NodeJS as an instant messaging server for a MVP chat service - ios

I am working on a chat service with some unique features in it, and thinking about a server to dispatch messages and do all the IM-related stuff. First-priority client is going to be for iOS, built with Swift.
Is it feasible to create server, based on NodeJS Express, or may be Loopback? I have had a look at multiple choices, including ready solutions, like QuickBlox, Parse.
As for creating it from scratch, I think about NodeJS or Erlang.
At what stage should I make a decision so that not to waste too much time on reconfiguring everything for scaling and rapidity and convenience of development?

With technologies like, Node.js, and Express, you could make a chat application fairly quickly.
Sockets are typically the best solution and the most common route to implementing a chat system, as they provide two way communication between the client and the server.
You could use practically any backend for a socket server, but it may end up being quicker to use Node.js and depending on your comfortability level with JavaScript.
All you would need is a socket compatible server and a client side library that connects to a socket server - there are plenty of JavaScript libs out there, including a
Check out's chat demo on their site for a quick look at how it works:
They even provide a first party iOS Swift client:

Personally I recommend you to checkout SailsJS, a great framework for building API & chat server at the same time. It adopts internally so every route in a Sails app is compatible with (in other words, you can decide to call an API request via Socket anytime you wish!)
I've built a complete, working iOS App having chat feature. Its backend was completely developed using SailsJS. It saved me hundreds of hours. Sails documentation also mentions about scaling for production. Please have a look at


Apple swift - How can an app connect to existing heroku/S3 database

Im new to iOS and new to SWIFT with no previous experience with Obj-C. But, Im not new to Ruby. I have a web based app on heroku and am beginning to learn SWIFT so I can build an iOS counterpart. I need to wrap my head around the bigger picture before I can get started and I can not figure out how these apps connect to databases.
Can an iOS app connect to an S3 database...and share that database with a website? Is there documentation on this process that I have over looked.
Connecting an iOS app to a public database would really be a bad idea - all server logic should be implemented on the client, and you would also need to hardcode database user name and password in your app.
A better way is to create a server app exposing a set of REST APIs and being responsible of dealing with the database. This way you can better control at server side what the app client is able to do on the database.
If you have an order entry app, for instance, you can create APIs to:
create an order
modify an order
add a contact
delete a contact
Some of the advantages are that:
in case you need to update the logic (but not the API interface), you just need to update the server, whereas in your scenario you'd need to release a new version of the mobile app
you control and limit how client apps access to the data (preventing for instance a user to access another user's orders)
if you want to develop the same app in another platform (android, ...), you reuse the same APIs
To get started, I'd suggest you to read the AFNetworking tutorial on, focused on a ios networking library, but talking about JSON, REST, remote APIs etc.
Next you have to choose a server side technology - the most popular nowadays is node.js - to get started you can read other tutorials on the same website:
if you don't want to use node.js and/or mongodb... the same architecture applies, just languages and technologies differ. Just transpose what you learn from there.
If you want to read about other languages to use at server side, just google for it - if you want to use ruby, try with ios rest api server ruby.
Note: I made no mention of swift because your question looks more like an architectural problem than a language specific problem. The tutorials I mentioned here use objective-c, once you've designed an architecture and chosen the language at server side, you can start looking into how to call REST API from swift.

Calling Meteor from Native iOS Application

We are building an application that consists of a web app and a native iOS client. The web app is pretty straight forward with Meteor. But on the Native iOS App was wondering if someone can give us some pointers on the best practices for that app to call into meteor. I have seen that there is something like the collectionsapi api which exposes meteor collections over http, but am not sure how we would handle authentication for Native iOS clients if we used something like the collectionsapi or similar. Any pointers from some folks who have done this would be greatly appreciated.
Meteor's communication system is based on DDP (Distributed Data Protocol). You can access meteor's methods & make subscriptions to data which is probably the best way to go since you can get live data back too!
There is an objective-c client but its not been maintained :
The ddp client was originally made prior to an official ddp specification (pre1). So you would have to adjust the client a bit to bring it up to date. Luckily its not too much work. The full DDP spec can be found here:
Using DDP is a very attractive alternative to making a traditional REST request (POST,GET,PUT,etc). As the data on the wire is the same system meteor's client communicates to its server. So if you're able to make something on meteor work in a web browser you could pretty much replicate it on a native iOS client.
If you are still wondering about this, I've been working on a free, open source project that enables native ios clients to do meteor auth (SRP auth) and communicate via DDP. The project lives here:
There is an example app here:

Can a native iOS client connect to a meteor.js server?

I'm really intrigued by the meteor.js framework. However, I'm not certain whether or not I can take advantage of the framework's real-time capabilities via the objective-C's native objects such as NSURLConnection. I have some specific questions referencing this question on how meteorjs works: How does the Meteor JavaScript framework work?
Let's start with web sockets:
The client/server messaging is done via websockets using something
like socks.js or
Is there an objective-C library or framework for utilizing websockets in native apps that would be able to communicate with a Meteor server?
Second, is the mongoDB client:
The client side connection to mongodb is really cool. It replicates
the mongo-server driver into the client. Unfortunately, last I
checked, they were still working on securing this database connection.
This seems like the most intriguing part of meteor. However, does this mean there is no standard way to communicate to the meteor server other than executing strings of javascript in a hidden UIWebView?
For anyone interested in this, I've been working on an objective ddp client library here. I've only just started and there is no documentation yet, but everything works well. The project is here:
The specs for the ddp client are here:
I'm also building a library for meteor auth so ios clients can authenticate with a meteor server using the password package. It's all put together and working in this sample todo app (also part of the same repo):
not a full answers but hopefully a few pointers to get you started.
Meteor uses a protocol called DDP - Distributed Data Protocol. The blog post introducing it is here:
There is an Objective-C client library on github here: Although I can't vouch for it and it has no real documentation, the code is short and should be reasonably understandable by someone who already writes Objective-C.
Other than that I would suggest digging in and see if you can uncover any techniques for iOS clients. It's early days for Meteor and were all learning how to use it.

Push data from rails app to clients

I'm working on a rails app that will primarily be exposed by an api to various mobile clients (iOS, android etc). The application involves users submitting data to the server (via api calls), but what I want to include is the ability to push this data down to other clients. The general concept is similar to a messaging app, where I submit a message to the server from me client and the receiver is pushed the message from the server.
The only method I know of at the moment is to constantly poll the server, but there must be better tech solutions than this. Any ideas?
I would look at using a websocket within the page to push the updates.
You could implement this using Faye, which falls back to long polling and other work-arounds for browsers without websocket support. Faye has a pure-ruby implementation, so you could probably work out access to your model layer.
Also, this is a project that combines Faye with Rails. It is fairly new, but might do what you want. Faye-Rails
You should check out
Pusher is a hosted API for quickly, easily and securely adding scalable realtime functionality to web and mobile apps.
If you need self-hosted solution, then you should check out slanger gem which is server implementation for pusher client libraries. When you feel you need hosted solution, you just change URL's.
Slanger is an open source server implementation of the Pusher protocol written in Ruby. It is designed to scale horizontally across N nodes and to be agnostic as to which Slanger node a subscriber is connected to, i.e subscribers to the same channel are NOT required to be connected to the same Slanger node. Multiple Slanger nodes can sit behind a load balancer with no special configuration. In essence it was designed to be very easy to scale.
Ruby has it's own event-processing library, implemented like a gem:
Maybe it helps you
I prefer event machine over any other solution. It is somewhat more complicated that faye but you can write way more sophisticated code using event machine.
You might wanna check this peepcode screencast on event machine

Communicating between Node.Js and ASP.NET MVC Application

I have an existing complex website built using ASP.NET MVC, including a database backend, data layer, as well as the Web UI layer. Rebuilding this website in another language is not a feasible option.
There are some UI elements on some views (client side) which would benefit from live interactivity, involving both push and pull, so rather than implement some kind of custom long polling or websocket server in, I am looking to leverage node.js for Windows, and
My problem is that I need two way communication between both applications. Each user should only be able to receive data once they are authorised on the ASP.NET website, so I first need communication for this. Secondly, once certain events occur on the ASP.NET website I want to immediately push this data to the Node server, to be broadcast to specific users or groups of users. Thirdly, I would like any data sent to the node.js server to be pushed to the ASP.NET website for processing, as this is where all our business logic lies. The sole reason for adding Node.js is to have the possibility to push data directly to the client, I do not want to build any business logic into it (or as little as possible).
I would like to know what the fastest method of two-way push communication is between Node.Js and ASP.NET. The only good option I'm aware of so far is to create a special listener on a specific port on the node.js server and connect to that, but I was wondering if there's a more elegant or more efficient method? I also know that you could use a database inbetween but surely this would need to be polled and would be less efficient? Both servers will be running on the same server under a Visual Studio project.
Many thanks for any help you can provide.
I'm not an ASP.NET expert, but I think there are multiple ways you can achieve this:
1) As you said, you could make Node listen on a specific port for data and then react based on the data received (TCP)
2) You can make POST requests to Node.js (HTTP) and also send an auth-key in the process to be extra-secure. Like on 1) Node would react to the data you send.
3) Use something like Redis for pub-sub, send messages from ASP.NET (pub) and get them on the Node.js part (sub). This is even better if you want to scale your app across multiple machines etc.
The only good option I'm aware of so far is to create a special
listener on a specific port on the node.js server and connect to that,
but I was wondering if there's a more elegant or more efficient
You can try to look at redis pub/sub model where ASP.NET MVC application and node.js would communicate through separate channels in order to achieve full-duplex communication. Or you can also try to use CouchDB change nofitications.
I also know that you could use a database inbetween but surely this
would need to be polled and would be less efficient?
Former techniques do not require you to poll for changes, but instead they will notify you when the changes happens or channel message arrives.
