Using Google Analytics in Cocoapods unable - ios

I just follow the link below to add the Google Analytics into my project.
But when I used the pod update in my project
I got following result
Can anyone help me with this?
pod 'GoogleAnalytics' is good
but I think it lose something compare with pod 'Google/Analytics', '~> 1.0.0'
I'm not sure if it cause any effect
But I found the answer
just replace ios,'6.0' by ios,'7.0'

Try this, Open the Podfile replace the following line
pod 'Google/Analytics', '~> 1.0.0'
by this line
pod 'GoogleAnalytics'
Save the file and run:
pod install
References -


Crashlytics folder cannot find in 'Pods/Headers/Public' this path

When I run the project I got the error like ‘'Crashlytics/Crashlytics.h' file not found’.I am using Xcode10.1 with iOS12.
I installed crashlytics using the following lines in my pod file.
pod 'Fabric', '~> 1.7'
pod 'Crashlytics', '~> 3.10.7'
How can I solve this error?
Add the following to your project's Framework Search Paths

pod "Google/SignIn" vs pod "GoogleSignIn"

if you use pod "Google/SignIn", it install GoogleSignIn 3.0.0
if you use pod "GoogleSignIn", it install the last version 4.0.2
However if you run the app with pod "GoogleSignIn", then the app crash with the message:
You have enabled the SignIn service in Developer Console, but it appears as though your Podfile is missing the line: 'pod "Google/SignIn" or you may need to run `pod update` in your project directory.
So GoogleSignIn 3.0.0 is atm the last version to use?
I could make it work with:
pod 'Google/SignIn'
pod 'GoogleSignIn', '~> 4.0'
pod 'Google', '~> 3.0'
The pod 'Google/SignIn' is just to pass the check, since it is an older version then GoogleSignIn then it will be ignored by pod.
You'll need pod 'Google', '~> 3.0' also.
With this you can use Google Sign 4.0+ with no errors.
Firstly ,Sorry#Marckaroujo I am not able to add comment so m asking qstn on ur post.
I have added following after reading your post
pod 'Google/SignIn'
pod 'GoogleSignIn', '~> 4.0'
pod 'Google', '~> 3.0'
But now m getting the warning after I press pod install.
[!] Google has been deprecated
Would the warning above creates some error later in my app when it will be live to public m concerned .

Pod file error when installing new pod

I tried installing a new pod file for my project and keep getting an error in my Terminal. Everything was working fine before I went to add a new pod to my project. Attached are screenshots of my directory, pod file with TextEdit and TextWrangler, as well as the Terminal. I realized I needed Alamofire, instead of AFNetworking. So I deleted AFNetworking out of my profile to replace it with Alamofire. I still get the same error when I had AFNetworking though in the file and just added Alamofire. What do I do?
Change the target name to Thrill. So target 'Thrill' do.
Update your podfile to this instead:
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'Thirll' do
pod 'Stripe', '~> 4.0',
pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.0'
I figured it out. I think I had to update ruby. I basically reinstalled everything again and created a new pod file, even though there was already a pod file. Thanks guys!

During Pod Installation `AFNetworking (~> 3.0)` is not used in any concrete target

Recently I've installed cocoapods v 1.0.0 in my mac successfully, I am trying to install 'AFNetworking', '~> 3.0' dependency in my pod file of my project directory. which I've created successfully, by putting following code in my pod file
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 3.0'
but when I write pod install in terminal it giving me following error
[!] The dependency `AFNetworking (~> 3.0)` is not used in any concrete target.
could anyone suggest me why I am getting this error & how to resolve this issue?
After submitting this question, I further explored its solution & come to know at "" that I should write simply this code in my podefile
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 3.0'
instead of above which I found at github AFNetworking official dependency installation guide.
But I am curious about why the official AFNetworking method does not works for its installation in my project? could anyone answer it please?
anyway Thanks to cocoapods official website.

How add new library in existing cocoa-pod set in iOS

I have added AFNetworking through cocoa-pod and it's working fine now i need to add one more library . so can i use the existing pod file or i should create new one
please help me here how to do that.
You can add your pod like this. And after you done that you should run a pod install.
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '8.0'
# Uncomment this line if you're using Swift
# use_frameworks!
target 'myproject' do
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 3.0'
pod 'GoogleAnalytics', '~> 3.14'
pod 'Mantle', '~> 2.0'
pod 'PureLayout', '~> 3.0'
Yes, you only need one pod file per project. I recommend that you look into the guides about using cocoapods on their website.
I would recommend that you use the cocoapods OS X application as it will help you create pod files and update them.
Use Existing Pod file -> Open -> Add the library name.
If you add your library then open Terminal window, set your project path, then install, its finally installed the Library.
Terminal window -> cd path -> pod install
hope its helpful
