I am learning rest assured and trying to read my local javascript file. I am not sure if I can do that
This is what I am trying
Response resp = get("C:/dev/testrest.js");
assertEquals(200, resp.getStatusCode());
Here testrest.js is JSON
I am getting this error
java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<200> but was:<404>
REST Assured is for testing HTTP services (servers) and not for working with Javascript files. If you're looking for easily extracting values out of a JSON document you should have a look at JsonPath which is shipped with REST Assured (see getting started guide).
I am using SOAPUI v4.6.4.
I am testing REST SOAPUI test. I have the media type set to application/json.
I am trying to pass this value as part of JSON string and I get 404 server error.
It is having issues with + sign.
I tried encoding it as 2001-12-17T09%3A30%3A47%2B05%3A00. The 404 server is gone but the application code is NOT expecting the encoded value.
Any solutions are highly appreciated.
I have never used JUnit or other testing frameworks. All i know is how to develop rest service. I recently saw REST assured framework to test REST api. But all the articles that i found looks like below. But i don't know how to pass request xml and how will i get response and when should i call this method.?
Do i need to use some other tool before this REST assured.? I am completely beginner in this kind of testing frameworks. Please show me some light in this world. All i know is how to send request and check values in the response in SOAPUI. I have never tried this.
"user.email", equalTo("test#hascode.com"),
"user.firstName", equalTo("Tim"),
"user.lastName", equalTo("Testerman"),
"user.id", equalTo("1")).
expect() /* what u expect after sending a request to REST Service */
statusCode(200) /*you are expecting 200 as statuscode which tells request handled successfully at server */
/* the conditions given in body are compare the value with expected values. "equalTo" hamcrest matcher condition (you need to have hamcrest jar in java classpath).*/
when(). /* as is name says above all will be done after sending get/post/put/delete request right so before you put these get,post,put,delete you will have this method as prefix */
/* the actual REST API request url goes here. can be GET/POST/PUT/DELETE. the confusion for you is its only showing half part which is base path.you can give entire request url in get() method.*/
more on:
I hope this helps.
Hello there I am testing few web services and I am trying to write a client using SAVON with my WSDL. I have one available operation named log_process and I am trying to access that but getting errors. I have a similar script written in PHP and it is working fine. I have tried
require 'net/http'
require "uri"
require 'savon'
client = Savon.client(wsdl: "http://somedomain.com/projects/shared/abc.wsdl")
puts #a
ary={0 =>"art", 1 =>"bac", 2 =>"arr"}
#result = client.call(:log_process, message:{0 =>"asdf", 1 =>"qwer", 2 =>"arr"})
puts #result
and getting following error
raise_soap_and_http_errors!': (SOAP-ENV:Client) Bad Request (Savon::SOAPFault)
My php working solution looks like this
$result = $client->log_process(array(0=>$user_name,1=>$user_pwd,2=>$display_type));
any idea what will be the ruby equivalent to this or am I calling the operation in correct manner?
I know this is late, but I was having the exact same issue trying to set up a soap request using savon to a soap server I have worked with extensively using PHP Soap server. I found another post related to this, and it seem that adding the message_tag option fixed it.
This is because in my case the WSDL was expecting functionNameRequest in the xml, but savon as only sending funcionName by setting message_tag to functionNameRequest the >soap server was able to correctly map the function that was being requested.
This was the thread that helped me out https://github.com/savonrb/savon/issues/520 Relevant code quoted below:
I'm just sharing this in case it's useful.
I'm using savon 2.3.0 and I guess the gem had some problems identifying parameters >automatically from my wsdl. I have no idea about SOAP and this is the first time I'm >actually using it.
I'm dealing with TradeTracker's WSDL
With the following code I got it working:
client = Savon.client do
wsdl "http://ws.tradetracker.com/soap/affiliate?wsdl"
namespace_identifier :ns1
credentials = {
customerID: 123123,
passphrase: "123123123"
response = client.call(:authenticate, message_tag: :authenticate, message: credentials)
#result = client.call(:log_process, message:["asdf", "asg", "arr"])
In the PHP code, you are sending only 1 parameter, its an array
I am stuck with a very unusual issue. I am trying to call a webservice request from the server (actully an ajax 2 step request from the client side) for which i am getting an xml formatted response which i am parsing using a treeview. The issue is..its working well in development mode on local server but showing error in production with the same codes. When I initiate a request I get a response for the first step in string format but showing error "error loading xmlDoc: xmlDoc is undefined" for the second request which suppose to be initiated directly after the first response.
codes are available here:
error is somewhere on the function starting from line 195.
Any help or suggestion would be much appreciated...!!!!
I'm trying out http requests to download a pdf file from google docs using google document list API and OAuth 1.0. I'm not using any external api for oauth or google docs.
Following the documentation, I obtained download URL for the pdf which works fine when placed in a browser.
According to documentation I should send a request that looks like this:
GET https://doc-04-20-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/secure/m7an0emtau/WJm12345/YzI2Y2ExYWVm?h=16655626&e=download&gd=true
However, the download URL has something funny going on with the paremeters, it looks like this:
(in the url '&\;' is actually without '\' but I put it here in the post to avoid escaping it as '&').
So what is the case here; do I have 3 parameters h,e,gd or do I have one parameter h with value 15287211447292764666&ae=download&gd=true, or maybe I have the following 3 param-value pairs: h = 15287211447292764666, amp;e = download, amp;gd = true (which I think is the case and it seems like a bug)?
In order to form a proper http request I need to know exectly what are the parameters names and values, however the download URL I have is confusing. Moreover, if the params names are h,amp;e and amp;gd, is the request containing those params valid for obtaining file content (if not it seems like a bug).
I didn't have problems downloading and uploading documents (msword docs) and my scope for downloading a file is correct.
I experimented with different requests a lot. When I treat the 3 parameters (h,e,gd) separetaly I get Unauthorized 401. If I assume that I have only one parameter - h with value 15287211447292764666&ae=download&gd=true I get 500 Internal Server Error (google api states: 'An unexpected error has occurred in the API.','If the problem persists, please post in the forum.').
If I don't put any paremeters at all or I put 3 parameters -h,amp;e,amp;gd, I get 302 Found. I tried following the redirections sending more requests but I still couldn't get the actual pdf content. I also experimented in OAuth Playground and it seems it's not working as it's supposed to neither. Sending get request in OAuth with the download URL responds with 302 Found instead of responding with the PDF content.
What is going on here? How can I obtain the pdf content in a response? Please help.
I have experimented same issue with oAuth2 (error 401).
Solved by inserting the oAuth2 token in request header and not in URL.
I have replaced &access_token=<token> in the URL by setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer <token>" )