Rails 3 : Action Mailer issue render - ruby-on-rails

I have upgraded my app from rails 2.x to rails 3.2. I have used render_message method http://apidock.com/rails/ActionMailer/Base/render_message
but it is deprecated in rails 3.
Please suggest any alternate method for this. I already tried to use template_name but it was not worked. Please help

It is deprecated in Rails 3, but looking at the source reveals that the replacement for render_message is simply render. Source:
# File actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/deprecated_api.rb, line 123
def render_message(*args)
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "render_message is deprecated, use render instead", caller[0,2]


Fix deprecation warning for an internationalization locale suffix in ruby on rails 6.1

In a controller, I am rendering a page and providing the internationalization information with a locale_suffix. For example
def create
render "new#{locale_suffix}"
A typical local_suffix might be 'fr' for france, so it would be rendering new.fr. Upgrading to rails, I am seeing the following deprecation warning
DEPRECATION WARNING: Rendering actions with '.' in the name is deprecated: clubs/new.fr
How do I fix this warning?
According to max's comments on the question, you can change the controller action to
def create
render new:, variants: local_suffix
You may also want to change the file name from 'new.fr.html.erb` to 'new+fr.html.erb' as the dot in that position can cause ambiguities.

Rails - `flash.discard` vs `flash.delete`

As title, I wonder what's the difference between Rails flash.discard and flash.delete.
#SteveTurczyn is right.
However, flash.delete is only possible to do in versions of rails previous to 3.1.
As of 3.1, flash.delete doesn't work anymore, an alternative might be flash.clear (check out flash.delete(:notice) not working in Rails 3.1 RC?).
You might also want to check: https://apidock.com/rails/v3.0.0/ActionDispatch/Flash/FlashHash/discard
flash.delete is immediate. flash.discard will remove the flash at the end of the current action.
So using flash.discard you can still examine the flash contents in the current action.

How to prepend rails view paths in rails 3.2 (ActionView::PathSet)

I am trying to prepend views to the rails view array e.g.
This works fine, however in my test suite I keep seeing
DEPRECATION WARNING: process_view_paths is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 3.2.
After a bit of research I see mention of ActionView::PathSet, but cannot find any help searching google or in the Rails API documentation. I need to know how to use this new way of prepending paths in rails 3.2
I would really like to get rid of this warning. Any thoughts?
If it is dynamic (set on a per-request basis):
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :set_view_path
def set_view_path
prepend_view_path "#{Rails.root}/app/views/custom/blah"
I think it went to AbstractController::ViewPaths, but still available from controller - should be without deprecation.
If you prepend static fixed path:
# config/application.rb

How can I render a specific template?

Rails 2.3.9.
I have this action in my ProcurementsController...
def view_downloads
#downloads = Procurement.find(params[:id]).downloads
I want to render this view: views/procurements/view_downloads.html.haml.
When I just leave it like that what gets rendered is the Procurements index page. (I thought is was supposed to render the template with the same name as the action by default.)
I looked in the docs for the render method and found this...
Method deprecated
This method is deprecated on the latest stable version of Rails. The last existing version (v2.3.8) is shown here.
Zero info about what to use instead, or where to get further information.
Does that mean it's deprecated in Rails 3 but I can still use it if I'm using 2.x?
Or is there now some totally new way to indicate what template you want to render now? If so which versions of Rails does it apply to?

Accessing the app name from inside a rails template when generating rails app

I'm messing around with rails 2.3 templates and want to be able to use the app name as a variable inside my template, so when I use...
rails appname -m path/to/template.rb
...I want to be able to access appname inside template.rb. Anyone know how to do this?
I was looking for an answer to this question. unfortunately the answer above (#root) doesn't seem to work in Rails 3.
Here's the variables you can access in Rails 3 app templates (even easier):
Thanks for the answers. Mike Woodhouse, you were so close. Turns out, all you need to do to access the appname from inside your rails template is...
The #root variable is the first thing created when initializing templates and is available inside your rails templates. RAILS_ROOT does not work.
In Rails 3, use the app_name attribute.
See the documentation for the Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.
I ran into a similar problem, none of the variables listed above were available to me in Rails 4. I found that #name was available while running
rails plugin new engines/dummy -m my_template.rb
There are other useful variables available from within the template. You can see for yourself and play around by utilizing pry. Inside my template I added
require 'pry'; binding.pry
and then ran ls to show a list of available instance variables
ls -i
instance variables:
#_initializer #app_path #behavior #destination_stack #extra_entries #name #output_buffer #shell
#_invocations #args #builder #dummy_path #gem_filter #options #rails_template #source_paths
#after_bundle_callbacks #author #camelized #email #in_group #original_name #shebang
There's probably a more straightforward way, but this seems to work:
EDIT: Bleah - this got voted down once, and the voter was right. If I'd read the question more carefully, I'd have noticed the 2.3 and template.rb elements. Apologies.
I suspect that RAILS_ROOT won't have been created at the point that you need the app name. Looking at ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\rails-2.2.2\bin\rails, however, almost the first thing that happens is this:
app_path = ARGV.first
It's used at the end of the script to allow a chdir and freeze to be done if needed - I didn't know I could insta-freeze at creation, so I learned something new at least. ARGV then gets used here:
Rails::Generator::Scripts::Generate.new.run(ARGV, :generator => 'app')
which quickly gets us to the place where ARGV is really handled:
where I see
Rails::Generator::Base.instance(options[:generator], args, options).command(options[:command]).invoke!
Somewhere below here is probably where the templating gets handled. I'm afraid I'm at a very early stage with 2.3 and templating is an area that I haven't looked at yet.
Does that help any better than my first effort?
RAILS_ROOT will give you the absolute path to your root directory. Your app name will be the portion of the string after the final '/' which you can grab in any number of ways.
EDIT: Not quite enough to get the job done. Mike and Dan iron it out below.
I believe the preferred way now is to call Rails.root and no longer RAILS_ROOT. Apparently someone on planet rails has an aversion to uppercase or some similar important reason. As of 2.3.5 they both appear to work.
I was getting error
`template': undefined local variable or method `app_name'
ruby 1.9.2p290, rails 3.2.11, thor 0.18.0, Windows
but with rails 2.3 generator:
class DynanavGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
(can't be sure whether this error happened under rails 3.0.9 or earlier)
changed class definition to be:
class DynanavGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase
which then gave:
No value provided for required arguments 'name'
I then added a 'name' ("something" below):
rails generate dynanav something --force
which gave the original error, so I then added:
def app_name
to the class and all was well.
As of Rails 4 (maybe earlier versions?), use Rails.application.class to get the application name. For example, if your app is named Fizzbuzz, here are a few ways you might access it:
rails(development)> Rails.application.class
=> Fizzbuzz::Application
rails(development)> Rails.application.class.name
=> "Fizzbuzz::Application"
rails(development)> Rails.application.class.parent
=> Fizzbuzz
rails(development)> Rails.application.class.parent.to_s
=> "Fizzbuzz"
