Reset database causes heroku custom domain to issue 404 - ruby-on-rails

I added a custom domain to my heroku app sometime last week and its been pointing well up until this last night.
A huge error made me reset my database using the heroku pg:reset DATABASE_URL command.
Since then, attempts to visit my app from the custom domain issues a 404, page not found error.
However, when I visit the app directly through its heroku domain name, it works without issues.
I've tried restarting the server, re-adding the domain name even after confirming its there (using heroku domains).
I'd be glad if anyone could help with this error. Thanks.


Ruby, ActiveRecord: Local rails server updates record attributes whereas the remote server does not

I have a script which sends data from a Windows back end to Heroku. Recently I added four new columns to the object model. For testing each of the properties is updated individually through a cURL request.
On the local rails server (which is identical to the Heroku hosted server) all four new attributes are populated correctly and there are no errors in the logs.
On the Heroku based server when I run the back end script it updates two of the columns but not the other two. In spite of these values not being populated the logs indicate that the process ran successfully with status of 200.
Has anyone experienced something similar to this?
Ok, managed to resolve this issue.
The solution was to run heroku restart. Seemingly since Heroku apps are precompiled the new columns were not being recognised by the app.
Peculiarly, the app should've probably raised an UnknownAttributeError before the fix was applied.

Debug: Heroku Error but no error on local

My app is working locally, however, for some reason part of the app isn't working on Heroku. I have checked the heroku logs --tail, however, there aren't any errors appearing. It's just showing the default 404 page.
Are there any options to debug this issue?
It looked like CarrierWave couldn't handle one of the files being uploaded. Perhaps it was too big? Thus, I deleted one of the latest records added to the table.

Rails Tutorial: Why can I sign up a new user without problems on the local server but not on Heroku?

I've completed the Rails Tutorial. I kept up with every detail until the end of chapter 8. The last four chapters I just copied and pasted without trying to understand much.
The Sample App works perfectly on a Cloud9 local web server, but not on Heroku. Specifically, When I want to sign up a new user, I get the message "We're sorry, but something went wrong."
Why can I sign up a new user without problems on the local server but not on Heroku? Is the functionality of the final sample app supposed to be exactly the same on both local and heroku?
You are getting a 500, look at the server logs for a clue. Probably need to run migrations.
Run your migrations:
heroku run rake:db migrate
You may need to restart heroku:
heroku restart
If it still doesn't work, try resetting your database. If you're using postgres, try:
heroku pg:reset DATABASE
I completed every step in the entire Rails Tutorial book, except one, which I thought was optional and wouldn't affect the result in production.
10.3 Email in Production shows you how to configure your application to send emails in production (for account activation in the book's sample application) using a Heroku add-on called Sendgrid.
You do have to give Heroku credit card information (though for the purposes of the book you don't have to actually make any purchase or subscription), and this is why I initially didn't implement this section of the book.
After following along and implementing section 10.3 my final application is fully functional in production.

heroku data missing after upgrading database

I have been following heroku docs. and after adding a new db I tried to move my data with: heroku pgbackups:transfer but I noticed that several of the recent entries are missing.. I have tried everything but unable to get those entries synced. I tried using follows and fork but it keeps saying that this feature is for production databases only!!!
I have even raised a ticket, but I doubt if I will get a response soon

How to get this simple rails project to work on Heroku?

I followed this tutorial to make a simple website where you can enter blog entries. I was able to get it working with a postgresql database on my computer.
Then I pushed it to heroku. It was accepted and everything seemed fine.
When I tried to go to the page in my browser though, it didn't work right. You can see it here.
I even tried setting up a shared postgresql database on Heroku. Am I supposed to make some changes to database.yml to get it to work?
One thing I noticed though is that what I added in the shared postgresql database, the error messages seem to indicate that it does find a database, but doesn't find the table. Am I right? I tried to manually recreate the table using the heroku console, but wasn't able to.
What's going on here? How can I get this to work?
Have you tried heroku run rake db:migrate yet?
If that doesn't fix it what does heroku logs --tail tell you?
