app Icons worked.
Xcode copy bundle with appropriate file included.
make sure you create your appicons with an image 1024x1024
make sure you set 'app icon source' (project > general > App Icons and launch images) to the appropriate icon folder.
make sure you have not deleted the copy bundle resource for said app icon folder like i did.
cocoapods has a forum for a specific issue if all else fails.
Hope this helps.
