jquery mobile swipe event disable for input range - jquery-mobile

I am using jquery mobile to close and open a menu in an app like this:
$('body').on('swipeleft', function(event){
if(menuOpen == true){
$('body').on('swiperight', function(event){
if(menuOpen == false){
And I have a input range (slider) in my menu like this:
<input id="changeRadiusRange" type="range" min="5" max="100" step="5" oninput="handleInputVal(value)" onchange="handleChangeVal(this.value)">
Now if I use my slider it stops after some time (I think the 30pixel for swipeleft/right to get fired and menu is closing if it is a swipeleft)
I already tried a few things regarding to this question, that results in this but didn't changed the behavior:
$('#changeRadiusRange').on('swipeleft swiperight', function(e){
How can I force input behavior as normal not to be influenced by swipe-events?

I had the same problem today and found a less hacky solution.
var handleSwipe = function (event) {
// my swipe stuff
// regular event listening
$(document).on("swipeleft swiperight", handleSwipe);
// additional workaround
$(".slider").on("mousedown touchstart", function (event) {
// when starting to interact with a .slider, stop listening the event
$(document).off("swipeleft swiperight");
}).on("mouseup touchend", function (event) {
// when interaction stops, re-listen to swipe events
$(document).on("swipeleft swiperight", handleSwipe);
It seems that sliders never ever work properly, as long as the swipe events are used anywhere in the document. This is even the case, when there is nothing done in the event handler. Also preventDefault() and/or stopPropagation() doesn't change anything.
With this solution, I kill the previously enabled swipe events while the user interacts with a slider. When interaction is done, I re-enable swipe events. Works great for me.

This worked for me with jqm 1.4.5:
$(document).on('mousedown touchstart', 'input[type=range]',

Currently solved it like this:
$('body').on('swipeleft', function(event){
if(event.target.id != "changeRadiusRange"){
if(menuOpen == true){
But then slider is stopping after the swipeleft event is called from body. does not move more to the left so I have to release the slider and slide again to the left if I need to till the swipeleft is called etc. Just workaround hope got it fixed soon


invokeAction is not firing Twilio.FlexWebChat.Actions.on action

I'm opening my chat window programtically using ToggleChatVisibility which works great, but it does not fire the relevent FlexWebChat.Action
const operatingHoursCheckMsg = async function () {
Twilio.FlexWebChat.Actions.on("afterToggleChatVisibility", (payload) => {
console.log('Not Working');
await initateWebChat.init();
function Test() {
<button type="button" onclick="Test()">Click to open and close chat window</button>
the afterToggleChatVisibility event fires if I close and reopen the chat using the chat box ui, but not if I click my button.
How can I trigger this event properly?
I think you have a race condition causing this issue. You defined the operatingHoursCheckMsg function as async even though there isn't an asynchronous call involved (though maybe there is in your full script) but in your Test function you do not wait for the promise to resolve before invoking the action. I think this means that JavaScript placed the promise on a queue to be handled asynchronously by the event loop, and then ran the next synchronous line of code. So you invoke the action before the event listener is registered.
It also looks as though you want to use the button to continue toggling the chat open and closed, so you should probably not be attaching a new listener every time the button is clicked.
I'd recommend you set up the one listener after you have initiated the webchat, like this:
const operatingHoursCheckMsg = async function () {
// Do operating hours check
await initateWebChat.init();
Twilio.FlexWebChat.Actions.on("afterToggleChatVisibility", (payload) => {
console.log('Chat toggled!');
async function Test() {
await operatingHoursCheckMsg();
<button type="button" onclick="Test()">Click to open and close chat window</button>

Zendesk web widget status not correctly updating and button not hiding

I'm loading the Zendesk web widget into a page, and this is the event handler for when it's loaded in
scriptElement.onload = function () {
zE(function () {
$zopim(function () {
$zopim.livechat.setOnStatus(function (status) {
status === 'online' ? $zopim.livechat.button.show() : $zopim.livechat.button.hide();
It has the setOnStatus event handler which should trigger anytime the status changes. It seems to be triggered once when the page initially loads in. You'd expect it to be triggered as well everytime I call the setStatus method, but that's not the case. Where I log the status, it's always just 'online', and it only happens once.
What I'm trying to do is force the button to disappear when the status is offline. Yet setting the status to 'offline' doesn't hide the button, just displays the offline version (i.e. a button which lets me send an offline message, rather than a live chat).
I thought the setHideWhenOffline method might have helped, but that doesn't seem to make any difference in this case.
Any ideas?
Actually I found the solution I needed here, this prevents the offline button appearing.
window.zESettings = {
webWidget: {
contactForm: {
suppress: true

ios pause audio when page was changed

The problem shows on IPad with IOS 8.0.1.
It is infinite audio, that playing on page1.html
I supposed that the sound will stop playing if I go to another page (for example page2.html), but it still have been playing.
I tried to use unload, pagehide and visibilitychange events to stop it, but all my efforts failed.
The code
<audio id="sound" loop src="audio/baby.mp3"></audio>
var player = document.getElementById("sound");
window.addEventListener("unload", function () {
if ('onpagehide' in window)
window.addEventListener("pagehide", function () {
if ('onvisibilitychange' in window)
window.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function () {
The sound stops only if I reload the page, where it was activated.
Find out!
Maybe it's bug of Safari:
Using native attribute "loop" you cannot stop audio.
So I replaced it with my own loop function, that includes page visibility check
player.addEventListener("ended", function() {
if (windowVisible)

Text input inside jQuery UI sortable doesn't work on touch devices

I made a simple page with some divs being sortable by the jQuery UI Sortable, with a little help from Touch Punch to get it working on an iPad running iOS 7.1.2.
Inside each of these divs, I included a text input tag. On desktop browsers the inputs work fine, but the iPad doesn't recognize the click on the input component. The keyboard isn't launched and I can't type into it. Any lights?
My page is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5crp55r9jw98var/sortableTest.zip?dl=0
Well, here's what worked for me.
I edited the jquery.js. On jQuery.Event.prototype, inside the preventDefault function, there is:
if ( e.preventDefault ) {
} else {
e.returnValue = false;
Basically, I changed the if condition to e.preventDefault && e.target.tagName != "INPUT". It solved the example, but in the real life I needed to add some more conditions to ensure that other input fields won't get caught by this.
Change in jquery.ui.touch-punch.js worked for me.
JS: jquery.ui.touch-punch.js
Method to modify:
//line: 31
function simulateMouseEvent(event, simulatedType) {
//changes to add ++
if ($(event.target).is("input") || $(event.target).is("textarea")) {
} else {
I know this is an old question but got the following to work for me without modifying the JS files:
let detectTap = false;
$('body').on('touchstart', '#sortableMenu input', () => {
detectTap = true;
$('body').on('touchmove', '#sortableMenu input', () => {
detectTap = false;
$('body').on('touchend', '#sortableMenu input', (e) => {
if (detectTap) $(e.target).focus();
Basically just adding a tap listener on the inputs, and when it gets the tap, focus on that input.

Why tap event is suppressed by touchstart event?

I have this code:
touchstart: function (e) {
tap: function (e) {
Only touchstart is triggered. Can anybody explain why?
P.S. : This is how I include the script for jQuery mobile :
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.4.4/jquery.mobile-1.4.4.min.js"></script>
I want to introduce a hover functionality on one of my div and I thought that with tap event it will be like clicking and with touchstart like hover.
$('.selector').on('tap swipe', function (e) {
if(e.type == 'swipe') {
if(e.type == 'tap') {
$('.selector .sel1').on('tap swipe', function (e) {
if(e.type == 'swipe') {
if(e.type == 'tap') {
With this code the swipe event on my div works fine, but for inside element I can't reproduce the swipe event, only tap gets triggered. I really can't figure out why.
Use syntax like this:
$('.selector').on("touchstart tap", function(e){
if(e.type == "touchstart"){
if(e.type == "tap"){
Touchstart seems to no longer be offered as a native event within jQuery Mobile ver. 1.4.5 Perhaps you can use "tap" and "swipe" (or "swipeleft" / "swiperight") to achieve your goals? Its not entirely clear on what you are creating.
Note: one thing that you can do is easily customize the native jQuery Mobile functions for swipe. See details at http://api.jquerymobile.com/swipe/
Before you make the .on("swipe"...) binding you can change the test values used by jQuery swipe. Its as easy as
$.event.special.swipe.horizontalDistanceThreshold = 100; // in lieu of 30px
You can verify that data setup via alerts or console.log(). Perhaps this will work for you? hmmm.. by working on vertical distance threshold, you could in essence temporarily define "swipe" to function as a "swipe-up", then you'd have swipeleft, swiperight and swipeup to play with.
